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-   -   WindClan Territory (https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=64603)

Ian May 30th, 2023 07:50 AM

WindClan Territory
WindClan territory is made up of enormous and broad stretches of flat land dominated by grasses and wildflowers with a large winding river that cuts through its middle. Underneath there is a vast network of tunnels that cats should avoid if they don't know how to navigate them. While filled with an abundance of herbs and prey, there are also numerous threatening birds of prey like hawks, falcons, and eagles.

Undertaker June 4th, 2023 07:32 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
@Abyssopelagic @perseus.
Oh, wow. So Leechscar hadn't really gotten to exploring WindClan's new territory at all. At first glance it was a lot like the moor, but now that he was actually standing in it. He has different thoughts about it. It was flatter than the moor and long grass as far as the eye can see. The long grass let prey hide better, and there weren't as many rabbit holes, or at least none visible to his eye right now. They were actually going to have to search for their prey.

The sun here was terrible, there was a nice breeze of course, but nothing like the moor's breeze. The sun was beating down on them with great intensity, scorching really. Leechscar was a little worried about being able to hunt in this heat.

"Let's head towards the river, Crowflutter, you can go ahead and hunt on your own if you'd like. Moorpaw, stay close, but if you know how to hunt I'll let you try on your own. The heat is bad out here, and there are hawks and eagles around here, more than there were in the moor. We can't go far from each other and make sure you mind the sky, these birds might snatch whatever we're hunting and us along with it if we're not careful." Once at the river's shore he felt a smidge cooler but it was barely noticeable.

Depending on what his patrol mates wanted to do, Leechscar would probably sit back and keep an eye rather than set off hunting himself. Once he was certain they had their prey and nothing was after them, he'd do some hunting of his own. Twilightstar would be heartbroken if she lost any more cats when the clan was just getting used to the new camp. Leechscar would also feel some guilt if anything went wrong and he wasn't around to address it. He was the patrol leader these cats were his responsibility.

Rose June 4th, 2023 08:33 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by *Galaxy_Cats* (Post 1428720)
{+ RunningPaw +} She Smiled At BerryFrost,Then Smiled At SunSkip,And She Waited,Grooming Her Fur

[ @Rose | @sol. ]


Originally Posted by sol. (Post 1428732)

Sunskip gave a small smile at the other other, stepping forward to accept the her patrol. "Hi." She said sweetly. "Let's go?"


For a moment or two, Berryfrost had only stood there rather awkwardly, not realizing that... oh! She was the patrol leader. "Oh- Oh yes, we c-can go." The undersized, speckled molly stammered, and then scurried out of camp like the mouse she was.

Clearing her throat a couple times as Berryfrost led herself and her patrolmates into WindClan's Territory, the young molly couldn't help but furtively glance around a couple times. "Erm. I'm. I- I don't know where we're going or where to start," She admitted after a few seconds, rounded ears pressing flat against her head in shame. Some patrol leader she was making. "But, uh, Cowtuft said to- to look for. Um, marigold and cobwebs." Had Sunskip and Runningpaw known that already? . . .Berryfrost wasn't sure.

{Zaria.Zarian} June 4th, 2023 11:06 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
{+ RunningPaw +} ' ' Well Then Lets Get Marigold And Cobwebs! ' '
She Confidently Walked Ahead Of The Group,Not Paying Attention To Her Surroundings



Abyssopelagic June 6th, 2023 08:14 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw followed behind Leechscar quietly, for once not preferring to keep at the back of the pack. Her tail waved lazily through the air behind her with each step. With a sigh, she realized just how nice it was to be able to breathe without the constant scent of smoke to make her sinuses clog up.
However, she froze at the mention of the river. Every nerve was locked up and her pelt standing on end.
Stiffly, she turned to Leechscar, a pleading in her eyes.
"Can we stay.... out of sight range of the river, please? I don't.... like the water."
It wasn't just that she didn't like water, she was literally terrified of it. She couldn't even be rained on without having a complete meltdown and screaming fit (something she learned the hard way). Simply looking at water made her feel a sense of dread strong enough she thought she'd puke.
With the hope that her pleading would be listened to, she tried to distract herself by thinking over the question of if she could hunt. She still felt dizzy from fear, but she tried to push it away. They wouldn't go just to upset her, right?
"I've only ever caught a mouse, but.... I can. It'll probably take me a bit.... to catch more than one, though."
And ah yes, the mention of large birds came up once again, but at least.... she had Snowybreeze's training under her belt on how to avoid them if it came down to it.

[ @Undertaker ; @perseus. ]

perseus. June 6th, 2023 10:05 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Crowflutter nodded her head at what the other warrior said before trotting off to go and hunt. Her ears perked as they swiveled around to listen for food and her maw opened to bring in the scents around her.

Her eyes flickered towards the scent of bird and she quickly crouched and stalked toward the bird, being careful with her steps before she leaped and killed it with a bite. She sent a quick prayer before burying it and going on to scent once more.

She caught the scent of a rabbit and she crouched, getting ready to get the brown animal. Her paws were quiet as she slinked across the ground making sure to make no noise and before the rabbit could react she pounced and killed it as well.

@Undertaker ; @Abyssopelagic

SpiritWolf_yt June 7th, 2023 03:17 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Ashclaw ran around the territory in search for prey, the tom stopped suddenly and got into his hunting crouch, His eyes sharpening and locking onto a nice good looking rabbit. Once close enough he sheathed his clas and pounced on the prey, killing it with ease. Before returning to camp he looked up and saw a bird land on a ground a distance away, his clas stayed sheathed as he snuck up to the raven, Once close enough he dropped the rabbit and quickly emerged from his stalk. His mouth widened as he leapt up and grabbed the raven, Once clamped he quickly tried to place his paws in the right spot to land but failed. Coming down to the ground he tumbled hard into a tree with his right leg in between the tree and his chest, making it broken. The guardian got up shakily, He took once step forward on his broken leg but quickly lifted up the leg, a sigh of unhappiness escaped him as he limped to the rabbit. His ja widening as he picked both prey up, and began heading back to camp.

[ 1 raven + 1 rabbit ]

Undertaker June 8th, 2023 04:52 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
@Abyssopelagic @perseus.
Crowflutter swiftly got down to busy with hunting, as Leechscar was left to handle Moorpaw's fears. The fact that she couldn't handle the sight of water was concerning, Leechscar wondered if she had some similar incident as... he shook the depressing thought from his head. That didn't matter right now, they had to hunt and he supposed Moorpaw couldn't hunt comfortably if the fear of the river was distracting her. It's not like he could fault the apprentice for being afraid of something. Leechscar could smell her fear scent, it was troubling. He didn't need her attracting predators.

"Alright, we'll stay away from the water." He replied calmly, paws already bringing him away from the river before the words exited his mouth. How the heck had Moorpaw functioned while the clan had been stationed at the river in their old territory?

"You don't need to catch more than one piece of prey, so long as you catch something we'll be good," Leechscar told her. While he lead her away from the water in hopes her fear scent would dissipate, he made sure to keep an eye on Crowflutter who was hunting a bit away, but still within his line of sight.

"Look there," Leechscar stopped abruptly and lowered himself and his voice as he spotted what looked like a big hare. "You said you, caught a mouse before, it's going to be the same thing, just with something a bit bigger," Leechscar told her eyeing the hare. Then a thought dawned on him, he probably should ask if she wanted to help him catch it rather than assuming. "If you want to go and try hunting on your own, you're free to, otherwise I'll teach you a hunting technique WindClan cats use when hunting together."

Abyssopelagic June 9th, 2023 01:10 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw let put a shaky sigh as Leechscar said they wouldn't be approaching the river.
"Thank you," She whispered, following him away from the direction of the river.
Each step further helped to melt a bit of the striking panic from her, but she doubted she'd be able to fully relax until she had something to distract herself with, but she would try nevertheless.
She tried breathing for several seconds in through her nose and exhaling from her mouth, an exercise Lilyantler had taught her. It.... kind of helped if she was in the beginning stages of panic.
She stopped this as Leechscar spoke again, wanting to be able to focus on listening to him.
She turned to look where his gaze landed, just barely catching a glimpse at something in the distance.
She nodded.
"Teach me. I want to help you catch it."
She desperately need to learn how to be a functioning member of the Clan. She could no longer attribute her lack of knowledge to an absent mentor, not with all the opportunities now coming her way.

[ @Undertaker ; @perseus. ]

Snivellus June 10th, 2023 02:41 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Leafpelt trotted trough the moors, it was a good while since she felt a good wind in her thick fur

sol. June 10th, 2023 07:52 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Rose (Post 1428933)


For a moment or two, Berryfrost had only stood there rather awkwardly, not realizing that... oh! She was the patrol leader. "Oh- Oh yes, we c-can go." The undersized, speckled molly stammered, and then scurried out of camp like the mouse she was.

Clearing her throat a couple times as Berryfrost led herself and her patrolmates into WindClan's Territory, the young molly couldn't help but furtively glance around a couple times. "Erm. I'm. I- I don't know where we're going or where to start," She admitted after a few seconds, rounded ears pressing flat against her head in shame. Some patrol leader she was making. "But, uh, Cowtuft said to- to look for. Um, marigold and cobwebs." Had Sunskip and Runningpaw known that already? . . .Berryfrost wasn't sure.


Originally Posted by *Galaxy_Cats* (Post 1428967)
{+ RunningPaw +} ' ' Well Then Lets Get Marigold And Cobwebs! ' '
She Confidently Walked Ahead Of The Group,Not Paying Attention To Her Surroundings



Sunskip gave a small smile. "Marigold and cobwebs," she said nodding. "Shall we spread out? Divide and conquer?" Hopefully Sunskip was doing a good job at being friendly- then again, she was nothing if not friendly.

After Berryfrost responded, she would go off to look through patches of taller grass. She didn't know exactly where to start, so she hoped for the best. Looking up, she saw Runningpaw walked away without looking. "Runningpaw, be careful please. Keep your eyes on your surroundings."

The Golden molly was still pawwing through grasses when... ah ha! A small patch of marigold beamed up at her. She gave a smile, and gently gathered as much as she could.

[+4 marigold]


Undertaker June 10th, 2023 09:03 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
@Abyssopelagic @perseus.
Leechscar grinned lightly as the apprentice agreed to learn. Great, this shouldn't be too hard. "So when it comes to fast prey like rabbits and hares, herding and trapping is often the best way to catch them." Leechscar began explaining. "What I need you to do is hide..." Leechscar's eyes roamed the prairie, the problem with this place was that the grass was too long to make where the burrows were located. However, he discovered if you looked closely enough, you could actually make out rabbit trails and see where the long grass naturally parted from animals going in and out it their homes.

"There, in the long grass beside the hole." The warrior decided, pointing his muzzle in the direction nearby the hole, hidden behind overgrowth. "It's the closet warren, I'm going to circle around and stalk the hare, spook it in your direction. What I need you to do is pounce on it before it reaches that hole. I'll make sure that it comes right at you, so you don't need to worry about it where it's going." Leechscar figured it would be better for her to do the trapping instead of the herding, he thought it was the easier of the two.

"Try not to overthink it, or get spooked yourself and freeze. The hare will be coming directly at you but it should not see you until it's a few tail lengths from you. Stay down low, and quiet, then leap. Aim for its flank and back when you pounce, not the face. Even if you leap a little early, I"ll be right on its tail." Leechscar was confident enough that he could catch it before it changed directions. Still, he'd prefer if Moorpaw caught it, she clearly could do with the moral boost.

"If you lose it, don't be too glum, there's more to hunt." He adds but didn't actually wait for an answer from her. Experience was the fastest way to learn in his mind, so without further ado, he dove into a nearby patch of ferns. He waits, making sure Moorpaw is on board and hiding, and then began inching his way closer to their prey, gauging his scent drift. He briefly licked his nose, double check that they were good, and smile to himself while he slowly crept closer and closer to his target. The wind was blowing in their favor, but considering that he was heading straight for the hare's line of sight he was not surprised when he got spotted before he could actually reach the hare.

He froze for a moment, muscles stiff, as the hare's ears stood at attention and its eyes bore holes straight where the warrior was hidden. Tensing his hind legs, Leechscar springs, and the hare bolts, kicking up grass in its wake, twisting and turning to run straight towards Moorpaw's hiding spotting, or rather the hole she was hiding next to. The warrior hard on the hare's paws in a flat-out sprint, barely a tail length behind it. "Moorpaw, now."

{Zaria.Zarian} June 11th, 2023 12:56 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
{- RunningPaw -}
Her Ears Perked Up As She Heard Her Name, And She Giggled ' ' Don't Worry About Me! Nobody Would Dare To Cross WindClan! We Are The Best Clan To Exist! But Thanks For Caring About Me Anyways, I'm Glad I'm On This Patrol With You! Even If It Is A, Kinda Boring, Herb Patrol ' ' And With That She Skipped Away, COnfident She Would Find Everything
[ @sol. ]

Abyssopelagic June 11th, 2023 03:26 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw nodded as she listened to Leechscar. Once the instructions were finished, she hid herself in the brush he'd indicated to and lay in wait.
Her pelt blended almost perfectly with the dry grass that surrounded her.
She watched as the warrior chased the rabbit. Her muscles bunched up, tensing up to prepare for her lunge. At Leechscar's command, she launched forward, finding herself face to face with the rabbit.
Without hesitation, her jaws clamped on the animals jugular in a vice grip.
A paw came up to keep it's head to the ground so I couldn't bite her face while she twisted its neck.
With a harsh backwards jerk of the rabbits head, the struggle died off, leaving Moorpaw feeling quite proud.
She stood, the shared catch in jaw and her tail excitedly waving as she looked to Leechscar. The apprentice absolutely beamed with pride as she approached him and carefully set it to the ground so she could ask him a question.
"Are we going to catch something else?"
The rabbit was massive, sure, but she didn't want to bring home a rabbit as a shared catch and nothing else. Plus, a small part of her was eager to keep hunting for the exercise.

[ @Undertaker ; @perseus. ]

Rose June 11th, 2023 04:18 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by sol. (Post 1431956)

Sunskip gave a small smile. "Marigold and cobwebs," she said nodding. "Shall we spread out? Divide and conquer?" Hopefully Sunskip was doing a good job at being friendly- then again, she was nothing if not friendly.

After Berryfrost responded, she would go off to look through patches of taller grass. She didn't know exactly where to start, so she hoped for the best. Looking up, she saw Runningpaw walked away without looking. "Runningpaw, be careful please. Keep your eyes on your surroundings."

The Golden molly was still pawwing through grasses when... ah ha! A small patch of marigold beamed up at her. She gave a smile, and gently gathered as much as she could.



Originally Posted by *Galaxy_Cats* (Post 1432067)
{- RunningPaw -}
Her Ears Perked Up As She Heard Her Name, And She Giggled ' ' Don't Worry About Me! Nobody Would Dare To Cross WindClan! We Are The Best Clan To Exist! But Thanks For Caring About Me Anyways, I'm Glad I'm On This Patrol With You! Even If It Is A, Kinda Boring, Herb Patrol ' ' And With That She Skipped Away, COnfident She Would Find Everything
[ @sol. ]


Yep. That did it. Berryfrost was the worst patrol leader and warrior to ever exist. She just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Or maybe the sun could melt her into a puddle. Or maybe somehow the air could turn her translucent....

Almost on the verge of hyperventilating, Berryfrost was sufficiently relieved as Sunskip took over, and with a jerky nod, the speckled molly moved off to search for her own herbs. Not before casting a concerned look in Runningpaw's direction, though. It wasn't long before Berryfrost came across a relatively leafless bush and snapped off a swath of cobwebs. There, that had to do it. With that, she returned to where she'd last seen her patrolmates.

[ +3 Cobwebs ]

sol. June 11th, 2023 04:40 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by *Galaxy_Cats* (Post 1432067)
{- RunningPaw -}
Her Ears Perked Up As She Heard Her Name, And She Giggled ' ' Don't Worry About Me! Nobody Would Dare To Cross WindClan! We Are The Best Clan To Exist! But Thanks For Caring About Me Anyways, I'm Glad I'm On This Patrol With You! Even If It Is A, Kinda Boring, Herb Patrol ' ' And With That She Skipped Away, COnfident She Would Find Everything
[ @sol. ]


Originally Posted by Rose (Post 1432244)


Yep. That did it. Berryfrost was the worst patrol leader and warrior to ever exist. She just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Or maybe the sun could melt her into a puddle. Or maybe somehow the air could turn her translucent....

Almost on the verge of hyperventilating, Berryfrost was sufficiently relieved as Sunskip took over, and with a jerky nod, the speckled molly moved off to search for her own herbs. Not before casting a concerned look in Runningpaw's direction, though. It wasn't long before Berryfrost came across a relatively leafless bush and snapped off a swath of cobwebs. There, that had to do it. With that, she returned to where she'd last seen her patrolmates.

[ +3 Cobwebs ]

Sunskip gave a chuckle. What a sweet apprentice Runningpaw was. Sunskip wouldn't mind to have her as an apprentice. She couldn't exactly remember who was supposed to be mentoring her... maybe just a training session thing to play safe.

She walked back to the meeting area, a bright smile on her face at the bundle of cobwebs Berryfrost secured. "Good haul," she said. "Shall we head back?" She looked up at the sky with a small sense of nervousness. She didn't want it to be too late when they returned- they still needed to report in.

{Zaria.Zarian} June 11th, 2023 05:37 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
{- RunningPaw -}
She Held Her Head Up High As She Walked Back, Her Mouth Full Of Marigold, She Had Found The Jackpot

[ @sol. @Rose ]

( I Didn't Have Time To Do A Post Of RunningPaw Collecting The Marigold- Sorry About That, But I Think We Are Finished? )

Rose June 11th, 2023 05:42 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by sol. (Post 1432258)

Sunskip gave a chuckle. What a sweet apprentice Runningpaw was. Sunskip wouldn't mind to have her as an apprentice. She couldn't exactly remember who was supposed to be mentoring her... maybe just a training session thing to play safe.

She walked back to the meeting area, a bright smile on her face at the bundle of cobwebs Berryfrost secured. "Good haul," she said. "Shall we head back?" She looked up at the sky with a small sense of nervousness. She didn't want it to be too late when they returned- they still needed to report in.


Originally Posted by *Galaxy_Cats* (Post 1432272)
{- RunningPaw -}
She Held Her Head Up High As She Walked Back, Her Mouth Full Of Marigold, She Had Found The Jackpot

[ @sol. @Rose ]

( I Didn't Have Time To Do A Post Of RunningPaw Collecting The Marigold- Sorry About That, But I Think We Are Finished? )


Only once Sunskip and Runningpaw had returned, carrying their own herbs, did Berryfrost sigh in relief. It was done. The herb patrol, she could go hide in her nest for the rest of the day until Snowybreeze appeared. "We can head back." The small, speckled molly mumbled. And with that, turned and began scurrying back to camp.

[ No need to reply, just post in the Herb Storage ]

Undertaker June 12th, 2023 04:41 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Leechscar slowed his paws, pleased to see the apprentice land her mark and even better, caught the hare. As he watched the apprentice, there was a weird feeling of dare he say pride welling up within him. He didn't get it, she wasn't his apprentice so the sensation didn't make much sense. Strange, he suppose he could connect the feeling to the same thing he felt when one of his siblings succeeded with something. Leechscar glanced at the sky, ears twitching as Moorpaw asked about more hunting.

It was getting late, and honestly Leechscar didn't really care if Moorpaw wanted to take the credit for catching the prey. Worst comes to worse, Fallownose would send him back out hunt again for not bring anything back. But if Moorpaw wanted the pratice, who was he to disappoint? "Here I thought you'd want to get back as quickly as possible to Dapplebreeze." Leechscar briefly grinned sniffing at their catch. Despite the light teasing, the tom grabbed the prey and hauled it over to bramble bush and set it down underneath it as deep as he coudl without getting poked by thorns.

"If you want to keep hunting, I'm fine with it. Wanna try hunting birds?" He asked. The large tom turned towards Moorpaw, tail swaying lazily behind him as he awaited an answer.

Abyssopelagic June 13th, 2023 06:38 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw felt extremely pleased that she'd helped bring down the rabbit, even still.
It's not that she felt shame for a shared catch, but more that.... now that she knew the thrill of hunting, she was reluctant to leave with just one catch. But as she looked up, she noticed the time and her ears flattened.
She looked back to Leechscar and in seconds was pouting at the warrior for his remark.
"You're just trying to get rid of me sooner!" She teased right back at him, tail and ears sticking straight up in an overdramatic display.
After a moment, she relaxed her posture and sighed.
"It's fine now that I'm doing something. It helps that you're easy to hang out around."
That might be an unpopular opinion, but to her, it was the truth. He'd really helped make the patrol less dreary away from Dapplebreeze.
"I would like to hunt a bit more, but if you'd rather report back, that's okay too. I'm just really enjoying the activity."
As Leechscar trotted away, she followed behind him, tail swaying with every step.
"Lead the way."

[ @Undertaker ]

Snivellus June 17th, 2023 09:47 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Fallingstream decided to hunt alone in the territory, she managed to track a sparrow, she crouched, leapt and bit its neck. She took her prey to the clan after that.

Undertaker June 18th, 2023 10:15 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
"If only," Leechscar snorted in amusement at Moorpaw's response. He was genuinely surprised that Moorpaw didn't seem to mind being around him. Leechscar was a very unsociable tom, and his sharp tongue and views tended to make him feel somewhat alienated from the clan, not that he was upset with that. So long as it didn't have any repercussions for his family. Moorpaw was easy to get along with, she wasn't snappy or overly excitable. She wasn't trying too hard or acting like a know-it-all either. He could understand why Dapplebreeze seemed so fond of her, she was a good apprentice. She reminded him a lot of Dreamlight, or Midnightpaw, in ways, a less sassy Midnightpaw.

As she made to follow him, Leechscar took a moment to part his maw and scent the air, ignoring how unfamiliar everything smelt to him, and located a fresh scent. He twitched his ear, urging Moorpaw to stay on his tail. before plunging into some overgrown grass, shoving it aside, and forcing a path through it with his broad shoulders. He stopped, drooping low as he reached the edge of the grassy tunnel. Across from them some tail lengths away, there was a finch rummaging through dirt in what he assumed was for bugs.

"Stay very quiet, don't rustle the grass. Birds are hard to catch, super sensitive to noise and their wings give them an advantage when running." Leechscar whispered, eyes focused on the bird. "Birds need a bit more patience than rabbits we can chase down. The trick is you need to pounce when it's distracting and move quickly but quietly. Timing plays a big part in bird catch. If you miss your pounce, it's flying, but if you are quick enough you can clip its wings when it goes up and still catch it, you just need to leap up and stretch out with your claws, even the slightest nick in a bird's wings can send it plummeting back down. Give it a try." Leechscar told her.

MockingRabbit June 20th, 2023 04:44 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Swiftheart enjoyed the breeze in his fur.

gs29513 June 20th, 2023 10:57 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
The new territory was interesting, to say the least. The grass was longer, and more, well, grassy, than the moor's heather and brush, and wildflowers dotted themselves more frequently. The grass was a bit annoying with its height, as it was far more difficult to spot rabbit holes from far away, but it did also lend some camouflage to the hunter if they were able to spot their prey. It was more like forest hunting than before, more the finding of the prey than the test of speed rabbits typically brought. Not that rabbits were the only thing on the menu, small rodents seemed more frequent here, although along with them came large, predatory birds which they should avoid.

Regardless, she was going to be testing out how the hunting in new terrain would work. Should she get another apprentice for some reason, or be sent on hunting patrol, or be approached for training, it would do no good to fumble about like a newbie. She had never quite mastered forest hunting in her time away from the clan, but there had been only herself to provide for, and she had gone to the edges of the moor quite a few times for some rabbits. Scenting the air as she trotted along, Deadmoon was able to identify a songbird of some kind, swaying on a grass stem. How to get it was quite another question. She settled for trying to sneak up and then lunge at it, as birds eyes were better than their noses, but she accidentally rustled a few too many tufts of grass and it flew away with a loud cry. Drat.

Fortunately, there were other animals about. A mouse could be scented, and with a bit more care Deadmoon captured it, having avoided startling it with grass motion the way she had the bird. Shoving it under some fallen stems she continued her hunt, scenting a rabbit as she continued away from the camp. Not knowing where it's burrow was she tried to come from downwind and chase it, but it had remained close to its home and she wasn't able to fit down after it.

Eventually though, having pursued two other fruitless chases(although short ones, it must be said), she found a rabbit far away enough from its home that her speed was able to take effect. When she was spotted she took of into a run, almost getting tangled in the long strands of grass but staying on her feet and continuing the chase. Once it became clear that the rabbits hole had been left behind and it wouldn't be able to duck into another one it was a small matter to catch up to it. The fleetest of rabbits could avoid her through twists and turns or speed because her leg slowed her down a bit, but any rabbit not in their prime was still quite cacheable, and this one was rather young, probably one of this year's kits. It was a bit on the small side, which only confirmed her theory, but with it and the mouse she was happy to head back to camp. She'd eat the rodent herself and see if any of the kits were interested in the rabbit.

Abyssopelagic June 25th, 2023 02:16 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw remained behind Leechscar, avoiding bumping into the warrior as he pushed apart the grass, the path he'd made making it easy for her to travel through without getting grass up her nose.
She carefully crept to his side as he stooped low, mimicking his posture.
Her eyes quickly landed on the finch, happily munching away on something on the ground.
Even as she turned to listen to Leechscar, she kept the bird in her pereferal vision.
With a nod, the apprentice crept forward, resisting the urge to nervously flick her tail.
Something about trying to hunt on her own in front of the warrior just.... made her anxious. She had no idea why.
She was careful to avoid the grass, creeping closer to the bird.
Moorpaw paused for a moment, legs bunching up as she calculated the force needed, and then launched herself. Her trajectory trapped the now startled bird beneath her front paws.
She dug her claws in to keep it from flying, and snapped its neck, the birds screech muffled by the way she'd stuffed its head in her maw.
When it was still, she turned to face Leechscar, bird head still between her teeth.

[ @Undertaker ]

Snivellus June 25th, 2023 04:46 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Fallingstream trotted through the moors, just for excersise purposes.

ameko June 25th, 2023 09:59 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Goldenpaw »
Okay, 'operation: leave camp' was a success! Goldenpaw took a few tentative steps along the moor, gaze set far on the horizon. This land was flat, not like the hills he'd grown so fond of back closer to their old territory. Tail brushing along the tips of the grass as he walked, Goldenpaw turned his focus towards his immediate surroundings, keeping his ears perked. Now it was time for phase two of his plan: get training.

...how was he going to do that, actually? His brows furrowed at the thought. Maybe try hunting? He was already pretty okay at that, though. Fighting, then? But what was there to fight? And if he wanted to practice, he'd need someone else, wouldn't he? He really hadn't thought this through.

Somewhere far above him, a bird's caw rang out. Fur bristling, Goldenpaw glanced up only to find the enormous blue sky staring back at him. Did he imagine it? He shook his head before turning his focus back down. Well, maybe he'd just wander the territory until he found something to do. Or something found him.
[ open! ]

gs29513 June 26th, 2023 06:42 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Normally, one did not run into random apprentices out in the middle of the territory. Apprentices typically remained in camp until taken out for training and patrols, because they were LEARNING. They didn't know how to get themselves out of trouble if they got into it, and, for some paradoxical reason, were especially prone to getting into trouble. So spotting a cat who was definitely not a warrior, judging by the aimless pattern he was tracing through the grass, was her cue to make her way to them.

Her initial hypothesis was, in fact, correct. She believed Goldenpaw was his name, and he seemed to have no idea what he was doing. Which was kindof to be expected. Once she was relatively close, Deadmoon called out Oi! Kiddo! What are you doing out of camp? It was probably better to avoid yelling at him for now, just in case he did have a legitimate reason to be out of camp and there was a warrior somewhere nearby. It was sort of a telling-off already, but she'd hear him out before hauling his tail back to Fallownose or Twilightstar, if he deserved it. @ameko

Undertaker June 26th, 2023 08:42 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Abyssopelagic (Post 1436991)
Moorpaw remained behind Leechscar, avoiding bumping into the warrior as he pushed apart the grass, the path he'd made making it easy for her to travel through without getting grass up her nose.
She carefully crept to his side as he stooped low, mimicking his posture.
Her eyes quickly landed on the finch, happily munching away on something on the ground.
Even as she turned to listen to Leechscar, she kept the bird in her pereferal vision.
With a nod, the apprentice crept forward, resisting the urge to nervously flick her tail.
Something about trying to hunt on her own in front of the warrior just.... made her anxious. She had no idea why.
She was careful to avoid the grass, creeping closer to the bird.
Moorpaw paused for a moment, legs bunching up as she calculated the force needed, and then launched herself. Her trajectory trapped the now startled bird beneath her front paws.
She dug her claws in to keep it from flying, and snapped its neck, the birds screech muffled by the way she'd stuffed its head in her maw.
When it was still, she turned to face Leechscar, bird head still between her teeth.

[ @Undertaker ]

Leechscar kept a keen eye on the she-cat as she began making her way towards the bird nice and slow. He noticed the nervous twitch of her tail but made no comment about it. She did great with the first hare, he was certain she'd do great here as well so long as she heeded his words. She crouched, waited, and then pounced landing right on top of the bird before it could even think of flying off. Leechscar relaxed the muscles he had been tensing and listed himself out of his crouch. The larger tom padded over to Moorpaw with a faint smile on his maw. "Purrfect, I am such an awesome teacher. I even shock myself sometimes." The warrior continued teasing the she-cat since clearly she wouldn't have made the catch without him.

"But really, you did great. You'll make a splendid hunter." He added more seriously. He was momentarily distracted by the rustling of some tall grass and turned his head towards it. "Give me one moment." The tom meowed, padding off in the direction of the movement. He lowered himself into a hunting crouch and vanished in between the tall grass, returning a few heartbeats later with a vole hanging by its tail from his maw.

"I'll grab the hare and we can head back to camp." He told her after returning to Moorpaw. He padded back the way they had come to fetch the hare. With the hare and vole in his grasp, he glances at Moorpaw to make sure she was keeping up with him and then heads back to camp so they could drop these off.

Snivellus June 27th, 2023 03:41 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Fallingstream while trotting would smell something, and as soon as she felt it, she crouched, and in middle of the tall grass, there was a creature. Not sure what it was, Fallingstream carefully aproached it, withouth making a single sound, and she lunged when she was close, but it was not enough, it was a bird and it fleed, but the she leapt and with claws unsheathed, she scratched the cardinal's head and grabbed it in the air from the troath, and took her kill to the camp.

ameko June 28th, 2023 06:24 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by gs29513 (Post 1437530)
Normally, one did not run into random apprentices out in the middle of the territory. Apprentices typically remained in camp until taken out for training and patrols, because they were LEARNING. They didn't know how to get themselves out of trouble if they got into it, and, for some paradoxical reason, were especially prone to getting into trouble. So spotting a cat who was definitely not a warrior, judging by the aimless pattern he was tracing through the grass, was her cue to make her way to them.

Her initial hypothesis was, in fact, correct. She believed Goldenpaw was his name, and he seemed to have no idea what he was doing. Which was kindof to be expected. Once she was relatively close, Deadmoon called out Oi! Kiddo! What are you doing out of camp? It was probably better to avoid yelling at him for now, just in case he did have a legitimate reason to be out of camp and there was a warrior somewhere nearby. It was sort of a telling-off already, but she'd hear him out before hauling his tail back to Fallownose or Twilightstar, if he deserved it. @ameko

Goldenpaw »
Drat, foiled already! At the sight of a cat nearby, Goldenpaw hesitated, stuck between whether to try and hide or just act natural. Instead, he did neither, staring blankly at Deadmoon as she approached. Yeah, actually, what was he doing out of camp? It wasn't like he could do much of anything without someone to teach him. Then again, if he couldn't find his mentor anywhere, what was he to do—just laze around in camp all day?

He then realized he'd been completely silent for more than was socially acceptable and cleared his throat. In the most confident voice he could muster, he meowed, "Training." And then, self-sabotaging, added, "By myself."

gs29513 June 30th, 2023 06:35 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
O...k? Goldenpaw seemed to be staring blankly into space, pondering the mysteries of the universe. Deadmoon didn't have anything against philosophical contemplation per se, but she would like an answer sometime in the next moon, if possible, so that if it was for an actual purpose they could both be on their way. The response was sensible enough, when it did come, and she nodded her head and made to leave, presuming his mentor to be nearby, when he spoke again. How is that going for you, I'm quite curious? she inquired, a bit bemused by his confession. Number one rule of sneaking out of camp was that you didn't immediately volunteer the fact that you were out alone to the first warrior that walked up.

Well, she might not have been the first to walk up, now that she thought about it. Someone a bit dopier might have been fooled, although they would have had to be truly dense to be duped by what had amounted to a pretty pitiful charade. Although she should probably refrain from judging the kid so harshly, it might be a genuine mistake. Although how one accidentally broke that particular rule she didn't understand. Then again, he might be frustrated with a lack of attention from his mentor, assuming he even had one. Most apprentices seemed to struggle with that at some point(not that she had done much better, Snowybreeze was just too nice to hold it against her, bless his little heart). No point in speculating now though. Better to get it straight from the horses, er, cats, mouth, and see what Goldenpaw could do to explain his behavior. @ameko

Moonraven June 30th, 2023 07:37 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Dreamlight's paws carried her out of camp and into the prairie to do some hunting. She recalled promising to take Slatepaw out for some extra hunting practice, but the thing was, she hasn't seen the apprentice since they had done their patrol. It was worrisome. She'd have to make sure to check the apprentice den when she got back to camp, later. For now, she really wanted to see about doing some hunting. The prey pile looked rather low and she aimed to get a few more pieces of prey in there.

poppy July 6th, 2023 01:25 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Huffing in annoyance- no Sleekgaze, Aspenstrike led Slatepaw out to the territory. "I was thinking we could divide and conquer. You look for some cobwebs and I'll search for borage, and if we have time at the end we'll search for some moss. Does that sound good to you?" The molly was still unadapted to how different the terrain was to her former ThunderClan home, but she was getting used to it. Slowly.

[ @SuspiciousMindz @endlessskies - had aspen move it along since we only have four days left! <3]

Goopysharkboi July 6th, 2023 01:28 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
A large, clearly pregnant kittypet she-cat was seen near the edge of the territory. She had found some moss and was digging it up before placing it in a small pile, almost as though she had overheard the conversation and wanted to help.

SuspiciousMindz July 6th, 2023 08:04 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by jupiter (Post 1441477)

Huffing in annoyance- no Sleekgaze, Aspenstrike led Slatepaw out to the territory. "I was thinking we could divide and conquer. You look for some cobwebs and I'll search for borage, and if we have time at the end we'll search for some moss. Does that sound good to you?" The molly was still unadapted to how different the terrain was to her former ThunderClan home, but she was getting used to it. Slowly.

[ @SuspiciousMindz @endlessskies - had aspen move it along since we only have four days left! <3]



The apprentice followed Aspenstrike out into the territory. Upon the suggestion, the apprentice turned to the warrior and nodded. It was a good idea. "Sounds like a plan! I know the perfect places to find cobwebs!" The apprentice spoke happily, turning and darting off towards a few bushes nearby.

It didn't take long for the black apprentice to find what she was looking for. The bushes were lined with cobwebs, it was really the only place spiders could make them so it was only logical. Slatepaw grabbed a stick nearby and with some not-so-precise maneuvers, she gathered some cobwebs at the end.

It would take a few minutes to do this. But in the end, she would have gathered two decently sized cobwebs to bring back. She was quick to return to their departing spot and awaited Aspenstrike. Hopefully they had good luck too!


Goopysharkboi July 7th, 2023 04:50 AM

Re: WindClan Territory
A small black kittypet with blue eyes padded over to Slatepaw with flowers in his mouth. This kittypet was the 8 moon old grandson of Merlin, but everyone knew this kittypet as Arthur. "I picked these for you." He purred before placing down the flowers and backing away. "I hope you don't mind..." He added on the end.

Bean July 7th, 2023 01:09 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by LongForgottenSnowyPelt (Post 1441733)
A small black kittypet with blue eyes padded over to Slatepaw with flowers in his mouth. This kittypet was the 8 moon old grandson of Merlin, but everyone knew this kittypet as Arthur. "I picked these for you." He purred before placing down the flowers and backing away. "I hope you don't mind..." He added on the end.


The slim gray tom was out in the territory when an unfamiliar scent hit his nose, but at the same time, it felt all too familiar. Kittypets. He creeped over to where the kittypet was, who seemed to be... Talking to themselves? He slowly stalked out into the open, facing the kittypet with hostile eyes. "Who are you, and what are you doing on WindClan territory?" he growled to the kittypet.

Alchemist Kitsune July 7th, 2023 01:17 PM

Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by LongForgottenSnowyPelt (Post 1441483)
A large, clearly pregnant kittypet she-cat was seen near the edge of the territory. She had found some moss and was digging it up before placing it in a small pile, almost as though she had overheard the conversation and wanted to help.

| Dapplebreeze |

A nice, pleasant walk through the territory seemed to be just what the medicine cat ordered. Despite the heat of the day, a pleasant cloud cover stopped the sun from being too overbearing, and tan legs carried the patched warrior with ease amongst the flat lands that WindClan had secured for itself after their move. The place was still not quite as familiar to her as their ancient moors had once been, but she would be lying if she did not admit the fields of flowers didn't provide a colorful, pleasant mood to an already wonderful, self imposed patrol. Why she had allowed herself the time to sit and mope, stewing in her own misery was beyond her. Most cats had lost someone in their lives, she was no different to the rest of them. It was how you carried on that made the difference, and she would make sure she carried on with her eternal duty to her clan well fulfilled.

As she approached the edge of WindClan's territory, a scent reached her. Carried over by the breeze. Hackles instantly raising themselves in alertness and a readiness to battle, the spotted warrior shook herself, unwilling to enter the situation in a tiff. She was better than this. Anger was no way to approach an impending fight. And it was always polite to give one warning to any outsider within their territory. Not every cat was blessed with the knowledge of the clans and the laws that they abided by. And some were just too hare-brained to realize the copious scents of cats in the air clearly signaling the area's claim having been made.

Tail twitching, Dapplebreeze made her way towards the scent, carrying herself in a hunter's crouch downwind, ensuring the breeze worked with her to mask her scent until the very last minute. It was here that she saw her. A... molly. Obviously pregnant, by the looks of it, and far enough past the scent markers to be intruding. Perhaps the hormones had made the queen reckless? StarClan knew she herself had gotten a bit restless herself during her two previous pregnancies. Pregnant or not, however, an intruder was an intruder, and the older warrior had no intention to underestimate this feline... or give her any sort of special treatment. One warning was all they would get. Anything further would be settled with teeth and claws.

"It seems to me you are rather far from home, darling," the warrior mewed pleasantly, a demure smile upon her lips that didn't quite reach the cold gleam in her eyes. "I'm afraid you have wandered into WindClan's territory, and we have no room for outsiders. Best you be going now. Wouldn't want to be forced for things to get violent, would we? I would be more than pleased to escort you to the outskirts myself if you are lost," Dapplebreeze continued, whiskers twitching.

Despite the amicableness of her words, there was no friendliness to her tone. No warmth. Only a polite, business like, brisk tone. A clear indicator of a cat who was not here to waste time. Even her offer to escort the queen out had it's reasoning behind it. There was no way she would be leaving the molly to her own devices in WindClan's lands, after all.


@Abyssopelagic [Moorpaw]
| Not sure if you want Moorpaw here with Dapplebreeze for this? Dapplebreeze will be ruthlessly attacking if the kittypet doesn't leave. |

Abyssopelagic July 7th, 2023 01:31 PM

Re: WindClan Territory
Moorpaw followed after Dapplebreeze, her tail swishing behind her with each step. She missed her old home, and the familiarity of it, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like the new territory.
She definitely enjoyed getting the chance to explore it and everything being new. There was a certain excitement to it.
Moorpaw paused when her mentor tensed up. Immediately, she lifted her nose to sniff the air, and to actually pay attention to the changes.
The scent of an outsider finally registered in her brain and her eyes darted to her mentor for direction on how to go forward. When the patch coloured warrior forced herself to calm down and approached in a more peaceful fashion, she followed suit. She stepped to the side to avoid walking into Dapplebreeze, and to get a better look at the intruder.
She really hoped the queen chose the easy way. She wasn't keen on the idea of beating up a pregnant lady.
But Dapplebreeze seemed to have a handle on the situation, and so would remain as back up in case things turned sour.

[ @Alchemist Kitsune ; @LongForgottenSnowyPelt ]

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