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Ian May 25th, 2023 12:51 PM

WindClan Apprentices' Den
The apprentice den is right across from the nursery on the right. The entrance leads to a dug out space beneath a large, prickly gorse bush which keeps out the breeze.

bubble[error]. June 1st, 2023 08:19 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

{ Open }

Tigerpaw limped into the new apprentice den. She was tired after everything that had happened. Everything was really hard on her and she just wanted to rest. She plopped down in a nest and closed her eyes.

Small June 6th, 2023 01:52 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Smallpaw was flinching in the apprentices den, trying not to stand up- as the moss even hurt his burns. Between seconds he had a coughing spree, but trying to inhale some of them to not be a burden to his fellow apprentices.
Smallpaw's eyelid was starting to get infected, it was full of bacteria and it burned.
burned as if it was sinking through his eyelid right into his eye.
He felt as if his eye might fall of, he looked desperately around, he saw some asleep apprentices, some minding their business, and some who he felt their gaze burn into his fur. He tried to fall asleep, but if he closed his eyes- then the only thing he could see where the dancing colors, and how they were tauntingly coming closer to him by the second, burning his pelt of for it to be patchy.
@Alchemist Kitsune

Alchemist Kitsune June 6th, 2023 05:52 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
| Lightningpaw |

Lightningpaw's trust in the burnet doing its job was beginning to fade. Milkpaw's cough was persistent, and his breathing didn't seem to be getting any better no matter how much she upped the dosage. At her wits end, the medicine cat apprentice decided to take a step back and look at it from a different perspective. Perhaps it was an infection? She could ask him if he was in pain while it hurt? Would dandelions help in that regard? Actively eating them? She had never seen Cowtuft use dandelions as an ingested medication... perhaps she should ask her mentor about it, just to be sure. Last thing she needed was to accidentally poison the cream tom with a reckless decision. It wasn't her life on the line here, after all!

Paws restless as they were, the lithe calico left her den, her paws automatically walking towards the apprentices' den in turn. Hmm... she seemed to have been thinking about the green eyed apprentice so much her feet had decided to take her to his sleeping quarters. Well... now that she was here, she supposed she might as well check up on him. If nothing else, he was always rather nice to talk to. Mind made up, Lightningpaw rushed in, her nose wrinkling as soon as she placed her first paw in.

Infection. Lightningpaw was familiar with its scent. It had tortured her. Taunted her in her nightmares for so long now. What had she been? Two moons old? One moon... maybe. She always had a penchant for getting into trouble. Her nose getting stuck where it didn't belong. That's why she had been in the warriors' den that day. With Featherfoot... covering the stench that reeked so similarly to this.

Heartbeat accelerating, Lightningpaw struggled momentarily, thinking her nightmares had somehow followed her here. To the waking world. Except... she was certain that could not be the case. Which meant... someone else was doing the same thing. Someone was repeating history. Allowing themselves to remain wounded with injuries that festered and ate away at their health until there was nothing but an empty husk left. No. She would not allow it. It was strictly forbidden. No one else would die a lonely, aching death over being too bloody stubborn to go see Cowtuft at the medicine cats' den. Not on her watch!

Following her nose, the abyssinian mix soon found the culprit. An aptly named small calico tom she wasn't very familiar with but could easily recognized by face and name. Smallpaw. And he was... not looking very well. Not looking very well at all! Why would he do this?! He must be miserable! Surely he could tell that there was something wrong with him? You didn't need training to smell that infection! And nobody had come forward to help?! Again! Noses had to be more clogged up with smoke than she thought. Either that or these apprentices seriously needed to get their heads out of their arses!

Bristling with a mixture of trepidation and anger, Lightningpaw swiftly made her way towards Smallpaw's side, sniffing him over before speaking. "You and I are going to have words later, but first... can you move, or do I need to bring Cowtuft here? You need help, now!" Despite the harsh bluntness of her words, her voice was dripping with worry, almond shaped eyes carefully taking in every aspect of the apprentice's wounds. Committing them to memory, trying to start a plan of treatments in her mind with what precious, small amount of herbs they had.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @Small [Smallpaw]
| Mentioning you here, ghostie, so you can see what is going on! Lightning will be getting Small to Cow or Cow to Small in the next post. :heartbounce: |

Small June 7th, 2023 01:34 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
The small he had his eyes closed till he heard a familair voice and scent wash over him in the apprentices den. He opened his eyes to see the medicine cat's apprentice standing infront of him, worry and anger in their eyes. They immediatly began that they would have a word with him, and even though he didn't agree with speaking with any particular cat-he couldn't help but agree that he needed help, he wanted to say something within a: "thank you," but the only thing that came out was a small whisper that said:" Thank, " He was suprised about how he- for a big-mouth- couldn't even speak right. Instead Smallpaw just nodded and closed their eyes for a second once again.

Alchemist Kitsune June 7th, 2023 03:50 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
| Lightningpaw |

Almond shaped eyes widened with fear as Smallpaw attempted to speak, little more than a soft thanks escaping him before he closed his eyes. Was... was he... dead? In a second, Lightningpaw rushed her ear to his nose, listening for any signs of breathing on the tiny apprentice. Not dead. Unconscious. Or too weak to move. Neither a good option.

A tsk of irritation escaped the medicine cat apprentice, furious at herself for not having seen this sooner, at the apprentices around them for just sitting and letting this get so far, and at his mentor. Who was Smallpaw's mentor? Cowtuft would never have let her be in such a condition! Leechscar for all he grumbled would not have either! This was beyond neglect! Had no one checked up on this hare brain since the fire?! Well... she wasn't them. And she wasn't leaving anyone behind. Not again!

"Don't go faintin' on me, Smalls. Come on, we are getting you to Cowtuft," she mewed briskly, more to herself than the long furred calico before her.

Jaw set with determination, she assessed the tom's petite size. Lightningpaw herself was no giant. She was well aware she was on the smaller side when compared to other apprentices her age, but it wasn't by all that much! Smallpaw, on the other paw, was certainly tinier than her, and as ill as he was, not the best fed at the moment. Horrid as it was, it helped her make easier work of this. Casting a glare at the nests surrounding Smallpaw's, she dipped her head, grasping the apprentice by his scruff as she began to awkwardly place him on his back.

It was an ordeal. The lithe calico was not made for this sort of brutish work. She didn't have the strength for such things! Adrenaline was a wonderful boost for her lacking attributes, however, and with ample motivation, she managed to get the weakened apprentice onto her back. The scent of infection on her reeked, and she could feel her legs trembling, horrified, expecting the nightmarish terrors that had plagued her dreams to materialize before her at any minute, their fetid breath on her ears. No such thing occurred, of course, and with a shake of her head, the young apprentice rushed out of the apprentices' den, heading towards the safety of her own while praying to StarClan for Cowtuft to be home.


@x ghostie [Cowtuft] | @Small [Smallpaw]
| Not sure if you want to have Cowtuft react to Lightning arriving before I get my next post out, but I will be having a Lightning post arriving towards the medicine cat's den after this one later tonight if I can find the time. |

Radetzky June 17th, 2023 07:14 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Hawksprint entered the apprentice's den, green eyes searching for Cedarpaw. He spotted her and padded over, sitting down in front of her. "Good morning, Cedarpaw" He greeted the molly with a friendly smile. "Slept well? You'll start your training today so I hope you're well rested" Of course, today wouldn't be all that draining, he'd just go over the basics with her.

[ @Froggy ]

Spookez. June 17th, 2023 07:47 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Cedarpaw blinked away her sleep. "Oh hey Hawksprint." She mumbled. She looked tired. "Training? Already?" Annoyance rang in her voice. "I'm totally well rested. " In fact, she hadn't gotten over an hour of sleep. This was going to be an amazing day.

@Radetzky (Ur pfp reminds me of the show I'm currently watching. Catra is my least fav character, god she so rude xd )

Radetzky June 17th, 2023 07:09 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Hawksprint chuckled at the reply from Cedarpaw. She looked anything but well rested. "Well rested, huh? And mice can fly" He joked, letting out a lighthearted laugh. "Don't worry, we won't be doing anything too draining today" He assured her. No need to tire her out to much on her first ever real training. The brown tabby flicked his tail as a signal for Cedarpaw to follow him. "Let's go, we'll do the training at sunset grove" He mentioned as he made his way out of the den. (continuing in sunset grove)

[ @Froggy ] (whaaat i absolutely adore catra she's my fav haha)

ameko June 19th, 2023 06:36 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Goldenpaw rested with his tail wrapped tightly around him.

Small June 20th, 2023 01:39 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
( Smallpaw is heavilly injured in the medicine den, but in the meanwhile i still want to roleplay with them as their non-injured self )

Smallpaw's eyes widened at the sight of their new den, he loved it!
He purred as he claimed a nest that was more in the back. Now that he was one of the first ones -he could claim the quitest, most peaceful sleeping place in the whole apprentices den. He sat down, not tired but just in the mood to start a conversation- looking around for someone awake that he could have a nice chat with.

( OPEN ! )

SuspiciousMindz June 21st, 2023 06:19 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Slatepaw sat quietly, her gaze sad as she stared blankly out the den, longing for the mentor she had lost.

Morrigan July 16th, 2023 03:00 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Frostpaw slowly entered the apprentices den so this was where she would sleep now it
would feel weird not being surrounded by the smell of milk and other kits playing around her but she was not a kit anymore and she had to grow up sometime.

Carefully stepping around other apprentices and nests she spotted a nest near the back of the den that seemed like no one was using it. Warily the gray tabby point layed down on the soft moss of the nest and began closing her eyes as she was tired and started slowly drifting off to sleep.


Kix July 16th, 2023 03:51 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Kitty softpaws: active l Semi long furred grey and white tabby - 6 moons - She/Her - 3/100

This was going to be her new den that she would be sharing now with other apprentices. There was a small part of her that would miss the nursery surrounded by others running or playing around. Littlepaw wondered how Fireflykit was going to handle being in the nursery by themselves now, than again she hadn't seen her brother in a while. Hopefully he would pop back up eventually, at least Poppypaw was still around occasionally. Pale green eyes roamed over the den looking for an empty nest that no one had claimed. Thankfully she had taken the few flowers and feathers she stuck in her old nest with her, because that was going in her new one. Now that she was going to be able to go out of camp now, she was going to see what new things she could snag to put in her nest. No rush in her steps she moved to claim a moss nest close to the right side of the den and woven her flowers and feather into it. Littlepaw idly wondered if he Owlpaw or Poppypaw would come claim a nest close to her but if they didn't it was okay she wouldn't mind. Raising her head she finally noticed that someone else was inside the den with her. "Oh hi frostpaw!" she smiled, it was nice to see a fellow new apprentice. She still remembered traveling with them during the fire, she still had nightmares about all that. "Are...Are you enjoying being in a new den now? It's probably going to be less....crazy? in here like it was back in the nursery" it sure felt like the old den was crazy in a way, best way for her to describe it.

@The Doctor

Morrigan July 16th, 2023 04:16 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Leafie (Post 1444871)
Kitty softpaws: active l Semi long furred grey and white tabby - 6 moons - She/Her - 3/100

This was going to be her new den that she would be sharing now with other apprentices. There was a small part of her that would miss the nursery surrounded by others running or playing around. Littlepaw wondered how Fireflykit was going to handle being in the nursery by themselves now, than again she hadn't seen her brother in a while. Hopefully he would pop back up eventually, at least Poppypaw was still around occasionally. Pale green eyes roamed over the den looking for an empty nest that no one had claimed. Thankfully she had taken the few flowers and feathers she stuck in her old nest with her, because that was going in her new one. Now that she was going to be able to go out of camp now, she was going to see what new things she could snag to put in her nest. No rush in her steps she moved to claim a moss nest close to the right side of the den and woven her flowers and feather into it. Littlepaw idly wondered if he Owlpaw or Poppypaw would come claim a nest close to her but if they didn't it was okay she wouldn't mind. Raising her head she finally noticed that someone else was inside the den with her. "Oh hi frostpaw!" she smiled, it was nice to see a fellow new apprentice. She still remembered traveling with them during the fire, she still had nightmares about all that. "Are...Are you enjoying being in a new den now? It's probably going to be less....crazy? in here like it was back in the nursery" it sure felt like the old den was crazy in a way, best way for her to describe it.

@The Doctor


Frostpaw woke up startled as she was nearly asleep blinking away the blurriness of sleep she lifted her head to see Littlepaw "O-oh hi Littlepaw" She mewed drowsily but smiling softly "Y-yeah it's certainly less noisy but I'll probably miss the familiarity of it" She said it was true she would miss it but she would probably grow used to it soon.

Kix July 19th, 2023 05:10 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Kitty softpaws: active l Semi long furred grey and white tabby - 6 moons - She/Her - 4/100

Oh that was bad on her part for waking them up, she hadn't realized they were asleep. Littlepaw had assumed they were just closing their eyes, she needed to stop assuming things it would help in the long run. "Oh, sorry if I woke you up...." she frowned her paws twisting together below her. guilt could be seen all over her body. She looked back up to wards the other when she spoke again nodding her head in agreement. Yeah Littlepaw would miss the familiarity of the old den, but that was in the past now. "We...We could always, y'know make this den feel the same way eventually... as long as were apprentices of course!" she smiled.

@The Doctor

Morrigan July 20th, 2023 09:30 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Leafie (Post 1445695)
Kitty softpaws: active l Semi long furred grey and white tabby - 6 moons - She/Her - 4/100

Oh that was bad on her part for waking them up, she hadn't realized they were asleep. Littlepaw had assumed they were just closing their eyes, she needed to stop assuming things it would help in the long run. "Oh, sorry if I woke you up...." she frowned her paws twisting together below her. guilt could be seen all over her body. She looked back up to wards the other when she spoke again nodding her head in agreement. Yeah Littlepaw would miss the familiarity of the old den, but that was in the past now. "We...We could always, y'know make this den feel the same way eventually... as long as were apprentices of course!" she smiled.

@The Doctor


Frostpaw frowned sadly "It's fine I can always get back to sleep again" she assured Littlepaw she hadn't meaned to make her clanmate feel guilty "Y-yeah that would be great" she purred cheerfully.

ameko August 2nd, 2023 07:43 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Goldenpaw »
The night was quiet. Goldenpaw lay curled up in his nest, and to any passerby it looked as though he was sleeping. That was, of course, until he jolted to life, fur bristling as he stared with bleary eyes at nothing. He couldn't stop seeing it. The blood on the ground, on his fur, the uneasy stillness, the—the—

He sucked in a breath, heart pounding in his ribcage, and blinked away the memories as best he could. He'd seen dead bodies before, but that was after they'd been prepared to view, not when they'd looked so... dead.

Goldenpaw wrapped his tail around him tighter. All he wanted to do was sleep.

poppy August 4th, 2023 07:30 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

The freckled molly was splayed out in her nest, snoozing away. She had to get her beauty sleep, of course, so she could sleep through the night and not wake up in the dark and have to rely on the... commoners (she unconsciously shuddered at the thought) for comfort. Her philosophy was that if she didn't get at least 14 hours of sleep, the day wasn't worth continuing.

Dark rimmed brown eyes fluttered open, and she luckily woke just as the darkness was dissipating, and the sun was most likely just brushing the tree tips on the horizon. Some cats would hurry to a could viewing place to watch the sunset or go enjoy the cool morning air before it go insufferably hot later on, but not Doe. She rolled onto her side with a small groan- not an early bird in the slightest -and covered her eyes to shield herself from the morning light.

But after a little while of laying in her nest, muttering curses upon the early day, she knew she had to get up, so she pushed herself to a sitting position and began to groom her fur obsessively, as normal, refusing to step paw outside the den until she was picture perfect.

[ open! | #Air ]

Beaan August 4th, 2023 04:49 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
8 moons

The large, fluffy apprentice lay in his nest, irritated. He squeezed his two different colored eyes shut, hoping that he would fall asleep. Alas, that was not the case. The black apprentice decided to sit up and groom himself. Wouldn't hurt to look nice. He licked his fluffy fur, it puffing up each time. He licked his gray muzzle before looking around. There wasn't much to do. He closed his left eye, leaving his green gaze to scan the apprentice den. He let out a loud yawn before shaking his fur. He opened his other eye, revealing an amber before standing up. Great, his white paws were DIRTYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

Badgerpaw immediately sat down, rigorously grooming his paws in hopes of getting the dirt out. He picked out a rock that was stuck between his toes before repeating the process with the other three paws. When he finished, he just sat there, bored. Maybe I should just stay here. he thought before curling up into a poofy ball.


bubble[error]. August 4th, 2023 05:11 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
*Tigerpaw sits in her nest*


Beaan August 4th, 2023 05:16 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
8 moons

The large black tom eyed Tigerpaw. The apprentice was big, but he was bigger. His poofy fur gave him more size, no matter how hard he groomed it. He put a mischevious smile on, his gray muzzle widening. He slowly padded over to tigerpaw, and crouched down. He widened his eyes, fixed on the apprentice. He leaped, aiming to bowl them over.

[ @CreeperLover649 ]

bubble[error]. August 4th, 2023 05:22 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Bean_The_Cat (Post 1451838)
8 moons

The large black tom eyed Tigerpaw. The apprentice was big, but he was bigger. His poofy fur gave him more size, no matter how hard he groomed it. He put a mischevious smile on, his gray muzzle widening. He slowly padded over to tigerpaw, and crouched down. He widened his eyes, fixed on the apprentice. He leaped, aiming to bowl them over.

[ @CreeperLover649 ]


(Tigerpaw is the size and age of a warrior lol)

Tigerpaw spotted the apprentice and kept her green gaze on him before pretending to not see him, before stepping back. "Nice try." She sighed sadly, still mad about how she was the age and size of a warrior, yet she still was an apprentice.

FireFall&Moonheart August 4th, 2023 05:37 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
MoonPaw Stretched out in her nest and eyed her clanmates she walked over to a group of apprentices and sat near them eyeing them suspiciously

ChaosBringer. August 30th, 2023 07:13 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Whisperingkit looked inside the den, hoping the voices would find who they needed. "SHE'S HERE!! FIND HER!! BRING HER TO POWER! Be her friend??FOLLOW WHAT SHE ASKS. SHE NEEDS YOU!!" The voices screeched at him. Some wanted him to be this cat's friend. Others wanted him to follow this..Hazypaw like she was leader. Maybe I can make her leader! Whisperingkit thought. The voices usually told him what to do, but now...they all wanted different things. Then suddenly...they went quiet. 'No..NO! Come back! Come back!!' he squealed in his mind...but then, he saw them.

Morrigan September 10th, 2023 12:14 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Frostpaw quietly limped into the apprentices' den feeling tired and sore from her wounds from the recent, mabye pointless, battle she had partaken in and gosh was she a mess but she looked slightly better that she had after Lightningpaw treated her but away from that she just wanted to get some sleep and forget all about it.

Carefully the young she-cat swerved around other nests and cats until she reached her own nest...mabye it wouldn't be her nest for much longer because of her state she had been put on medicine cat duty until her assessment which she was surely going to fail since she had hardly been trained so she would probably be a kit again soon...

Slowly the gray tabby point lowered herself into the soft nest being careful not to wipe away or damage any of the cobwebs or poultice that had covered her injuries and curled herself into a tight ball hiding her face in her fluffy chest fur and squeezing her eyes closed while tears rolled down her cheeks she surely wouldn't get to sleep so she'd just lay there silently weeping for all the horrible things in the world after all who else would?


ChaosBringer. September 10th, 2023 12:35 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Whisperingkit had heard soft whimpering and crying, and the voices wanted someone to see, so he walked into the apprentice's den. "Hello. You are Frostpaw?" He said it sounded like a question and a fact at the same time.
@The Doctor

Morrigan September 10th, 2023 01:12 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Shadowed Flower (Post 1466851)

Whisperingkit had heard soft whimpering and crying, and the voices wanted someone to see, so he walked into the apprentice's den. "Hello. You are Frostpaw?" He said it sounded like a question and a fact at the same time.
@The Doctor


Frostpaw immediately lifted her head slightly at the sound of a voice, oh it was a kit she hadn't expected someone would talk to her nor did she know if she wanted to be talked to but it would be rude to just stare.

"Y-Yes?" she whispered weakly rubbing her wet eyes with a gray tabby paw before wincing from the sting of her wounds and instantly putting it back underneath her and glancing drowsily up at Whisperingkit.

ChaosBringer. September 10th, 2023 01:29 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by The Doctor (Post 1466922)

Frostpaw immediately lifted her head slightly at the sound of a voice, oh it was a kit she hadn't expected someone would talk to her nor did she know if she wanted to be talked to but it would be rude to just stare.

"Y-Yes?" she whispered weakly rubbing her wet eyes with a gray tabby paw before wincing from the sting of her wounds and instantly putting it back underneath her and glancing drowsily up at Whisperingkit.


Whisperingkit nodded to Frostpaw. "You fought in the battle, yes? You did great." He praised, sitting down at her nest. The voices were calming down, feeling soothed by this apprentice's words.

Morrigan September 12th, 2023 12:00 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Shadowed Flower (Post 1466940)

Whisperingkit nodded to Frostpaw. "You fought in the battle, yes? You did great." He praised, sitting down at her nest. The voices were calming down, feeling soothed by this apprentice's words.


Frostpaw smiled weakly, d-did she really? She didn't know but the kit's words made her feel slightly better he seemed quite kind she hadn't expect such kindness from someone so young.

"T-Thank you..." she mewed gratefully but her voice was still slightly broken from all the sobbing and her eyes were still wet and tired but a little brighter as she moved her fluffy tail slightly to make space for Whisperingkit thought it still hurt from being bitten so she was careful.

Kass September 19th, 2023 08:40 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
A large flaming tom with many battle scars and icy blue eyes
With a grunt the massive Tom hauled himself up. Glancing at the apprentice’s den he bounced over. Poking his head inside he glanced around for his apprentice. Oi rainpaw get up we’re training today. he barked gruffly before turning and heading back out.


TawnyNeedsACoffee September 19th, 2023 05:07 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
[She/Her | White/Grey tabby point mixed shecat with blue eyes]
[Active Purrks: none ]
[Post count: 1/100]

As the young molly sat there staring off into the indefinite void that was seemingly the wall of the apprentice den, her ear twitched upon her name beckoning her back to reality. The youngster had been awake for quite a while now, her internal clock seemed to wake her up at early hours of the morning, while most likely annoying at time for her den mates to hear her awake so early, she didn’t mind it all much. With her usually stoic expression she stretched momentarily before standing. She trotted out of the den as her blue eyes scanned her mentor for a moment. BlazeBreeze stood there in his usual grumpy mood. RainPaw wondered on a scale of one to ten just how many times a day he frowned, she had heard that it wasn’t polite to frown atleast that’s what her father had told her before he had passed. Oh well, RainPaw didn’t mind, self-expression is a natural and powerful tool, she admired her mentor for expressing his sourness perhaps she should learn a thing or two on how to convey her emotions more often. Dull and calm, her tone spoke curtly as she gave a small nod.



[ @Tobi ]

Katiethewolfchild October 12th, 2023 11:56 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Foxpaw slept.

Birdpaw stared at the wall.

Kix October 17th, 2023 09:47 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Littlepaw slept in her nest.

sylvia26 October 18th, 2023 06:08 AM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den


"one day you will be looking up to me!"

the tom would be curled up in his nest, softly snoring and dreaming of his furtrue.

Morrigan October 18th, 2023 12:14 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Frostpaw silently groomed herself.


Tecumori October 21st, 2023 12:22 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Owlpaw takes a cozy little nap in his nest. [Activity Post]

Fritter October 22nd, 2023 06:19 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den
Hog Strike
As Hog’Strike made his way into the apprentice den, he lingered just by the entrance glancing around before continuing the brief collection of steps that led him completely inside. Just to make sure his voice didn’t fail him, he cleared his throat before calling for his apprentice, his first apprentice. Yikes. He didn’t even realise the responsibility until now. ‘Star Paw, are you in here?’ Hog Strike didn’t really think that question through, it’s not like someone can respond if they aren’t there. Nonetheless it was better to say something then awkwardly stand around without speaking.


Snips October 22nd, 2023 07:05 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by Fritter (Post 1490919)
Hog Strike
As Hog’Strike made his way into the apprentice den, he lingered just by the entrance glancing around before continuing the brief collection of steps that led him completely inside. Just to make sure his voice didn’t fail him, he cleared his throat before calling for his apprentice, his first apprentice. Yikes. He didn’t even realise the responsibility until now. ‘Star Paw, are you in here?’ Hog Strike didn’t really think that question through, it’s not like someone can respond if they aren’t there. Nonetheless it was better to say something then awkwardly stand around without speaking.


(7 moons)
"I'm right here, Hogstrike," Starpaw said softly, rising from her nest. Maybe he wants to do some training, she thought. "Do you need me?"

Fritter October 22nd, 2023 08:27 PM

Re: WindClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by PhantomFeurSturm (Post 1490948)
(7 moons)
"I'm right here, Hogstrike," Starpaw said softly, rising from her nest. Maybe he wants to do some training, she thought. "Do you need me?"

Hog Strike
HogStrike felt a minor wave of relief that he hadn’t just ended up walking in here to be met with no response, Hog Strike nodded right before speaking. ‘I believe it is time to do some training, i hope you rested well.’ Hog Strike didn’t linger to hear the reply, leaving with the assumption he would be followed.

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