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dino. May 9th, 2023 10:18 AM

ThunderClan Undercrag
Patrols and patrol punishments are called and reported from this shaded area at the base of the Stormcrest.
— — —

Failure to complete and/or report a patrol will result in the following punishments:

1st Failure: Demotion for 2 weeks and a repetition of their assigned patrol with at least one adult supervisor. Noncompletion will result in the demotion being extended to equal 1 month

2nd Failure: 2-week temporary exile requiring at least 3 posts in the Outskirts and a completed rejoining (Prison Escape Purrk nonapplicable)

3rd Failure: Permanent exile
1st Failure: Must complete an assigned chore supervised by an adult and report upon completion within 10 days. Noncompletion will result in a 1-week demotion

2nd Failure: Demotion for 1 month, and must complete an assigned and supervised task upon restoration of their rank. Noncompletion of the task will result in a 2-week temporary exile, requiring at least 3 posts in the Outskirts and a completed rejoining (Prison Escape Purrk nonapplicable)

3rd Failure: 1-month temporary exile, requiring at least 3 posts in the Outskirts and a completed rejoining (Prison Escape Purrk nonapplicable)

4th Failure: Permanent exile

SuspiciousMindz May 29th, 2023 03:46 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

@The Doctor @dino.

Sparrowpelt padded back towards the new and improved camp. His gaze was searching for Bumblebreak and when he spotted the she-cat, he didn't hesitate to pad up towards her, dropping a mouse on the kill pile along the way. He managed to catch something, unlike his partner that barely put in the work to call it a patrol. She did help mark, but not without complaining about it.

"Bumblebreak," the large tabby dipped his head in greeting before continuing. "Smallpines has been refreshed, no signs of any trespassers. I was able to bring back a mouse and will get more when more patrols go out," the warrior spoke calmly. He wasn't going to mention anything about Firestream, figuring he was doing the she-cat a favor with how they just interacted hours before.

Morrigan May 29th, 2023 04:25 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz (Post 1425367)

@The Doctor @dino.

Sparrowpelt padded back towards the new and improved camp. His gaze was searching for Bumblebreak and when he spotted the she-cat, he didn't hesitate to pad up towards her, dropping a mouse on the kill pile along the way. He managed to catch something, unlike his partner that barely put in the work to call it a patrol. She did help mark, but not without complaining about it.

"Bumblebreak," the large tabby dipped his head in greeting before continuing. "Smallpines has been refreshed, no signs of any trespassers. I was able to bring back a mouse and will get more when more patrols go out," the warrior spoke calmly. He wasn't going to mention anything about Firestream, figuring he was doing the she-cat a favor with how they just interacted hours before.


Firestream followed him completely calm as she sat slightly behind him "Yes ,yes what Sparrowpelt said it was quite luck that the mouse practically jumped into his paws" she mewed looking slightly bored but she still had to make an effort to report not that she wanted to and mabye she could win back the favour of Sparrowpelt since he seemed quite annoyed with her for some reason and it would be useful to have someone cover for you since not many cats appreciated her dramatic flare.

Radetzky May 30th, 2023 01:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Mothdapple padded up to Bumblebreak. "The Thunderglade has been patrolled by me and Asterdance. Everything seemed quiet at the border and we both made sure to mark the border thoroughly. I also managed to catch a squirrel after that" She reported to her. The molly was glad the patrol had gone so smooth.

[ @x ghostie ] [ @dino. ]

Starfall May 31st, 2023 02:00 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols


The Calico made his way out towards the Clearing. His legs were sore, especially his neck. It felt as though someone was holding a hot stone to it. Granted, it seemed as though Rosecrow or whatever her name was knew what she was doing still. He'd give her kudo's for that. The speed at which she patched him up left nothing to be desired, although he'd take the fix up without the sass next time.

That being said, they needed herbs, and he wasn't just sending out patrols and participating in patrols because she said so. He followed his own rules.

"Alright, we need more herbs. Last one's to go get some were me, n Gentledoe." he hummed to himself. He paused, lookin around for some feasible, able lookin Felines.

"If I call your name or close enough to yer name , you're on a patrol. Y'all best report back with herbs, I don't want to hear any sob story about how you couldn't find anything. I don't care." he said.

" Whitebird ( @~WallyDarling~ ) , you'll be taking Wolfpaw ( @naiad ) aaanndd hmm , Shimmerbreath ( @xavier. ) . Go out to Sunkissed Creek, I'm sure by now there's some sort of herbs there. Look for Cobwebs and maybe some Poppy's out there. Don't think we could ever have too much of those."
[Cobwebs + Poppy's]

" Maplebrook, no...was itt Maplebloom? Eitherway, ( @Silvershadow13 ) you can taaakkkeee, hmm. Houndloud ( @Solar ) , and Sandpaw ( @Nixey ). You lot can head to Wisteria Falls. Find , hmm, well maybe find some of that Yellow Flower...what's it called she just used it on me... oh. Marigold , Marigold and how about some Moss so we can start getting fresh bedding around in here."
[Marigold + Moss]

And finally, the last patrol. Eyes catching onto a familiar pelt...well more so two. Truth be told...maybe he shouldn't have been the one putting the patrols together, other than the Apprentice names he knew no one else's names. He wasn't butchering them on purpose...he just...couldn't remember.

"Asterdance ( @x ghostie ) you'll take our newest in season Leader Bumblebutt ( @dino. ) and Goldenpaw ( @Quasar ) to Firefly Cove. Keep an eye on the other grownup of your party." a pause as he did nothing more than Stare at Bumblebreak. "I remember hearin somethin about Honey. Maybe if y'all could try n find some, we can use it as bribery for the kits to cool off n give the Queens and other Warriors a break. Last thing we need is some idiots overworkin themselves. I dunno what it does in terms of healin, but doesn't hurt to have it. Some Honey and Berries. Y'all know what Deathberries look like, so avoid em. Other than that, bring back any other berries y'all think could be helpful. Of course Rosesparrow or whatever will be lookin at em all."
[Honey + Juniper? Berries (other than death I beg bls) ]

With that, the Calico twitched his ears...only to realize, oh, he didn't put himself on a patrol. Ah, he couldn't back down now, that would be too awkward, just tacking himself onto one seemingly last minute. It would be last minute. So, he simply coughed, yes, it was planned like this 100%.

"I...well. The last two times I went out, I watched our Medicine Cat drown in dirt...and the other time I almost saw those Ancestors y'all talk about. So I guess I'll keep my bad luck centralized here.

If you don't know what any of those herbs I just mentioned look like...first of all go see Rosemagpie and have her give you a crash course because those are all important to know about. Secondly, just grab. If all else fails, just bring back things that look passable, we'll both weed out the good n bad. Best to bring something that was grabbed with your best effort, than to come back empty pawed."

"I don't want no dilly dallyin, grab stuff, come back. Anythin and everythin is useful. Push come to shove I'll just grab Roserobin an' drag em out to the territory to find stuff."

  • Only 1 patrol member needs to report. Preferably the assigned patrol leaders (The first Characters Named for each Patrol )
  • Another patrol member must post in the Herb Storage (using the format provided within said thread)
  • Keep in mind cats can only carry 5 things at a time! uwu
  • Mention me once the Patrols are finished up, and you're having your character report the findings! (Report back in this thread)
  • I would suggest against reporting in late. Spider won't be a happy camper.

JusticeRabbit May 31st, 2023 08:39 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
(omg whitebird-)
She perked up at... Seemingly her name. Starclan, why did he call her whitebird? "uhm, sir? My names... Whitecardinal?" she said, wincing slightly. Why did she say that? She flicked her ear and stood. She had never met this... Wolfpawx but shimmerbreak? She could have sworn she had met him. She stretched, standing, before finding her patrolmates. "shimmerbreak!" she called quickly finding it. She flicked her tail, motioning for them to come closer. "and wolfpaw?" she called, searching for the apprentice. She then called the two cats over. "we're heading down to sunkissed creek. Watch for poppy and cobweb. If youre not entirely sure what either looks like, feel free to ask!" she said, grinning widely, before slowly leaving the camp slowly.

( wolfpaw @naiad, Shimmerbreak @xavier. )

Silvershadow13 May 31st, 2023 10:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
@Solar @Nixey


When she heard her name called, well kinda called, the calico molly approached, an herb patrol, finally a way to stretch her legs. Bounding over Marigold and Moss two very simple tasks that wouldn't be all too hard to complete, Sandpaw and Houndloud? It wasn't hard to guess Spiderthroat had made a mistake, but it was possible he didn't. Calling out for her patrolmates, she awaited their arrival.

xavier. May 31st, 2023 10:51 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
• × | Shimmerbeak | × •

Shimmerbeak was sitting in the sitting in the clearing grooming their fur making sure there wasn't any moss and such stuck to it. Shimmerbeak stared at their paw for a second to make sure it was clean enough, that's when they heard.. Their name?? At least it thought it was their name being called? Shimmerbreath? Shimmerbeak shook its head as they stood up and walked over to Whitecardinal before giving a glance at Spiderthroat.


The cat corrected before looking back at the she-cat and nodded. Shimmerbeak started to watch Whitecardinal start to leave.

"Shouldn't we wait for the apprentice?"

| @~WallyDarling~ - Whitecardinal; @naiad - Wolfpaw; Blehh Wally, Shimmerbeak uses only They/it pronouns!! /nm /info |

Nixey June 1st, 2023 11:02 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Thunderclan Apprentice | he/him
Peeking his head up from where he had rested, Sandpaw quickly made his way over towards where the patrols were gathering. He didn’t know either of these cats, so they might be a little difficult to locate. With a flick of his tail, he scanned the crowd for the two before his eyes landed on the one that was calling out for him. Hm, he supposed that was who it was.

Heading over towards who he assumed to be the leader of the patrol, Sandpaw offered a relatively nervous smile before waiting for the other cat to join them.

@Silvershadow13 | @Solar

stag June 2nd, 2023 03:08 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
They/Them | Thunderclan Warrior

Houndchaser was the last cat of their patrol to join the group. They sighed, patrol leader? HA! They didn’t care, as if they weren’t capable of doing this themself. With their clearly short temper failing them, they spoke. “Sandpaw! Maplebloom! Let’s get going, now! I don’t have all day, we grab and go like Spiderthroat instructed!” With those few words Houndchaser left the camp. Pawsteps heavy on the ground as they made the hike to Wisteria Falls. This was going to be hell, especially to locate a damn thing of moss?! Like what?!?

[ This patrols next post should be At Wisteria Falls if you all are chill with that! ]

@Silvershadow13 @Nixey

Quasar June 3rd, 2023 12:41 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Goldenpaw | he/him | @dino. @x ghostie short post, sorryyyyy

Goldenpaw padded over to where Spiderthrost was calling names, peering around for Asterdance and Bumblestar.

beau June 3rd, 2023 04:59 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Yikes! Was his patrol leaving already?? Wolfpaw caught sight of them at the entrance just moments after he arrived at the patrol place, and he hurried over to join them. “Sorry,” he said with a dip of his head.

[ @xavier. @~WallyDarling~ ]

Starfall June 3rd, 2023 10:30 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

@x ghostie ; @Quasar ; @dino.

The Calico squinted as he saw only the apprentice from that last patrol pop up. "Maybe I'll make ya the patrol leader." he hummed in consideration as he looked down at Goldenpaw. Where was...oh. Hold on.

The Warrior picked himself up, along with a clump of moss, and looked around, hoping to spot his sibling. Once he found his target, the tom reeled his front leg back and hucked the moss ball as hard as he could. Watching it with amusement as it hopefully bounced off the back of his siblings head.

Whether it hit or not, hopefully they would be confused and look around. So Spiderthroat wasted no time. Mouthing excessively, he loudly whispered "You. Herb patrol. Firefly Cove."

dino. June 3rd, 2023 10:39 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
"I'm right here. Sorry, had to fix something." There had been a stray stick poking out of the far camp wall, low enough to jab some poor kit and take their eye out of they weren't being careful about watching where they were running. She couldn't just leave that be.

Bumblestar padded over next to Goldenpaw to nudge her apprentice with one shoulder. "Ready to go find some herbs?"

[ @Quasar @x ghostie ]

wolfie June 4th, 2023 11:35 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
「❀」 THE MENACE 「❀」
they | them ✿ fluffy brown cat with darker brown flecks and a stubbed tail; orange eyes ✿
ೃ⁀➷ @Starfall @Dino @Quasar

Asterdance was lost in a daydream. They were guarding the camp entrance, but they could only sit still for so long until.. their thoughts wandered. Which meant feeling a mossball hit against the back of their head was enough to have them whirling on their paws, jaw agape. "RUDEE?!" Asterdance was gasping, before they realized who was the culprit. "You're why I suck at manners, " They teased with amusement, padding towards Spiderthroat. Herb patrol!

"What kinda herbs? You know - I'll just uhh, " Who the heck were their patrol mates? This was fine. Asterdance shrugged their shoulders and cue the mystery. It didn't take them long to actually find Goldenpaw and Bumblebreak - everyone else with three cats had left. Which meant they were waitin' for someone, and probably them.

"Yo!" Asterdance mewed, "let's get a move on. Y'all mind filling me in on what we're looking for while we walk, though?"

Quasar June 5th, 2023 08:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Goldenpaw | he/him | @x ghostie @dino. Next post can be at firefly cove

"Finally" he groaned as both Asterdance and Bumblestar joined him, "I was about to just leave on my own." he was already heading towards the camp exit as he spoke, expecting that both would soon begin setting off as well. "We're supposed to look for hiney and berries" he added, looking at Asterdance so they would be able to read his lips.

carmen June 7th, 2023 09:01 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Coming back from Mossy Den, she turned to nod at Bumblebreak-star. "All was well, no strange scents. Did find some herbs though, so I'll drop those with Roseraven". Not Spiderthroat. She didn't trust that guy. What had possessed the leader to place him in charge when he continuously went missing only to appear and cause trouble and drop again, she'd never know, but it had meant that perhaps the only bit of respect she had left after Cinderpaw was dwindling.

wasn't sure where to report it :sob: //

stag June 8th, 2023 11:34 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
They/Them | Thunderclan Warrior

Patrol Total: 8 Marigold and 7 Moss

Padding swiftly back to camp, Houndchaser enters the clearing. Spiderthroat…spotting the calico tomcat was easy enough as they padded up to him. They placed down their herbs gently before speaking. “Sandpaw! Maplebloom! Go place those in herb storage while I report, thank you both!” Houndchaser nodded towards them before turning to Spiderthroat.”Our patrol was easy enough, everyone came to Wisteria falls and we got quite the haul, Eight marigold and Seven Moss in total.

@Nixey @Silvershadow13 @Starfall

beau June 10th, 2023 10:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
“Uhh, Mr. Spider..man?” Wolfpaw called as he returned to where his patrol was called; his words were a bit muffled by the stick he used to collect the cobwebs, so he dropped it to the ground. “I’m not sure where the warriors went - vanished out on the territory or.. something. I found some cobwebs on my way back.”

[ @Starfall ]

wolfie June 10th, 2023 10:37 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
「❀」 THE MENACE 「❀」
they | them ✿ fluffy brown cat with darker brown flecks and a stubbed tail; orange eyes ✿
ೃ⁀➷ @Starfall

By the time they had reached camp, Asterdance felt completely dead on their paws. They shooed Bumblestar and Goldenpaw to deliver the herbs that had been collected, carrying their own berries in their mouth. Primarily, holding onto their leafy stems rather than the berries themselves. Unaware of how close death lurked around the corner. The bobtail made a beeline to their brother, a clear look of dismay on their face. Asterdance dropped the two red berries and blueberries at Spiderthroat's paws.

"Bees. Bees, man. " They panted, feeling a bit lightheaded. "Complete assholes. I am tellin' you, I mean - they are just plain up RUDE! And, wah, " They shook their head back and forth. "Pesty little fellas, never again, I say, never again!!! But uhm, I did get the stuff.. I think? I relied on what Goldie said, berries and... somethin' about rears. I did not collect any rears, got some berries though!" Asterdance chirped, they figured this had been pretty successful.

"Miss Bumble got five of the blue ones, so I got three, but I found these weird red lookin' ones and grabbed them 'cuz, berries. Goldie also got somee.. honey, hence the bees. I don't think it was worth it, just between me and you. "
[ +2 deathberries +3 juniper berries ]

dino. June 10th, 2023 11:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
these are very late and i do apologize!! keepin it short


Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz (Post 1425367)

@The Doctor @dino.

Sparrowpelt padded back towards the new and improved camp. His gaze was searching for Bumblebreak and when he spotted the she-cat, he didn't hesitate to pad up towards her, dropping a mouse on the kill pile along the way. He managed to catch something, unlike his partner that barely put in the work to call it a patrol. She did help mark, but not without complaining about it.

"Bumblebreak," the large tabby dipped his head in greeting before continuing. "Smallpines has been refreshed, no signs of any trespassers. I was able to bring back a mouse and will get more when more patrols go out," the warrior spoke calmly. He wasn't going to mention anything about Firestream, figuring he was doing the she-cat a favor with how they just interacted hours before.


Originally Posted by The Doctor (Post 1425375)
Firestream followed him completely calm as she sat slightly behind him "Yes ,yes what Sparrowpelt said it was quite luck that the mouse practically jumped into his paws" she mewed looking slightly bored but she still had to make an effort to report not that she wanted to and mabye she could win back the favour of Sparrowpelt since he seemed quite annoyed with her for some reason and it would be useful to have someone cover for you since not many cats appreciated her dramatic flare.

Her gaze swept over the two as they approached, and she exhaled quietly. "It's better than nothing. Thanks, you two."


Originally Posted by Radetzky (Post 1425803)

Mothdapple padded up to Bumblebreak. "The Thunderglade has been patrolled by me and Asterdance. Everything seemed quiet at the border and we both made sure to mark the border thoroughly. I also managed to catch a squirrel after that" She reported to her. The molly was glad the patrol had gone so smooth.

[ @x ghostie ] [ @dino. ]

At Mothdapple's report, she gave theother she-cat a curt nod. "Good to know. Thanks, Mothdapple."

Starfall June 11th, 2023 12:56 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

@Aries ; @naiad ; @x ghostie

The Calico lifted his head as the Loud one came back first, quirking a brow as he gave the rundown. "Perfect thank you. I dunno how Rosecrow wants the den right now, and I aint sure how the next Med Cats'll want it but just stash them in there, and they'll fiddle with em as they please." he hummed out, dipping his head.

His gaze than drifted down to an Apprentice. Seemed as though their current batch of warriors truly were just a lost cause. But it was a good thing the Apprentices were trying their best. "That's aight kid. Go ahead and drop em off. I'll give those two an earful. Seems as though you're the only one who knows what to do." a snort. What even was a man?

Than, finally, ah good after a late start his sibling's group managed to quickly grab some stuff. It felt as though the moment the younger stepped into camp they were blabbering. There was a day where he missed the blabbering, where the noise was music to his ears. Today was not that day, and the sunlight was loud. "Asterdance." a pause as he assesed what exactly was going on, and what exactly his sibling was holding. A long, very long, drawn out sigh came from the Warrior. "Put, the berries , down." he stated, making sure he was making the correct motions. "Those. Will kill you if you eat them. The 'weird' red lookin ones." he explained. "For the love, of all things you lot believe in, tell me you didn't eat any of those weird red berries." he'd just make the younger puke, at this point. If he consumed them, best to empty them.

alkaline June 16th, 2023 12:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
[DUE JUNE 26th. reminders will be sent three days before [june 23rd] the due date. vm me: within three days after this post if your cat needs to be replaced; if you need to be removed for patrols or if you want to be put on them; for an extension up to three days after patrol is due. I'm gonna be pretty lenient with these dates as I'll be a bit busy this upcoming week, just don't hesitate to reach out if there's an issue :heartbounce:]
Alderstep stepped out of the warrior's den as the sun rose. Being deputy came with new duties, and one of those was sending out patrols. Looking up at the hazy morning sky as he trotted to the patrol place, he decided that now was as great a time as ever for patrols. Some cats could complain about how early it was, but he couldn't care less. Prey would be waking up and making themselves known as they searched for their first meal of the day. It was best to take advantage of that, and it would be good to refresh the border markers early in the day. That way, if the other clans sent cats to the borders, they'd know that ThunderClan was present as ever.

The tom quickly groomed himself as he brainstormed what cats he'd send out to patrol and where they'd go.

"Woohoo patrols," he muttered sarcastically to himself, clearing his throat. "Sootfur [ @Wingnettle ], take Mushroomquiver [ @marshall ] and Dragonflycliff [ @Dabi ] to the ShadowClan border. Do not start any trouble."
[optional prompt: along the border is a fallen bird's nest, empty and bereft of any prey-scent. how did it get there?]

"Wildtwist [ @Bean_The_Voyager ], take Foxflurry [ @carmen ] and Spiderfoot [ @Akira ] to the RiverClan border. There shouldn't be much to worry about; those fishbreaths haven't done much lately, but keep your paws tucked in anyways.
[optional prompt: there's a hooting sound that frighteningly sounds like an owl's. turns out, it's the coo of a mourning dove. how silly!]

"Pumpkinpatch [ @Kay~ ], take Mudhound [ @Rani ] and Pebblepaw [ @Poprock ] to the WindClan border. Again, don't create conflict ThunderClan can't afford right now.
[optional prompt: suspiciously, there's a pinecone at the border, despite there being no pine trees nearby. there isn't even a single cat scent on the pinecone, so where did it come from? the universe works in silly ways.]

"Thunderblaze [ @Queen_Coral ], take Roseraven [ @Shade. ] and Sorreldust [ @Abyssopelagic ] hunting within the territory. I expect good catchings from you all.
[optional prompt: summer mornings mean crickets' songs, and these little bugs are being very loud this morning. it's kind of...annoying, especially when one can never find them.]

"Sparrowpelt [ @SuspiciousMindz ], take Mothdapple [ @Radetzky ] and Flameheart [ @SpiritedWarrior ] to Firefly Cove to hunt. Oh, and don't get your paws stuck anywhere," Alderstep added sarcastically with a knowing glance at Sparrowpelt.
[optional prompt: geese! geese everywhere! there's a whole flock of geese enjoying the cove's water and meadow this morning.]

"Bumblestar [ @dino. ], you'll be taking Softsky [ @WinterMara ] and Mallowheart [ @Loveless.Fawn ] hunting at Giant's Rest.
[optional prompt: the birds are being little pests, hiding up in the trees singing their tantalizing songs. if only one could climb up there...oh, wait, that's right: these are thunderclan cats!]

"Happy patrolling, ThunderClan."

With that, the deputy sat down and waited for the cats to ship out. He'd have led a patrol himself if it weren't for the pain in his leg. He had landed from a jump oddly while out training Treepaw to climb and probably had strained it. Alderstep had no intentions of slowing down a patrol, so he'd sit this one out. Next time, though.

Abyssopelagic June 16th, 2023 02:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Sorreldust padded up to Alderstep, waiting for Thunderblaze and Roseraven.
Her movements were more sluggish than usual, a heavy feeling constantly plaguing her and making her want to sleep, but it was time for her to go on patrol.
It would hopefully go more smoothly than her getting out of her nest had been.
At this point, there was no doubting it, she was pregnant. She had to be. It was the only explanation for the symptoms she'd been having lately. It was.... I'll timed, to say the least.

[ @Queen_Coral ; @Shade. ]

iliri June 16th, 2023 03:37 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

[ Due by: JUNE 26TH; reminders will be sent three days before herb patrols are due [june 23rd]. VM me within three days after this post if your cat needs to be replaced; I’ll give an extension up to three days after patrol is due. If you need to be removed for patrols or if you want to be put on them; I’ll give an extension up to three days after patrol is due. I’ll be going camping here in a couple of weeks so I’ll not be so lenient about due dates in case they need to be extended! :heartbounce:]

• Springpaw •

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear


First time sending out herb patrols. How fun. Springpaw let loose a small sigh as she exited the medicine den, shaking out any loose fur as she approached the clearing. It’s probably about time she sent out a couple of herb patrols at most. They were a heavy requirement for the clan, anyways. If she recalled, the herb storage had some herbs that definitely needed some restocking and she was more pleased[rather anxious than pleased] than ever to try to find some of those specific herbs in the places she wanted cats to go to. With a deep, shaky inhale and hesitant swipe of her tongue, Springpaw began to speak loud and clear[one of the things that she is most definitely horrible at]. “Okay, I need to send out a couple of herb patrols as there are herbs in the herb storage that are low. I don’t want to tolerate any cats that don’t want to bother to do any of these patrols and just sit around all day. These herbs are a necessity to the clan and unless you don’t want any healing done, I suggest you get right to it.” Wow, she never sounded that confident before. Springpaw couldn’t help but feel a little pleased about it. Not that it was a bad thing, of course.

”Lioncrest[ @Jayvines ], please take Bluebellsong[ @Nixey ] to Sunkissed Creek and look right around for some sticks and maybe if you are lucky, find some poppy flowers as well.” That wasn’t so hard now, was it? Now she just needed to send off another, and maybe have more luck with sending this one of as well? She was only sending off herb patrols based off her knowledge.
[ sticks | poppy flowers ]

“Lastly, Harefire[ @~LeafRabbit~ ], take Galebird[ @Spotty ] and Cavecrash[ @Eri ] to Firefly Cove for in search of cobwebs. We don’t really have much cobwebs, so we could really use them.” Springpaw flashed the specific warriors that she called a quick look, hoping that they’ll get her message. That was around much of her herbal knowledge that she knew anyways, and she hoped that it would be enough for them to know what they needed.
[ cobwebs ]

“Now, go out and find these herbs. They could be well hidden or even just visible in plain sight. You’ll probably have to dig around for them as well, but hopefully that won’t be the case. Enjoy your herb searching.” she called them off with a simple whisk of her white-tipped tail, placing herself down on her haunches as she awaited for the cats that she called out to start heading out.


dino. June 16th, 2023 06:36 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
[ short post i just woke up and am still eepy ]

Oh, well. There was a nice surprise. Bumblestar lifted her head as Alderstep called her name, adding her to the roster of patrols. At least he wasn't afraid to order her around; she was worried she'd scared him half to death.

She leaned in to flick her tail across his shoulder as she passed him and took a seat to wait for the others.

[ @WinterMara @Loveless.Fawn ]

MockingRabbit June 16th, 2023 07:48 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
@Spotty - @Eri
Harefire hopped up and made his way to the camp entrance. He hoped that his patrol mates would quickly follow suit. Burnet and cobwebs. He had no idea what burnet did, but cobwebs were common enough that he did.

Dakotaa June 16th, 2023 08:11 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

A Beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with Green eyes.

———— @WinterMara @dino.
MallowHeart makes her way over… Okay… BumbleStar…? Maybe the two could finally begin to trust each other… She’d also be going with SoftSky, who she wasn’t too familiar with… An idea struck her, however… “Good morning… I had an idea of maybe bringing an apprentice along with us, just to give them some training…?” Maybe a bit ambitious, but nevertheless was worth a try. Some of the ThunderClan apprentices have been apprentices for way too long… She just wanted to throw out a chance for everyone to succeed.

(Lol same as Dino!)

carmen June 16th, 2023 08:58 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Oh, yay, patrols. And she'd been placed on one. Great. Wonderful. Splendid. She looked around for the other two, sitting down as she awaited their arrival. Spiderfoot and Wildtwist. Spiderfoot and Wildtwist. Neither of their names stuck out to her, but then again, she hadn't really been paying attention to the going ons of ThunderClan, barely recognized Alderstep becoming deputy. Honestly, she was surprised. Flameheart had the strongest claim out of any, but she didn't mind much. Bumblestar probably wanted someone she could trust as head keeper.

[ @Bean_The_Voyager ; @Akira ]

Bean June 16th, 2023 10:25 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
[So sorry, I don’t have my computer at the moment]

//Demiboy\\//ThC Warrior\\

The chimera tomcat was laying in the clearing as Alderstep started assigning patrols. He yawned and got up. Might as well see if he was going on one. He padded over and listened for his name. Soon, he heard his name. And he was leading a patrol. Great, he had to make sure these cats completed the patrol, but so did he. As the deputy went on, he heard the names of his patrolmates, and that he was patrolling the RiverClan border. He just hoped that those fish-breaths didn’t start anything. Foxflurry and Spiderfoot. Those names didn’t really stand out to him, but hey, it’s not his job to name every cat in the clan.

They padded on over to where one of their patrolmates was standing. He dipped his head to Foxflurry before speaking.”Hello, Foxflurry,” they said in greeting. They turned around to see if they could find Spiderfoot. He just wanted to get this over with

[ @carmen @Akira ]

WinterMara June 16th, 2023 12:20 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
| Softsky of Thunderclan | @Dino @Loveless.Fawn [I feel no shame in leaving my post short then because I also just woke up lol]

Softsky came out tiredly begrudgingly, but still managed to give a smile to her patrolmates. "Hm, I'd rather leave that one up to Bumblestar, she is the patrol leader after all."

Radetzky June 16th, 2023 07:02 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

The she-cat sat down with her tail wrapped around her paws, waiting for the rest of her patrol.

[ @SuspiciousMindz - Sparrowpelt ] [ @magpie. - Hawkshade ]

Kaybug. June 16th, 2023 07:56 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
- @Rani - @Poprock

Pumpkinpatch waited for the two members of her patrol so they could go to the Windclan border.

Rani June 16th, 2023 10:01 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Ooooooh! Patrols! This was cool!

Mudhound came bounding over at the call, tail wagging behind them as they beamed at Alderstep probably a tad to excited for what was essentially a chore. Didnt matter though they knew how border patrols worked! You go to the place, check things out, fight issues that came up to protect the clan and make the border smell like you and so your clan! Mudhound knew this part of clan life! Now was windclan the ones that they were on bad terms with or not and what was their deal again? .....Yeah there was one of the gaps in the tripods previously rogue knowledge.

....... Oh well! They'd pick it up on the way!

With a happy mrrp Mudhound spotted Pumpkinpatch and bounded over happily trotting in circles while they waited for the apprentice. Happy to wait until the patrol lead started talking to begin their deluge of chattering.

@Kay~ @Poprock

Akira June 17th, 2023 09:09 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
Spiderfoot was chosen for a patrol? Really? And he was headed to the RiverClan border. Huh. He didn't go there too often, but couldn't be too much trouble, right? The mottled dark brown tom looked around for Foxflurry and Wildtwist (he didn't know them too well) before spotting them and jogging over.

"Hello," he said, nodding to greet the two warriors. With these two, the patrol should be relatively easy to complete, right? And quick, too. Good.

@carmen @Bean_The_Voyager

Jayvines June 17th, 2023 01:40 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Golden ears perked up as his name was called by Thunderclan's newly appointed medicine cat apprentice for... A herb patrol? A small crease formed on his brow as he padded over and listened to the herbs that Springpaw sought.

Sticks were easy enough. He could easily chomp some to size without too much effort. Poppys would be... Slightly tougher. He knew they were... Red, right? Oh, he hated having a blind spot in his knowledge...

"Could you... Describe exactly what a poppy flower looks like Springpaw?" he queried, voice rumbling as he glanced around for his patrol partner. "I don't believe I've had need to collect those before."

[ @Nixey @ares ]

Poprock June 17th, 2023 07:57 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
@Kay~ @Rani
PEBBLEPAW WAS LATE! She sprinted across the clearing at lightning speed - hoping her patrol hadn't already left without her.
"I'm here!" The apprentice called, heaving in a huge breath of air as she skidded to a halt. She wouldn't tell the warriors what she had been doing that caused her to be so late (she was in a fierce battle with a scary spider that had made its way into her nest)... but it was important!

Shade. June 18th, 2023 06:50 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Abyssopelagic (Post 1433993)
Sorreldust padded up to Alderstep, waiting for Thunderblaze and Roseraven.
Her movements were more sluggish than usual, a heavy feeling constantly plaguing her and making her want to sleep, but it was time for her to go on patrol.
It would hopefully go more smoothly than her getting out of her nest had been.

[ @Queen_Coral ; @Shade. ]


Roseraven joined her patrol. It would be good for her to practice her hunting, since she never did have that much experience with it.

SpiritWolf_yt June 18th, 2023 08:31 AM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Abyssopelagic (Post 1433993)
Sorreldust padded up to Alderstep, waiting for Thunderblaze and Roseraven.
Her movements were more sluggish than usual, a heavy feeling constantly plaguing her and making her want to sleep, but it was time for her to go on patrol.
It would hopefully go more smoothly than her getting out of her nest had been.

[ @Queen_Coral ; @Shade. ]


Originally Posted by Shade. (Post 1434642)

Roseraven joined her patrol. It would be good for her to practice her hunting, since she never did have that much experience with it.

Thunder blaze listened to the patrol assignment. His tail flicked as he got up and approached the former med cat and current warrior" let us begin our patrol" he said before turning off to the camp exit

marshy June 18th, 2023 08:19 PM

Re: ThunderClan Patrols
➵ mushroomquiver ☄. *. ⋆
// ➵ @Wingnettle @Dabi

mushroomquiver jolted his head up as he was called for a patrol. damn it rose in his mind as he got up from sleeping and brought himself over. doing the usual was getting harder and harder day by day, even larchflame didn't really motivate him all too much nowadays. it was whatever, he sat and waited for the rest of his patrol.

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