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Toya Todoroki November 29th, 2023 12:53 PM

Skyclan Camp: a hollow space made of rocks and long, drooping moss. A small stream blocks kits from leaving camp as it runs right in front of the entrance to camp.

Skystone: The Gathering place for the Clan during meetings. A large smooth stone set in the back of the camp by the leader's den.

Medicine cats den: a hollow rock cave with cracks and pockets of missing rock pieces. Very safe from floods as it is risen off the group a few pawsteps.

Leader’s den: a den behind the skystone with optimal privacy. A cave with drooping moss hiding the entrance.

Warriors den: a cave to the right of the entrance, a few flat rocks lead up to the den entrance. Drooping moss hides most of the entrance.

Apprentices den: a hollow log that was washed into the camp a long time ago

Nursery: a hidden nock that's hidden from the front of camp. Warm and safe, it's well hidden by drooping moss.

Elder’s Den: farther from the camp entrance it's also in a hollow part of the fallen tree, a thin wall of stones separating the two dens.

Territory: a vast forest of ancient sycamores and pines of all ages.

Rapid creek: a creek with a fast flowing current. Apprentices are warned to stay away from there without an adult cat with them. Fish and voles are plentiful here.

Ancient Sycamore: a fallen sycamore were prey is plentiful but snakes have been known to make their burrows underneath the rotting wood

Clan Sign ups

Toya Todoroki November 29th, 2023 01:03 PM

Re: Skyclan

The Eyeless Tom Sat in front of the Skystone, listening to the rustle of leaves as the cool air of leaf-fall blew gently through the canopy of the forest. the tortoiseshell's thick fur rustled with the wind as well.

*longfire* November 29th, 2023 01:08 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511427)

The Eyeless Tom Sat in front of the Skystone, listening to the rustle of leaves as the cool air of leaf-fall blew gently through the canopy of the forest. the tortoiseshell's thick fur rustled with the wind as well.

Redfire woke up and stretched, the scarred one eye molly walked out of the den, leaving fallenpaw to sleep a little more. She exited the medicine den and looked up to see the eyeless tom, Deceptionray, the leader of the clan. She dipped her head at the leader before speaking up"Good morning Deceptionray" she purred as she went to the prey pile and grabbed a prey. Her striped tail flicking as she settled down to eat.

Toya Todoroki November 29th, 2023 01:11 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1511436)

Redfire woke up and stretched, the scarred one eye molly walked out of the den, leaving fallenpaw to sleep a little more. She exited the medicine den and looked up to see the eyeless tom, Deceptionray, the leader of the clan. She dipped her head at the leader before speaking up"Good morning Deceptionray" she purred as she went to the prey pile and grabbed a prey. Her striped tail flicking as she settled down to eat.

Deceptionray nodded his Head in the medicine cats Direction "Good Morning Redfire" He replied

*longfire* November 29th, 2023 01:18 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511438)

Deceptionray nodded his Head in the medicine cats Direction "Good Morning Redfire" He replied

Redfire took a bite of her prey as she saw the leader nod and reply. she gulped her food down before looking at the leader"How are you?" she asked

Toya Todoroki November 29th, 2023 01:21 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1511442)

Redfire took a bite of her prey as she saw the leader nod and reply. she gulped her food down before looking at the leader"How are you?" she asked

"Right as Rain i Suppose. i Do hope though we Get some free Cats though. This Clan i hope to listen to grow for many moons to come" The Leader meowed

*longfire* November 29th, 2023 01:39 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511443)

"Right as Rain i Suppose. i Do hope though we Get some free Cats though. This Clan i hope to listen to grow for many moons to come" The Leader meowed

"I'm sure our clan will grow in time" she replied finishing eating

Toya Todoroki November 29th, 2023 01:42 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1511456)

"I'm sure our clan will grow in time" she replied finishing eating

"indeed it will. the fact excites me" He replied with a soft chuckle "the hustle and bustle of an active clan is like birdsong of the loveliest kind"

Morrigan November 29th, 2023 01:47 PM

Re: Skyclan
French Skyclan Deputy

"Damn zis weathair(Damn this weather)" muttered the dark furred deputy Ebonyhawk who was currently perched on a high rock and fluffing out their pelt against the chilly breeze that assulted her. She wasn't in the best mood today...though was she ever? To most she seemed cold and curt...well she was but to some, very few, she had a soft spot for but was still stern with them, as was their job as deputy.

Giving a white speckled paw a quick lick she turned their pale gaze to the clearing beneath them and watched their clanmates with narrowed eyes. Such pathetic creatures to them but yet, she cared for them, well, just a bit. "Ugh we'ré all goeng to get a culd at zis poin(Ugh we're all going to get a cold at this point)" giving one last annoyed hiss, the deputy leaped down from their stone perch and strided across the cleaing, giving every cat an icy glare who dared look at them for more than a second.

(Please exuse the horrible accent it was done with an accent generator I found.)


bubble[error]. November 29th, 2023 02:09 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511421)
Skyclan Camp: a hollow space made of rocks and long, drooping moss. A small stream blocks kits from leaving camp as it runs right in front of the entrance to camp.

Skystone: The Gathering place for the Clan during meetings. A large smooth stone set in the back of the camp by the leader's den.

Medicine cats den: a hollow rock cave with cracks and pockets of missing rock pieces. Very safe from floods as it is risen off the group a few pawsteps.

Leader’s den: a den behind the skystone with optimal privacy. A cave with drooping moss hiding the entrance.

Warriors den: a cave to the right of the entrance, a few flat rocks lead up to the den entrance. Drooping moss hides most of the entrance.

Apprentices den: a hollow log that was washed into the camp a long time ago

Nursery: a hidden nock that's hidden from the front of camp. Warm and safe, it's well hidden by drooping moss.

Elder’s Den: farther from the camp entrance it's also in a hollow part of the fallen tree, a thin wall of stones separating the two dens.

Territory: a vast forest of ancient sycamores and pines of all ages.

Rapid creek: a creek with a fast flowing current. Apprentices are warned to stay away from there without an adult cat with them. Fish and voles are plentiful here.

Ancient Sycamore: a fallen sycamore were prey is plentiful but snakes have been known to make their burrows underneath the rotting wood

Clan Sign ups

Placeholder plz!

Toya Todoroki November 30th, 2023 08:16 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by peppermintbubble. (Post 1511472)

Placeholder plz!

will do lol

bubble[error]. November 30th, 2023 08:17 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511841)

will do lol

Wow I forgot about this lol. I'll have to sign up some other time cause I'm busy. But keep that placeholder

Toya Todoroki November 30th, 2023 08:18 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by peppermintbubble. (Post 1511844)

Wow I forgot about this lol. I'll have to sign up some other time cause I'm busy. But keep that placeholder

kk, but plz use the link on the threads first post to sign up lol

bubble[error]. November 30th, 2023 08:50 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511847)

kk, but plz use the link on the threads first post to sign up lol


Toya Todoroki November 30th, 2023 09:01 AM

Re: Skyclan

The Usually Solitary tom decided to climb his way up onto Skystone and Sit, listening to the Hustle Bustle of The Clan. He Was Conflicted inwardly though. He knew He'd Need To Visit the Moon Rock soon to Get His Leaders Name and Nine Lives. But The Problem With That was... what if Starclan chose to reject him because he'd been born without eyes? the Tom Shook out his Thick Fur. Time To Gather himself together. he wouldn't go to the Moon Rock today... no

But He Could Go Find Cat's To Recruit into The Clan!

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 10:07 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511461)

"indeed it will. the fact excites me" He replied with a soft chuckle "the hustle and bustle of an active clan is like birdsong of the loveliest kind"

[ realized i never replied 0.0]

Redfire yawned and stood up"Are you excited about receiving your nine lives? " the molly asked lightly trying not to overwhelm the eyeless tom

Toya Todoroki November 30th, 2023 10:10 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1511917)

[ realized i never replied 0.0]

Redfire yawned and stood up"Are you excited about receiving your nine lives? " the molly asked lightly trying not to overwhelm the eyeless tom

The Tom Tilted His Head "i'd Be lying if i didn't say i was worried. Do you thing a tom like me would really be accepted by starclan? i've honestly not heard a lot before of blind leaders"

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 10:17 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511925)

The Tom Tilted His Head "i'd Be lying if i didn't say i was worried. Do you thing a tom like me would really be accepted by starclan? i've honestly not heard a lot before of blind leaders"

Redfire groomed herself while the eyeless tom spoke, she flicked her tail quickly before replying"I think starclan will accept you, but if not i'll always have your back. There isn't a lot of history about blind leaders, Rarely that ever happens. In all my moons of Being a Medicine cat i have only heard tales of blind Leaders." she replied licking her paw then scrather behind her ear with her paw.

Toya Todoroki November 30th, 2023 10:19 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1511933)

Redfire groomed herself while the eyeless tom spoke, she flicked her tail quickly before replying"I think starclan will accept you, but if not i'll always have your back. There isn't a lot of history about blind leaders, Rarely that ever happens. In all my moons of Being a Medicine cat i have only heard tales of blind Leaders." she replied licking her paw then scrather behind her ear with her paw.

The Eyeless Tom Dipped His Head "indeed, truly spoken. It's an Honor to Have You as Clan Medicine cat." The Tom Meowed, Standing up "i think tomorrow would be the best day to set out, what do you think?"

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 10:23 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511940)

The Eyeless Tom Dipped His Head "indeed, truly spoken. It's an Honor to Have You as Clan Medicine cat." The Tom Meowed, Standing up "i think tomorrow would be the best day to set out, what do you think?"

The Medicine cat grinned a little, she stood up and walked to the medicine den entrance, her head turning slightly as she listened to the leader. He small nod appeared before she spoke" I'm honored to have you as the leader to" she purred before speaking again"Yes tomorrow would be a good day to set out" she replied looking at the sky.

Morrigan November 30th, 2023 12:13 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Zei (Post 1511864)

The Usually Solitary tom decided to climb his way up onto Skystone and Sit, listening to the Hustle Bustle of The Clan. He Was Conflicted inwardly though. He knew He'd Need To Visit the Moon Rock soon to Get His Leaders Name and Nine Lives. But The Problem With That was... what if Starclan chose to reject him because he'd been born without eyes? the Tom Shook out his Thick Fur. Time To Gather himself together. he wouldn't go to the Moon Rock today... no

But He Could Go Find Cat's To Recruit into The Clan!

French Skyclan Deputy

Spotting their leader sitting upon the Skystone, Ebonyhawk raised and eyebrow before deciding to engage in conversation with him. Swiftly leaping onto the large rock she made sure to do it gracefully and carefully both so she wouldn't slip and as an act of flaunting their skill to intimidate other cats.

Reaching the top of the stone in a few seconds, the deputy landed silently behind Deceptionray, standing just a fox-length away. Observing him for a moment more she finally decided to make their presence known "What are you doeng, Monsieur?(What are you doing sir?)" she asked, mostly judgement in their voice. She wasn't really curious she just wanted him to stop this sitting around.

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 12:55 PM

Re: Skyclan

Fallenpaw walk walking around herbs sticking to her pelt as she blinked.


*longfire* November 30th, 2023 01:01 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Galaxy_ (Post 1512016)

Fallenpaw walk walking around herbs sticking to her pelt as she blinked.


Redfire perked as she saw fallenpaw walk around with herbs stuck in her pelt"Fallepaw have you been collecting herbs? you have herbs stuck to your pelt " she purred walking over to fallenpaw

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 01:03 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1512019)

Redfire perked as she saw fallenpaw walk around with herbs stuck in her pelt"Fallepaw have you been collecting herbs? you have herbs stuck to your pelt " she purred walking over to fallenpaw

Fallenpaw looked over and nodded "I was just organizing!"

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 01:40 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Galaxy_ (Post 1512021)
Fallenpaw looked over and nodded "I was just organizing!"

Redfire smiled and grabbed the clinging herbs off of Fallenpaw her apprentice. The red-orange molly purred before setting the herbs down"I'm lucky to have a apprentice like you, anyway I would like to begin your training so I want to go out into the territory with you and go through the basics of the herbs is that ok with you?" she asked

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 02:58 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1512042)

Redfire smiled and grabbed the clinging herbs off of Fallenpaw her apprentice. The red-orange molly purred before setting the herbs down"I'm lucky to have a apprentice like you, anyway I would like to begin your training so I want to go out into the territory with you and go through the basics of the herbs is that ok with you?" she asked

Fawnpaw eyes shined "yes please yes please!"

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 04:32 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Galaxy_ (Post 1512093)
Fawnpaw eyes shined "yes please yes please!"

Redfire chuckled a little before speaking"alright Lets put the herbs that clinged to you in the medicine den and we'll head out alright?" she chirped grabbing the leftover herbs and walking into the medicine den.

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 04:59 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1512128)

Redfire chuckled a little before speaking"alright Lets put the herbs that clinged to you in the medicine den and we'll head out alright?" she chirped grabbing the leftover herbs and walking into the medicine den.

Fallenpaw smiled and ran after her mentor

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 05:02 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Galaxy_ (Post 1512151)
Fallenpaw smiled and ran after her mentor

Redfire turned her head to see fallenpaw follow her. She smiled and continued walking out to the territory, once in the territory she took a deep breath"alright lets begin" she said looking around before finding a herb, a yellow flower, she walked over and looked at it"alright fallenpaw this is the first herb we use, do you know what its called and what its used for?" she asked curiously.

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 05:07 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1512157)

Redfire turned her head to see fallenpaw follow her. She smiled and continued walking out to the territory, once in the territory she took a deep breath"alright lets begin" she said looking around before finding a herb, a yellow flower, she walked over and looked at it"alright fallenpaw this is the first herb we use, do you know what its called and what its used for?" she asked curiously.

Fawnpaw thought long and hard for a moment "C-coltsfoot? And I think its used for uh" she stuttered "Easing Breathing and its good to put on the bottom of cracked pads?" she half mumbled to herself.

*longfire* November 30th, 2023 05:14 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Galaxy_ (Post 1512161)
Fawnpaw thought long and hard for a moment "C-coltsfoot? And I think its used for uh" she stuttered "Easing Breathing and its good to put on the bottom of cracked pads?" she half mumbled to herself.

Redfire smiled"No but coltsfoot is a yellow flower too, this is marigold, when chewed up and applied it helps stop the infection " she replied letting Her apprentice soak in her words and knowledge.

Galaxy_ November 30th, 2023 05:16 PM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by Little_fawn (Post 1512165)

Redfire smiled"No but coltsfoot is a yellow flower too, this is marigold, when chewed up and applied it helps stop the infection " she replied letting Her apprentice soak in her words and knowledge.

She nodded and studied the flower some more.

Toya Todoroki December 1st, 2023 08:03 AM

Re: Skyclan

Originally Posted by The Doctor (Post 1512000)

French Skyclan Deputy

Spotting their leader sitting upon the Skystone, Ebonyhawk raised and eyebrow before deciding to engage in conversation with him. Swiftly leaping onto the large rock she made sure to do it gracefully and carefully both so she wouldn't slip and as an act of flaunting their skill to intimidate other cats.

Reaching the top of the stone in a few seconds, the deputy landed silently behind Deceptionray, standing just a fox-length away. Observing him for a moment more she finally decided to make their presence known "What are you doeng, Monsieur?(What are you doing sir?)" she asked, mostly judgement in their voice. She wasn't really curious she just wanted him to stop this sitting around.

Deceptionray's ears flickered backwards as the voice of the deputy rang out. "Nothing Much, Ebonyhawk. Just Thinking. I'll Be Going Off to The Moon Rock soon.... " the leader sighed. "and even after that there are many things to do. like check on the barrior struckter and all that"

Toya Todoroki December 2nd, 2023 08:21 PM

Re: Skyclan
bump plz join

Toya Todoroki December 19th, 2023 11:38 AM

Re: Skyclan
"Cats Of Skyclan Gather Around! "

Skyclan mentions: @-_-_Dark_-_- @ChristmasFawn @Peppermintbubble
@The Doctor @Galaxy_

*longfire* December 19th, 2023 11:39 AM

Re: Skyclan
Redfire joined the meeting

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