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occultation February 19th, 2022 05:42 PM

RiverClan Punishments

This is where punishments deemed too minor to involve the entirety of the Clan will be held. These will mainly involve unreported patrols, but this thread may be used for punishments outside of patrols as well. Patrol punishments extend to all members unless stated otherwise for an IC or OOC reason.

Updated punishments guide coming soon.

spade February 20th, 2022 04:40 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
[ takes place at the base of the Streamstone ]

Kestrelstar had almost forgotten to handle this, but it had stayed at the back of his mind. Words that a warrior had spoken to an apprentice - one that had already had enough of a hard time - could not be tolerated. RiverClan would not be a Clan where Clanmates tore down other Clanmates. The gray tabby would not allow that to happen, not under his watch. Standing now near the base of the Streamstone, his yellow gaze wavered around in search of the warrior he looked for. "Creekfoot! If you're in camp, come to the Streamstone. Now, please." He fell quiet to wait for the warrior to meet him.

[ @Epsilon-11 this is regarding a punishment for her actions at this meeting - i see she hasn't been posted with since january 31st so if she has left the clan, let me know so i can update the allegiances accordingly! ]

Sorrow February 21st, 2022 12:09 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
[sorry, been busy @spade ! creekfoot would still be in-clan]

Creekfoot growled, lashing her tail back and forth as she stood up and began padding over to the Streamstone. "And what is is that you want?" she hissed coldly as she arrived in front of Kestrelstar. The she-cat's ears flattened in annoyance, but in the back of her mind, she was upset and distraught. She refused to show these emotions, claws slowly unsheathing as her lips pulled back in the beginnings of a snarl.

spade February 27th, 2022 12:57 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
The growl, the overall look of aggression; to be quite frank, it only served to piss Kestrelstar off. He leveled his gaze at the warrior, unflinching from her stance. "Put your claws away, mouse-brain," he snapped, clearly in no mood to deal with whatever high horse this she-cat thought she could waltz in here on. He had half a mind to skip the formalities and send her straight into a temporary exile, but he had to remain calm and level-headed.

"I want to know why you spoke to Goldenpaw the way you did at the last meeting." Kestrelstar gave her a chance to explain, and opportunity to tell him what in the name of the stars above made her think it was acceptable. Yellow eyes blinking, he waited patiently for whatever her answer or reasoning would be. Depending on what she gave him (and if there were anymore flashing of her claws) it would determine what punishment would suit her best.

// @Epsilon-11

marshy March 1st, 2022 08:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
// @Parabatai
[please read the first post to see Coralsplash's punishment!]

"Coralsplash!" Sparrowskip yelled as he saw the cat. "Get your ass over here!" Was this mean enough? This was mean enough.. right? Hopefully, Sparrowskip wished he knew how Kestrelstar did it, being stern and all that jazz. "You have failed to turn in the patrol you were assigned leader on, and while I'd love to hear an excuse, nothing is going to stop your punishment." Sparrowskip had missed patrols himself before but, there were new rules now for them, ones he had to enforce buT thankfully ones he didn't get punished by.

Spartan-117 March 7th, 2022 07:51 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Coralsplash bows his head. "I have no excuse and I will take any punishment." He says, looking at the RiverClan deputy with his blue eyes. He really has no excuse, so he doesn't try to make up one.

Captain June 1st, 2022 03:11 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Snowleap | he/them
➢ With an irritable huff, the dark-furred deputy stalked across the clearing and sat down at the base of the streamstone, facing away from it and looking around at the various cats that occupied the camp right now. It was the start of a new moon and there were new patrols that needed to be sent out soon, but firstly, the tall oriental longhair needed to deal with those who failed to complete his last batch of patrols.

“Mintleaf!” Snowleap exclaimed, practically growling his name loud enough where it could be heard from anywhere within camp, “Get over here. Now.” This clanmate in particular had been the only one out of all last moon’s patrols to not show up on time. He was half-tempted to call Streampaw and Cinderpaw over too, but they were both children and shouldn’t be expected to report in a patrol that Mintleaf was ordered to oversee and take care of as the acting adult of the group. Plus, it was easier this way to just punish the patrol leader and be done with this.

{ @Glitch_Candle }

Glitch_Candle June 3rd, 2022 10:27 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
~Mintleaf, He/They~
"What is it," he asked, slightly annoyed. They had done quite a bit of work in the past moon- not by choice, of course, but of his apprentice wanting to train 9 hours a day. He was tired. Of course he was. "Oh, this is about the patrol, isn't it."

Captain June 3rd, 2022 10:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Snowleap | he/them
➢ The evident annoyance in the tomcat’s tone pissed the dark-furred deputy off ever so slightly. “Yes.” He said, holding back a hiss, “This is about the patrol that you were supposed to be in charge of. Or did you expect young Streampaw and Cinderpaw to do all the work for you?” The tip of Snowleap’s tail twitched back and forth in an irritated manner, showing the anger ever so rising within the oriental longhair. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm?” Mintleaf's next words would determine how he would be punished for this failure.

{ @Glitch_Candle }

Glitch_Candle June 3rd, 2022 10:42 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
~Mintleaf, He/They~
"Of course I don't expect that of the apprentices. I was worried about myself. What if I mess up? Get my hunting technique wrong, or incorrectly show it under pressure? I'm the only warrior there, and the de-facto role model of the group. They'd take what I do and do it because they'd figure It was right. I am prone to mistakes -ask Flickerpaw- and so I opted out. I understand that that might not have been the best option, but that's what I chose, and I can't change that."

Captain June 3rd, 2022 10:59 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Snowleap | he/them
➢ The tall RiverClan deputy was silent as he listened to the warrior explain himself. His answer made the oriental longhair sigh, but soften up. “I can understand that, Mintleaf. I really can.” Snowleap meowed, shaking his head slightly, “But you must learn to do better. All of RiverClan is counting on you. You’re an adult and a full grown warrior.” He lifted a paw, drawing his tongue over it and then drew it over his face before continuing. “You know, back when Kestrelstar was still around. He would exile cats for a whole quarter moon for failing patrols.” The dark-furred deputy looked at him for a long moment, “Fortunately for you, I am not him. But I will not let you walk away from this unpunished. You are to go out to Haven Springs and catch three pieces of prey to make up for this.” They almost said five instead of three, but decided to be more reasonable at the last possible second. “Now go. Be back before nightfall. Don’t make me regret my choice of punishment.” Snowleap waved his paw in the air as a gentle shooing motion for the tom to get out of here.

{ @Glitch_Candle | Post once more here, then another post in Haven Springs with Mintleaf preforming his punishment and then a last post in the clearing of him putting the fresh kill in the pile. Then he will be free of his punishment. He will likely not be put on patrols for a moon. }

Glitch_Candle June 3rd, 2022 12:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
[Oh thank god, I probably am going to be very inactive due to irl events, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about for now.]
~Mintleaf, He/They~
"Yes, deputy. I understand. I will catch three pieces of prey, hopefully find a vole or something."

occultation November 13th, 2022 02:21 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Slatestripe was not happy. A lot of cats hadn’t done their duty on the patrols he’d organized. Time to dish out some punishments. If these cats had a genuine excuse, that was one thing. But if they’d just shirked their duties, then that was a problem.

He decided to deal with the patrol leaders first. “Talloak, Bloodlily, and Frostmoon!” he called. “The three of you did not report your patrols. How can our Clan be expected to function if warriors don’t take their duty as patrol leader seriously? Each of you will complete the patrol you were assigned by yourself, right now. When you’re done, you will come back here and complete three chores around camp. I don’t care what they are, as long as they’re helpful. If you’ve got a good excuse for not reporting, hurry up and tell me now. Otherwise, get out of here.”

( @fernmass @Firefly @Gunnar You must complete this punishment within 7 IRL days, or your cat will face further punishment. Your solo patrol should consist of either one, 50+ word post for hunting, or two, 50+ word posts for a border patrol. Chore posts should each be 25 words or more, and should involve your cat doing something helpful around camp. Changing nests, taking care of ticks, prepping dens for leaf-bare, and cleaning dens are all examples of chores. Sometimes I make mistakes, so if you feel your cat is being punished unjustly then please reach out to me PRIVATELY! )

Now, on to the cats who didn’t pull their weight. “Ivybush, Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Rabbitwatcher, Peachpaw, Darkriver, Rainfern, Irispaw, and Blizzardsky!” he called. “Why didn’t any of you come report to me when your patrol leaders failed to? Why does the prey pile still look smaller than it should? I’d better hear some good excuses. If you don’t have one, then here’s how your punishment is going to go.

“Ivybush, Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Darkriver, Rainfern, and Blizzardsky. Since you’re warriors, you all should know better than to slack on patrol. Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Rabbitwatcher, and Darkriver. Go talk to Marigoldleap and tell her your punishment is to collect herbs for her. Ivybush, Rainfern, and Blizzardsky, your punishment will be to hunt individually for the Clan. Do not even think about showing your faces here until you’ve caught at least three pieces of prey.”

He paused to take a breath. “Peachpaw and Irispaw. Since you’re apprentices, I will let you get off a little easier. Both of you will complete two chores around the camp. I don’t care what these chores are, as long as they’re helpful. Now all of you, go on unless you’ve got an excuse to give me for not doing your job!”

( @Ivybush666 @IvySpirit @Ashcloud the WindClanner @~SilverShine~ @Silvershadow13 @Fernwillow @Zero @Mango

For those talking to Marigoldleap, you have 7 IRL days to speak to her. From there, you must complete whatever herb collecting task you are assigned within 7 IRL days. For those hunting, you must make at least one post of 50 words or more of your cat hunting. Chore posts should each be 25 words or more, and should involve your cat doing something helpful around camp. Changing nests, taking care of ticks, prepping dens for leaf-bare, and cleaning dens are all examples of chores. Hunting and chores must be done within 7 IRL days. Failure to complete your punishment will result in further punishment. Report to Slatestripe on this thread when you’re done. Please contact me PRIVATELY if you have a legitimate OOC excuse or another concern. I sometimes make mistakes, so if you feel your cat is being unjustly punished please reach out! )

ShadeCosmic November 14th, 2022 07:43 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Cherry~ (Post 1307496)

Slatestripe was not happy. A lot of cats hadn’t done their duty on the patrols he’d organized. Time to dish out some punishments. If these cats had a genuine excuse, that was one thing. But if they’d just shirked their duties, then that was a problem.

He decided to deal with the patrol leaders first. “Talloak, Bloodlily, and Frostmoon!” he called. “The three of you did not report your patrols. How can our Clan be expected to function if warriors don’t take their duty as patrol leader seriously? Each of you will complete the patrol you were assigned by yourself, right now. When you’re done, you will come back here and complete three chores around camp. I don’t care what they are, as long as they’re helpful. If you’ve got a good excuse for not reporting, hurry up and tell me now. Otherwise, get out of here.”

( @fernmass @Firefly @Gunnar You must complete this punishment within 7 IRL days, or your cat will face further punishment. Your solo patrol should consist of either one, 50+ word post for hunting, or two, 50+ word posts for a border patrol. Chore posts should each be 25 words or more, and should involve your cat doing something helpful around camp. Changing nests, taking care of ticks, prepping dens for leaf-bare, and cleaning dens are all examples of chores. Sometimes I make mistakes, so if you feel your cat is being punished unjustly then please reach out to me PRIVATELY! )

Now, on to the cats who didn’t pull their weight. “Ivybush, Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Rabbitwatcher, Peachpaw, Darkriver, Rainfern, Irispaw, and Blizzardsky!” he called. “Why didn’t any of you come report to me when your patrol leaders failed to? Why does the prey pile still look smaller than it should? I’d better hear some good excuses. If you don’t have one, then here’s how your punishment is going to go.

“Ivybush, Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Darkriver, Rainfern, and Blizzardsky. Since you’re warriors, you all should know better than to slack on patrol. Wildholly, Goldenleaf, Rabbitwatcher, and Darkriver. Go talk to Marigoldleap and tell her your punishment is to collect herbs for her. Ivybush, Rainfern, and Blizzardsky, your punishment will be to hunt individually for the Clan. Do not even think about showing your faces here until you’ve caught at least three pieces of prey.”

He paused to take a breath. “Peachpaw and Irispaw. Since you’re apprentices, I will let you get off a little easier. Both of you will complete two chores around the camp. I don’t care what these chores are, as long as they’re helpful. Now all of you, go on unless you’ve got an excuse to give me for not doing your job!”

( @Ivybush666 @IvySpirit @Ashcloud the WindClanner @~SilverShine~ @Silvershadow13 @Fernwillow @Zero @Mango

For those talking to Marigoldleap, you have 7 IRL days to speak to her. From there, you must complete whatever herb collecting task you are assigned within 7 IRL days. For those hunting, you must make at least one post of 50 words or more of your cat hunting. Chore posts should each be 25 words or more, and should involve your cat doing something helpful around camp. Changing nests, taking care of ticks, prepping dens for leaf-bare, and cleaning dens are all examples of chores. Hunting and chores must be done within 7 IRL days. Failure to complete your punishment will result in further punishment. Report to Slatestripe on this thread when you’re done. Please contact me PRIVATELY if you have a legitimate OOC excuse or another concern. I sometimes make mistakes, so if you feel your cat is being unjustly punished please reach out! )

She decided to speak up for herself. "Sir, I dont mean to be rude, but I wasted half of my patrol time waiting for one of my cats, I thought they would come and they didnt, how is that my fault? I tried to get them out of trouble, but they never came did they?" she was prepared for a good scolding but did she really deserve a punishment for something she tried to prevent. She just dragged her tail on the floor. If Slatestripe didnt find it convincing she'd have to go on another patrol. It wasnt what she had willed to do but she had to do what was best for her clan. Even if it wasnt best for her.

{I also forgot hah- sorry lol}

fernmass November 16th, 2022 10:35 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
༻ Talloak ༺

He huffed, raising a brow. Well he did care about his image as a warrior. But having to do such work without the care of the other warriors was just.. he held himself back from cursing. He gave a small nod towards Slatestripe as he went on his way.

[ small post ]

ShadeCosmic November 16th, 2022 10:47 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
╰•★★ BLOODLILY ★★•╯
She/Her - Russet colored shecat with amber eyes

When Slatestripe didnt answer her Bloodlily just mumbled under her breath before padding out of camp to go hunting. Well didnt that suck! She thought to herself with a groan as she left. Hunting, then marking the border and then after that I have to also do chores? Wasnt this a bit harsh? She wouldve thought just to go out and do a solo hunting patrol. But a whole solo border patrol and chores? The things apprentices were suppossed to do? That was ridiculous! But she couldnt talk back, or else she'd get into worse trouble

occultation November 16th, 2022 06:28 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Bloodlily was quite indignant at being punished for not reporting her patrol. Something about being late because she had to wait for others. Didn’t she know enough to carry on if they didn’t show up after a while? Slatestripe swung his amber gaze around to respond, but the other cat stalked away before he could. Slatestripe sighed; if Bloodlily wasn’t going to be patient enough for a response, then why bother saying anything at all? Whatever! Just as long as she does her punishment and gets back in a reasonable amount of time.

( @Firefly )

ShadeCosmic November 16th, 2022 09:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
╰•★★ BLOODLILY ★★•╯
She/Her - Russet colored shecat with amber eyes

Bloodlily was finally done. With a heave of a sigh she walked over again. "Im done with my punishment, may I go now with no further punishments?" she asked politely keeping her tone steady. If her punishment wasnt accepted she would probably burst into a million pieces!

{ @Cherry~ }
{ dang that was some hard work yesh my fingers are ded fr }

HUNTING POST (264 words)
CHORE POST (95 words)

Mango November 17th, 2022 08:38 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Blizzardsky was a bit angry that his younger companions on his patrol failed to report it. He had done that patrol but at this point, he didn't care enough to actually fight with Slatestripe so he went out and did the hunting he was instructed to do before coming back to Slatestripe with his three pieces of prey.

occultation November 24th, 2022 03:40 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Slatestripe wasn’t pleased. At. All. Many cats hadn’t completed their punishments. That meant he’d have to assign more punishments, which these cats probably wouldn’t complete. StarClan, was it that big of a deal to ask that cats hold themselves accountable!?

At least Bloodlily and Blizzardsky took their punishment seriously. The dark warrior would remember that. He thanked them both before turning his attention to their more delinquent Clanmates.

He began with the patrol leaders. “Frostmoon and Talloak! I didn’t see either of you doing any chores around camp, nor did either of you come to report that you completed your solo patrols. The two of you will be demoted to apprentices for one half moon. During that time, you will be known as Frostpaw and Tallpaw. You will not be permitted to leave camp without a warrior, shield, or high rank to accompany you. Before you may have your warrior names back, you must both complete three chores around camp. I hope you actually do them this time. Get out of my sight. As warriors, you should be ashamed of yourselves for blowing off so much responsibility.”

( @Gunnar @fernmass You have 14 IRL days to complete your three chore posts. These posts must be 25 words or more and each involve your cat doing something helpful around camp. Your cats will be apprentices in name until 14 IRL days have passed and these chores have been completed. If these chores have not been done by then, or if your cats are caught leaving camp without a warrior, shield, or HR, Slatestripe will report them to Pikestar)

Now, for the other warriors. Ivybush had been nowhere to be seen for a while, so Slatestripe figured he’d let Gingerfrost or Pikestar handle that. He’d heard through the grape vine that Darkriver was taking time away from warrior duties for whatever reason, so they were excused, as well. Everyone else, though, was going to be punished further.

“Wildholly, Goldenleaf, and Rainfern! I’ve got about a dozen good reasons to demote you to apprentices as well, but I’ll be kind to you this time. The three of you will sleep outside of the warriors’ den for one night, in the open clearing. Perhaps a night in the cold will teach you to take your responsibilities more seriously. Then, each of you will go and catch one piece of prey for the Clan.”

He paused, turning his gaze on the two apprentices. “Peachpaw and Irispaw, I’m very disappointed. I gave you a chance to get off easy, and you didn’t take it. That certainly isn’t becoming of cats who are training to be warriors. Both of you will go volunteer to help Marigoldleap gather herbs. When you’ve finished helping her, report back here.”

( @IvySpirit @Ashcloud the WindClanner @~SilverShine~ @Fernwillow @Zero

If your cat has been ordered to sleep outside for one night and catch one piece of prey: You must make a post of at least 25 words of them sleeping in the RiverClan clearing one night. In addition, you must make a post of 25 words or greater of them hunting and one post of them putting their prey on the pile. You will have seven IRL days to do this.

If your cat has been ordered to help Marigoldleap: You have seven IRL days to have your cat approach Marigoldleap and volunteer to help fetch herbs. Once the herb patrol is done, you will have four IRL days to report it to Slatestripe.


Fernwillow November 24th, 2022 03:57 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Rainfern felt uneasy again. “Hey Slatestripe! Um, just so you know, I’m pregnant so I can’t do the hunting but I will do my duty to sleep outside. I’m sorry for not reporting the finishing of the punishment last time and I’ll make sure to report it this time.”

occultation November 24th, 2022 04:07 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Slatestripe appreciated Rainfern’s promptness. He nodded in understanding as she revealed her pregnancy to him, but shook his head as she volunteered to still sleep outside. “If you’re pregnant, it wouldn’t be wise for you to sleep in the cold. Your kits don’t deserve to be punished for their mother’s negligence.”

He thought for a moment about an alternative punishment. “You may bring prey to one of our elders and to Pikestar instead of sleeping in the clearing. When you’ve finished, please report back to me.” He felt that was a suitable punishment, since she wouldn’t be taxing herself but would still be doing an extra duty.

( @Fernwillow This punishment should be completed within 10 IRL days. Each post of Rainfern bringing food should be at least 25 words )

Fernwillow November 24th, 2022 04:39 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Cherry~ (Post 1315454)

Slatestripe appreciated Rainfern’s promptness. He nodded in understanding as she revealed her pregnancy to him, but shook his head as she volunteered to still sleep outside. “If you’re pregnant, it wouldn’t be wise for you to sleep in the cold. Your kits don’t deserve to be punished for their mother’s negligence.”

He thought for a moment about an alternative punishment. “You may bring prey to one of our elders and to Pikestar instead of sleeping in the clearing. When you’ve finished, please report back to me.” He felt that was a suitable punishment, since she wouldn’t be taxing herself but would still be doing an extra duty.

( @Fernwillow This punishment should be completed within 10 IRL days. Each post of Rainfern bringing food should be at least 25 words )

Rainfern returned to the presence of Slatestripe to report back. “Punishment complete! I have delivered prey to both Pikestar and Amberbright!”

SpiritWolf_yt November 25th, 2022 08:54 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Peachpaw pekred hearing the deputy she padded over"i-im so sorry i forgot i-ill g-go right now im so so sorry " the molly said then going off to marigold

@Cherry ~

[ ack! keep forgetting the patrols becasue a lot is happening for me]

RavensCall November 25th, 2022 05:08 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
(@Cherry~ where’s the prey pile thread? I made my sleeping in the clearing post and my hunting post but I need to find the prey pile thread. Sorry if these are too short)

occultation November 28th, 2022 04:42 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Fernwillow (Post 1315468)
Rainfern returned to the presence of Slatestripe to report back. “Punishment complete! I have delivered prey to both Pikestar and Amberbright!”


Originally Posted by Ashcloud the WindClanner (Post 1315998)
(@Cherry~ where’s the prey pile thread? I made my sleeping in the clearing post and my hunting post but I need to find the prey pile thread. Sorry if these are too short)

(The RC Clearing currently doubles as the prey pile thread)

Slatestripe was pleased with the promptness that Rainfern displayed in completing her punishment. He nodded at her report. “Well done. I’m glad you finally decided to take accountability for slacking off. You’re free to go. Take care of those kittens!”

RavensCall November 28th, 2022 05:10 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
(Prey pile post, Sleeping in the Clearing and hunting post)

“Slatestripe,” Goldenleaf meowed to the warrior,”I’ve completed the punishments you gave to me.”

occultation December 6th, 2022 02:51 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

At least Goldenleaf and Rainfern took ownership of their mistakes and did their punishments, even if it did take them both longer than it should have.

Peachpaw, Tallpaw, and Moonpaw still had more time to complete their punishments. Wildholly and Irispaw, however, had failed to materialize the correct effort to complete their punishments… again.

Given all that Pikestar had going on, Slatestripe felt it was more appropriate to send Wildholly to Gingerfrost for him to deal with. The deputy could make the decision as to whether or not it was necessary to involve Pikestar. Slatestripe didn’t feel he had the right level of authority to proceed here, since in his mind Wildholly deserved to be temporarily exiled.

Irispaw, he could still handle. In his mind, the apprentice deserved an extra moon added to her training. But, he would give her one last chance with a more lax punishment. “Irispaw!” he called, the anger in his voice clear. “You have failed to complete the punishment assigned to you. This is your final chance to prove your worth in this Clan. If you fail again, I’ll be recommending a stint in the nursery to Gingerfrost. Go and clean out the nests in the nursery. Every single one. When you’re done with that, bring one of the queens a piece of prey. Return to me and report when you’ve finished.”

( @Zero If Irispaw does not complete this punishment within 7 IRL days, Slatestripe will recommend that she be temporarily demoted and sent to the nursery. If you need an extension or have any issues, please reach out to me via PM ahead of the due date )

Now, for Wildholly. The dark warrior summoned his denmate with another angry cry. “Rainfern and Goldenleaf were able to complete their punishments, so you have no excuse for your slacking. Go speak to Gingerfrost and tell him that you failed to complete two separate patrol punishments. Tell him that I am recommending you for temporary exile. Before you leave the camp, come see me to ensure I know you’ve spoken with him as told.”

( @Miss Christmas Spirit You’ll have 7 IRL days to have Wildholly speak with Gingerfrost. When that’s done, report to Slatestripe. If you have any issues or need an extension, please let me know via PM before the due date )

Zero December 6th, 2022 04:33 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Cherry~ (Post 1323583)

At least Goldenleaf and Rainfern took ownership of their mistakes and did their punishments, even if it did take them both longer than it should have.

Peachpaw, Tallpaw, and Moonpaw still had more time to complete their punishments. Wildholly and Irispaw, however, had failed to materialize the correct effort to complete their punishments… again.

Given all that Pikestar had going on, Slatestripe felt it was more appropriate to send Wildholly to Gingerfrost for him to deal with. The deputy could make the decision as to whether or not it was necessary to involve Pikestar. Slatestripe didn’t feel he had the right level of authority to proceed here, since in his mind Wildholly deserved to be temporarily exiled.

Irispaw, he could still handle. In his mind, the apprentice deserved an extra moon added to her training. But, he would give her one last chance with a more lax punishment. “Irispaw!” he called, the anger in his voice clear. “You have failed to complete the punishment assigned to you. This is your final chance to prove your worth in this Clan. If you fail again, I’ll be recommending a stint in the nursery to Gingerfrost. Go and clean out the nests in the nursery. Every single one. When you’re done with that, bring one of the queens a piece of prey. Return to me and report when you’ve finished.”

( @Zero If Irispaw does not complete this punishment within 7 IRL days, Slatestripe will recommend that she be temporarily demoted and sent to the nursery. If you need an extension or have any issues, please reach out to me via PM ahead of the due date )

Now, for Wildholly. The dark warrior summoned his denmate with another angry cry. “Rainfern and Goldenleaf were able to complete their punishments, so you have no excuse for your slacking. Go speak to Gingerfrost and tell him that you failed to complete two separate patrol punishments. Tell him that I am recommending you for temporary exile. Before you leave the camp, come see me to ensure I know you’ve spoken with him as told.”

( @Miss Christmas Spirit You’ll have 7 IRL days to have Wildholly speak with Gingerfrost. When that’s done, report to Slatestripe. If you have any issues or need an extension, please let me know via PM before the due date )

(I plan to let Iris go missing, just to let you know)

occultation December 10th, 2022 10:47 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

It seemed Frostpaw had gone missing, so that just left Tallpaw and Peachpaw to punish further for the time being. Slatestripe was sick of punishing these same cats by this point. He was done being Mr. Nice Guy. If his Clanmates couldn’t be bothered to complete what he felt were fair punishments, then they didn’t deserve their rank.

“Tallpaw and Peachpaw!” he called, his voice laced with an angry poison. “The two of you have failed to complete the punishments assigned to you. I’m especially disappointed in you, Tallpaw. You clearly aren’t fit to return to the rank of warrior. Hell, I don’t even think you’re fit to be in this Clan right now. Go talk to Gingerfrost immediately and tell him that I am recommending you for temporary exile for not completing your patrol punishments.”

The dark warrior swung his amber gaze toward Peachpaw. “I have half a mind to send you to tell Gingerfrost the same thing, but since you’re an apprentice I think a different punishment would be more fitting. By not completing your punishment, you have proven that you cannot handle the responsibility of being an apprentice. So, perhaps some time in the nursery will remind you. From this moment on until your punishment is complete, you will be known as Peachkit. You are to live in the nursery, and are not permitted to leave camp under any circumstances. You may continue your training as you are capable within camp. You will retain the rank of kit for one quarter moon.”

( @fernmass You have 7 IRL days to have Tallpaw go to Gingerfrost and inform him that Slatestripe is recommending him for temporary exile. If you fail to do this, Slatestripe will speak with Gingerfrost himself.

@Little Dakota Peachpaw has been demoted to the rank of kit for the next 7 IRL days. They should be referred to as Peachkit, and should abide by the rules defined for kits. They may continue training, but may not leave camp.


Estelle January 8th, 2023 08:27 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Although he'd rather have a talking to with the majority of last patrol's members - or even better, not be here at all - Gingerfrost could unfortunately not let this matter go untouched. He had some time to think about it, and came to the only conclusion which was the general punishment that seemed to be handed out in cases of uncompleted patrols through neglect. While technically they reported back, well... He still considered it a fail, for rather obvious reasons. Positioning himself in some part of the clearing, the ginger tabby scanned his surroundings for the concerned feline.

The deputy called once the feline seemed to cross his line of sight, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. A flick of his tail ordered the warrior to get closer.
"Your hunting patrol returned with nothing."
Because no body wanted to, he still thought this was baffling!
"As patrol leader, it was up to you to ensure the patrol proceeded effectively. Instead, you returned empty pawed in the middle of leafbare, with a reasoning I won't even bother repeating. You understand that's not acceptable?"
..He wasn't exactly enjoying showing this form of authority - it was weird. Still, the tabby glared at the warrior and wouldn't let his voice waver or go muttery, leaving a few seconds for Troutstone to think.
"..As punishment, you are temporarily exiled from RiverClan. You can return after seven sunrises have passed. I hope your time in the outskirts will remind you of the importance of hunting to survive."

[ @Rabbiteye - Troutstone has been exiled from RiverClan for 7 real life days, starting 9/01. You will have to make one post for each day of their exile, totalling to seven posts. There is no required post length or time, only that they take place anywhere but clan territory. You may have Troutstone rejoin in this thread the 16/01. ]

taillow January 25th, 2023 05:04 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Padding back into camp with his fluffy brown tail swaying behind him and the two disgraceful cats in tow, Otterfluff came to stand just underneath the Streamstone. "Pikestar, if you have a moment," he called out in a rather gruff voice, clearing his throat before looking back at the two warriors with him, "I have two cats who need to understand that their actions have consequences." After a moment his gaze left the two and returned to the entrance of the leaders' den.

[ Posting order is as follows: @Pluto! @Oceanflower @canineantics, myself ]

fishy January 25th, 2023 09:26 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Originally Posted by daenerys (Post 1357224)
Padding back into camp with his fluffy brown tail swaying behind him and the two disgraceful cats in tow, Otterfluff came to stand just underneath the Streamstone. "Pikestar, if you have a moment," he called out in a rather gruff voice, clearing his throat before looking back at the two warriors with him, "I have two cats who need to understand that their actions have consequences." After a moment his gaze left the two and returned to the entrance of the leaders' den.

[ Posting order is as follows: @Pluto! @Oceanflower @canineantics, myself ]

@Oceanflower @canineantics

Adderfang sat patiently, her ear flicked against the icy winds. She stared at Brindleflower, observing them

Buzzin' Bee January 26th, 2023 07:24 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Brindleflower silently sat, hoping she wouldn't squeak like a kitten in fear or anything. Her tail was neatly curled around her paws as she patiently waited for Pikestar too emerge from there den, maybe Adderfang and her wouldn't be in that much trouble? Well that's what Brindleflower hoped anyway.

[Me - @canineantics - @daenerys - @Pluto!

Captain January 27th, 2023 09:57 AM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
From within his den, the tall dark-furred leader heard the hoarse call of Otterfluff from outside, which made him immediately rise to his paws. He wasted no time stalking outside to be quickly greeted by the fluffy brown-furred tomcat and two RiverClan warriors, whom he soon recognized as Adderfang and Brindleflower. The large oriental longhair’s expression quickly turned from visible concern to outright anger, an irritable frown sliding onto his maw. “Well then?” He hissed, peering at both cats that Otterfluff had brought to him, “Clanmate got your tongue? Speak up! What the hell have you done?” Pikestar practically snapped the words in their faces, bushy tail lashing in a clearly annoyed manner. They did not even know what crime Adderfang and Brindleflower had committed, but they knew it was not going to be good in any type of way. Little by little, every day, his patience dwindled with his own clan and their idiotic actions costing reputation, herbs and sometimes lives. A low growl stirred in his throat as he waited for anycat to give him an answer.

[ Posting Order: @daenerys @Pluto! @Oceanflower ]

Estelle February 23rd, 2023 02:38 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

And now he was here.
The crack of dawn, and the first thing he got to do was send out punishments for the fools who didn't complete their patrol. It didn't happen too often, luckily, but Gingerfrost sure got irritated when it did. It was still leafbare, did they think prey grew on trees? Huffing, he stepped to the clearing's centre and raised his maw to call out the first victims:

"Firelight, Antlerstreak!
For whatever reason, neither of you bothered to complete your patrol. I no longer care what either of you have to say, you had your chance to explain.

Firelight [ @Beamheart ]. Get yourself together and hunt. Go wherever you want, but bring back at least three pieces of prey."

Honestly. Apprentice caught that or more all the time during their assessments, this shouldn't be too hard for someone who already passed it.

Anterstreak [ @Willowfern ]. Don't let this happen again. Especially with the ShadowClan border. Go back and thoroughly mark it. Don't let it seem like only one cat bothered to do their job. And try to hunt some while you're at it.
It should be doable, considering that was his original job. Hopefully it would get done this time. That being said, onto the feline who took the cake;

"Blackstone [ @Soldier ]! Get over here and explain to me why you didn't even bother to report back. Do you think prey grows on trees? Either give a good explanation or go now and bring back at least three pieces of prey."

Waiting for the dark feline, Gingerfrost turned towards the next one; he... Wasn't too keen on this one. Especially when Wormbite at least did his job and reported back, but he could hardly exempt him. Naturally however, the dark lord was privy to a less severe punishment - after all, did his job. He was only late.
"Wormbite [ @x ghostie ]! Head out and hunt some more again. Two will be enough."
It seemed appropriate enough. With that, he stepped back and awaited their departures.

[ Punishments are due Thursday, March 2nd 2023. You may request an extension before that date if necessary.

Each will be required to make a minimum of three posts.
One here accepting the punishment, One completing it and One reporting back here.

Hunters, make sure to drop of your prey on the prey pile before reporting!

Failure to complete your punishment may result in severer reprimanding ]

Willowfern February 23rd, 2023 02:50 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
Antlerstreak padded out of the Warrior’s den, not even caring to complain or argue it. He knew what he did. The only thing he would have been upset about was if he was still sleeping in the nursery with his kits and he’d had to wake them. Thankfully, he’d moved back to the Warrior’s den not two days ago.
He dipped his head respectfully to Gingerfrost, not averting his eyes or sniveling like an idiot. Again, he knew what he’d done to deserve this punishment, and he would right his mistake.
“Will do,” Antlerstreak meowed, raising his head and turning to head out of camp, “I’ll make sure the border absolutely reeks of RiverClan,” He tossed this remark over his shoulder as his tail disappeared around the exit.


Spartan-117 February 23rd, 2023 02:51 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Blackstone looks at Gingerfrost before the tom bows his head in a sign of respect. "I do not have an excuse. I will go and hunt three pieces of prey now. " he has nothing to explain, so he trots out of the camp and into the territory.

Beamheart February 23rd, 2023 08:06 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧ ̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙☼Firelight☼*̩̩ ̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧ ̍̊

Sure, Firelight was a little upset that she made a cat mad at her, but aside from that, getting a stern talking-to was fine—Firelight had enough self-esteem (ego, huge head, whatever) to not take it personally. The punishment wasn’t all that bad, either, since Firelight liked hunting anyway. “Yes, Gingerfrost,” she said before leaving the camp.


Spartan-117 February 24th, 2023 01:46 PM

Re: RiverClan Punishments

Blackstone returns from hunting and dropping the prey at the prey plie. He looks at Gingerfrost before he eyes the ground. He looks like a failure - becaus ehe knows he is.

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