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Fawn October 4th, 2016 12:42 AM

Dusk Syndicate Territory

Doom October 6th, 2016 12:25 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Dawn slowly puzzled its way into the sky, chasing away the dark night colors as the grey sky turned orange. Cats of the Dusk Syndicate scurried into their dens and they took the signal that their night time rave was over. As for Renn, he took this signal as a perfect time to meet up with Lucifren. Padding just outside camp, the Commander took a seat in a shady area and began to groom his sleek black fur. He proposed an important to question toward Just Luci a couple nights ago - although it was pretty obvious the Fighter was more than willing to become a Guard. And that was pleasing. Renn purred as the morning light spilled onto the forest floor and over his pelt. There were no clouds last night; therefore the sun came early. The black oriental decided to lay out onto his belly, flexing his claws as he reached out into a satisfying stretch. His tongue curled into a yawn while he spoke to himself. "Stupid mornings...they make me drowsy."
Once comfortable, Renn decided to think about his recent 'friend' that he'd made. Lucifren has oddly made a positive influence on Renn. He loved being around them for some reason. Normally the Commander would care less about who he "likes" and "dislikes", but recently he'd noticed a slight change in his attitude toward Just Luci. Did he...fancy them? Renn's large pink ears drew back in disbelief. No way. Perhaps he just shares a comforting connection between them - like a really good friendship? It was still hard to believe, though. Hard to believe that it was just a good friendship. Lucifren asked him an odd question during their dinner. It was about love. Why would they ask him about such a thing? Were they having feelings? Was Renn having feelings? Everything seemed a little too far-fetched to mark fact. Why did this even bother him?
Renn became uncomfortable. Usually he wouldn't mind going into deep detail about things, but this topic was ridiculous; load of badger droppings. Trying to push the thought away, the Commander lifted his head to try and spot Luci. Were they even coming? The sun is rising. Maybe Renn kept his hopes up too high. He frowned in disappointment and then slowly licked his backside, trying to fix those last few spots of unflattened fur. They'll come. They got to...right?

Hexict October 6th, 2016 09:22 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

The black and aqua cat looked from Cleo then towards Church as she introduced them. He started to relax at this point. He perked up at the name of the area. "I've never heard of it," he admitted truthfully. Seeing that Cleo had answered truthfully, Lavernius decided to answer her question. "I'm from a place not too far from here... there are a lot of humans there though," since he had grown up with the twolegs, that's what he called them, but he hadn't really been a house-pet so they weren't housefolk to him... just humans. The young tom watched Cleo for a moment. "What is the 'Dusk Syndicate'? Are there other cats?" Lavernius' orange orbs glanced around the territory as if expected to suddenly see other cats walking around - but there weren't.

Owl October 6th, 2016 10:22 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 548)

The black and aqua cat looked from Cleo then towards Church as she introduced them. He started to relax at this point. He perked up at the name of the area. "I've never heard of it," he admitted truthfully. Seeing that Cleo had answered truthfully, Lavernius decided to answer her question. "I'm from a place not too far from here... there are a lot of humans there though," since he had grown up with the twolegs, that's what he called them, but he hadn't really been a house-pet so they weren't housefolk to him... just humans. The young tom watched Cleo for a moment. "What is the 'Dusk Syndicate'? Are there other cats?" Lavernius' orange orbs glanced around the territory as if expected to suddenly see other cats walking around - but there weren't.

Cleo's head tilted and a dark expression washed over her face when the tom mentioned humans. She hated humans and vowed never to go near them again. When her and her brother, Vasilli, were on their own, two small humans dressed in all black and looked very different from the other humans, tortured them for a short period. Vasilli and Cleo managed to escape but not before they had scars on their bodies. The scars were now hidden by their pelts that thankfully grew back but Cleo will never forget what they had gone through. Looking back at Lavernius, she nodded curtly at his words. "Well the Dusk Syndicate is a gang, a group, a colony, whatever you want to call it of rogues, kittypets, loners, you name it. However, these cats are more sinister than most. Though we have three roles here: Fighter, Hunter, and Healer. It ranks strongest to weakest in that order. Me and mister tough guy over there..." She paused to look at the semi-freaked out tom with an eye roll, "are Fighters." The beautiful pale Bengal fae flicked her ears at the younger tom. "There are a lot of cats here." Cleo then turned her head toward the direction of camp. "Because we found you on the territory, we will have to bring you back with us. Renn would be very intrigued to see such a handsome tom such as yourself." She glanced at Church wondering if the tom would ever gain his composure again.

Fel October 6th, 2016 04:55 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by SilverNight (Post 460)
Dawn slowly puzzled its way into the sky, chasing away the dark night colors as the grey sky turned orange. Cats of the Dusk Syndicate scurried into their dens and they took the signal that their night time rave was over. As for Renn, he took this signal as a perfect time to meet up with Lucifren. Padding just outside camp, the Commander took a seat in a shady area and began to groom his sleek black fur. He proposed an important to question toward Just Luci a couple nights ago - although it was pretty obvious the Fighter was more than willing to become a Guard. And that was pleasing. Renn purred as the morning light spilled onto the forest floor and over his pelt. There were no clouds last night; therefore the sun came early. The black oriental decided to lay out onto his belly, flexing his claws as he reached out into a satisfying stretch. His tongue curled into a yawn while he spoke to himself. "Stupid mornings...they make me drowsy."

Once comfortable, Renn decided to think about his recent 'friend' that he'd made. Lucifren has oddly made a positive influence on Renn. He loved being around them for some reason. Normally the Commander would care less about who he "likes" and "dislikes", but recently he'd noticed a slight change in his attitude toward Just Luci. Did he...fancy them? Renn's large pink ears drew back in disbelief. No way. Perhaps he just shares a comforting connection between them - like a really good friendship? It was still hard to believe, though. Hard to believe that it was just a good friendship. Lucifren asked him an odd question during their dinner. It was about love. Why would they ask him about such a thing? Were they having feelings? Was Renn having feelings? Everything seemed a little too far-fetched to mark fact. Why did this even bother him?
Renn became uncomfortable. Usually he wouldn't mind going into deep detail about things, but this topic was ridiculous; load of badger droppings. Trying to push the thought away, the Commander lifted his head to try and spot Luci. Were they even coming? The sun is rising. Maybe Renn kept his hopes up too high. He frowned in disappointment and then slowly licked his backside, trying to fix those last few spots of unflattened fur. They'll come. They got to...right?

Lucifren had stepped out of their own den quietly by the time Renn was up, and the newly-appointed Guard blinked their eyes lazily as they rose to their feet. They weren't very timely in their awakening, having slept in late for somebody of their rank, but the cat was just getting used to the new duties they had to tend to, like escorting Fighters and Hunters on trips out into the territory and protectiong the Syndicate's camp from intruders. They'd smelled a strange cat around here just last night, but ignored the scent, as it had mingled with Dusk Syndicate smell as well- They must've been taken care of already. Flinching just a bit as they thought of this mystery cat possibly being killed, they didn't have any more time to react to the idea- another thought was already flooding Luci's mind, and it was that they'd promised to meet Renn outside, for a morning patrol. Oh gosh, I'm late! I'm late for an absolutely important date! Letting their fur bristle in a sudden panic, Lucifren's amber eyes gleamed in the bright rays of the sun as they raced out of camp, their large and powerful paws easily sending them across the territory with ease, and the cat scented around for any sign of their Commander.
As they searched frantically, Lucifren finally caught sight of the brown-pelted oriental, and gave a sigh of relief as they sprinted through a row of dense bushed to the cat, wincing slightly from the force it took to run through all the shrubbery on their own. "S-Sorry I'm late!" Luci exclaimed, their tail still bushed up from the anxiety their timing had caused, though they hoped to hide how nervous they felt when meeting Renn again. Why don't I feel this around any other cats- I'm not nervous because I'm scared, but for some sort of different reason... like I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him, like he makes me feel happy- even though I'm late to our patrol. Shaking off the leaves scattered around their fur awkwardly, the Guard shuffled their paws quietly as they tried to wait for the Commander to start speaking, since they didn't know what to talk about or what to do right now- they barely seemed to know how to do anything but stand there, frozen and in awe of how their new friend made them feel. Mouse-dung! Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes- can't I just be normal? Luci tried to stay calm, but it was quite obvious they were distracted as they stood, waiting.

Doom October 6th, 2016 05:53 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Renn smirked once he heard the sudden pitter patter of Lucifren's familiar pawsteps in the distance. He watched as the Guard scrambled out from between some shrubs, panting and obviously in a hurry. Renn chuckled as he gracefully stood. "About time, floof-face." He teased, flickering his tail in amusement. He helped Just Luci swish the leaves away, then purred into a proper greeting. "'Morning. Ready for the patrol?" Their awkwardness began to return, although it sent a "warm feeling" of admiration throughout Renn. He found Luci's staggering sort of hilarious; even somewhat flattering. Although this could be Just Luci being natural - the idea of having someone get nervous around yourself is just great.
The commander readied himself and padded off toward the very edges of the Syndicate. Morning was finally official, spreading daylight throughout the land. Everything looked different at this time. Almost pretty. Of corse he preferred the coolness of moonlight, he enjoyed seeing the illuminating rays of sunlight filtering through the trees. Yet he was still sleepy, which was annoying. Trying to perk himself up, Renn looked over his shoulders to spot Luci. "So how do you like being a Guard?" The brownish-black oriental asked. "I'll be announcing your position soon. Hopefully you're enjoying the upgrade? Nothing too tricky of a job, I hope." His green orbs sparkled intriguingly while he gazed down at his dear friend. Their colorful fur was appealing to Renns eye. He always liked colorful pelts, he envied them, wishing that his own pelt could be a little more appealing. And Luci's pelt has recently been his favorite to look at.
Renn snapped out of his trance, deciding to blankly stare at his own boring paws for a moment. Since when was he so interested in someones pelt? Making himself uncomfortable, the Commander cleared his throat and took a quick scan of his surroundings. They were on a patrol, after all. Not some silly private walk. Or date. Right? "There haven't been much Clan activity recently. Makes me wonder." He forced out some random topic, trying to fill the silences. He didn't want this to be awkward - even if that might be practically impossible around Lucifren. Renn still wanted to believe there were no feelings. Perhaps he was still spooked by Just Luci the other night. That conversation about love has been on his mind for a while now, almost too long. Without thinking, Renn allowed himself to bring the topic back up. "Can I ask you something?"

Hexict October 7th, 2016 06:21 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
[ QUOTE=Owl;570]
Cleo's head tilted and a dark expression washed over her face when the tom mentioned humans. She hated humans and vowed never to go near them again. When her and her brother, Vasilli, were on their own, two small humans dressed in all black and looked very different from the other humans, tortured them for a short period. Vasilli and Cleo managed to escape but not before they had scars on their bodies. The scars were now hidden by their pelts that thankfully grew back but Cleo will never forget what they had gone through. Looking back at Lavernius, she nodded curtly at his words. "Well the Dusk Syndicate is a gang, a group, a colony, whatever you want to call it of rogues, kittypets, loners, you name it. However, these cats are more sinister than most. Though we have three roles here: Fighter, Hunter, and Healer. It ranks strongest to weakest in that order. Me and mister tough guy over there..." She paused to look at the semi-freaked out tom with an eye roll, "are Fighters." The beautiful pale Bengal fae flicked her ears at the younger tom. "There are a lot of cats here." Cleo then turned her head toward the direction of camp. "Because we found you on the territory, we will have to bring you back with us. Renn would be very intrigued to see such a handsome tom such as yourself." She glanced at Church wondering if the tom would ever gain his composure again.

Church remained silent as the two spoke, still unsure what to do in this situation and being terrible with younger cats. Though Lavernius listened to Cleo as stiffened slightly as she said that he had to go with them. Part of him wanted to run - sinister? It didn't sound like something he wanted to get involved with. But still... he didn't really have a place to go, and he was a bit curious about this Dusk Syndicate that Cleo was speaking of. He was hesitant to really say anything for a bit, and decided to just nod. The black and aqua tom didn't know what else to do. He was sure that if he tried to leave, than Church and Cleo would have to track him down, but he wasn't their enemy, and he wasn't one for fighting, so he went with the simplest solution. As the molly glanced back at Church, so did Lavernius, still uncertain about the tom that had originally found him and seemed... really strange. But as long as he wasn't going to hurt him, it was alright.

Fel October 8th, 2016 12:25 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by SilverNight (Post 1010)
Renn smirked once he heard the sudden pitter patter of Lucifren's familiar pawsteps in the distance. He watched as the Guard scrambled out from between some shrubs, panting and obviously in a hurry. Renn chuckled as he gracefully stood. "About time, floof-face." He teased, flickering his tail in amusement. He helped Just Luci swish the leaves away, then purred into a proper greeting. "'Morning. Ready for the patrol?" Their awkwardness began to return, although it sent a "warm feeling" of admiration throughout Renn. He found Luci's staggering sort of hilarious; even somewhat flattering. Although this could be Just Luci being natural - the idea of having someone get nervous around yourself is just great.
The commander readied himself and padded off toward the very edges of the Syndicate. Morning was finally official, spreading daylight throughout the land. Everything looked different at this time. Almost pretty. Of corse he preferred the coolness of moonlight, he enjoyed seeing the illuminating rays of sunlight filtering through the trees. Yet he was still sleepy, which was annoying. Trying to perk himself up, Renn looked over his shoulders to spot Luci. "So how do you like being a Guard?" The brownish-black oriental asked. "I'll be announcing your position soon. Hopefully you're enjoying the upgrade? Nothing too tricky of a job, I hope." His green orbs sparkled intriguingly while he gazed down at his dear friend. Their colorful fur was appealing to Renns eye. He always liked colorful pelts, he envied them, wishing that his own pelt could be a little more appealing. And Luci's pelt has recently been his favorite to look at.
Renn snapped out of his trance, deciding to blankly stare at his own boring paws for a moment. Since when was he so interested in someones pelt? Making himself uncomfortable, the Commander cleared his throat and took a quick scan of his surroundings. They were on a patrol, after all. Not some silly private walk. Or date. Right? "There haven't been much Clan activity recently. Makes me wonder." He forced out some random topic, trying to fill the silences. He didn't want this to be awkward - even if that might be practically impossible around Lucifren. Renn still wanted to believe there were no feelings. Perhaps he was still spooked by Just Luci the other night. That conversation about love has been on his mind for a while now, almost too long. Without thinking, Renn allowed himself to bring the topic back up. "Can I ask you something?"

Bunching their tail-fur up suddenly at the sound of being called a 'floof-face', Lucifren tried to remind themselves that it was just a term of affection, only a simple greeting- H-he's not teasing me, at least not with cruel intent, I think. I know what cruel intent really is. Gulping as Renn continued to talk, he seemed so confident in his words, almost like he knew what was right and wrong. Nodding eagerly for the question of being ready for the patrol, the Commander's second question was a bit harder to answer. "It's great- not too much has happened, but there's a bit of clan scent on the bo-" As soon as Renn started to talk about the absence of clan markings on their territory, they realized their discovery was probably just a dream, or an unconcious grab for success, the tricolored cat shook their head slowly. "Nevermind... probably just a hallucination." It was already unnerving them, how amazing the tom in front of them was. He was absolutely kind, but also wise- he knew when he needed to fight, and fought well. Renn was admirable, and it was a no-brainer that almost all the Dusk Syndicate liked him- this was never the case for Luci, however. They were always a bulky and strong cat, able to take on some versatile opponents and come out alive. They were strong, surely- but this Guard was also a shy, mild-mannered cat who always got nervous about something, never fitting in with their peers- but with Renn, this is where 'Just Luci' belonged. Their ears perking again at Renn's next question, as they felt obliged to answer it. "Y-Yeah, sure!"

Owl October 9th, 2016 10:47 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Hexict (Post 1661)
[ QUOTE=Owl;570]
Cleo's head tilted and a dark expression washed over her face when the tom mentioned humans. She hated humans and vowed never to go near them again. When her and her brother, Vasilli, were on their own, two small humans dressed in all black and looked very different from the other humans, tortured them for a short period. Vasilli and Cleo managed to escape but not before they had scars on their bodies. The scars were now hidden by their pelts that thankfully grew back but Cleo will never forget what they had gone through. Looking back at Lavernius, she nodded curtly at his words. "Well the Dusk Syndicate is a gang, a group, a colony, whatever you want to call it of rogues, kittypets, loners, you name it. However, these cats are more sinister than most. Though we have three roles here: Fighter, Hunter, and Healer. It ranks strongest to weakest in that order. Me and mister tough guy over there..." She paused to look at the semi-freaked out tom with an eye roll, "are Fighters." The beautiful pale Bengal fae flicked her ears at the younger tom. "There are a lot of cats here." Cleo then turned her head toward the direction of camp. "Because we found you on the territory, we will have to bring you back with us. Renn would be very intrigued to see such a handsome tom such as yourself." She glanced at Church wondering if the tom would ever gain his composure again.

Church remained silent as the two spoke, still unsure what to do in this situation and being terrible with younger cats. Though Lavernius listened to Cleo as stiffened slightly as she said that he had to go with them. Part of him wanted to run - sinister? It didn't sound like something he wanted to get involved with. But still... he didn't really have a place to go, and he was a bit curious about this Dusk Syndicate that Cleo was speaking of. He was hesitant to really say anything for a bit, and decided to just nod. The black and aqua tom didn't know what else to do. He was sure that if he tried to leave, than Church and Cleo would have to track him down, but he wasn't their enemy, and he wasn't one for fighting, so he went with the simplest solution. As the molly glanced back at Church, so did Lavernius, still uncertain about the tom that had originally found him and seemed... really strange. But as long as he wasn't going to hurt him, it was alright.[/QUOTE]


Cleo flicked her ears in irritation as she padded closer to Church and proded him in the shoulder with her paw, claws unsheathed lightly poking him with her sharp, hooked claws. "Church." She said sternly, with narrowed ocean depths. "You need to snap out of it, you found him so he is essentially your responsibility." The she-cat shrugged as she gazed at the young tom with a small smile. Her personality seemed to switch to a different one as she spoke to the young tom and then Church. "Are you going to come with us?" The she-cat asked Lavernius carefully as she studied him, she still had her nice, calm expression but there was a warning in her gaze as if daring him to try and get away. He would cause the two to get into trouble if they just let him go.

Hexict October 11th, 2016 12:38 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
As she prodded him, the silver tabby blinked and turned towards Cleo. Even before she finished what he was saying, the tom was trying to stop her. "Are you kidding? I can't do kids, that's a commitment I'm not ever willing to make!" He winced slightly as he realized that Lavernius could hear him, so he lowered his voice. "Look, I don't really want to deal with it - I mean look at him, he's probably an annoying little brat like all the other kits," he mewed, but knew that Cleo wouldn't really be listening to him and would rather actually ignore his words.

Lavernius flattened his ears as he heard Church yelling about not wanting to take him in. His amber orbs watched as the tabby lowered his voice so that the younger tom wouldn't hear him, but Lavernius was able to perk his ears and hear him mumbling to Cleo. When the molly turned towards him and asked if he was coming, the young cat had to think about it for a moment, hesitant to make a quick decision. "Okay," he finally agreed to go with them, though he threw a glare at Church as he answered, and the older tom narrowed his own orbs.

lio October 29th, 2016 08:54 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
@Duskflight -- Your Post From Before Migration;

His anger had flared earlier with his interaction with his sister, but slowly as he trekked into the territory after her, it seemed to level off back at the normal level of anger that it was usually at. He slightly hoped that he could catch up with Mercy before she happened to strike another cat, but he wasn't overly concerned with making sure that he did, just trotting along at a decent pace. Inside he was aching for the metallic taste of blood, the feeling of his claws raking through flesh, the feeling of his anger ebbing away for just a little bit. It had been a while since he had killed something, specifically another cat, it was time he killed something. Perhaps he would be given that opportunity today.

Ears perking up at the sound of commotion ahead, Wrath flattened his ears and growled lowly, smelling the blood and immediately he came barreling out of the undergrowth. He wanted to kill the cat. Shouldering Mercy out of the way, he immediately latched his powerful jaws onto the felines throat, viciously shaking his head, tearing flesh into ribbons and snarling, pinning the other feline down as he did this, his sharp claws hooking into the she-cat. Wrath had completely forgotten that Mercy was there and likely wanted to kill this cat. It didn't matter to him at the moment. ))

Mercy growled as she was pushed, landing on her side. When she got to her paws again, her tail lashed and she hissed. The tortie's paw lashed out, catching Wrath on the flank and making a small mark. "You idiot! That was my kill! You are such a moron!" Her one eye blazed with fury and she crouched down, a snarl upon her curled lips. She readied herself to spring, her bloodlust on overdrive.
Even if she lost, she'd just have to battle her own brother to get that feeling of tearing something apart in which she oh-so craved. Mercy's claws dug into the ground as she imagined that it was Wrath's flesh. Her face was distorted with insanity, her ears flattened. "Idiot! I can't wait to taste your blood!" She cackled.

(Eeeh sry its so shorttt)

The Cannibal October 29th, 2016 09:05 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Broken (Post 12382)
@Duskflight -- Your Post From Before Migration;

His anger had flared earlier with his interaction with his sister, but slowly as he trekked into the territory after her, it seemed to level off back at the normal level of anger that it was usually at. He slightly hoped that he could catch up with Mercy before she happened to strike another cat, but he wasn't overly concerned with making sure that he did, just trotting along at a decent pace. Inside he was aching for the metallic taste of blood, the feeling of his claws raking through flesh, the feeling of his anger ebbing away for just a little bit. It had been a while since he had killed something, specifically another cat, it was time he killed something. Perhaps he would be given that opportunity today.

Ears perking up at the sound of commotion ahead, Wrath flattened his ears and growled lowly, smelling the blood and immediately he came barreling out of the undergrowth. He wanted to kill the cat. Shouldering Mercy out of the way, he immediately latched his powerful jaws onto the felines throat, viciously shaking his head, tearing flesh into ribbons and snarling, pinning the other feline down as he did this, his sharp claws hooking into the she-cat. Wrath had completely forgotten that Mercy was there and likely wanted to kill this cat. It didn't matter to him at the moment. ))

Mercy growled as she was pushed, landing on her side. When she got to her paws again, her tail lashed and she hissed. The tortie's paw lashed out, catching Wrath on the flank and making a small mark. "You idiot! That was my kill! You are such a moron!" Her one eye blazed with fury and she crouched down, a snarl upon her curled lips. She readied herself to spring, her bloodlust on overdrive.
Even if she lost, she'd just have to battle her own brother to get that feeling of tearing something apart in which she oh-so craved. Mercy's claws dug into the ground as she imagined that it was Wrath's flesh. Her face was distorted with insanity, her ears flattened. "Idiot! I can't wait to taste your blood!" She cackled.

(Eeeh sry its so shorttt)

{It's fine!}

Within moments the large, burly tom had reduced the thing that had once been a cat into a bloody, mangled mess, in fact, he had been so tuned into flooding out his anger that he didn't even feel the stinging mark as Mercy clawed at his flank, drawing blood. Licking his lips and taking a step back, Wrath surveyed the mess of a corpse before turning his attention to his sister. His anger was now dulled, manageable really, so he simply looked at his sister with a neutral face as she crouched down and snarled, not a single worry on his face as she appeared that she was about to spring. Wrath was one of the largest of the siblings, and compared to Mercy, he practically towered over her, that, and he had a remarkably high pain tolerance.

Snorting in mild amusement, the long-furred, muscled tom smirked slightly at his sister, an odd look on his usually angry face, his eyes glinting with a strange look. "You're the idiot Mercy. You make one more towards attacking me I'll render you incapable of moving and let the crows pick at your bones. Go find some other stupid cat before you do something to hurt yourself." Meowed the tom, sitting down and beginning to lick his paw, though his eyes were still focused on her, his claws unsheathed and ready to grip into her should she make any violent advance towards him.

The Cannibal November 6th, 2016 03:49 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 12397)
{It's fine!}

Within moments the large, burly tom had reduced the thing that had once been a cat into a bloody, mangled mess, in fact, he had been so tuned into flooding out his anger that he didn't even feel the stinging mark as Mercy clawed at his flank, drawing blood. Licking his lips and taking a step back, Wrath surveyed the mess of a corpse before turning his attention to his sister. His anger was now dulled, manageable really, so he simply looked at his sister with a neutral face as she crouched down and snarled, not a single worry on his face as she appeared that she was about to spring. Wrath was one of the largest of the siblings, and compared to Mercy, he practically towered over her, that, and he had a remarkably high pain tolerance.

Snorting in mild amusement, the long-furred, muscled tom smirked slightly at his sister, an odd look on his usually angry face, his eyes glinting with a strange look. "You're the idiot Mercy. You make one more towards attacking me I'll render you incapable of moving and let the crows pick at your bones. Go find some other stupid cat before you do something to hurt yourself." Meowed the tom, sitting down and beginning to lick his paw, though his eyes were still focused on her, his claws unsheathed and ready to grip into her should she make any violent advance towards him.

Bump for @Broken!

dino. November 6th, 2016 05:57 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Can I join this roleplay?

lio November 6th, 2016 06:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 12397)
{It's fine!}

Within moments the large, burly tom had reduced the thing that had once been a cat into a bloody, mangled mess, in fact, he had been so tuned into flooding out his anger that he didn't even feel the stinging mark as Mercy clawed at his flank, drawing blood. Licking his lips and taking a step back, Wrath surveyed the mess of a corpse before turning his attention to his sister. His anger was now dulled, manageable really, so he simply looked at his sister with a neutral face as she crouched down and snarled, not a single worry on his face as she appeared that she was about to spring. Wrath was one of the largest of the siblings, and compared to Mercy, he practically towered over her, that, and he had a remarkably high pain tolerance.

Snorting in mild amusement, the long-furred, muscled tom smirked slightly at his sister, an odd look on his usually angry face, his eyes glinting with a strange look. "You're the idiot Mercy. You make one more towards attacking me I'll render you incapable of moving and let the crows pick at your bones. Go find some other stupid cat before you do something to hurt yourself." Meowed the tom, sitting down and beginning to lick his paw, though his eyes were still focused on her, his claws unsheathed and ready to grip into her should she make any violent advance towards him.

Mercy growled, her eye glimmering. She gazed at Wrath, vision flickering between his eyes. A snarl curled at her lips as she took a step back. Might as well keep her worthless, blood filled life. She might actually have something to live for before her crimes catch up to her! With a roll of her eyes, the tortie backed down. Her bloody crazed gaze still shone with hate, but she let up and turned away. "Just stay out of my way next time." She hissed, looking over her shoulder before stalking away.
This time, she hoped Wrath would follow her. She just needed a little taste of violence, right? Mercy could lead him into a trap! Great idea. But, what kind of trap should she use? He won't get fooled easily! Many different ideas swarmed through her head as she crawled away, her tail lashing.

The Cannibal November 6th, 2016 06:43 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Broken (Post 22658)
Mercy growled, her eye glimmering. She gazed at Wrath, vision flickering between his eyes. A snarl curled at her lips as she took a step back. Might as well keep her worthless, blood filled life. She might actually have something to live for before her crimes catch up to her! With a roll of her eyes, the tortie backed down. Her bloody crazed gaze still shone with hate, but she let up and turned away. "Just stay out of my way next time." She hissed, looking over her shoulder before stalking away.
This time, she hoped Wrath would follow her. She just needed a little taste of violence, right? Mercy could lead him into a trap! Great idea. But, what kind of trap should she use? He won't get fooled easily! Many different ideas swarmed through her head as she crawled away, her tail lashing.

Wrath's gaze was even as he looked at his sister in her eye, oh he knew that she was angry, but he didn't really care. He was able to soothe his anger and that's all that mattered to him. It helped to take the edge off, it helped to dissipate that red mist of wrath that fogged his vision and plagued his emotions. "Good." meowed the ragged tom simply enough as she took a step back, glad to see that his sibling had made the correct choice, he didn't really want to have to end her life, but he would do so without hesitation if it came down to it and that's just how Wrath was.
Snorting at Mercy's words, the older brother simply flicked his tail in dismissal, her words meant nothing to him because he could easily take her down any moment he wished. Continuing to groom himself, he would watch her leave, thinking a few things over now that his mind was clear of anger. I suppose I'll follow after, it should be interesting to see what she's up to. He thought for a moment as he was nearing the end of his grooming session. Once done he would sigh out, stretch, sink his claws into the ground before beginning to follow the scent trail his younger, one-eyed sister left, curious to see if she had happened to kill anyone yet.

lio November 6th, 2016 07:06 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Duskflight (Post 22713)
Wrath's gaze was even as he looked at his sister in her eye, oh he knew that she was angry, but he didn't really care. He was able to soothe his anger and that's all that mattered to him. It helped to take the edge off, it helped to dissipate that red mist of wrath that fogged his vision and plagued his emotions. "Good." meowed the ragged tom simply enough as she took a step back, glad to see that his sibling had made the correct choice, he didn't really want to have to end her life, but he would do so without hesitation if it came down to it and that's just how Wrath was.
Snorting at Mercy's words, the older brother simply flicked his tail in dismissal, her words meant nothing to him because he could easily take her down any moment he wished. Continuing to groom himself, he would watch her leave, thinking a few things over now that his mind was clear of anger. I suppose I'll follow after, it should be interesting to see what she's up to. He thought for a moment as he was nearing the end of his grooming session. Once done he would sigh out, stretch, sink his claws into the ground before beginning to follow the scent trail his younger, one-eyed sister left, curious to see if she had happened to kill anyone yet.

The tortie gave a feline smirk, her eye twitching back. She pressed her ear to the ground, listening for any sounds of heavy paws. Finding none, she moved on. Her ears swiveled and she licked her maw, a dark look falling over her. Mercy looked around, sprinting into a tree and to where she smelled an unfamiliar scent. A loner. She dropped down, her ears flattening as she slaughtered the cat. The tortie quickly dragged its body with her, listening for the heavy paws again. Then, she heard one. Then another.
Her maw twitched into an evil smile. The plan was working out nicely! She dragged the body, making sure not to leave a blood trail that was too obvious, to where the sounds came from. Mercy found the entrance to a den, badger scent coming from inside. She quickly scurried into the den, making sure to stay quiet so her plan didn't backfire, and placed the body in a corner. A badger caught her scent, but it was feeding its cubs so it couldn't come. Yet. Mercy spread her scent and the dead cats scent around, masking the badger scent before sneaking out to hide. She hid where her scent would be masked and her pelt would blend in so she could easily ambush Wrath. If her plan worked, that is.

dino. November 7th, 2016 06:03 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Ummm hello can I join?

Caligo Everton November 7th, 2016 10:56 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Turtlestar (Post 23304)
Ummm hello can I join?

Ash padded up to the stranger. "Who are you." She meowed fiercely. She knew she was only a kit and shouldn't be out of camp but who cares. "WHO ARE YOU!?" She asked again fiercely her tiny self fluffing up.

dino. November 7th, 2016 10:59 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Ya know what imma just go ahead and join.
Age: 7 moons
Gender: Tom
Description: Light brown tabby with one green eye, his previous name was Branch, but his other eye was blinded by a Shadowclan cat, leaving a small scar and giving him the name "Slash." He is angered easily and is violent and unpredictable. However, he is a loyal cat and will stay that way until his last breath.

Sage November 8th, 2016 07:56 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
(Mind If I join?)
Sobek glared at Ash. "I'm Sobek." She hissed. Haiku glanced at Ash from behind his mother's paws. He jumped in front of her and lashed out at Ash. He hissed and swiped a paw across her muzzle.

dino. November 8th, 2016 12:11 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Slash slunk through the forest, his ears pricked for any sounds of prey. He caught mews coming from up ahead of him, and he stalked quietly forward. He stopped at a bush and watched the group of cats in front of him for a moment before stepping out into the open. His one green eye glittered in the sunlight as he towered over the kit in front of him.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 07:27 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Zia ran from tree to tree, her tail held high. She raced around, looking for her next victim. Her blackish gray tabby fur glinted with a reddish tint, and at last, she spotted a smallsmall, long green creature climbing up the tree. Zia waggled her haunches and pounced, her paws slamming against the caterpillar, which instantly flattened and smashed. She stared at it, her green eyes wide with shock. I killed it! she bounced around excitedly, her chest puffed up with pride. "I caught my first prey!" She meowed, looking at the squished caterpillar on the side of the tree. Pride swelled in her heart and she marched around purposefully, her fur smooth and her tail and head held high. She saw Haiku, Sobek and two other cats—a kit and an adult—. She darted over to Sobek and looked up at her mother, he chest still swelling with pride. "Mama, Mama! I caught prey!" she mewed excitedly, unable to stay still, she darted off again in search of 'prey'.

Caligo Everton November 9th, 2016 01:39 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by S A G I E (Post 24697)
(Mind If I join?)
Sobek glared at Ash. "I'm Sobek." She hissed. Haiku glanced at Ash from behind his mother's paws. He jumped in front of her and lashed out at Ash. He hissed and swiped a paw across her muzzle.

Ash howled and jumped on haiku. "Coward." She howled. She slashed him on the stomach and held him down. she leaned forward red eyes gleaming in the dark forest. The same red eyes that everyone feared her for. She was strong and well muscled. Her fur fluffed up in a ash like storm. The female kit lol down at her prey and snarled. She was almost 10 moons now and was considering turning away from the job of a healer seeing how her clan treated them.

Sage November 9th, 2016 06:08 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Sobek's eyes darted away from the kit-fight, and to Zia. A purr emerged from her, as well as a wave of pride for her kit. "Very well done, Zia." She mewed.

Haiku looked at the 10 moon old kiten. This kitten was Ash. Her red eyes were burning into his russet and black pelt. For some reason this cat reminded him of his father; Bleddyn. Haiku shook the thought away and hissed at the kit. He spat in her face and threw her off of him. Haiku jumped on top of the cat and clamped his jaws shut around her hind leg.

doghouse November 9th, 2016 08:52 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Are we fighting now?" Zia asked, looking at Ash and Haiku, her eyes watchful. She sat down, watching them, studying how they both moved and deciding the best moves to counter theirs. Her gaze was intent as she watched, then Zia stood, her kit fluff sticking up in all directions. She charged, claws unsheathed and leaped at the much older one of them, a fierce growl escaping her maw. She prepared to rake her claws through the older one's fur, her ears back.

dino. November 10th, 2016 02:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Slash sat down and began washing his paws. The blood fro hjs last unlucky victim still stained them, and he licked the blood off with a contented sigh. He heard Ash and Zia, and he padded over to them. "Well, hello kittens. Lovely day, isnt it?" He purred silkily.

doghouse November 10th, 2016 08:02 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Zia jumped away from the others. "Wanna play?" She asked, and, without waiting for the strange tom's reply, she bounded over, glared at the cat, and sat down. She studied him for a moment, her green eyes intent. She jumped up and flashed out a paw, claws gleaming. She was aiming for his nose, and her movement was fast, and hopefully unexpected. Zia let out a hiss as she did. She wasn't trying to be friendly. She was trying to prove herself.

Caligo Everton November 10th, 2016 08:05 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Yes oh so lovely." She growled as the two charged her. Quickly she slipped between them and clawed there Sides with unsheathed claws. She smirked as she licked the warm blood from her paw relishing the taste. (Before slash. Hey yo anyone want to be my mentor?)

Sage November 11th, 2016 05:18 AM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Haiku squirmed and licked at his wound Ash had given him. He turned to Zia and began cleaning her wound as well. Sobek turned to her kits and gasped. She wrapped her tail around them and licked their heads. She stood back up and stood in front of Ash. She hissed as she pinned the kitten down to the ground, knocking the breath out of her. "Never. Come near my family again." Sobek hissed. 'Bleddyn.' Bleddyn was Sobek's mate. She didn't know why but thhis kit made her think of him.

dino. November 11th, 2016 02:32 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 27640)
Zia jumped away from the others. "Wanna play?" She asked, and, without waiting for the strange tom's reply, she bounded over, glared at the cat, and sat down. She studied him for a moment, her green eyes intent. She jumped up and flashed out a paw, claws gleaming. She was aiming for his nose, and her movement was fast, and hopefully unexpected. Zia let out a hiss as she did. She wasn't trying to be friendly. She was trying to prove herself.

Slash jerked back. "Well, aren't you quite the little fighter. Let's test your skill, shall we?" With a malicious grin, Slash unsheathed his claws and jumped on top of Zia. He dug his claws into her shoulders.

judas November 11th, 2016 03:24 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 25817)
Zia ran from tree to tree, her tail held high. She raced around, looking for her next victim. Her blackish gray tabby fur glinted with a reddish tint, and at last, she spotted a smallsmall, long green creature climbing up the tree. Zia waggled her haunches and pounced, her paws slamming against the caterpillar, which instantly flattened and smashed. She stared at it, her green eyes wide with shock. I killed it! she bounced around excitedly, her chest puffed up with pride. "I caught my first prey!" She meowed, looking at the squished caterpillar on the side of the tree. Pride swelled in her heart and she marched around purposefully, her fur smooth and her tail and head held high. She saw Haiku, Sobek and two other cats—a kit and an adult—. She darted over to Sobek and looked up at her mother, he chest still swelling with pride. "Mama, Mama! I caught prey!" she mewed excitedly, unable to stay still, she darted off again in search of 'prey'.


Originally Posted by Holly (Post 25996)
Ash howled and jumped on haiku. "Coward." She howled. She slashed him on the stomach and held him down. she leaned forward red eyes gleaming in the dark forest. The same red eyes that everyone feared her for. She was strong and well muscled. Her fur fluffed up in a ash like storm. The female kit lol down at her prey and snarled. She was almost 10 moons now and was considering turning away from the job of a healer seeing how her clan treated them.


Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 26559)
"Are we fighting now?" Zia asked, looking at Ash and Haiku, her eyes watchful. She sat down, watching them, studying how they both moved and deciding the best moves to counter theirs. Her gaze was intent as she watched, then Zia stood, her kit fluff sticking up in all directions. She charged, claws unsheathed and leaped at the much older one of them, a fierce growl escaping her maw. She prepared to rake her claws through the older one's fur, her ears back.


Originally Posted by Turtlestar (Post 27157)
Slash sat down and began washing his paws. The blood fro hjs last unlucky victim still stained them, and he licked the blood off with a contented sigh. He heard Ash and Zia, and he padded over to them. "Well, hello kittens. Lovely day, isnt it?" He purred silkily.


Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness (Post 27640)
Zia jumped away from the others. "Wanna play?" She asked, and, without waiting for the strange tom's reply, she bounded over, glared at the cat, and sat down. She studied him for a moment, her green eyes intent. She jumped up and flashed out a paw, claws gleaming. She was aiming for his nose, and her movement was fast, and hopefully unexpected. Zia let out a hiss as she did. She wasn't trying to be friendly. She was trying to prove herself.


Originally Posted by Holly (Post 27646)
"Yes oh so lovely." She growled as the two charged her. Quickly she slipped between them and clawed there Sides with unsheathed claws. She smirked as she licked the warm blood from her paw relishing the taste. (Before slash. Hey yo anyone want to be my mentor?)


Originally Posted by S A G I E (Post 28011)
Haiku squirmed and licked at his wound Ash had given him. He turned to Zia and began cleaning her wound as well. Sobek turned to her kits and gasped. She wrapped her tail around them and licked their heads. She stood back up and stood in front of Ash. She hissed as she pinned the kitten down to the ground, knocking the breath out of her. "Never. Come near my family again." Sobek hissed. 'Bleddyn.' Bleddyn was Sobek's mate. She didn't know why but thhis kit made her think of him.


Originally Posted by Turtlestar (Post 28477)
Slash jerked back. "Well, aren't you quite the little fighter. Let's test your skill, shall we?" With a malicious grin, Slash unsheathed his claws and jumped on top of Zia. He dug his claws into her shoulders.

(Holly I'm your mentor )
Shadow ran over to the cats and picked sh up in her mouth. "Did they hurt you?"She asked, glaring at the other cats. She looked at Slashes bloody paws. "I hope that's clan-er blood.."She mumbled. Shadow sat Ash down and started licking her.

dino. November 11th, 2016 03:27 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Actually, its kit blood." He licked it off happily.

Caligo Everton November 11th, 2016 03:34 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"Yes shadow." She said flinching away from her mentor. (Ik I just was wondering if you would ever be online. Plus I was wondering if someone could train me in fighting secretly.) she didn't talk to shadow much. Since she was a kit she had grown away from her.

judas November 11th, 2016 03:34 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
"From a clan kit? If not I would be happy to tell Renn.."She hissed. "Ash, I'm sorry.."Shadow said.

dino. November 11th, 2016 03:37 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
The brown tom shrugged. "No, and go and tell her if you like. I've killed more cats than you have mice." He continued to groom himself.

judas November 11th, 2016 03:38 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Turtlestar (Post 28623)
The brown tom shrugged. "No, and go and tell her if you like. I've killed more cats than you have mice." He continued to groom himself.

Um Renns a boy...))
Shadow laughed."Oh really? I've killed a my share of clan cats." She said.

dino. November 11th, 2016 03:41 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
(Ok sorry I had a rough schedule in school todag so I'm kinda tired.)
"Didn't you hear what I said? It isn't clan blood." Slash jerked his head at Zia. "It's hers."

judas November 11th, 2016 03:56 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory

Originally Posted by Turtlestar (Post 28633)
(Ok sorry I had a rough schedule in school todag so I'm kinda tired.)
"Didn't you hear what I said? It isn't clan blood." Slash jerked his head at Zia. "It's hers."

"I never said it was."She hissed. She unsheathe her claws."Lets see who wins."She hissed. Landing a blow on Slashes cheek, blood pored out.

doghouse November 11th, 2016 03:57 PM

Re: Dusk Syndicate Territory
Pain stabbed through Zia's shoulders and she staggered around for a moment. She looked at Slash, not even a hint of respect or fear in her gaze. She turned to look at Ash. "You play good" She commented, with a tone that suggested that she was joking. The truth was that she thought Ash wasn't very fast, but she wasn't going to provoke the older kit. She limped back to Sobek, though she stayed a fair distance of two tail lengths away from all cats. The young kit wasn't one for being around others, and though her side and shoulders were blood soaked, she gave no sign that she was in pain. She turned so no one could see her face. Is this how life will always be? No care? I have to fend for myself, and fight too often? She'd never known, or ever imagined that this was life. If it was, then she'd fight. Zia wasn't going to give up, and she was never going to show her weakness. It was there, and if it showed, she doubted that she'd live very long.

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