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BEAR. September 28th, 2020 02:20 PM

ShadowClan Grimpeak
[ credit to Rani and Poprock ]

The remains of a once mighty cedar, this tree died long ago. It sits in the middle of the camp and serves as a meeting place. The tree, having snapped in two, left a stump in the middle of the clearing that serves as the apprentices' den. The bare branches of the dead tree near the edge of the clearing, is the elders' den. The broken trunk of the tree is splintered and jagged, resting on its side. Its jagged peak reaches towards the heavens and large splits piece its core. The highest point of the peak is a good several feet drop to the ground. It is advised that kits and apprentices do not play or climb to the peak of the fallen cedar.

~Berry~ September 28th, 2020 02:22 PM

Re: Shadowledge
SunPaw looked around at the new ledge.
She purred.

PEPPERMINT~ September 28th, 2020 03:48 PM

Re: Shadowledge

Originally Posted by SorrelClaw (Post 814895)
SunPaw looked around at the new ledge.
She purred.

"I know right?" Chickadeekit bounced up to Sunpaw. "It's so cool to have a new camp!"

~Berry~ September 28th, 2020 04:00 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
If Icestar was not so dumb we would have a good one. @Drago0n

PEPPERMINT~ September 28th, 2020 04:09 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by SorrelClaw (Post 814984)
If Icestar was not so dumb we would have a good one. @Drago0n

Chickadeekit cocked her head to the side. "Icestar's not dumb.. is she?"

~Berry~ September 28th, 2020 04:12 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Every smart cat knows Iceetar was evil.
Swiftkit and Silkit know it too. @Drago0n

PEPPERMINT~ September 28th, 2020 04:15 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by SorrelClaw (Post 814989)
Every smart cat knows Iceetar was evil.
Swiftkit and Silkit know it too. @Drago0n

"Swiftkit thinks that she's evil?"
If Swiftkit thinks so maybe she is evil..

~Berry~ September 28th, 2020 04:18 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Oh I am gonna go find Viperpaw cya. @Drago0n

JackHunt_17 September 29th, 2020 04:34 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Wildkit went over to his friend. "H-h-h" He said trying to say hi. @Drago0n

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 04:42 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Nightheart walked over. "took so long for camp to rebuild..." she said to herself. She notices Wildkit and nods in respect.

PEPPERMINT~ September 29th, 2020 05:28 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Bramblefire01 (Post 815964)
Wildkit went over to his friend. "H-h-h" He said trying to say hi. @Drago0n

"Hi!" Chickadeekit mewed happily, glad to see Wildkit again. "Feeling better?"

JackHunt_17 September 29th, 2020 05:56 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 815990)
"Hi!" Chickadeekit mewed happily, glad to see Wildkit again. "Feeling better?"

Wildkit nodded. "M-my t-erapi has ben w-oking". He said. "I-m 6ck mon ol now". He smammered
(My therapy has been working. Im six moons old now)

Whiteheart September 29th, 2020 05:58 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Nightheart watches the two kits interact and flicks her tail around her paws. She's been intense about watching her territory and cme here for a break.

PEPPERMINT~ September 29th, 2020 06:03 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Bramblefire01 (Post 816014)
Wildkit nodded. "M-my t-erapi has ben w-oking". He said. "I-m 6ck mon ol now". He smammered
(My therapy has been working. Im six moons old now)

"That's great! Do you want to play?" Chickadeekit asked

JackHunt_17 September 29th, 2020 06:06 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 816018)
"That's great! Do you want to play?" Chickadeekit asked

"Yah!" Wildkit said, trying to make his voice better.

PEPPERMINT~ September 29th, 2020 06:08 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Bramblefire01 (Post 816021)
"Yah!" Wildkit said, trying to make his voice better.

"What game?"
(sry for the short replies :P)

JackHunt_17 September 29th, 2020 06:10 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 816025)

"What game?"
(sry for the short replies :P)

(all good, im not picky)
"Mohs bawl?" Wildkit asked

PEPPERMINT~ September 29th, 2020 06:15 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Bramblefire01 (Post 816027)
(all good, im not picky)
"Mohs bawl?" Wildkit asked

After a moment of trying to figure out what Wildkit was saying, Chickadeekit responded "Sure! I'll get the moss, you wanna help me? I think there's some left over from the nest- building."

JackHunt_17 September 30th, 2020 09:19 AM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Drago0n (Post 816030)
After a moment of trying to figure out what Wildkit was saying, Chickadeekit responded "Sure! I'll get the moss, you wanna help me? I think there's some left over from the nest- building."

"yu cun geh it". Said Wildkit happily. (You can get it)

Undertaker October 7th, 2020 12:55 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

She walked down the trail, muscles rippling underneath her thick brown pelt as she moved. The large, scarred, feline when straight to the Shadowledge. It was time for her first meeting as the Clan leader, not to mention she had to gloat. With this, she assumed cats would not be so quick to attack her, not unless they had a death wish.

Bunching up her muscles, she leaped up on the ledge and padded till she was sitting on the edge. It was nice up here, she oozed self-confidence, power, and authority. No one but herself could have done it, Dawnstar had been born for this rank.

"Let all old enough to lurk in the shadows gather beneath the Shadowledge for a clan meeting."

Festive Neon October 7th, 2020 12:58 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Gleampelt walked over what did our leader want from us now? Cloudpaw also walked over great another meeting

Dovey October 7th, 2020 01:01 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Ravenkit hopped into the clearing. It was his first meeting. "What will Dawnstar say? Is it fun? Will someone get their warrior name?" He asked a lot of questions.

MrAJtheAJ October 7th, 2020 01:04 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
"What now?" The crabby Ghosttail leapt out of his den and padded softly to the clearing, his short tail bouncing through the wind.

Arie October 7th, 2020 01:07 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Doetuft heard the call and flickered her ears, in annoyance, frustration she didn't know but nonetheless the tabby molly stood up on her legs and moved slowly towards the ledge that Dawnstripe, or was she Dawnstar now? was screaming from. The blind cat sat down, not too far away but not too close either, her green eyes narrowing despite their inability to see anything that their were narrowing at. Would this just be their leader asserting her position or would something - that should had happened at the meeting where Icestar's death had happened - useful actually be done? Unable to help herself though her ears were turning and looking for any of her family, Frosty or even Buddardpaw if he bothered to show up. She doubted the sleepy apprentice would in all truth.

S t a r October 7th, 2020 01:08 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Darkpaw heard the call, from Dawnstar. This would be a great distraction. She ran up to the Shadowledge and sat down in front of it. She still didn't know how to feel about Dawn taking over. She had no real opinion on it.

PEPPERMINT~ October 7th, 2020 01:15 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Chickadeekit padded out of the nursery, sniffling. She sneezed a few times and at down under Shadowledge. (Open)

ChillCat October 7th, 2020 01:18 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Scorchstrike pushed herself to get out of the medicine den and learn what Dawnstar had to say. Who's the new deputy? I guess it could be anyone... she thought, looking around at the choices.

KITSU. October 7th, 2020 01:33 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
At the sound of their leader's call, Bisonkit shot up from his nest in the nursery. He'd never been to a formal meeting before (probably because he wasn't nearly old enough, but that never stopped anyone else, now did it?) and his pelt prickled with unsuppressed excitement! In a few quick strides, the hefty ticked tabby kitten made his way out into the clearing with the rest of his clanmates. For all the sprightliness he was feeling, the energy in the clearing was incomparable. There was a sense of unease exuding from the cats in the crowd, especially the older ones. Peering around, the kitten searched the group for a possible object of all the negative energy. One quick sweep of his sage eyes and he landed on the one who called the meeting: Dawnstar. There was something about her... Flicking his ear and cocking his head in curiousity, Bisonkit padded forward further into the crowd, squeezing his way past cats.

[ open! ]

JusticeRabbit October 7th, 2020 01:37 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Bluekit paounced up and sat down her first meeting!! @Undertaker

Wolfgirl8 October 7th, 2020 01:39 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Marigoldpaw sat down flicking an ear.

Exis October 7th, 2020 01:39 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Blackhaze gathered himself under the ledge to hear what Dawnstar had to say.

shaae_26 October 7th, 2020 01:48 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Littlepaw respectfully walked over to Shadowledge.
Thornheart walked to the Shadowledge.
Frogkit bounced over to the clan meeting.

PEPPERMINT~ October 7th, 2020 01:49 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 820275)
Littlepaw respectfully walked over to Shadowledge.
Thornheart walked to the Shadowledge.
Frogkit bounced over to the clan meeting.

"Hi Frogkit!" Chickadeekit mewed before sneezing a few times

shaae_26 October 7th, 2020 01:50 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by Daunting Drago0n (Post 820277)
"Hi Frogkit!" Chickadeekit mewed before sneezing a few times

"hi!" Mewd the little kit.

PEPPERMINT~ October 7th, 2020 01:52 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by StarSpirit2009 (Post 820283)
"hi!" Mewed the little kit.

"What do you think the meeting's about?"

Mango October 7th, 2020 01:55 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Stempaw who was still badly injured headed over to the clan meeting she wanted to hear what this new leader, Dawnstar had to say. She knew her wounds still looked bad and hoped it didn’t scare them off.

~dust~ October 7th, 2020 02:02 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by AJtheWarr10r (Post 820208)
"What now?" The crabby Ghosttail leapt out of his den and padded softly to the clearing, his short tail bouncing through the wind.

Silvermist padded into the clearing her light gray fur gleaming.
She looked around and saw a tomcat with an oddly short tail.
Padding over to him she meowed
Hello! I’m silvermist can I sit there?

StealthWarrior October 7th, 2020 02:03 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Forestfrost sat down and started looking around for Shadowheart, he barely notice when Blackpelt sat down on one side of him, but noticed when Lionstone didn't. @Midnight Fox
Blackpelt sat down beside her friend, noticing him looking around she asked, "Looking for your new crush?" looking hurt he responded, "No, I'm looking for my new mate!"
Lionstone sat down at the edge of the crowd, he felt as skittish as a mouse in WC Camp.

MrAJtheAJ October 7th, 2020 02:05 PM

Re: The Shadowledge

Originally Posted by ~dust~ (Post 820300)
Silvermist padded into the clearing her light gray fur gleaming.
She looked around and saw a tomcat with an oddly short tail.
Padding over to him she meowed
Hello! I’m silvermist can I sit there?

Ghosttail whirled around and spotted a gray she cat, asking to sit near him. He pondered something in his mind, but pushed it away and replied, "Sure."
Attempting to make conversation, the young black cat quickly added, "What do you think of the new leader?"

dionysus October 7th, 2020 02:08 PM

Re: The Shadowledge
Dogsnarl placed herself front and center, staring intently at the now official leader. After this meeting she had to report back about the battle training progress. For now, though, Dogsnarl would make sure that she was prepared. Someone was probably going to make a fuss as per usual for the mouse brained cats of the clan and Dogsnarl was prepared to quell any such disturbance.

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