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BEAR. June 29th, 2017 05:32 AM

Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Hi guys,

Ray and I created a couple characters in need of family members: Peachfuzz and Tinyfuzz. They're both born and raised ShadowClan cats, and as you can see from their character pages, are very "traditional" characters. Disclaimer: The ideologies of these characters are not a representation of our own beliefs, and should not be taken that way. If you are uncomfortable with them, please don't apply or follow the roleplays!

For Peachfuzz, I'm looking for family members (primarily parents and siblings) that share his beliefs, though this does not apply out of character. Family members should have a breed and appearance similar to him.

Parents need to be hetero / cis, and share the same ideals as their son. The current idea for them [though this doesn't necessarily need to be the case!] is they're the offspring of breeder cats that joined the Clan, and that they are ashamed of their kittypet heritage and hid that from their kits. Because their parents were breeder cats, they were raised to think their purpose was to reproduce and continue the bloodline. They are repulsed by non-hetero / non-cis characters and will not hesitate to disown or harm any kits who differ in their beliefs.

Sibling applicants may apply with a LGBT+ or non-binary character, however the character would either need to be closeted or come out and be shunned and disowned by the family. This role is not required, and I would prefer the majority of siblings be hetero / cis.

You may also apply for younger siblings, but for now the youngest siblings should be around Tinyfuzz's age (24 moons.) This keeps the sibling age differences from getting too crazy until we know how old the parents are.

Parents can also opt for future litters, meaning more positions for siblings can be opened at their discretion. If the roleplayers of the parents decide to do this, I would like to know!

Tinyfuzz is also in need of family, and anything goes as long as their appearance and breed is similar to hers! Since she was influenced by Peachfuzz, her family members do not need to share their beliefs. Whether they do is up to you!

Anyone applying for Tiny's family can be LBGTQ+ and/or trans or non-binary but don't have to be -- their relationship with Tiny may be strained if she knows, though.

We are not looking for kits at this time. A finder will be posted in the future!
Being a family member will not negatively affect your chances at getting a kit role.

It does not matter if your character is created for the role or pre-existing.

The only role currently open is for Tinyfuzz's father. It will close August 6th.

To apply, use this form:

Role (please specify who they're related to):
Additional Information:

This is open to all applicants and family members, as well as relatives (mates, in-laws).

Currently accepted characters can be found here.

Family-related finders:
Feathermist's Finder
Bearblaze's Finder
Pyritecrest's Finder
Liondusk's Everything Finder
Morningfrost's Finder
Aspenfall's Finder
Tigerlight's Finder
Sorreltuft's Finder
Cedartuft's Finder
Honeythistle's Finder
Zenithwhisker's Finder
Mistytuft's Everything Finder
Timberwish's Finder
Bumblebear's Finder
Blazingsky's Finder
Dewmask's Finder
Thistlewatcher's Finder
Dustycloud and Stripedpelt's Finder
Echoskip's Finder
Brackenleaf's Finder
Mudtuft's Finder
Forestfur's Finder
Mousenose's Finder
Honeydew's Finder
To have your accepted character's finder listed here, please tag the title with [FUZZ] at the beginning and link it in this thread.

Hexict June 29th, 2017 06:55 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
(i'm applying two even though i know if i'm chosen only one is accepted - but i didn't know which to apply... i do prefer the first form but either way :3)

Name- Dustykit | Dustypaw | Dustycloud
[Dusty- for his brown fur | Cloud- for his soft and fluffy fur]
Age- 24 moons / 45 moons (if not accepted as younger)
Gender- Male
Role- Peachfuzz's Sibling
Appearance- [ ref ] [ ref ]
Similar to his name, Dusty has a base coat that is a dusty brown shade. Covering his pelt are thin black stripes. These stripes go over his flank, legs, paws, chest, and on his face - though his tail is only ringed towards the end and finishes with a black tail-tip. His maw, chest, underbelly and inner-legs are a very pale brown, almost a cream color. His eyes are a lighter brown shade with a hint of yellow at the bottom. His fur is very soft - hence his suffix - and fluffy fur as well, like many main coons. Although he is a main coon and could be considered larger when compared to many breeds of cats, he isn't as big or muscular as most main coons.
Personality- Closeted | Self-Conscious | Determined | Faithful | Confused / Conflicted | Kinder | Friendlier
Growing up in a traditional family had greatly influenced by them. He looks up to his family and is determined to make them proud of him and become a great warrior. He formed a prejudice towards many different groups. He found that only if you were gender and sexuality, non-full-blooded clan cats, cats that are not apart of his clan, and cats that do not dedicate themselves to Starclan fully then you could not be loyal to Starclan at all and were in line with the Dark Forest. He would shun and not acknowledge cats that fell into these groups as he believes that they would corrupt him and that would lead him to betray Starclan. Despite these harsh judgmental beliefs, Dusty was actually a kind tom and would befriend anyone who was a part of the 'pure group'. He could be talkative though usually would only say things that he knows his family would approve of.
Though when he was an apprentice, this tom began to question his own sexuality. He found another tom to be attractive and at first did not realize that he was forming a crush. When he became a warrior he realized that he was in fact homosexual and feared being dis-owned by his own family. This leads him to lock himself up in the closet, and due to this be becomes more self-conscious and fears that anything he does will tip them off. He still tries to be friendly and kind towards his clan-mates as he used to be, but at the same time is even more careful about what he says and does so that no one finds out. In an attempt to keep his sexuality hidden, Dusty tends to try even harder to say what he believes his family would want to be, and becomes harsher to cats that they are against - though in secret he would be kind towards a tom that he liked, especially if it seems that they like him back.
Additional Information-
- Is a closet homosexual
- If accepted as younger brother then maybe he looks up to Peachfuzz - his older brother - and wishes to become like him, sharing the same beliefs .
Though when he becomes an apprentice he begins to start questioning his sexuality. This leads him to realize when he's a warrior that he is gay, but in fear of disappoint his brother he remains in the closet?

Name- Stripedkit | Stripedpaw | Stripedpelt
[Striped- for his tabby markings | Pelt- for his fluffy fur]
Age- 45 moons
Gender- Male
Role- Peachfuzz's Sibling
Appearance- [ ref ] [ ref ]
Like many main coons, Striped has a large build as well as a thick and fluffy pelt. He has a brown base coat that takes up most of his coloring, though the insides of his legs and his belly are a lighter brown shade. On top of this base coat, he had thick black tabby stripes. These stripes are mostly on his face, legs, hind-quarts, shoulders and back where as his side had thin pale markings. His chin and throat are a white color, which sticks out from his brown and black colors. He has yellow eyes with a layer of green around the pupil. His build is quite large and muscular
Personality- Prejudiced | Traditional | Judgmental | Faithful | Dedicated | Hostile | Loud
Striped is quite the... traditional tom. His faith and dedication towards Starclan are strong and unwavering. He has strict beliefs and is unaccepting of certain things. These things are the following: cats with non-traditional gender and sexuality, non-full-blooded clan cats, cats that are not apart of his clan, and cats that do not dedicate themselves to Starclan fully. He wishes nothing to do with this list of cats and honestly believes that they do not have a place in this world since his thinks that Starclan does not watch over them. Striped doesn't understand why a cat would want to be anything other then male or female and thinks that it's wrong to be anything else. He also views same-sex and polyamorous couples the same way - no understand why anyone would want that - and sees it as a mistake and wrong since they can not reproduce this way and that's sign on how wrong it is. He also dislikes cats that are not full-blooded Shadowclan, seeing that betraying the clan by reproducing with someone out-side the clan is almost like betraying Starclan. Although he dislikes other clans and believes that in some way Shadowclan is the better clan, he does still prefer the other clans over cats that are non-clan blooded, not full-blooded or that live out-side the clans. Striped also shares the tradition value that females should be staying at home and their only job should be reproducing 'pure' kits whom shall becomes either great warriors or cats whom can reproduce more 'pure' cats - depending on the gender of the kits. This tom shows disdain when seeing a molly doing the 'male's duties' such as hunting and fighting while they should be sticking to 'their own duties'. Striped is willing to harm - or even kill - someone that does not fall into or absolutely support these strong beliefs.
He also believes that the Syndicate is the Dark Forest's work.
Additional Information-
- I might update... there was something I had wanted to put in his personality but had forgotten wile I was typing other traits :/ (if i do i'll mention you guys) - but I might not

@Lunacross I've added this form~

Name- Alfie | Downypaw | Downystripe
[Downy- for his soft/fluffy fur | Stripe- for his markings]
Age- 69 moons
Gender- Male
Role- Peachfuzz's Father
Appearance- [ ref ]
Downy is a pure-bread main coon, this means that has a large build and is also fluffier then some cats. His base coat is brown and does make up most of his coloring. His markings are black stripes on his legs, face, and a single one down his back though there are very faint stripes on his flanks that are difficult to see unless you were close up. His maw is a creamy white color and his chest is a slightly lighter shade of brown. His eyes are a dull hazel color, looking green with some brown in it. True to his name Downy has a very fluffy and very soft pelt, and true to his breed is a large and muscular tom.
Personality- Traditional | Proud | Loud / Out-Spoken | Unnaccepting | Faithful
Downy's beliefs are almost exactly like his kits'. Due to being born from breeders, he is a 'pure-blooded' cat. Downy doesn't have much pride in his kitty-pet life, but that is the one that that he holds on to. He is very traditional and had no tolerance for anyone who does not fall into his 'kind'. His faith and dedication towards Starclan are strong and unwavering. He has strict beliefs and is unaccepting of certain things. These things are the following: cats with non-traditional gender and sexuality, non-full-blooded clan cats, cats that are not apart of his clan, and cats that do not dedicate themselves to Starclan fully. He wishes nothing to do with this list of cats and honestly believes that they do not have a place in this world since his thinks that Starclan does not watch over them. Downy honestly believes that it's a mental illness when cats aren't 'pure' like he is. Downy has also formed a strict belief in Starclan - this was at first just to prove himself to his clan-mates, but it became much more serious as the moons past. Downy strongly believes that he is superior. That females are below him like many other groups and that a female's only use is to reproduce - though only if they are 'pure' should someone reproduce with them.
Additional Information-
- Despite hating his kitty-pet past, Downy is proud that he's full-blood as well as 'correct' and so he does hang onto that

Renunciation: The beliefs of my character(s) do not extend to my own beliefs - I in fact and quite against these prejudice beliefs (thought i should add that)

ShiningFern June 29th, 2017 08:16 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Brightfluff
Age: 24 moons(Or whatever age Tinyfuzz is now)
Gender: Shecat(Heterosexual)
Role (please specify who they're related to): Tinyfuzz's sister
Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...rest-Cat-3.jpg
Personality: She is a believer of Starclan and the Warrior code, but not all aspects of the 'traditional' lifestyle her sister and her mate's family believe in appeals to her. She firmly believes that she-cats have the right to learn how to fight and be a proper warrior, just like any tom. However much she dislikes the 'traditional' lifestyle, she still is a big supporter and protector of her sister. Brightfluff doesn't personally mind cats who aren't heterosexual, and if it makes them happy it should be just fine. She dislikes non-clan born cats and tolerates half-clan cats.
Additional Information: Um...not really. Might have stuff later.
(I slightly made her where she might have some ideals close to her sister's but also she has her own point of view about things too.)

Fawn June 29th, 2017 10:13 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
bump and for clarification, anyone applying for Tiny's family can be openly lgbtq+ and/or trans or non-binary but don't have to be -- their relationship with Tiny may be strained if she knows, though

(( i will add this to the original post later ))

NightWarrior4Life June 29th, 2017 10:24 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Raywood (Post 303874)
bump and for clarification, anyone applying for Tiny's family can be openly lgbtq+ and/or trans or non-binary -- their relationship with Tiny may be strained if she knows, though

(( i will add this to the original post later ))

Question, are the two having kits? If so can we apply for them? Also can we apply more than one cat?

wickedvirtues June 29th, 2017 10:34 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Amberfur
Age: Around the age of Tiny
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Sister of Tinyfuzz
Appearance: http://www.tnfcs.co.uk/History/Grand...ena-mi%20-.jpg
Personality: She is much more accepting than her sister, believing that everyone is equal no mater their beliefs or sexuality. She dislikes that Tinyfuzz is so traditional, stating this fact in every argument they have. Amberfur believes that every cat, she-cat or tom, can become a warrior and wonders why her sister has confined herself to a den with mewling kits for the rest of her moons.
Additional Information: She is openly bisexal.

Name: Brackenleaf
Age: Around the age of Peachfuzz
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's sister
Appearance: http://home.total.net/~grandmc/images/Socks1.jpg
Personality: Brackenleaf is timid and shy, and hates that their brother thinks of them as 'inferior' to toms. They can't bring themself to confront him about it, but they wish they could. They refuse to be coddled and in a nursery producing kits instead of helping their Clan out on the battle field. Though they pretends to agree with him, and sneak out of the nursery at times when they aren't being watched .They has been in battles before and refuse to stop.
Additional Information: Closet non-binary.

Momotaro June 29th, 2017 11:18 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Wow. Daypaws gonna be crushed. First Autumnpaw now these two.

45 Moons,
Role (please specify who they're related to):
Peachfuzz's Brother,
[Perfectionist] | [Broken-Spirited] | [Tired] | [Nervous] | [Kind] | [Facade] | ["Fearless"] | ["Bold"] | ["Brash"] | ["Arrogant"] | ["Dominant"] |
Asterisks symbolise how he acts, none symbolise his true personality.

["How He Acts"]

"You Freak. Why do you even live?"
To most Felines, LionDusk is an Fearless an Brash warrior. He is reckless, not caring that he could die when fighting a group of Badgers, just that his name will go down in history. He is arrogant, and if you dare say he isn't perfect, he will verbally murder you. He shares the belief that anything not Male, Female, Strait Or Cis, is evil, and Dark Forest based. He is firm in his beliefs. Liondusk would not bow dow to the leader if they were not the 'right' Gender or Sexuality. However, he is nothing more than a shadow of his brother. He acts how Peachfuzz would act, and doesn't have true autonomy.

His True Personality]

"Don't go..."
A shadow, A ghost, never seen, never heard. Background noise that sometimes gets through. Pitiful, barely there, yet still... Surviving. Tis is who LionDusk truly is. A kind, but forgetful cat, joyful, cheery, a kit a mother would love to have. Except this family. Beaten for his interest in men, Liondusk is a nervous reck, broken, ad tired of life. A perfectionist who is trying to 'fix' himself, he wants to be liked by his family, for the real him. Loved, not hated. But he is chasing a mirage. Love that was never true. Toxic.

No hope.
Additional Information:
Hes based on a case where a Homosexual man was punished for his feelings, and beaten by his parents when he told them he had a crush on a boy.
However, this time he was verbally berated, as that fits with the parents,

He now can never love someone, but try's to be who his parents told him to be, and will take on a female mate.

red_inactive June 29th, 2017 11:26 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
|| Name ||
|| Age ||
34 Moons (45 if younger is not preferred)
|| Gender ||
|| Role ||
Peachfuzz || Sister
|| Appearance ||
Reference Picture
Breed: Maine Coon
Fur Colors: Grey, black, white
Special Markings: Swirls of white and grey cover Echoskip's black fur.
Fur Texture: Smooth and soft
Complete Description: Echoskip is a large cat in terms of height. She is a black coated cat with swirls and stripes of grey and white, her black coat fading from black to a light grey on her head. Her fur is well groomed, silky and soft despite the harsh conditions. Strong and large, Echoskip is more suited for fighting rather than hunting, making up for lost speed with strength.
|| Personality ||
Echoskip is not a shy cat, rather boisterous and loud. She strongly disagrees with her family's views on how clan-life should be, but keeps quiet about it in fear that her family will disown her. Argumentative and stubborn, Echoskip is more likely to join in a heated argument rather than avoiding it like most cats. Echoskip speaks her mind the majority of the time, only keeping quiet when her family is around.
|| Additional Information ||
Echoskip is lesbian, but keeps it secret from her family.

Fawn June 29th, 2017 12:26 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life (Post 303881)
Question, are the two having kits? If so can we apply for them? Also can we apply more than one cat?

they'll have kits! but it's a bit early for applications, i'm pretty sure we will have those in a different finder if you're interested.

apply as many cats as you'd like.

Teza June 29th, 2017 12:38 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
45 moons
Gender Identification
Cis (Female)
Peachfuzz's sibling
Ref | Ref | Ref | Ref | Ref
Feather is a small-framed she-cat with bright, forest-green eyes. She has long fur with a dilute torbie pattern all over. The Maine-Coone has small, delicate paws, and seems to be small and delicate overall.

Traditional | Flirtatious | Loyal | Motherly | Quiet | Sarcastic | Sassy
Feather is a very motherly she-cat. She loves kits and will do anything for them, hence why she agreed to be a forever queen instead of a warrior. She hates to disappointanyone, especially her family.
The main-coon she-cat is extremely flirtatious with toms, but only to get her way. She only ever truly flirts with her mate. She doesn't talk much, but when she does she is super sarcastic and sassy, not really caring to listen to anyone talk about non-cis genders and non-hetero relationships. She would much rather gossip about other clans and strange-genders/relationships within Shadowclan.
While she does love her kits, Feather will not hesitate to shun any that do not follow her beliefs. Someday maybe she will learn...

Additional Information
While I did make this character for this, I fell in love with her. Thanks for inspiring her <3

Starfall June 29th, 2017 03:51 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Kiwigazer
Kiwi: For his brown fur
Gazer: for his observant personality

Age: 97 moons
Gender Identification:Demigirl [Physically male]
Role: Peachfuzz's father
Appearance: Ref1
Kiwigazer is a large, tall, slim tom with long, chocolate brown fur. He has splotches, swirls, and specks of lighter, sandy brown littering his pelt which covers up most of the darker brown, and has black stripes across his front legs, flank, and face. He has stunning, parakeet green eyes that have flecks of darker green near the iris. He is tall for someone his age and is a little slimmer than most, making him seem younger than he really is.
Personality:Kiwi is a righteous and brave warrior who is always wants to see the good in others, no matter how many horrible deeds they've done. He has always devoted himself to the weak and strives to not only find the truth, but also find justice, making sure that everyones treated equally and fairly, he hates it when one is punished for doing something and another isn't even though they've done the same. He is incredibly intelligent and shows a keen avid interest in Starclan. He, above all else, makes sure that he is as 'gentlemanly' as possible, he's very polite and is always crisp and clean to anyone and everyone, even if it may be an enemy. He treats everyone equally and doesn't think of anyone less than him, in fact he often puts their needs before his own. Kiwigazer always stays calm and thinks situations through with utmost care, no matter how careful or dangerous a situation. He loves a good brain teaser and is has a good sense of humor, although he doesn't laugh, it usually comes out as a chuckle. Although it is very hard you can anger him through hurting the ones he cares for and or squashing his beliefs, although he has the skill to do it he would never kill another just because they are at a disagreement. He gets embarrassed when he is incorrect about one of his assumptions and will often times after that either change the subject while hiding his face or politely say his goodbye and go hide in the territory and think it over once more.
Additional Information: He is Homosexual and won't hid the fact from his brother.

Name: Creamdream
Cream: For her cream swirls
Dream: For her optimism and childlike behavior

Age: 22 moons
Gender Identification: Female
Role: Tinyfuzz's sister
Appearance: Ref1
Creamdream is a lithe, short, beautiful Molly with swirls and stripes of hickory brown covering her dark cream and white coat. She has short, fluffy, silky fur with stunning emerald green eyes. She has white socks on all four legs, white muzzle, underbelly, chest, tail tip, and ear tips. Her hickory swirls and stripes litter her flank, face, legs, tail, and a bit of her chest.
Personality: Creamdream is spunky, perky, excitable, and outgoing. She exudes a childlike personality, being both impulsively curious and easily confused. She often acts without thinking things through, trying to touch unknown plants without restraint, and goes on tangents that quickly stop making sense. Despite her childish and seemingly naive behavior, Creamdream has demonstrated wisdom through many grueling situations. She is stubborn and persistent, looking out for those she cares about and holding hope despite all overwhelming long odds. Her Tenacity, optimism, and loyalty for those she cares about is stronger than the way she feels about her clan as a whole. She constantly puts others before herself and still finds a way to smile even when she's in trouble or her very life is threatened.
Additional Information: Hm, she's pansexual

judas June 29th, 2017 04:20 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Mistykit - Mistypaw - Mistytuft
Age: 45 Moons
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): PeachFuzz's Biological Sister
Appearance: Here
Misty has a Grey base coat, which is large and fluffy. Her markings are similar to those of her brother's. Her eyes are a Deep Pumpkin like orange. She has slight golden brown markings on her muzzle, which are very faint unless up close. Her ears are manly grey, with Black tufts. She also had white markings on her paw, muzzle, chest, and underbelly.
Kind || Stubborn || Traditional || Quiet || Organized
Kind: Mistykit is a very sweet and loving cat. She is nice to almost anyone she meets. Misty is very open and caring, although if she meets certain cats, she isn't very kind. Although she doesn't speak to them, she complains to her brothers and other siblings. She believes that the clan needs more kits. Misty also loves kits, and tries to Perseid them at a young age to have kits of they're own.
Stubborn: Even though she is kind, she is also stubborn. She stays with her opinions and beliefs and isn't easy to convince. Even if it's a little thing like getting extra sleep, she'll stay on her side until she wins. Which makes it hard for others to win a fight. Misty is loyal to her beliefs, and only her beliefs
Traditional: Like her family, Misty believes that cats that are able to have kits are fit for clan life. This means she doesn't completely approve of Homosexual cats or cats that struggle giving birth and losing a litter. She thinks these cats should be forced out of the clans in order for them to stay strong.
Quiet: Misty is very quiet around other cats. She doesn't ever go to talk someone she hasn't met. It's not that she's shy, she just doesn't talk often. She only likes to talk to her family, because they won't judge her for her beliefs. Although she tries to be kind and talk to cats anyway, even though they might not believe in the same things.
Organized: Misty believes that in order to have a strong clan, you must be organized. She often cleans up her nest, and sorts the warriors den out so everyone gets the right amount of moss. She also makes sure the apprentices are working, making sure to check the training ground whenever she can. Misty makes sure the camp is in tip top shape. Even though she has her own things to do, a organized, well cleaned camp makes everyone happy. She makes sure to patrol the borders as often as she can, and reports any suspicious behavior to Halestar
Additional Information: N/A

Serendipity June 29th, 2017 04:25 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 303776)
Hi guys,

Ray and I created a couple characters in need of family members: Peachfuzz and Tinyfuzz. They're both born and raised ShadowClan cats, and as you can see from their character pages, are very "traditional" characters. Disclaimer: The ideologies of these characters are not a representation of our own beliefs, and should not be taken that way. If you are uncomfortable with them, please don't apply or follow the roleplays!

For Peachfuzz, I'm looking for family members (primarily parents and siblings) that share his beliefs, though this does not apply out of character. Family members should have a breed and appearance similar to him.

Sibling applicants may apply with a LGBT+ or non-binary character, however the character would either need to be closeted or come out and be shunned and disowned by the family.

Tinyfuzz is also in need of family, and anything goes as long as their appearance and breed is similar to hers! Since she was influenced by Peachfuzz, her family members do not need to share their beliefs. Whether they do is up to you!

It does not matter if your character is created for the role or pre-existing.

To apply, use this form:

Role (please specify who they're related to):
Additional Information:

Hmmm.... Awaits next litter

BEAR. June 29th, 2017 09:36 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
small reminder i'm also looking for peach's parents, and that the lgbtq+ and/or non-binary sibling isn't a needed role! we have a lot of applications for that position, and i would prefer if the majority of his siblings were hetero / cis.

for anyone wondering, i am alright with him having younger siblings too! until we have set parents (or parent, depending on if one is applied for) and have an age for them, i wouldn't go too crazy with them being young -- i would suggest keeping them around tinyfuzz's age if you guys want to apply for the youngest litter atm. future siblings could be created at the discretion of the parents (though i would like to know!)

additionally, as an idea for his family history, i don't believe peachfuzz is descended from shadowclan cats. with his family being maine coons, my thought is his grandparents were breeder cats in the nearby twolegplace, and they left their home to join the clan. living together they were all already close friends.

both sets of his grandparents had kits, two of which in turn became mates and had him and their siblings. ashamed of their kittypet heritage, they hid that fact from their offspring and raised them to be fiercely loyal to starclan and the warrior code, with the intolerance for non-hetero / cis-gendered cats originating from their breeder heritage (since his grandparents would have been raised for the sole purpose of reproducing.)

of course, if there's any further suggestions for a family history, i'm open to them!

NOTE: updated the original post, if you guys want to review that!

Brunch June 29th, 2017 10:25 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Forestkit- Forestpaw -Forestfur
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's younger sibling
Appearance: Forestfur is quite the startling young she-cat. Her face is striking with high cheek-bones laid bellow her bright amber eyes. Her fur is long and fluffy, with colors of brown, white, and black mixing in it. On her back, it is a brindle of black and a light brown, leading down her back to a darker brown, which laces her tail and hind-legs. Forestfur's fore-paws are a white only to her elbows, which turns to a light brown.
Personality: Forestfur is quite a defiant she-cat; the family rules only seem like a whisper in the trees, and they don't matter. The Maine Coone had always been different from most of her family, as she thought that being different didn't always mean you were angering StarClan. Though Forestfur disregards most of the rules that her parents had set for her, she holds their belief in StarClan, of course in a different manner. She believes that their ancestors would always love them no matter what sex they were attracted to.
Forestfur makes her opinion blatant, but never confesses her attraction to she-cats. She knows that if she were to say something of her love, she would be condemned. Though she hates the views that her family has, she loves them like any cat would, and knows that they would disown her, as they already look down upon her.
Though sometimes a bit standoffish, Forestfur is a very warm she-cat once she knows someone better. And as soon as someone were to break that shell of hers, they would find Forestfur is very protective of her clan, and of course her family. Forestfur is also quite the friendly cat, always trying to start up conversations, even if it's out of the blue. The warrior is quite a lovely one, though you wouldn't want to meet her in battle.
Though when talking to her peers, she may seem as harmless as a fly-- and sometimes annoying as one too-- but in battle, she is ferocious and brave. Forestfur takes the promise she made at the beginning of her warriorship seriously, always ready to put her life on the line for her clan. Saying that, Forestfur is as loyal as she is ferocious; thinking of betraying her clan makes her sick.
Forestfur is a sweet she-cat, though she possesses a different viewpoint from her family. She is always eager to help her clan, and will always follow the warrior code.
Additional Information: Forestfur is closeted, though she shares her views openly.
Forestfur trusts Peachfuzz, though they share different views, and may sometimes confide in him.

BEAR. June 30th, 2017 12:31 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Liquoris (Post 304031)
45 moons
Gender Identification
Cis (Female)
Peachfuzz's sibling
Ref | Ref | Ref | Ref | Ref
Feather is a small-framed she-cat with bright, forest-green eyes. She has long fur with a dilute torbie pattern all over. The Maine-Coone has small, delicate paws, and seems to be small and delicate overall.

Traditional | Flirtatious | Loyal | Motherly | Quiet | Sarcastic | Sassy
Feather is a very motherly she-cat. She loves kits and will do anything for them, hence why she agreed to be a forever queen instead of a warrior. She hates to disappointanyone, especially her family.
The main-coon she-cat is extremely flirtatious with toms, but only to get her way. She only ever truly flirts with her mate. She doesn't talk much, but when she does she is super sarcastic and sassy, not really caring to listen to anyone talk about non-cis genders and non-hetero relationships. She would much rather gossip about other clans and strange-genders/relationships within Shadowclan.
While she does love her kits, Feather will not hesitate to shun any that do not follow her beliefs. Someday maybe she will learn...

Additional Information
While I did make this character for this, I fell in love with her. Thanks for inspiring her <3


Originally Posted by Moonfur (Post 304342)
Name: Mistykit - Mistypaw - Mistytuft
Age: 45 Moons
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): PeachFuzz's Biological Sister
Appearance: Here
Misty has a Grey base coat, which is large and fluffy. Her markings are similar to those of her brother's. Her eyes are a Deep Pumpkin like orange. She has slight golden brown markings on her muzzle, which are very faint unless up close. Her ears are manly grey, with Black tufts. She also had white markings on her paw, muzzle, chest, and underbelly.
Kind || Stubborn || Traditional || Quiet || Organized
Kind: Mistykit is a very sweet and loving cat. She is nice to almost anyone she meets. Misty is very open and caring, although if she meets certain cats, she isn't very kind. Although she doesn't speak to them, she complains to her brothers and other siblings. She believes that the clan needs more kits. Misty also loves kits, and tries to Perseid them at a young age to have kits of they're own.
Stubborn: Even though she is kind, she is also stubborn. She stays with her opinions and beliefs and isn't easy to convince. Even if it's a little thing like getting extra sleep, she'll stay on her side until she wins. Which makes it hard for others to win a fight. Misty is loyal to her beliefs, and only her beliefs
Traditional: Like her family, Misty believes that cats that are able to have kits are fit for clan life. This means she doesn't completely approve of Homosexual cats or cats that struggle giving birth and losing a litter. She thinks these cats should be forced out of the clans in order for them to stay strong.
Quiet: Misty is very quiet around other cats. She doesn't ever go to talk someone she hasn't met. It's not that she's shy, she just doesn't talk often. She only likes to talk to her family, because they won't judge her for her beliefs. Although she tries to be kind and talk to cats anyway, even though they might not believe in the same things.
Organized: Misty believes that in order to have a strong clan, you must be organized. She often cleans up her nest, and sorts the warriors den out so everyone gets the right amount of moss. She also makes sure the apprentices are working, making sure to check the training ground whenever she can. Misty makes sure the camp is in tip top shape. Even though she has her own things to do, a organized, well cleaned camp makes everyone happy. She makes sure to patrol the borders as often as she can, and reports any suspicious behavior to Halestar
Additional Information: N/A

These two are accepted.

@ Everyone else: please note that I'm not finished going through applications yet.

NightWarrior4Life June 30th, 2017 02:04 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Raywood (Post 304019)

they'll have kits! but it's a bit early for applications, i'm pretty sure we will have those in a different finder if you're interested.

apply as many cats as you'd like.

K thanks!

Dust June 30th, 2017 02:54 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Senior Queen


Role (please specify who they're related to):
Peachfuzz's mother

ref | More realistic ref
(Going off of your updated post Luna! )
Cedartuft is a pure-bred Maine coon, as her heritage is that of kittypets, although she appears much smaller than the average Maine-coon. Her base coat is a chestnut brown with darker brown stripes and a white chest, muzzle, and front paws. Her pelt is quite beautiful and well-kept and she takes quite a lot of pride in that fact. Being a queen for all her most if not all of her clan life, the molly has no scars or injuries.

Cedartuft is a very passive cat. She's quiet and soft-spoken, yet she's extremely snobby, proud, and judgemental. The senior queen was raised very traditionally, and tends to manipulate other and even herself into ignoring her kittypet heritage. Despite this, she turns her nose up to other kittypets, acting as if her roots are deep within Shadowclan and they have no place in the clan if they have nothing to offer in return. As for her relationship with her kits, she adores them to death, making sure to preach her thoughts and ideals whenever she can, keeping them in check, and being swift to punish if they express differently. She doesn't understand non-hetero relationships and non-cis cats, so she tends to talk to them as if she is interested, but will be quick to spread lies and hate behind their backs and use them as scapegoats. Cedar loves to spoil her kits, but most importantly her mate. She lives to please him and would be lost doing anything else, really she wouldn't want to do anything else. She hasn't been manipulated by her mate in any way, she was raised this way by her parents who fought to prove their place in the clan and continue their bloodline.

Additional Information:
-Decided to throw in some info from your post ^^
-It helped develop her a bit better than otherwise. She could adore and dote over Tinyfuzz, constantly praising her, but also simultaneously degrading her into a submissive position?
-Would definitely disown any LGBT kits, refusing to even look at or talk to them (unless they became "normal" again). Probably wouldn't like Tiny's family if they are accepting of LGBT etc.
-Favors her son(s) over her daughter(s), but tries to equally give them love

Empress Of Evil June 30th, 2017 05:16 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Pyritekit - Pyritepaw - Pyritecrest

Age: 36 moons

Gender: Male

Role (please specify who they're related to): Peachfuzz's younger brother

Appearance: Reference
Pyrite is a maine coon cat. He is large and muscular in build and has battle scars scattered across his pelt. However, his thick, long fur covers up most of his scratches and scars, making it appear that he only has about two or three scars. His fur colour is a mixture of brown, grey and black and his legs, tail and head covered with black stripes. His paws and chest are a pure white with no other shade intruding.
His eyes are a very pale yellow and even has a bit of grey mixed into it.

Personality: Pyritecrest is a very bold cat. He is not at all afraid to speak his mind, especially when it comes to his beliefs. He strongly believes that LGBT's are disgusting, which means he isn't very popular amongst his clan mates. He is confident and willingly speaks out whatever is on his mind and is very arrogant. He never backs down from a challenge and doesn't give up easily. He is also very proud. When it comes to showing off, Pyrite is always there and ready to be the best. To him, it's like a competition to see who is better at everything. He believes that he and his siblings are the best and is always pushing himself to do better than everyone else. Pyritecrest doesn't deal with embarrassment very well and hates it when he or his family fails to impress everyone.
Although he is quite arrogant and bold, there is a caring side to Pyritecrest. However, this only comes out when he's alone with his family or a family member, his mate especially. He is very protective of his kin, to the point where one might say he's overprotective. He does love his family, but things can change very quickly if you press the wrong buttons.
Pyritecrest has little patience and is angered easily. His anger can result in him not doing very nice things, especially if you disagree with him. He is a headstrong cat, the kind that says 'do not question me' and believes that everyone should agree with him. If you disagree with him or do something that's against his beliefs, he will not treat you nicely. Whether you're a family member or just a friend, stay on his good side or he could turn against you in less than a second.

Additional Information: -He is heterosexual
-If accepted, he would dislike LGBT members of Tiny's family and try to avoid them

Because he wasn't accepted as parent, I lowered his age and just changed his personality a bit! ^^

RedHead June 30th, 2017 08:09 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Morningkit || Morningpaw || Morningfrost
Morning-Her creamy colored fur
Frost-Her brilliant, vivid blue eyes
Age: 24 Moons
Gender: Female
Role: Tinyfuzz's sister
Appearance: Morning is on the larger size of cats, being larger than most females, about as large as the males of her breed. She has thick, fluffy, cream colored fur, the color of the sky on an early morning. She has white highlights throughout her fur, mainly around her chest, under her belly and tail, and stripes of white up from her belly across her sides. Morning also has dark russet/orange stripes across her creamy pelt. These stripes are most prominent on her face, shoulders, legs, and they ring her tail, which ends in a while tail-tip. Morning has large ears, with white tufts of fur on the tips. Her legs are muscular and long, and her tail is extra long and feathery. She has eyes that transition between different shades of blue, but their main color is a bright, vivid, pale blue. Not like a cold icy color, but a soft, misty color. With little green flecks like fireflies dancing in them.
Personality: +Hardworking || +Challenging || +Bold || +Athletic
-Sarcastic || -Temperamental || -Arrogant || -Pushy
Morning is one of the most tom-boyish cats you could ever meet. Yes, she identifies fully as a female, and was born a female, she just acts like how the traditional male cat would act. Like with how hard-working and athletic she is. Morning is constantly moving around, working hard in all aspects of her life. She wants to excel, and she hones her skills everyday to make them perfect. Morning is always looking out for new challenges and difficult things that come her way, just so she can show she'll excel at then. She pushes herself to her limits, breaking them and recreating new limits each time she trains. Her body is very apt to moving quickly and boldly, and she has a strong mind that helps her through her vigorous lifestyle. Morning is also very bold, not afraid to speak up in front of others. She defends herself and other cats, even if her life could be at risk sometimes. She just wants to show other cats that she will not back down. That she's ready to fight at all times.
Being so large and excellent in many things she does, Morning can be a bit prideful. She likes to announce her a accomplishments, and that's not bad, she just runs it in other cat's faces. She's not the nicest of cats, it's hard for her to get along with most because of her constantly moving and violent nature. Others also don't appreciate it when she brags about her amazing accomplishments. Morning also has a very uncontrolled temper, one that can be dangerous if she gets too angry. She can snap at any word another cat says, so most cats are "creeping" around her, trying to avoid any conversations so that they don't accidentally make her angry. Because angry Morning is a scary sight to see. She's also very sarcastic, to the point that it becomes unbearably annoying. You can never really tell if she's joking or not, so most of her sarcastic comments can be taken in the wrong way. Morning can be very pushy, trying to get other cats to do what she does, because she feels like more cats in this world need to step up and so some more work, and push themselves like she does. Morning is a very had cat to get to know, and she's more of a loner in her own clan.
Additional Information: Morning would not get along with Peachfuzz at all, but she would try to hold her tongue around him because she loved Tinyfuzz's so much, and didn't want to make her mad. She would still act herself around the two of them though, and she could often get in little arguments with Peachfuzz.

Teza June 30th, 2017 08:38 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 304916)

These two are accepted.

@ Everyone else: please note that I'm not finished going through applications yet.

Thank you!

Good luck everyone <3

judas June 30th, 2017 08:51 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 304916)

These two are accepted.

@ Everyone else: please note that I'm not finished going through applications yet.

Thank you!
Good luck everyone else I can't wait to see Misty's family <3

Doom June 30th, 2017 09:50 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Name: Mothkit -- Mothpaw -- Mothflight
Age: 60 moons
Gender: Female
Role: Peachfuzz’s Mother
Mothflight was raised a strong believer in StarClan, stubborn with strict views on rules and lifestyle. She takes pride in herself and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. The molly absolutely despises kittypets and her dreadful past connection to them. This leads to her powerful loyalty towards ShadowClan and living strictly by the warrior code. Mothlight refuses to take part in any interaction with LGBT cats and thinks their existence downright sickening. She doesn't hesitate to set someone straight or point out the flaws of others - which can sometimes act negatively against her, but rarely does anyone dare to poke at the she-cat’s standards because Mothflight isn't afraid to argue for justice. And unsurprisingly she’s kept a remarkably respected reputation around the nursery. In result of this, she expects to be highly respected; any mistreatment towards her will not be taken lightly. Although she may be a feisty and strict feline, Mothflight does in fact have a soft spot for fellow relatives. She believes she has one job and one job only; to breed and raise kits for the future good of the Clan. This gives her prominent mother skills and distinctive views on how a kit should be raised. Each generation she births is to be as perfect as possible - and her offspring’s kits need to live up to her expectations likewise. Anyone related who breaks the belief of the family bloodline shall be shunned.
Additional Information:
Connected to the backstory you provided <3

Crow June 30th, 2017 12:53 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Name: Barkfang
Age: 76 moons
Gender: Male
Role (please specify who they're related to): Father {Peachfuzz}
Appearance: reference - Barkfang, despite his age, is still a handsome cat. Despite graying at the muzzle, his strong features and musculature cause him to remain conventionally attractive. His base coat is a light, sandy shade, painted with a heavy amount of dark brown- nearly black- stripes. A thick streak painted down his back is the most notable of these markings. His face is coated with the traditional tabby markings, centered around a pair of striking green eyes. His muzzle and chin are a striking alabaster color, standing out in stark contrast to the rest of his features.
[Determined + Bold + Steadfast]
[Desicive = Traditional = Religious]
[Prejudiced - Distant - Harsh]
Barkfang is a very traditional-minded sort of cat. He disapproves of everyone except very religious, heterosexual, and cisgender cats- possibly due to his parents being born in a place where the objective was to have kits, and thus other relationships and genders were not condoned, much less respected. He is the conventional "perfect warrior"- he's good in battle, not lazy, will do anything to protect the clan, and is very stable. As kits are often taught that is what they should strive for, they often end up looking up to him as a role model- something he neither likes nor dislikes. He doesn't do anything halfway- if he decides he wants to do something, he wants himself and his mate to throw themselves into it. He is also a supremely traditional and religious cat. He believes that she-cats are meant to be controlled completely by their mate, and that the clans had a "golden age", which they should return to. He believes he is serving StarClan, and all who don't think like him will go to the Dark Forest. Naturally, he's a quite prejudiced cat because of this. He believes all cats can "change" their orientation or gender identity, and that they're just doing it for attention and to be special. He's also distant- the only way to become his friend is to become his ally. He's very judging of life choices, and is overall a quite mean-spirited cat.
Additional Information: N/A

Fawn June 30th, 2017 12:55 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Welcome to the family @Moonfur and @Liquoris ! :happycat: I've added your characters to Tinyfuzz's character page under the family section.
I hope y'all don't mind, but I've put your finders into the original post since people frequenting this thread may be interested in applying there. If you want the links changed or removed, let me know and I'll be happy to!


& Thank you everyone for all the wonderful and well-written applications!!
As a reminder, Tinyfuzz is still in need of parents! I'm fairly sure nobody has applied for those roles thus far so if anyone's interested, please do apply because havin' some parent kitties for her would be lovely ;u;

Momotaro June 30th, 2017 02:07 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
@Lunacross @Raywood Finished my form.

Teza June 30th, 2017 02:38 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Raywood (Post 305169)
Welcome to the family @Moonfur and @Liquoris ! :happycat: I've added your characters to Tinyfuzz's character page under the family section.
I hope y'all don't mind, but I've put your finders into the original post since people frequenting this thread may be interested in applying there. If you want the links changed or removed, let me know and I'll be happy to!


& Thank you everyone for all the wonderful and well-written applications!!
As a reminder, Tinyfuzz is still in need of parents! I'm fairly sure nobody has applied for those roles thus far so if anyone's interested, please do apply because havin' some parent kitties for her would be lovely ;u;

I am probably gonna make a finder for Feather that's all her own when I get home. Ill link it here when I do :3

EDIT; Here ya go

BEAR. June 30th, 2017 06:10 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
For those making finders when you're accepted, you might want to include a [FUZZ] tag in your finder name as a sort of trigger warning.

@Moonfur, @Liquoris

Would you guys be okay with us editing your thread names to include [FUZZ] in the title?

The original post was also updated with Feathermist's finder. c:

judas June 30th, 2017 06:12 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 305470)
For those making finders when you're accepted, you might want to include a [FUZZ] tag in your finder name as a sort of trigger warning.

@Moonfur, @Liquoris

Would you guys be okay with us editing your thread names to include [FUZZ] in the title?

The original post was also updated with Feathermist's finder. c:

Fine with me!

Teza June 30th, 2017 06:12 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 305470)
For those making finders when you're accepted, you might want to include a [FUZZ] tag in your finder name as a sort of trigger warning.

@Moonfur, @Liquoris

Would you guys be okay with us editing your thread names to include [FUZZ] in the title?

The original post was also updated with Feathermist's finder. c:

I can do that, yeah :3

red_inactive June 30th, 2017 06:51 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Adding a new form for a more "Traditional" character.

|| Name ||
(Previously Oakenkit, Oakenpaw)
|| Age ||
68 Moons || Approx. 5.7 years
|| Gender ||
|| Role ||
Tinyfuzz || Father
|| Appearance ||
Picture Reference
Oakenfur's fur is a light brown, with several darker brown tufts/stripes and a few white hairs decorating his coat.
|| Personality ||
Oakenfur is a generally traditional cat, and despises any cat who loves another cat of the same gender, or does not identify as their birth sex.
|| Additional Information ||
Oakenfur is an older tom, but not ready to join the elders yet. Main Coon cats typically live for 12 years, so Oakenfur is not ready to leave the warriors den in search of a more "peaceful" life.
Addendum: Sorry for the brief descriptions, I'm tired and unable to focus on one thing for a large period of time. This is also a new cat, and I prefer roleplaying out their personality before making large decisions, if that makes any sense?

Fawn June 30th, 2017 07:08 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Fern (Post 303797)
Name: Brightfluff
Age: 24 moons(Or whatever age Tinyfuzz is now)
Gender: Shecat(Heterosexual)
Role (please specify who they're related to): Tinyfuzz's sister
Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...rest-Cat-3.jpg
Personality: She is a believer of Starclan and the Warrior code, but not all aspects of the 'traditional' lifestyle her sister and her mate's family believe in appeals to her. She firmly believes that she-cats have the right to learn how to fight and be a proper warrior, just like any tom. However much she dislikes the 'traditional' lifestyle, she still is a big supporter and protector of her sister. Brightfluff doesn't personally mind cats who aren't heterosexual, and if it makes them happy it should be just fine. She dislikes non-clan born cats and tolerates half-clan cats.
Additional Information: Um...not really. Might have stuff later.
(I slightly made her where she might have some ideals close to her sister's but also she has her own point of view about things too.)


Originally Posted by RedHead (Post 304977)
Name: Morningkit || Morningpaw || Morningfrost
Morning-Her creamy colored fur
Frost-Her brilliant, vivid blue eyes
Age: 24 Moons
Gender: Female
Role: Tinyfuzz's sister
Appearance: Morning is on the larger size of cats, being larger than most females, about as large as the males of her breed. She has thick, fluffy, cream colored fur, the color of the sky on an early morning. She has white highlights throughout her fur, mainly around her chest, under her belly and tail, and stripes of white up from her belly across her sides. Morning also has dark russet/orange stripes across her creamy pelt. These stripes are most prominent on her face, shoulders, legs, and they ring her tail, which ends in a while tail-tip. Morning has large ears, with white tufts of fur on the tips. Her legs are muscular and long, and her tail is extra long and feathery. She has eyes that transition between different shades of blue, but their main color is a bright, vivid, pale blue. Not like a cold icy color, but a soft, misty color. With little green flecks like fireflies dancing in them.
Personality: +Hardworking || +Challenging || +Bold || +Athletic
-Sarcastic || -Temperamental || -Arrogant || -Pushy
Morning is one of the most tom-boyish cats you could ever meet. Yes, she identifies fully as a female, and was born a female, she just acts like how the traditional male cat would act. Like with how hard-working and athletic she is. Morning is constantly moving around, working hard in all aspects of her life. She wants to excel, and she hones her skills everyday to make them perfect. Morning is always looking out for new challenges and difficult things that come her way, just so she can show she'll excel at then. She pushes herself to her limits, breaking them and recreating new limits each time she trains. Her body is very apt to moving quickly and boldly, and she has a strong mind that helps her through her vigorous lifestyle. Morning is also very bold, not afraid to speak up in front of others. She defends herself and other cats, even if her life could be at risk sometimes. She just wants to show other cats that she will not back down. That she's ready to fight at all times.
Being so large and excellent in many things she does, Morning can be a bit prideful. She likes to announce her a accomplishments, and that's not bad, she just runs it in other cat's faces. She's not the nicest of cats, it's hard for her to get along with most because of her constantly moving and violent nature. Others also don't appreciate it when she brags about her amazing accomplishments. Morning also has a very uncontrolled temper, one that can be dangerous if she gets too angry. She can snap at any word another cat says, so most cats are "creeping" around her, trying to avoid any conversations so that they don't accidentally make her angry. Because angry Morning is a scary sight to see. She's also very sarcastic, to the point that it becomes unbearably annoying. You can never really tell if she's joking or not, so most of her sarcastic comments can be taken in the wrong way. Morning can be very pushy, trying to get other cats to do what she does, because she feels like more cats in this world need to step up and so some more work, and push themselves like she does. Morning is a very had cat to get to know, and she's more of a loner in her own clan.
Additional Information: Morning would not get along with Peachfuzz at all, but she would try to hold her tongue around him because she loved Tinyfuzz's so much, and didn't want to make her mad. She would still act herself around the two of them though, and she could often get in little arguments with Peachfuzz.

Both accepted! Tinyfuzz's character site will be updated in a moment - if you make a Biography thread or a character site page for these characters, link me so I can update my site, please.

If you are going to create finders for these characters, please label the thread [FUZZ] in order to be added to the finder section. Post the link in this thread so it can be listed in the original post. Examples are here and here.

Note: I am NOT done looking through applications, there are so many amazing ones and I do plan on adding more siblings to Tinyfuzz's family.
Also, they still need parents!!

BEAR. June 30th, 2017 09:42 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Duststorm (Post 304953)

Senior Queen


Role (please specify who they're related to):
Peachfuzz's mother

ref | More realistic ref
(Going off of your updated post Luna! )
Cedartuft is a pure-bred Maine coon, as her heritage is that of kittypets, although she appears much smaller than the average Maine-coon. Her base coat is a chestnut brown with darker brown stripes and a white chest, muzzle, and front paws. Her pelt is quite beautiful and well-kept and she takes quite a lot of pride in that fact. Being a queen for all her most if not all of her clan life, the molly has no scars or injuries.

Cedartuft is a very passive cat. She's quiet and soft-spoken, yet she's extremely snobby, proud, and judgemental. The senior queen was raised very traditionally, and tends to manipulate other and even herself into ignoring her kittypet heritage. Despite this, she turns her nose up to other kittypets, acting as if her roots are deep within Shadowclan and they have no place in the clan if they have nothing to offer in return. As for her relationship with her kits, she adores them to death, making sure to preach her thoughts and ideals whenever she can, keeping them in check, and being swift to punish if they express differently. She doesn't understand non-hetero relationships and non-cis cats, so she tends to talk to them as if she is interested, but will be quick to spread lies and hate behind their backs and use them as scapegoats. Cedar loves to spoil her kits, but most importantly her mate. She lives to please him and would be lost doing anything else, really she wouldn't want to do anything else. She hasn't been manipulated by her mate in any way, she was raised this way by her parents who fought to prove their place in the clan and continue their bloodline.

Additional Information:
-Decided to throw in some info from your post ^^
-It helped develop her a bit better than otherwise. She could adore and dote over Tinyfuzz, constantly praising her, but also simultaneously degrading her into a submissive position?
-Would definitely disown any LGBT kits, refusing to even look at or talk to them (unless they became "normal" again). Probably wouldn't like Tiny's family if they are accepting of LGBT etc.
-Favors her son(s) over her daughter(s), but tries to equally give them love


Originally Posted by Crow (Post 305167)
Name: Barkfang
Age: 76 moons
Gender: Male
Role (please specify who they're related to): Father {Peachfuzz}
Appearance: reference - Barkfang, despite his age, is still a handsome cat. Despite graying at the muzzle, his strong features and musculature cause him to remain conventionally attractive. His base coat is a light, sandy shade, painted with a heavy amount of dark brown- nearly black- stripes. A thick streak painted down his back is the most notable of these markings. His face is coated with the traditional tabby markings, centered around a pair of striking green eyes. His muzzle and chin are a striking alabaster color, standing out in stark contrast to the rest of his features.
[Determined + Bold + Steadfast]
[Desicive = Traditional = Religious]
[Prejudiced - Distant - Harsh]
Barkfang is a very traditional-minded sort of cat. He disapproves of everyone except very religious, heterosexual, and cisgender cats- possibly due to his parents being born in a place where the objective was to have kits, and thus other relationships and genders were not condoned, much less respected. He is the conventional "perfect warrior"- he's good in battle, not lazy, will do anything to protect the clan, and is very stable. As kits are often taught that is what they should strive for, they often end up looking up to him as a role model- something he neither likes nor dislikes. He doesn't do anything halfway- if he decides he wants to do something, he wants himself and his mate to throw themselves into it. He is also a supremely traditional and religious cat. He believes that she-cats are meant to be controlled completely by their mate, and that the clans had a "golden age", which they should return to. He believes he is serving StarClan, and all who don't think like him will go to the Dark Forest. Naturally, he's a quite prejudiced cat because of this. He believes all cats can "change" their orientation or gender identity, and that they're just doing it for attention and to be special. He's also distant- the only way to become his friend is to become his ally. He's very judging of life choices, and is overall a quite mean-spirited cat.
Additional Information: N/A

Accepting these as Peachfuzz's parents!

A bit iffy on Cedartuft degrading Tinyfuzz, since Tinyfuzz is already a submissive character and her energy might be better spent on going after Tinyfuzz's siblings and/or parents, since the majority of her siblings seem to be going for pro-LGBTQ+.

Also, if you guys want to, feel free to have subsequent litters!

If you make finders for them, please label the thread [FUZZ] in order to be added to the finder section. Post the link in this thread so it can be listed in the original post. Examples are here and here.
unashamedly stealing what ray said as a reminder


For those who applied for Peachfuzz's parents and weren't chosen, don't be afraid to apply for Peach's siblings or Tiny's parents and siblings!

I'm still looking for more cis / hetero siblings! I'm holding off accepting the LGBTQ+ sibling until later -- we have a ton of applications for those and there's only at most one or two slots for that (depending on the amount of siblings he has.) You can apply for more than one sibling if you'd like!

Brunch June 30th, 2017 09:57 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Considering applying for Tiny's parent...

Fawn June 30th, 2017 09:59 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Cloudy (Post 305698)
Considering applying for Tiny's parent...

raywood intensifies

Dust June 30th, 2017 10:10 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Lunacross (Post 305680)

Accepting these as Peachfuzz's parents!

A bit iffy on Cedartuft degrading Tinyfuzz, since Tinyfuzz is already a submissive character and her energy might be better spent on going after Tinyfuzz's siblings and/or parents, since the majority of her siblings seem to be going for pro-LGBTQ+.

Cool beans o: I was thinking subtly, not outright degrading her, but yeah that will work! I'll go ahead and throw up a finder for her soon ^^
edit: *Correction* Reinforcing her to be submissive through compliments, etc etc.

217 June 30th, 2017 10:52 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

18 Moons
Role (please specify who they're related to):
Tinyfuzz || Brother
Photo Reference || A large, fluffy tom with blended patches of grey-brown, light brown, and a dark, nearly black brown. He has distinguishable dark tabby marks on his face, and less noticeable (but still there) tabby marks on his front legs.
Barkblaze is more of a quiet tom. Though he can be talkative to his friends, he isn't quite as so around others, prefering to keep mostly to himself. He can come as rude with his preference not to speak to others, which is the reason he doesn't have as many friends as others may have. He still does have friends, though, and those who male the effort to be his friend, he is very loyal and close to.
He is protective of friends and family, and will not stand for another cat teasing or pushing around those he loves. He would put himself before the ones he is close to any day, whether it be taking a blow for them in battle or giving them his helping of food from a low fresh-kill pile.
Though he doesn't show it, he is secretly quite sensitive. He tries to be more talkative than he is, because he doesn't want to be disliked, but he can't help but be his quiet self. When others talk to him, he has a hard time coming up with something decent to respond with, and only those who see past that and still try to talk to him become his friends.
A part of the reason he is so quiet is because he is also quite shy, and has a harder time socializing with those he doesn't know well. Despite this, he is also very loving to those who end up getting close to him, and he wants nothing more than a mate so he can give her his loyalty and love.
Additional Information:
- I might add more to the form later, specifically in the personality section.
- Same-sex relationships and non-cis cats make him slightly uncomfortable, but he tries not to judge others based on that.
- He is not, however, a traditional cat and, if he were to get a mate, would be perfectly fine with her hunting fully by his side and even practicing combat with her.

Brunch June 30th, 2017 11:07 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]
Two applications for both families...
Name: Stripekit- Stripepaw- Stripesong Stripe: for her tabby fore-paws. Song: for her sweet voice.
Age: 68 moons
Gender: Female
Role (please specify who they're related to): Tinyfuzz's Mother
Appearance: Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Stripesong is quite a beautiful she-cat, with long, fluffy fur. Her coat is mostly a mixture of brown, a cream and black. Stripesong's back has a long black stripe on it, and her flanks are a cream color, all the way to her underbelly. Stripesong's chest and face-- basically her entire front-- are a light brown, while her fore-paws have tabby markings lining them, ending in white paws. Stripesong's fmuzzle is a white, different from the cream on the rest of her body, with a striking pink nose. Her face is very well-chiseled, with cheekbones higher up on her face than the normal cat. Stripesong's eyes are an almond shape with light green irises that add to her beautiful complexion.
Personality: Stripesong is the one who you would associate with being a mother. Her demeanor is very loving and kind, always accepting. With this, she believes that anyone can love anyone, though she keeps her opinion to herself knowing that other may not have the same ideas. Stripesong is the kind who doesn't care what sort of opinions a cat may have on a subject as long as they turn into a nice feline. Though Stripesong is nice to all of her clanmates, she is aggressive to strangers; one of the perks of being a mother. Stripesong is a fierce she-cat, though she may not come off as it. She is also very responsible, always getting errands done for the nursery. Whether it be to changing bedding to playing with kits, Stripesong is there.
With this, Stripesong is heavily dedicated to the warrior code, and never stays from it. Saying that, Stripesong doesn't take the code as serious as Peachfuzz might. In actuality, she disapproves of Peachfuzz for Tinyfuzz's mate. She respects her kit's decision, though, and doesn't stage her thoughts. Stripesong will always be happy as long as her family is cantent.
Additional Information: Stripesong is a forever queen, as the term slips my mind. She stays in the nursery and helps with the new kits. Stripesong will probably be retiring to the elders' den soon.

red_inactive June 30th, 2017 11:59 PM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by Rubinaito (Post 305520)
Adding a new form for a more "Traditional" character.

|| Name ||
(Previously Oakenkit, Oakenpaw)
|| Age ||
68 Moons || Approx. 5.7 years (23 Moons older than Peachfuzz)
|| Gender ||
|| Role ||
Peachfuzz || Father
|| Appearance ||
Picture Reference
Oakenfur's fur is a light brown, with several darker brown tufts/stripes and a few white hairs decorating his coat.
|| Personality ||
Oakenfur is a generally traditional cat, and despises any cat who loves another cat of the same gender, or does not identify as their birth sex.
|| Additional Information ||
Oakenfur is an older tom, but not ready to join the elders yet. Main Coon cats typically live for 12 years, so Oakenfur is not ready to leave the warriors den in search of a more "peaceful" life.
Addendum: Sorry for the brief descriptions, I'm tired and unable to focus on one thing for a large period of time. This is also a new cat, and I prefer roleplaying out their personality before making large decisions, if that makes any sense?

Editing this form:

|| Age ||
Still the same, removing the Peachfuzz bit.

|| Role ||
Tinyfuzz || Father

BEAR. July 1st, 2017 12:49 AM

Re: Fuzz Family Finder [SEE DISCLAIMER]

Originally Posted by The Eye Of The Storm (Post 303927)
Wow. Daypaws gonna be crushed. First Autumnpaw now these two.

45 Moons,
Role (please specify who they're related to):
Peachfuzz's Brother,
[Perfectionist] | [Broken-Spirited] | [Tired] | [Nervous] | [Kind] | [Facade] | ["Fearless"] | ["Bold"] | ["Brash"] | ["Arrogant"] | ["Dominant"] |
Asterisks symbolise how he acts, none symbolise his true personality.

["How He Acts"]

"You Freak. Why do you even live?"
To most Felines, LionDusk is an Fearless an Brash warrior. He is reckless, not caring that he could die when fighting a group of Badgers, just that his name will go down in history. He is arrogant, and if you dare say he isn't perfect, he will verbally murder you. He shares the belief that anything not Male, Female, Strait Or Cis, is evil, and Dark Forest based. He is firm in his beliefs. Liondusk would not bow dow to the leader if they were not the 'right' Gender or Sexuality. However, he is nothing more than a shadow of his brother. He acts how Peachfuzz would act, and doesn't have true autonomy.

His True Personality]

"Don't go..."
A shadow, A ghost, never seen, never heard. Background noise that sometimes gets through. Pitiful, barely there, yet still... Surviving. Tis is who LionDusk truly is. A kind, but forgetful cat, joyful, cheery, a kit a mother would love to have. Except this family. Beaten for his interest in men, Liondusk is a nervous reck, broken, ad tired of life. A perfectionist who is trying to 'fix' himself, he wants to be liked by his family, for the real him. Loved, not hated. But he is chasing a mirage. Love that was never true. Toxic.

No hope.
Additional Information:
Hes based on a case where a Homosexual man was punished for his feelings, and beaten by his parents when he told them he had a crush on a boy.

He now can never love someone, but try's to be who his parents told him to be, and will take on a female mate.

You might want to make sure this character's backstory would be valid with @Crow and @Duststorm, since they roleplay Peachfuzz's parents and would have the say in how they handle punishments.

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