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Undertaker November 14th, 2021 11:37 PM

Hidden Haven
Hidden deep within the Icy Heartlands, beyond an old twoleg bridge, pass a beaten down Thunderpath, and behind some thicket of bushes. The Haven can be found, a large tree sits at the center of a grassy clearing.

Make-shift dens are scattered around the clearing, a stream some ways off for drinking, and cobweb trees along with prey can be found in abundance here. This deep in the forest, predators such as foxes and badgers are known to lurk on the fringes of the Haven.

Outsiders can be found lurking within the Haven when ShadowClan is not occupying the backup camp.

[Open currently for ShadowClan, due to being chased out of their camp]

Galaxy_ November 14th, 2021 11:43 PM

Re: Hidden Haven

As The young tom walked into a clearing old dens where everywhere. And a werid smell. As he started to search around. He thought Wowthis place is intresting."

Ian November 16th, 2021 01:00 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Ravenna slunk into the clearing, sticking to the shadows where her pitch black pelt blended in. It appeared that there some cats had been living hear at some point, maybe visited recently, but the scent was stale enough that it was clear no one was currently occupying the place. Her sharp amber eyes scanned the clearings, spotting only one other cat who also appeared to be an outsider, before disregarding them. They weren't a threat to her, and if they tried to then she could deal with them. For now though, it was time to settle down and claim a den for herself, it would be foolish to pass up easy shelter.

Undertaker November 21st, 2021 08:05 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
@NinjaBloss @Cheesy da Cheese
There had to be a better way to get to the Haven. So Dawnstar had spent the majority of her day wandering through the Icy Heartlands looking for a new path. She had found one, it was longer, she wasn't sure by how long, but by following the river up instead of crossing over the twoleg bridge she discovered where the water branched into the stream near the haven. Following the stream, and there was the Haven some fox lengths away. She'd have to show the path to her clanmates proven a little too jumpy to cross the bridge and Thunderpath.

Heading into the clearing, she was unsurprised to pick up two new scents lingering in the air. Sighing, Dawnstar slide her large claws out and got ready for a fight. She didn't mind decorating the place with new pelts, it might deter other morons from residing here. It was ShadowClan's territory. The leader reminded herself to scent the border markings after she spotted the tom sniffing around the area and some dark pelted she-cat poking her head into one of the dens. "You're trespassing."

Ian November 21st, 2021 08:10 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Ravenna's ears shot up at the voice, whipping around to spot a large, scarred molly standing in the clearing with her claws unsheathed. The rogue wasn't one to be scared easily, but this cat was clearly experienced, larger than she was, and very intimidating. Not that she was going to show that fear of course. "I was not aware that this area was already claimed, but surely there is plenty of room for both of us?" She didn't want to give up such a nice place for shelter, and there was a lot of room. Scenting the air, the black molly didn't scent any other cats in the area, so it seemed as if the larger she-cat was alone. This space could easily fit plenty of cats, so it shouldn't be any trouble if they stayed out of each other's way, right?


Undertaker January 5th, 2022 09:45 PM

Re: Hidden Haven

Originally Posted by NinjaBloss (Post 1100509)
Ravenna's ears shot up at the voice, whipping around to spot a large, scarred molly standing in the clearing with her claws unsheathed. The rogue wasn't one to be scared easily, but this cat was clearly experienced, larger than she was, and very intimidating. Not that she was going to show that fear of course. "I was not aware that this area was already claimed, but surely there is plenty of room for both of us?" She didn't want to give up such a nice place for shelter, and there was a lot of room. Scenting the air, the black molly didn't scent any other cats in the area, so it seemed as if the larger she-cat was alone. This space could easily fit plenty of cats, so it shouldn't be any trouble if they stayed out of each other's way, right?


What was with loners and assuming that clan cats are willing to share their territory. "There is never enough room anywhere," Dawnstar growled softly as she was explaining something to a pesky hairball. "You loners care nothing but for yourself or the few you consider precious to you." The massive she-cat flickered her gaze around the area with a firm frown on her maw. This place might seem big considering Dawnstar was on her own, but it was anything but that if she brought all of ShadowClan here. Her clan would need every inch of space this haven offered in case of emergencies. However.... as a thought jumped into the leader's head she dropped her amber gaze back to the she-cat, claws sheathing themselves, as she spoke her next question. "If you have a name and can fight, I'd be willing to work something out with you." Deals weren't normally Dawnstar's thing, shredding and invoking fear in cats were more her, yet, Icestar hadn't raised Dawnstar to be a completely idiot.

Ian January 6th, 2022 08:41 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Ravenna narrowed her eyes in displeasure as the molly talked down to her, but didn't say anything in response. The other cat had the upper paw here and it would be unwise of her to anger the she-cat any further. Plus, she spoke the truth. Ravenna didn't care for anyone other than herself, but that was also because she had no one other than herself. Maybe that would change in the future, although it wasn't one of her top priorities.

The black molly's ears perked in interest when the cat mentioned she would make a deal if Ravenna would giver her her name and could demonstrate she could fight. She knew that she could, she'd been in her fair share of scraps with other loners and rogues, but she also knew that this scarred tabby would come out on top. Still, her life had been rather boring up until this point, so if she was going to die, why not go out with a bang?

"My name is Ravenna, do I get the pleasure of knowing your name as well, or is it only after I prove my worth or die trying?" she said teasingly, but not in a provoking way. It was clear that she knew the larger molly would win in the end and was simply having a bit of fun while she could.


dino. January 6th, 2022 09:20 AM

Re: Hidden Haven

Oh, to be the only driven cat in a world filled with felines who would rather have their desires and wishes dropped right into their paws. What a joy it was to be strong enough to go after exactly what he wanted, when he wanted it; how powerful it made him feel, to know that he was better than the lazy filth that littered the earth. Among the impassive and uninspired, Ozymandias was a ruler - and even when surrounded by those driven by similar thoughts, he considered himself to be the king of kings. His peers may have had similar wishes, but he was the only one willing to truly work for them, and he would make sure they knew.

His desire for a new thrill outside of Twolegplace had brought him here, to a quaint little clearing sat tucked away deep in the pine forest. The area radiated a sense of peace at first glance, but as he had ventured deeper, the scent of danger began to show itself. Nothing he couldn't handle, of course - after all, what was the point of exploring new places if a bit of work wasn't involved? Although a few beaten down dens seemed to be scattered about, a closer peek revealed that they were mostly abandoned, despite the faint scent of other cats. If this area had remained mostly untouched for so long, then he figured it would be a good place to settle down until he had the urge to get moving again.

The black and silver tom's broad shoulders parted the undergrowth as he entered the clearing, and a trio of mice dangled from his jaws by their tails. Amber eyes were half-lidded out of boredom, and he turned to enter one of the dens. He had scraped together a nest for himself, and settled down into it as he dropped his prey on the ground next to him. For now, he'd eat, he thought, as he tugged one closer to him, but maybe he would explore the outer edges and search for one of those badgers he'd caught wind of days earlier. There was no point in staying somewhere if he didn't clear out the vermin first, even if he wasn't planning on staying very long.

carmen January 6th, 2022 03:44 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Most days, Yew hated the world. It was dull and uninteresting and full of gullible idiots, though, she enjoyed the gullible idiots. It was fun to tell them everything she knew, though, recently, she hadn't spoken to any cats. The black molly stayed out of the twolegplace as much as she couldn't her experience there had been less than pleasant. To be fair, her experience elsewhere was never pleasant, but at this point, she was used to it. Her new enemies couldn't climb, and the trees that surrounded her new residence were plenty enough protection. Surrounded by those whose intelligence would never match her, she was a queen. And, as always, she was perched on her throne.

She had found the log rotting between an unnaturally tall pine and a skinny aspen. Such a fickle thing. She had made her den beneath it, barely the length of a tree away from the ending of a clan's territory. She had learned about the felines of the clans, though the name was all she knew. Yew didn't care about them, or how close they were to her refuge. They didn't bother her, so she didn't bother them. Not like the cats who were trapped in both their minds and their homes of wood and a false, softened version of nature. She enjoyed watching one for weeks before approaching and given them a crisis of crisis. Yew enjoyed watching them battle with their thoughts about their cage of ignorance. Her old throne, the roof of an abandoned house, would allow her to watch most of them struggle with their choices. The truly fascinating ones would stay locked away, even with their eyes opened.

Perched on her rotten log, a meter or so above the undergrowth, Yew surveyed the ground below her. There was nothing new, everything the same as the day before and the day before that. Yew moved her yellow orbs up from the ground and towards the horizon. Today, she would see how far she could walk. No matter if she didn't return for a few weeks. She was on her own. A black shape through the shadows, invisible to anyone without a keen eye. She arrived in the place she was looking for as the sun was beginning to rise. Journeying at night was always her priority, a habit she had picked up many a year ago. The tree stretched far above her head, but she didn't look up. Too many others kept their heads up in the clouds. There was much more to do back below.

The scents of the new place where weak and she couldn't distinguish any of them. All outsiders like her, but none of them as important. The scent of a badger pushed vaguely at her conscienceless, but she paid it no mind. It wasn't important. She could figure it out when it became a real issue. A stronger scent of indeterminate source pulsed strongly, one she couldn't ignore. Walking to a den, she blinked once, lazily. "Now who might you be?" Yellow eyes looked up at a black and silver tom, indifferent yet focused. She hadn't had time to evaluate this cat, so none of her normal false sweetness would be displayed.

dino. January 6th, 2022 04:08 PM

Re: Hidden Haven

A foreign scent invaded his senses and Ozymandias went rigid, large head swiveling toward the entrance of the den he'd taken shelter in. The stranger had already slipped inside before he could get to his feet, but he scrambled up to meet her nevertheless, ears flat and lips curling in the beginnings of a wary snarl. Who was this rogue and how had he not known of her presence before now? Had she been hiding, disguising her scent, watching him, calculating on how to take him out? Or was she a new arrival, and he was simply overreacting, and could do well to relax?

He narrowed his eyes at her, fur bristling. Better safe than sorry, he decided. His claws slid out and scraped at the dirt floor of the den, prey lying forgotten at his feet. He remained silent as his gaze flickered over her form, attempting to evaluate how strong she appeared, if there was any dangerous cunning that dwelled in the depths of her yellow eyes. His paranoia seemed to be pointless - this she-cat simply looked bored. Lazy, almost.

The curl of his lip shifted from threatened to disdainful, and he forced his fur flat and straightened his posture. "Ozymandias," Ozymandias said, voice rough and grating, as if someone had dragged thorns across the back of his throat. "Who are you and why are you in my den? You're interrupting my meal. That's very rude."

carmen January 8th, 2022 08:37 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
She watched his face, the flurry of expressions, one after another. Huh. For some reason, he looked angry, something she could never understand. The stranger was lucky enough to meet her, why should he look angry about it. Perhaps it was just that he hadn't known she was coming, which Yew found rather odd. Nothing about this stranger screamed stupid, but she hadn't disguised her scent coming in. He should have simply smelled her. Unless he had been too busy eating. A smile touched her lips. She wasn't one who ever hid. She was much too glorious to go unknown.

"Don't worry." The lilting tone of her voice implied that there was something to worry about. "Harm is not the way I live." Yew frowned at his claws as they scraped against the ground. She sat down, curling her black tail over her paws and tilted her head. It was a lie, but that was something she was used to. The truth of anything was a thorn her side. She preferred lies. They were much sweeter, though she doubted he cared about the morality of how she lived. As his gaze roamed over her, she gave a larger smile. It was better to attempt vanity. If it came to a fight, her enemy would find he had severely underestimated her.

Then again, everyone underestimated her. And he found it tasted quite sweet. The contemptious twitch of his lip was all she needed as confirmation of her success. "Hello, Ozymandius." The scratchy intonation of his voice was a surprise. She usually didn't find that voices were what shocked her about others. FOr some reason she had been expecting this cat to sound much more regal. Of course, it still wouldn't sound as great as her. "You are quite demanding." She noted at his supply of questions. "Though I shall provide you with answers, you must work on your approach first. Manners are simply a must. I am called Yew. I am in your den for the simple fact that you are in the place where I am and I prefer to know who I may come into contact with. I would apologize for the interrupting of your peace, but as one should know, being hypocritical does not make one desire to gift that luxury."

Undertaker August 20th, 2022 12:24 AM

Re: Hidden Haven

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

This forest was so different from the pine forest, it reminded her immensely of ThunderClan's territory. The trees, their knotted arms rose ever upwards, draped in fragile, thin leaves instead of the sharp, prickle pine needles. Hares were scampering away from her ahead, and if she wasn't so sleeping deprived she would have hunted them. The morning stars were shining like silver snowflakes, slowly drifting out of sight as the sun rose to dawn a new day. The peace of the morning was soul-soothing, or would be if it wasn't so bright.

The built-up tension within the ShadowClan leader had depleted itself the further she got the clan away from the dogs. The molly didn't bother stifling the growling yawn that escaped her maw as she brought her clan to an old run-down Thunderpath. Once in a blue moon, a monster might pass it, but the path was so bad it was pretty much gravel. She had to take a long way around since she hadn't trusted the twoleg bridge to hold her clan's weight. Dawnstar padded across the old Thunderpath, occasionally glancing over her shoulder to make sure her clan was keeping up with her, or down to make sure that Roankit was still right where she left him.

Once across the path, the feline passed through some bushes and straight into a forest glade. It's been a bit since she's been here and she reminded herself to go and set fresh scent markers later. A few old dens were scattered around the clearing, they'd need to be patched up, and probably enlarged, and fresh moss would need to be found for bedding. The enormous she-cat parted her maw and breathed in the faint scent of fox and badger. She'd added search for predators to her list and sent out hunting patrols.

Strolling up to the base of a large tree that sat in the middle of the clearing, Dawnstar looked up with a disgruntled snarl and then dropped her amber eyes down to where she assumed Roankit would be. "I've got work to do, little creep, so you can either go lay down in one of the dens if you're tired, go find your siblings, or wait at the base of the tree," Dawnstar advised her grandson and then unsheathed her huge claws. Bunching her powerful muscles, she jumps upwards, digging her claws into the trunk of the tree and climbing up, settling on a low branch.

Crouch down, balancing on her haunches and using her hind claws to keep her grip, Dawnstar pushed hard off the branch and thrust herself upwards with her front paws outstretched reaching for the branch above her head. If the limb hadn't been as sturdy as it was, it would have broken underneath the huge feline's weight as she hauled her hindquarters up and onto the branch. Dawnstar waited a few seconds for the branch to finish complaining and then finally settle before she stood on it and turned to face the front of the clearing.

"ShadowClan gather for a clan meeting." Dawnstar knew her clan was exhausted, but with this twoleg business, she's been skipping out on clan meetings, they were long overdue for one. She had cats to officially introduce to the clan and new apprentices to add to their few numbers. If her cats were that tired they could rest in the clearing while she spoke. After this, she'd start ordering patrols out. They had a lot of work to do.

taillow August 20th, 2022 12:39 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Once he had gotten up onto Dawnstar's back, something shifted within the kit. Some sort of claw seemed to come out of the shadows and scrape along his chest, but instead of pain it brought a feeling of power... With his new perspective he could see practically everything (even though his eyes still didn't adjust to the dark as good as they would grow to). He simply let out a tiny snarl as Dawnstar bent down with the suggestion that he get off. Absolutely not. He wanted to cling to this feeling for as long as he could, drinking in the sweet satisfaction it brought him.

But, after a bit, Roankit grew bored and wished to walk again, so he managed a rather tall leap down from Dawnstar's back and to the ground. They were somewhere new now, with trees that looked much different than the spindly ones back where he had first met his grandmother. Even the scents here were different. Soon enough the shadows were melting to give way to light that fluttered through the trees; the sun, he supposed.

Upon making it to what appeared to be another camp (at least that was what Roankit assumed from observing it) Dawnstar had turned to address him. He immediately shook his head in defiance of laying down; ever since he had tasted a little bit of what it felt like to be Dawnstar's size he felt exhilarated, and sleep would not come easily to him. So he took her up on her second offer and sat down right where she had left him, right near the base of the tree. Craning his neck though, he realized he couldn't see her quite well so his paws took a few steps backwards until she was in view once more.

[ @Undertaker ]

Thornwolf August 20th, 2022 12:39 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Darkpelt - He/Him

Darkpelt sighed, he sat down knowing there will be a lot of announcements this meeting.

perseus. August 20th, 2022 12:55 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Foxcall set down Whitekit with Swiftpelt, making sure the kit was comfortable before they waved their tail before moving slightly near the edge of the cats that were slowly collecting for the meeting. They were tired and could feel themselves slowly drifting at times but they shook their head and focused on Dawnstar. Truly they hoped that soon they would be able to rest.

@Apollo. [swiftpelt mention]

xavier. August 20th, 2022 01:07 AM

Re: Hidden Haven

The grey warrior looked at Swiftpelt And placed Icekit down giving the other a small nod before looking over at Dawnstar who had just called a meeting. Raccoonpelt ignored all the tiredness and went to sit at the base of the three waiting for the clan meeting to start.


Once Daykit had been placed down by Pineshade the kit went and ran over to Dappledleaf and the rest of his siblings.

@cloudivity @Frecklewing - For Pineshade Mention

Shade. August 20th, 2022 02:47 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
:princess: Are you satisfied
With an average life?
Do I need to lie
To make my way in life? :princess:

From a little way back, Frigidkit watched, seething. She'd done everything that was asked of her. She was willing to do more. But it wasn't enough, was is?

Roankit, who, in her eyes, didn't care about anything, got all of his grandmother's praise and what little affection she had in her heart. For what? Sitting still?

The scruffy kit's ears turned back in displeasure and she glared at her brother. Traitor.


Shade. August 20th, 2022 04:42 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Sharpfang had moved with the rest of the clan, even supervising an aggressive Frigidkit who refused to be carried and ran ahead of her, pretending that she wasn't tired. The kid had determination for sure.

The mute warrior took her place amongst the gathered cats, ready to recieve whatever tasks Dawnstar had for them to secure the territory.

Wingnettle August 20th, 2022 05:13 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Moonkit (she/her)
Black calico with half face ginger and amber eyes

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Moonkit just wanted to be left free from being carried by the scruff. Finally, it seemed that the clan had reached their final destination: a weird place, different from everything she had ever seen. Of course, all she had ever seen was the pine forest in Shadowclan territory before arriving here, but still.

And where was her family? Moonkit tried to see over the multitude of cats hoping to spot at least Pinekit, but he was short just as she was, and everything was covered by Shadowclan pelts.
Dawnstar seems pretty exhausted. Moonkit thought. But she managed to haul herself onto a tall tree, and was now addressing everyone for a clan meeting. If only I could find my family... in this chaos.

Robinscratch @Ashcloud of WindClan, Darkpelt @Fenixwolf
Pinekit @Ashcloud of WindClan, Skykit @Starlily, Cloudkit @MysteryCat

MaryTheCrow August 20th, 2022 05:28 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
- Grayscar -
Grayscar was glad that the walk was finally over. Her back lightly ached from Marshkits claws. She let out a sigh of relief once they'd finally made it to their new camp. It seemed as if a meeting was going to be held immediately after all of this, she didn't envy Dawnstar for having to do so much.

"Kits, I'm sure you're free to stick around or meet up with whoever you were separated from during the move," she offered, glad to finally be able to rest and not have to worry about anyone getting lost along the way. Then, the warrior offered Ferretburr a smile, in a way thanking the other for being helpful, even if he was assigned to do so. "We did well."

Feeling the exhaustion from the move and the stress of it all finally set in, she loafed instead of sitting to listen to what Dawnstar had to say.

[ @SpiritedWarrior @AutumLeaf @Wintermist @Pepperkins @Peachy Wolf27 ]

RavensCall August 20th, 2022 05:57 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
The forest gave Robinscratch an eerie feeling. It wasn’t scary, just nerve-wracking. She had been used to the pine forests and this place— this place reminded her of ThunderClan. When she realised Dawnstar had spoken, she sat herself next to her mate Darkpelt and called her kits over.

Pinekit sat down next to his mother and father and looked up expectantly at Dawnstar.
@Fenixwolf @Wingnettle

Thornwolf August 20th, 2022 06:07 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Darkpelt - He/Him

Darkpelt looked at his mate, Robinscratch "welp, wonder when those twolegs will go" he said, then looked at Dawnstar "and there will probably be alot to announcements in this meeting, we haven't had one in a while"

@MysteryCat @Wingnettle @Ashcloud of WindClan

puppeteer August 20th, 2022 06:22 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Dappledleaf was happy to finally have made it. She watched Daykit scamper over, and she purred, giving each kit in her care a lick on the head.
Willowkit stayed clung to her mother, still afraid that the dogs would come to get her at any moment.

MockingRabbit August 20th, 2022 06:31 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Eggkit felt too exhausted. And he was hungry. The pale kit nearly did not hear Dawnstar's call.

Cloversun joined the meeting, thankful for the chance to finally rest her legs.

Lizardtail sat. To her, it seemed unnecessary to call a meeting, as all but a few ShadowClan cats were here.

Wingnettle August 20th, 2022 06:50 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Moonkit (she/her)
Black calico with half face ginger and amber eyes

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Finally Moonkit's ears reached the sound of Robinscratch's voice calling for her and the others. Without telling Fallowpaw, she started moving between her bigger clanmates until she could make out the tortoiseshell pelt of her mother. Darkpelt and Pinekit were there, too.

"Finally. I couldn't stand anymore being dragged here and there!" she mewed. She was also hungry and would've had gladly some milk, but she doubted Robinscratch would be enough at ease to do so. Furthermore, Cloudkit and Skykit weren't there.

@Fenixwolf @Ashcloud of WindClan, @Starlily, @MysteryCat

SpiritWolf_yt August 20th, 2022 07:38 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Meadowleap listened hearing a meeting call she came and sat down and listened

[open if you want to interact]

Apollo. August 20th, 2022 07:45 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Dawnstar was right, the travel to hidden haven was tiring, but he could still hear the distant barking in the direction of camp, so it was better than being there.. right? He sighed and sat down by the edge of the crowd, placing Greykit down gently at his paws, as Dawnstar called a meeting from on top of a tree stump. Swiftpelt looked around the crowed area for Racconpelt and Foxcall, both had one of his kits, but before he could re-lift Greykit to go looking for the two of them both came to him.

He nodded to them "Thank you so much, I owe you both." he meowed as they both placed the kits down. Swiftpelt curled his tail around the three kits as Foxcall and Raccoonpelt padded away to find somewhere to sit and listen to the meeting.

[ @Fox_Void @l3o.artz @Bean_The_Cat @MysteryCat @Théo - Sorry for the late reply :] ]

SpiritedWarrior August 20th, 2022 09:00 AM

Re: Hidden Haven

Originally Posted by MaryTheCrow (Post 1244396)
- Grayscar -
Grayscar was glad that the walk was finally over. Her back lightly ached from Marshkits claws. She let out a sigh of relief once they'd finally made it to their new camp. It seemed as if a meeting was going to be held immediately after all of this, she didn't envy Dawnstar for having to do so much.

"Kits, I'm sure you're free to stick around or meet up with whoever you were separated from during the move," she offered, glad to finally be able to rest and not have to worry about anyone getting lost along the way. Then, the warrior offered Ferretburr a smile, in a way thanking the other for being helpful, even if he was assigned to do so. "We did well."

Feeling the exhaustion from the move and the stress of it all finally set in, she loafed instead of sitting to listen to what Dawnstar had to say.

[ @SpiritedWarrior @AutumLeaf @Wintermist @Pepperkins @Peachy Wolf27 ]

Tiredness was threatening to take hold of Ferretburr, whose feet were close to dragging on the ground every time he walked. But he knew he couldn’t sleep. Not now, when there was a Clan meeting to attend and his self-exile to announce to everyone. He’d probably miss the company that ShadowClan had to offer, but he could make his own group of loners with Feather and the kits they were expecting. It would be a harder life than the Clans, but at this point, anything was better than being under Dawnstar’s rule. She had been ShadowClan’s leader for as long as he could remember. And it was time for a change. It was time he moved to the outskirts to protect his upcoming family. Catching a glimpse of Grayscar offering him a smile of thanks, Ferretburr couldn’t help but smile back. But it wasn’t a happy smile. No. It was an exhausted smile mixed with sadness. The sadness of not being able to see the kind she-cat anymore. Not being able to see his Clan anymore after the meeting. But he quickly ushered the sadness away. He had to focus on what Dawnstar had to say about the recent events.

SplashyLumi August 20th, 2022 09:17 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Beartooth growled “Tis is awful! We can always just go back, no need for this!” {Beartooth was officially pulled out}

Robin feather August 20th, 2022 09:22 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Robinfeather headed toward the gathering place, her ears perked.

Oakshade ambled toward where he’s heard Dawnstar’s call.

Glacial August 20th, 2022 09:33 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Beechkit followed the clan, cocking his head curiously. He hadn’t really caught on to what was happening, but for all he knew they were evacuating camp. Wide-eyed, he looked at the territory that surrounded him. Wow, he was getting an exclusive territory tour before his apprenticeship had even started! “Wowza,” he whispered as he gazed around him. “This is super duper cool!” The forest around him gave him mysterious vibes, and he enjoyed them. Beechkit breathed in the scents with a strong longing. Everything smelled so fresh!

He was rather tall for his age, so he could keep up with the clan without a problem. In long strides he followed them, tail wagging in excitement. Finally, they arrived. Hidden Haven. A wide grin sprouted on his maw, and he puffed out his chest in pride. He had managed to get here by himself. He didn’t need a warrior to help him, he was perfectly capable! The tomcat stretched out his pure white paws in front of him, taking a moment to look at them before gazing at Dawnstar. He pricked his ears at her call. A meeting?! Cool! He smiled, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. Attentively he watched the leader on the Shadowledge.


Dark August 20th, 2022 09:48 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
[the original idea for Darkypoo didn't go as planned... so interactions are open!]

Darkpaw padded into the clearing behind the rest of the clan as he was instructed. The young tom was slightly tired after walking so much, but he wouldn't dare show any of the clan that. After all, he was the apprentice of the clan's deputy who was specifically chosen by their leader, and whom he respected a lot for his strength. He couldn't imagine possibly sullying Cinderblaze's name by showing he was tired after a little walk.

The black tabby studied his new surroundings carefully through narrowed icy blue eyes, opening his mouth to taste the air to let the new scents wash over him. He hadn't yet been in this part of the territory and there were many things unfamiliar to him, however, he trusted his leader's judgment and believed that where they were now would undoubtedly be safe from harm.

His ear's pricked at Dawnstar's call for a meeting, and he carefully made his way closer to the tree in order to get a better view, making sure not to step on any stray tails or kits who wandered too far from their caretakers. Quietly, he sat down, the tip of his tail flicking behind him as he anxiously awaited what the large she-cat had to say.

occultation August 20th, 2022 12:43 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Shadowfur was relieved when they finally ended up at their new destination. It had been a long, tiring walk. He shook out his fur and glanced around. Despite his relief at the journey coming to an end, his pelt still prickled with unease at being in a foreign place. He itched to understand their new home from all angles, so he could best protect it. He glanced up as Dawnstar called a Clan meeting, ears perked in curiosity.

Bobakitten002 August 20th, 2022 12:49 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Nightsky sat somewhere he thought he’d be able to hear Dawnstar, hoping that every cat got here safely. He looked around, but he didn’t know many of the cats well. He had been kitted at a time when there weren’t any other cats his age, and kind of grew up by himself. Even though he should know his own clan better, now was not the time to be worrying about that. He had more pressing issues at the moment, like the fact that they were pushed out of their camp and now are camping out in a place he barely knew. He brought his mind back to the present, and looked towards Dawnstar.

Peachy Wolf27 August 20th, 2022 02:09 PM

Re: Hidden Haven

Originally Posted by MaryTheCrow (Post 1244396)
- Grayscar -
Grayscar was glad that the walk was finally over. Her back lightly ached from Marshkits claws. She let out a sigh of relief once they'd finally made it to their new camp. It seemed as if a meeting was going to be held immediately after all of this, she didn't envy Dawnstar for having to do so much.

"Kits, I'm sure you're free to stick around or meet up with whoever you were separated from during the move," she offered, glad to finally be able to rest and not have to worry about anyone getting lost along the way. Then, the warrior offered Ferretburr a smile, in a way thanking the other for being helpful, even if he was assigned to do so. "We did well."

Feeling the exhaustion from the move and the stress of it all finally set in, she loafed instead of sitting to listen to what Dawnstar had to say.

[ @SpiritedWarrior @AutumLeaf @Wintermist @Pepperkins @Peachy Wolf27 ]

“I wanna stay here if that okay… I want to hear what Dawn’Star has to say and so does my stone!”

Ian August 20th, 2022 06:27 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
The Enforcer was glad that the hell of a journey was over. It had been too chaotic with cats not listening and kits being stubborn, but most of them had made it in one piece. If the warriors Dawnstar instructed to lure the dogs away didn't show up soon, she would assume they had become crowfood. She was about to settle down and groom her wound to ensure it was clean when Dawnstar summoned a Clan meeting. It made sense, considering they hadn't had one in a while.

Vixensnarl shuffled closer to the tree where the leader had perched herself to listen to the news better. While she waited for Dawnstar to start, she bent her head and began to clean the wound from the dog that had bitten her on the hunting patrol. Her leg had begun to stiffen after so much walking and climbing, but luckily it didn't seem infected. Hopefully, it would loosen up soon. Otherwise, she would have to see Elmshadow or Ivysnake.

The Toyger had managed the journey easily enough. Being a former rogue meant he was used to traveling long distances, often searching for better shelter and prey. He'd also managed not to drop the honeycomb on the steep climb, which had almost happened when one of his hind paws slid out from under him.

Now that they were at what Dawnstar called the Hidden Haven, Slytiger searched for Elmshadow or Ivysnake to give the honeycomb. He wasn't sure where to put it and didn't want to awkwardly listen to the meeting with it in his mouth or at his paws.

@Ravensong @TheNyanCatMinecart

poppy August 20th, 2022 08:54 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
sorrelkit - open
The small, splitfaced chimera was exHAUSTED. She had fallen asleep and awoke to find the nursery empty. It would have been frightening to the average child, but no, she had merely exited the den and watched the cats in the rear leaving, so she had tagged along. It was a long walk, but luckily she was apprentice she'd and didn't any family to walk with. Dad was busy doing his stupid medicine cat stuff (not that she wanted to walk with him or anything because she definitely didn't) and she pretty much didn't socialize at all, so she also had no friends to walk with, either. And stupid Burningkit was nowhere to be seen.

But look, here she was. Go her, she had walked a lot and all alone, so she was all kinds of tough. Who needs friends. Her brow creased in the slightest since at her brain's words, but she ignored it, multicolored gaze searching the crowd for someone to sit with. It'd be nice to share her possible apprentice ceremony with someone... But this was okay. She.... She was fine with being alone. Sitting down, Sorrelkit found herself glancing around for her Dad. Maybe if he OFFERED, she would go sit with him... Because he wanted to her. But he probably wouldn't, because she wasn't a boy, and he'd be ashamed of her existence like she knew he would.

brackenfire - openish

Brackenfire was relieved when the walk was over. Her kids were all here and safe, Nightshiver and her daughter were alright.... It was good. Everyone loved was safe. That was all that mattered. Her sharp yellow eyes scoured the crowd before she took a seat in the middle side, then looked around to gather her brood.

Inconsistency August 20th, 2022 09:54 PM

Re: Hidden Haven
Newtpaw, He/Him
Lean, pale orange with a darker cape and few markings. Sectoral heterochromatic gold and green eyes.

Ah... what a lovely evening, or uh, what time was it again? It didn't really matter, it was nice out from what they could tell, however, they did tend to have strange opinions, after all the whole clan would probably argue they were all exhausted and totally didn't find this place appealing. They just found it pleasant outside these days, with the gentle breeze and beginnings of color to ghost the leaves' tips.

They hadn't been lazing, not really, or at least, they hoped to believe that, so they instead called it spacing out, which was half true as you could totally see this orange tom in the background, just chilling... a distant look, but not cool looking, stars no, they had a slightly parted mouth and despite daydreaming, looked quite stiff and awkward. He had also been breathing heavily from fatigue, which could explain his open mouth but insecurities were there! Newtpaw obviously didn't mean to do this kind of thing, and heard about it enough from Frogpaw to try and physically stop themselves, but habits were habits.

So, when he heard the gruff call of their leader, (the one they already feared) they could've jumped right out of their pelt, but they had been in the situation too many times to count. Don't even think about his apprentice ceremony, he had reminded himself maybe a few to many times. He just shot his head up and leapt to his paws, his long tail swishing.

The apprentice had stood right up and began moving, almost tripping completely, but it was for the reason of attempting to scramble away immediately. He couldn't bear to see Frogpaw again at that moment, so he merely tried to wiggle his way into the crowd of felines and avoid the radar of his brother. He knew from experience that his brother would try to catch him in a social thing like this, cage him up into somehow making a fool of himself and no matter what he tried, nobody thought Frogpaw was the reason.

So - yeah, he was shrinking down to the miniscule size to blend in, the meeting probably had nothing to do with him, what was he? Important? Hah! Nope. With that note, he was just trying desperately to listen and not look like he was hiding from a danger, even though he was.

His eyes jumped from one cat to another before finally coming to the conclusion that his horrid brother wasn't there at this time, probably bothering Lizardsnap anyhow, so he was safe, thank goodness. It was always a relief to be free of his brother, now, what was Shadowclan wanting again? Nothing too terribly serious, he guessed another war, normal Tues-moon here at your average Shadowclan nothing to worry about, they totally aren't all exhausted, maybe she was planning to move them once again. Lovely idea.

[Haven't been updated with Shadowclan, just uh, joined, mistakes are probably there with the... journey?]
♥ Open

JackHunt_17 August 21st, 2022 06:33 AM

Re: Hidden Haven
Foxkit was tired from the journey but she was too excited and confused to sleep. So she stuck to the edge of the crowd, and waited for Dawnstar to start the meeting

Spotty August 21st, 2022 08:05 AM

Re: Hidden Haven


After the hunt and encounter with the dogs, followed up by a hasty move to a place he wasn't familiar with, Badgerscar started to feel exhausted. Not that he would show a speck of that. Kits were tired, Roankit might be sleepy, but he was an hecking enforcer, he couldn't be tired now when everything was happening.

So he continued to trot behind his mother and clanmates, his face covered by a stoic mask as he settled down for the clan meeting. It had been a good while since the last one, and there would undoubtedly be ceremonies to get down and things to announce. His frosty gaze swept over the camp, and an oddly striped pelt stood out to him. It belonged to Slytiger, a former rogue the enforcer had hunted with for a patrol once. He had heard another new name being called out as well; Owlstorm, so the newcomers would likely be mentioned, even if the other one of them was currently chasing around with dogs to distract them.

His gaze wandered on, looking for his apprentice, but however, he searched the black and white pelt of hers didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. He thought he had spotted her a few times earlier today... Badgerpaw had seemed like a lodigacl and at least somewhat smart cat, so her going getting lost seemed wired. Hm. Maybe he had just seen wrong. An annoyed frown came over his face and the large tabby shook his fur a little before looking towards his mother and waiting for the rest of the cats to gather so the meeting could start.

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