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Undertaker May 6th, 2021 06:11 PM

Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Event [#event]

Long deep indents dug into the rough bark the large molly was seated on. Keeping the majority of her weight on the back of the branch, Dawnstar's eyes peered out across the forest with her ears raised high. Those fools had better not mess this up, challenging a pack of dogs in a head-on fight would be disastrous. The tip of her tail flickered with slowly rising impatience as she waited to hear or see either one of the runners or the pack.

Below, she had Redshrike, Dapplecloud, and Finchwhisker keep their patrols out of sight and let them go over any last-second preparations. Her patrol was settled blow her behind a cluster of trees, one which she was currently sitting. She didn't enjoy using squirrel tactics, but Dawnstar would admit that there was a great advantage to having the high ground. Up here, it wasn't much different from sitting on the highbranch in their former camp.

The dogs would need to be lured straight past Dawnstar and Dapplecloud's patrols and into Redshriek's and Finchwhisker's, so that they could actually box the pack in. If even one of the mutts got a whiff of hers or Dapplecloud's patrol before meeting the toms... it could be quite the mayhem. Just thinking about it causes the fur on her spine to stand on edge. With a soft scoff, Dawnstar picked her way down the tree, she lacked the usual grace and ease often seen when she glided through the shadows. She made quite some noise and was rather slow if not a bit sloppy, but that was to expect for someone who wasn't used to it. Learning new things was always a pain, but worth it in the end.

"Frogfang, Embershadow, Thornclaw, Quailpaw, Venompaw, Tigerfang, and Wolfwhisper." Dawnstar called to make sure all of her cats were present and not wandering off or who knows what. The anticipation for a good fight had put her in a good mood yet she remained edgy as ever due to her limited patience.

gs29513 May 6th, 2021 06:15 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Shrewstep crouched with his patrolmates, casting a single, swift glance towards Dawnstar's patrol. It was amusing, seeing the leader up in a tree, she didn't look entirely comfortable. The closest his brain had to what he saw in that moment was an old, fat owl in the day, unable to move without disaster but uncomfortable where it was. Snapping his gaze back to Redshrike, he knew that he had to be focused. Unsheathing his claws into the dirt a bit more nervously than he would have liked, he hunkered a bit lower. He didn't have that much to worry about really, but Venompaw was up the tree with Dawnstar. Hopefully he didn't get hurt jumping down. Shaking his head at himself more than anything, he once again recommitted his attention. Venompaw could handle himself.

Kunaisoul May 6th, 2021 06:15 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Swiftpounce flicked his ear to thornclaw, who was next to him.

Exis May 6th, 2021 06:35 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Venompaw stood just behind Dawnstar and let out a low hiss, ”Right here Dawnstar.” He was ready for this.

elaif May 6th, 2021 06:38 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
- Thorn'Claw -

Pelt sleek Thorn'Claw peered ahead amber eyes alert. His tufted ears twitched , searching for any signs of life. Nothing yet. The burly tom crouched lower compact muscles sliding beneath the thick pelt. Hopefully he would make it back to camp with his hide still attached. But as far as he was concerned, they were here to fight and to get rid of the mangy canines that ravaged the area. Thorn'Claw couldn't hide the fact that he wanted to feel flesh tear beneath his claws, the warm flow of blood that would seep into his fur. A smirk slid onto his maw. this should be fun..


VexSkullz May 6th, 2021 06:39 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Nightfur looked up; here he was. Ready to be the best bait he could be. You know, he thought he'd be doing something more logical, like hunting prey and helping gather herbs, but he was here.

Gorsesong puffed out his chest. He was ready for those damned dogs, he could feel it in his puffed-up chest! He looked around, confident, as he unsheathed his claws.

crumbl May 6th, 2021 07:34 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Quailpaw steeled his nerves, rolling his shoulders out as he prepared for the inevitable conflict. At Dawnstar's hiss, he glanced up at her position in the tree, narrowing his amber eyes into the shadows. "Here," he said at last, gravelly mew low and tense. Here and ready to take some dogs down with me.

Levi 99 May 6th, 2021 07:50 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Shadepaw stood next to Finchwhisker and said with a worried mew "do you think we'll win." @Puddle~

MooingPanda May 6th, 2021 07:55 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Embershadow heard Dawnstar and nodded curtly, padding up beside the rest of the patrol. He kept his eyes focused and their surroundings, prepared to spring into action at the slightest movement. He flicked his tail nervously. He hadn't seen the dogs yet, but the way Dawnstar had prepared for them showed Embershadow that there were a large amount and not easy to beat.

Poprock May 6th, 2021 08:04 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Gingerpaw gathered around her patrolmates. Her tail stood straight behind her, a testament of her confidence. There was absolutely positively now way she was scared of those giant creatures...
She was ready for the job at hand.

ChillCat May 6th, 2021 11:05 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Scorchstrike grinned with excitement. So much fun! She purred slightly and shifted from side to side, unable to stay still. Won't this be exciting...! @Puddle~

Lavender'fur May 7th, 2021 01:21 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Hopepelt was flexing her claws, smiling. Soon they would dig into a dog's pelt. She looked up, waiting for her patrol to leave. She flicked her tail and sat down, keeping one eye on the trees around. Hopepelt was feeling impatient; she wanted to fight the dogs now; but she kept her mouth shut.

Flashtail May 7th, 2021 07:12 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Flashtail mewed; "Im here." And checked to see if his apprentice, Buckpaw ( @Tigerscratcher ) was there too.

Tigerscratcher May 7th, 2021 07:16 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by Flashtail (Post 993348)
Flashtail mewed; "Im here." And checked to see if his apprentice, Buckpaw ( @Tigerscratcher ) was there too.

"Im here too!" The younger cat mewed

poppy May 7th, 2021 07:36 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Brackenpaw awaited Dawnstar's commands, looking up at her leader. She was so cool. And strong. One day I'm going to be like her. One day I'm going to be leader. Maybe a little more.... sane, though.

Rani May 7th, 2021 08:28 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
So here they were a bunch of cats just sitting in a forrest preparing for a fight. Soon this place would be full of noise and blood and cats testing their mettle but for now it was quiet and they were all just standing around. It was almost amusing. Some of his patrol hadnt shown yet but that was Redshrikes concern as he scouted around for the perfect hiding place. The entire group would have to stay hidden as the dogs closed in chasing the bait cats before springing the ambush. Spotted too soon and they'd be facing the full might of the dogs with no plan and no preparation, a death sentence for certain and while the new warrior really didnt care if any of these cats died (bar possibly slight irritation if Shrewstep perished) he refused to go out like that. So he searched leaving the cats to their own devices, they knew the plan anyway, as he looked under every bush in the area. Maybe they'd sharpen their claws or practice a last minute move for the ambush if they were smart.

Redshrike was busy assessing his chosen rooty bush trying to see just how visible anyone hiding within would be from the outside, not concerned about their scents being detectable. Even to dogs it would hard to smell anything around this piney bush, the sap it tended to drip everywhere would be a worthwhile annoyance for that simple boon.

(If anyone wants to talk stealth with shrike before the attack)
@gs29513 @AntiAngelic @Tigerscratcher @Kunaiskrill @Flashtail @MooingPanda

FireyZack May 7th, 2021 08:50 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Tigerfang crouched near his clanmates, his ears standing up and his tail laying still behind him. He was like a statue, his ears standing up in anticipation for Dawnstars cue.

MooingPanda May 7th, 2021 09:40 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Frostpaw paced restlessly, glancing around at the trees. He wondered if the runners had found the dogs yet. He wished something would happen soon; his nerves were beginning to set in. He had no idea how the warriors around him still and calm. A branch snapped and he jumped, spinning around. He let out a breath as a squirrel darted along the ground. His fur slowly flattened and curled his claws into the dirt, willing himself not to jump again. @Rani

~Fierce~ May 7th, 2021 09:46 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Dapplecloud was crouched down, unmoving like a rock, only her slight breathing showing that she was alive. She slowly swiveled her head around. “Are The fighters from my group all here?” She whispered quietly.
{The fighters are Grimhound, Badgerpaw, Ashenpaw, and Tigerlily. Hopepelt and Gingerpaw are with the med cats. :heartbounce: @spade @Angelique @Jackpot @Exis @Lavender'fur @Rockfall :heartbounce:

Exis May 7th, 2021 09:49 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Tigerlily nodded and flicked his tail to Ashenpaw, "Consider this on the fly training." he mewed with a smirk. It totally was, but of instinct, maybe skill later.
@Jackpot @~Fierceclaw~

Quasar May 7th, 2021 10:02 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

For the first time since that gathering battle, Ashenpaw was completely focused on the task at hand. Slacking off would just get him killed. As his mentor spoke to him, the tom nodded to him without a word. He padded over to Dapplecloud, green eyes scanning the area as he waited for their cue to join in on the fight. Though he was low to the ground, he didnt dare relax. He needed to be ready to leap into battle at any second, even if it came as a surprise.

// @~Fierceclaw~ @Exis

Lavender'fur May 7th, 2021 12:22 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by ~Fierceclaw~ (Post 993594)
Dapplecloud was crouched down, unmoving like a rock, only her slight breathing showing that she was alive. She slowly swiveled her head around. “Are The fighters from my group all here?” She whispered quietly.
{The fighters are Grimhound, Badgerpaw, Ashenpaw, and Tigerlily. Hopepelt and Gingerpaw are with the med cats. :heartbounce: @spade @Angelique @Jackpot @Exis @Lavender'fur @Rockfall :heartbounce:

"Yes," she meowed, padding over to Dapplecloud.
"At least, I am here, pretty sure the others are too," she sat, and starting licking her hest fur.

spade May 7th, 2021 01:01 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Grimhound was beginning to grow more found of the shadows with each passing day. They were laden on him like a second pelt now, feeling comforting white providing a sense of security, of which the large tabby had not felt while living in the outskirts. It was almost like a family now... though he couldn’t quite wrap his head around the concept. His only drive to be here was to sink his claws into a mutt or two, extinguishing their lives from the forest solely for fun. Protecting others? That didn’t even register in his mind.

”Right behind you, sweets,” came the charmed voice, amber eyes flashing to reveal himself. His dark tabby pelt blended almost seamlessly into the undergrowth around him, the thick pines doing wonders to mask their scent. Muscles were bunched but twitching in the anticipation as his ears stayed alert for the first signs and sounds of the runners. He was positive that the barking would reveal them long before the sight of them would, and a grin crept across his ever still face.

// @~Fierceclaw~

Kunaisoul May 7th, 2021 03:53 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Swiftpounce looked to redshrike. “I’m exited to kick the butt off of those dogs.” He said.

Quickpaw May 7th, 2021 04:53 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Cloudheart nodded, smiling. Finally, they were dealing with the dogs.

CroissantKitty May 7th, 2021 07:51 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
(Hello. I probably should have put this on the allegiance changes first, but I now own Tigerscratchers OC, Buckpaw. Here’s the thread to prove it: http://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/...Tigerscratcher . LostHuman told me Buckpaw was currently in this plot. I just wanted to let you all know that before just diving in.)

Jade13 May 7th, 2021 08:01 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Frogfang gave a nod here he was right behind dawnstar standing happily on a branch, he was pretty peanuts in the trees as he used them to spy on and ambush weak cats.


wolfie May 7th, 2021 09:30 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Wolfwhisper was brimming with so many emotions, adrenaline pumping through his viens. Not going to mess this up, no siree, nope, nope. His ear flickered as he heard his name be called, waving his tail to gesture to where he was in the group. "Here, " Wolfwhisper meowed, letting Dawnstar know that he did not fall behind. (Surprisingly!)

Madelaine May 7th, 2021 09:34 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Badgerpaw looked at the leader of the group and stood next to Grimhound. "I'm here.", he meowed.

(Posts will get longer)

// @~Fierceclaw~; @spade; \\

Puddle~ May 7th, 2021 10:28 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
This was it. There was no going back now. Not that he wanted to, obviously. The tensions were building every heartbeat longer that they waited here in the shadows, with the thrill of a vicious fight looming on the horizon. If he'd accounted for everyone correctly, they should all be present right now, though he didn't trust that no one had bailed on the way out of camp. Turning briefly to face the attack patrol, Finchwhisker lowered his voice to a deep whisper, not wanting to attract the attention of the pack before they were in the proper position. "Everyone ready? Make sure you've organized yourselves into groups. We'll attack when I give the word. Any last-minute questions? Ask now, or die later." He prayed nobody would ask anything. They'd discussed plans prior to leaving camp, so if any of them hadn't been paying attention or had come late, they were practically doomed.

While waiting for a response, his eyes scanned the darkened forest, searching for the first sign of the "bait" cats and, of course, the pack itself. He didn't have a clue how far away the runners were, or about how much time they had left before the pack got here. They just had to be prepared to spring into action at literally any possible moment. If they screwed up this initial attack, it would be absolute chaos from there. The entire plan would fall apart, and he was NOT about to let all this strategy go down the drain.

@ChillCat @Stormpoppy @Neko Dontera @~Fierceclaw~ @ShadowWing65 @Quickpaw @-Skyfall-

Willow_Tree May 7th, 2021 10:30 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 994298)
This was it. There was no going back now. Not that he wanted to, obviously. The tensions were building every heartbeat longer that they waited here in the shadows, with the thrill of a vicious fight looming on the horizon. If he'd accounted for everyone correctly, they should all be present right now, though he didn't trust that no one had bailed on the way out of camp. Turning briefly to face the attack patrol, Finchwhisker lowered his voice to a deep whisper, not wanting to attract the attention of the pack before they were in the proper position. "Everyone ready? Make sure you've organized yourselves into groups. We'll attack when I give the word. Any last-minute questions? Ask now, or die later." He prayed nobody would ask anything. They'd discussed plans prior to leaving camp, so if any of them hadn't been paying attention or had come late, they were practically doomed.

While waiting for a response, his eyes scanned the darkened forest, searching for the first sign of the "bait" cats and, of course, the pack itself. He didn't have a clue how far away the runners were, or about how much time they had left before the pack got here. They just had to be prepared to spring into action at literally any possible moment. If they screwed up this initial attack, it would be absolute chaos from there. The entire plan would fall apart, and he was NOT about to let all this strategy go down the drain.

@ChillCat @Stormpoppy @Neko Dontera @~Fierceclaw~ @ShadowWing65 @Quickpaw @-Skyfall-

Moonshadow crouched, tense, and senses on high alert. Did he really have to ask?

~Fierce~ May 7th, 2021 10:32 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Smokepaw crouched close to Cloudheart, his partner. Smokepaw was slightly trembling. He was a bit scared.
:heartbounce: @Quickpaw :heartbounce:

Levi 99 May 7th, 2021 10:54 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by Puddle~ (Post 994298)
This was it. There was no going back now. Not that he wanted to, obviously. The tensions were building every heartbeat longer that they waited here in the shadows, with the thrill of a vicious fight looming on the horizon. If he'd accounted for everyone correctly, they should all be present right now, though he didn't trust that no one had bailed on the way out of camp. Turning briefly to face the attack patrol, Finchwhisker lowered his voice to a deep whisper, not wanting to attract the attention of the pack before they were in the proper position. "Everyone ready? Make sure you've organized yourselves into groups. We'll attack when I give the word. Any last-minute questions? Ask now, or die later." He prayed nobody would ask anything. They'd discussed plans prior to leaving camp, so if any of them hadn't been paying attention or had come late, they were practically doomed.

While waiting for a response, his eyes scanned the darkened forest, searching for the first sign of the "bait" cats and, of course, the pack itself. He didn't have a clue how far away the runners were, or about how much time they had left before the pack got here. They just had to be prepared to spring into action at literally any possible moment. If they screwed up this initial attack, it would be absolute chaos from there. The entire plan would fall apart, and he was NOT about to let all this strategy go down the drain.

@ChillCat @Stormpoppy @Neko Dontera @~Fierceclaw~ @ShadowWing65 @Quickpaw @-Skyfall-

Shadepaw smirked at the words of his mentor, Finchwhisker sure did know how to give a good pep talk. The young apprentice then crouched down readying himself for the battle to come

Undertaker May 7th, 2021 11:46 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

A big lumber basset hound dog shook out his floppy ears as he watched the pups bark and bay at just about everything that moved. Two squirrels, a coon, a hare, some young rabbits, and an unusual amount of toads and frogs were resting in a large pile waiting for their master to come and collect. A large Weimaraner sat on the basset hound's right and two younger Weimaraners were rolling on the ground nearby her, her daughters. A male Redbone Coonhound was sniffing around a nearby tree before marking it. The smallest dogs within the pack, three terriers and four beagles, were running frantically and back and forth barking at pretty much nothing, stuck on leashes. Unlike the other members, the newest pups were still learning the rules and often strayed out of bounds.

A loud command from their master shut everyone up and gain the whole pack's attention. A few choice words had the pups sitting and staying as the master took off their leashes. Calling the basset hound, the old alpha trudged over, with a pat to his head, a loud, long howl exited the brute's maw, as if their tails were on fire, the pack set off in groups, pups took point, the long-legged brown females right behind them, followed closely by the coonhounds, and basset hound at the rear. It was time to do some hunting.

@~Fierceclaw~ @AntiAngelic @Papaya @Quickpaw [runners I set it up, keep it moving along otherwise I'm going to skip the runners and have the pack collide in the fighters in a different way.]

@Sparrowsong and Co. [Got it thank for the update, go ahead and jump in

Kunaisoul May 7th, 2021 11:49 PM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
“Let me know when to fight.” Swiftpounce told dawnstar. (Is he in her family yet as adoptive son?)

VexSkullz May 8th, 2021 06:04 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by Undertaker (Post 994338)

A big lumber basset hound dog shook out his floppy ears as he watched the pups bark and bay at just about everything that moved. Two squirrels, a coon, a hare, some young rabbits, and an unusual amount of toads and frogs were resting in a large pile waiting for their master to come and collect. A large Weimaraner sat on the basset hound's right and two younger Weimaraners were rolling on the ground nearby her, her daughters. A male Redbone Coonhound was sniffing around a nearby tree before marking it. The smallest dogs within the pack, three terriers and four beagles, were running frantically and back and forth barking at pretty much nothing, stuck on leashes. Unlike the other members, the newest pups were still learning the rules and often strayed out of bounds.

A loud command from their master shut everyone up and gain the whole pack's attention. A few choice words had the pups sitting and staying as the master took off their leashes. Calling the basset hound, the old alpha trudged over, with a pat to his head, a loud, long howl exited the brute's maw, as if their tails were on fire, the pack set off in groups, pups took point, the long-legged brown females right behind them, followed closely by the coonhounds, and basset hound at the rear. It was time to do some hunting.

@~Fierceclaw~ @AntiAngelic @Papaya @Quickpaw [runners I set it up, keep it moving along otherwise I'm going to skip the runners and have the pack collide in the fighters in a different way.]

@Sparrowsong and Co. [Got it thank for the update, go ahead and jump in

Nightfur took the first dash, thinking about what Whitepaw explained. From the spruce tree to the stream. He ran as he felt massive paws racing right towards him, his paws barely able to keep himself on the ground every pawstep it took. Alright, Skyleap, you're supposed to be here, don't mess this up!


CroissantKitty May 8th, 2021 07:05 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
(@Undertaker You’re welcome, okay.)
Buckpaw glanced up at his mentor with excitement, trying to hide any fear deep within himself. As he heard faint howls in the distance growing louder and louder by the moment, Buckpaw got into a pouncing position and unsheathed his claws, heart pounding. This was it, no turning back now.

Quickpaw May 8th, 2021 08:33 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]

Originally Posted by ~Fierceclaw~ (Post 994303)
Smokepaw crouched close to Cloudheart, his partner. Smokepaw was slightly trembling. He was a bit scared.
:heartbounce: @Quickpaw :heartbounce:


Cloudheart sighed. Great. This apprentice is scared. I really thought he'd be a good one.


Originally Posted by AntiAngelic (Post 994403)

Nightfur took the first dash, thinking about what Whitepaw explained. From the spruce tree to the stream. He ran as he felt massive paws racing right towards him, his paws barely able to keep himself on the ground every pawstep it took. Alright, Skyleap, you're supposed to be here, don't mess this up!



Skyleap saw Nightfur running twoards her with dogs right behind. For a small moment she wondered if this plan would work, but Nightfur was almost to her, meaning that she would have to run soon. She took a deep breath before Nightfur got to her. Then, she ran. She wanted to look back to see if Nightfur was okay, but she could feel the dogs' slobber wetting the end of her tail. So, if she were to look back., the dogs would probably bite her head off. Skyleap stopped herself from thinking of things like that. Soon, Icy Heartlands was getting closer and Skyleap looked around for Whitepaw. She couldn't see her and hoped that she hadn't backed down. She wouldn't do that, Skyleap was the nervous one. Especially because the dogs were slowly gaining on her.

~Fierce~ May 8th, 2021 08:54 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Whitepaw was pacing in her spot and she pricked her ears when she heard paws thumping towards her. She turned her gaze to the sounds and spotted Skyleap with a pack of dogs behind her. Bracing her paws, Whitepaw shot forward to take the pack from Skyleap and Whitepaw ran as fast as she could to the next spot where she knew the attack was waiting. Whitepaw felt hot breath on her back legs but she kept running.
:heartbounce: @Quickpaw @Undertaker :heartbounce:

Levi 99 May 8th, 2021 09:08 AM

Re: Who let the Dogs Out [P]
Shadepaw could hear the dogs getting closer with every heart beat, this was it the time was finally coming for him to prove he was warrior material.

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