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graves July 17th, 2017 11:34 PM

GG[Gay Guys] [Private]
Even if Casper and Carmen lived in the same city it was rare that they hung out often anymore. Both busy with their own lives, Carmen dropped out of Highschool early to pursue her dreams as a "Ghost Hunter" and the two best friends didnt see each other since then. Since then, Casper finished high school and college, and was truly beginning his career as a biologist. He received texts from Carmen often, whether they were having a conversation or it was some cat meme she found at 3 in the morning, they tried to text often. What he was not expecting was to be invited out to lunch with a few other friends Cjs claims.

10:01am ; Hey Casper I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch at the local cafe with me and some other friends of mine? 12pm, see ya there dude (their cool like us, dont worry ;) )
The invite gave him anxiety simply from the fact hed have to meet new people. Though he hadnt seen Cj in awhile and he couldnt deny that. Long time no see, right? He was an early bird, already dressed and ready for the day, but he was pretty far away from where the cafe was and where Carmen lived in general, so he decided to leave right now instead. With all the lights and how far he was, he would get there on time anyway.


yummyluc July 17th, 2017 11:55 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324433)
Even if Casper and Carmen lived in the same city it was rare that they hung out often anymore. Both busy with their own lives, Carmen dropped out of Highschool early to pursue her dreams as a "Ghost Hunter" and the two best friends didnt see each other since then. Since then, Casper finished high school and college, and was truly beginning his career as a biologist. He received texts from Carmen often, whether they were having a conversation or it was some cat meme she found at 3 in the morning, they tried to text often. What he was not expecting was to be invited out to lunch with a few other friends Cjs claims.

10:01am ; Hey Casper I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch at the local cafe with me and some other friends of mine? 12pm, see ya there dude (their cool like us, dont worry ;) )
The invite gave him anxiety simply from the fact hed have to meet new people. Though he hadnt seen Cj in awhile and he couldnt deny that. Long time no see, right? He was an early bird, already dressed and ready for the day, but he was pretty far away from where the cafe was and where Carmen lived in general, so he decided to leave right now instead. With all the lights and how far he was, he would get there on time anyway.


Kyran had dialled Chi out of the blue. It wasn't strange, they were friends, probably the closest Chi or Ky had. The only thing was she'd made herself so busy that, even living in the same building, they rarely saw one another. He missed his friend, he wanted to see her, and rather than hanging back and waiting for her to throw the move, he did it himself, almost ecstatic as she picked up.

"Chichima!" He shouted, echoing around his empty apartment, "So since you've overloaded your work schedule --I saw from Twitter-- let's hang out, soon, before you start crying over rude clients, yeah?"

"Kyran, I love you, dearly, like a brother, but I'm in the middle of something right now and--" Chi sounded like she was whispering, trying to keep away from someone.

"Don't tell me you've already started, Chichi, we've talked about this--"

"No! I know, but I'm-I'm sort of doing something, like, a meeting thing-- not-not a date, but like, a-a meetup. Just a get-together. A friend."

"You have friends?"

"Ky. We're at Hana's, and I'd like it if--"

"Okay, well, I'll be over in a few, can't wait to meet this other friend! Ciao." And Kyran hung up before she could answer. What could he say? He was bored, and he was actually quite curious what person Chi had reeled in that wasn't completely busy like her, and had the time.

Fixing his hair in a mirror, he slipped on a jacket and beanie, slipping his wallet, keys and phone in his pocket before hopping out of his apartment, taking three steps at a time to the parking lot.

graves July 18th, 2017 12:36 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324458)
Kyran had dialled Chi out of the blue. It wasn't strange, they were friends, probably the closest Chi or Ky had. The only thing was she'd made herself so busy that, even living in the same building, they rarely saw one another. He missed his friend, he wanted to see her, and rather than hanging back and waiting for her to throw the move, he did it himself, almost ecstatic as she picked up.

"Chichima!" He shouted, echoing around his empty apartment, "So since you've overloaded your work schedule --I saw from Twitter-- let's hang out, soon, before you start crying over rude clients, yeah?"

"Kyran, I love you, dearly, like a brother, but I'm in the middle of something right now and--" Chi sounded like she was whispering, trying to keep away from someone.

"Don't tell me you've already started, Chichi, we've talked about this--"

"No! I know, but I'm-I'm sort of doing something, like, a meeting thing-- not-not a date, but like, a-a meetup. Just a get-together. A friend."

"You have friends?"

"Ky. We're at Hana's, and I'd like it if--"

"Okay, well, I'll be over in a few, can't wait to meet this other friend! Ciao." And Kyran hung up before she could answer. What could he say? He was bored, and he was actually quite curious what person Chi had reeled in that wasn't completely busy like her, and had the time.

Fixing his hair in a mirror, he slipped on a jacket and beanie, slipping his wallet, keys and phone in his pocket before hopping out of his apartment, taking three steps at a time to the parking lot.

Casper was exactly on time when he finally arrived to the Cafe. He was honestly nervous. He hadnt seen Carmen in a few months, and now new friends? The simple thought of interaction with new people left the boy shivering for a moment. He sat in his car infront of the Cafe for a moment,staring at the glare of the windows with people inside. Propping open his car mirrior that was hooked to the ceiling he slightly fixed his thic curly hair; but it didnt budge a bit. Propping up his glasses and adjusting his green turtle neck, he closed up the mirror and opened the car door making sure to take slow step to delay going inside by a few seconds. Once seeing Carmen inside relief flooded over Casper. Walking up to her and the table she was sitting at, he looked across from them and saw another girl. She was well dressed and looked nice. Nothing to be worried about Casper. Carmen got up, giving the boy a bear hug and motioned him to sit on the other side of her. Casper didnt want the other girl to feel awkward or anything, despite not knowing her name so he gave her a nervous smile,"Hi Im Casper, Carmens friend. N-nice to meet you." Dammit, thought they could make it through a sentence without stuttering.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 01:12 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324493)
Casper was exactly on time when he finally arrived to the Cafe. He was honestly nervous. He hadnt seen Carmen in a few months, and now new friends? The simple thought of interaction with new people left the boy shivering for a moment. He sat in his car infront of the Cafe for a moment,staring at the glare of the windows with people inside. Propping open his car mirrior that was hooked to the ceiling he slightly fixed his thic curly hair; but it didnt budge a bit. Propping up his glasses and adjusting his green turtle neck, he closed up the mirror and opened the car door making sure to take slow step to delay going inside by a few seconds. Once seeing Carmen inside relief flooded over Casper. Walking up to her and the table she was sitting at, he looked across from them and saw another girl. She was well dressed and looked nice. Nothing to be worried about Casper. Carmen got up, giving the boy a bear hug and motioned him to sit on the other side of her. Casper didnt want the other girl to feel awkward or anything, despite not knowing her name so he gave her a nervous smile,"Hi Im Casper, Carmens friend. N-nice to meet you." Dammit, thought they could make it through a sentence without stuttering.

It wasn't long before Kyran was rolling up in his motorcycle. He tugged his helmet off, pursing his lips as he looked at the window he knew Chi would be sitting at. Okay, her her friend, Hana. Okay, and... some guy? He didn't look familiar. Ky knew a lot of people around town, but this guy? Must live pretty far in the city, Kyran usually only knew the people around his side of town. The girl looked familiar, some kid he'd seen in the newspaper at some point, so he could say she knew her. He was missing a name, something with a C came to mind, but he didn't think too much. He parked just behind Chi's cute bug, hanging his helmet on the handle. He texted her he was there about five seconds before he opened the door, the bell rattling as he entered.

"Hello!" He greeted, getting a dirty look from Hana, he gave an apologetic one, and she gave him a smile. He sauntered to Chi's table, basically picking her up out of the chair and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Hey mini sis!" He set her back down, leaning against the last free seat, "Would you mind introducing me to these lovely darlings?"

graves July 18th, 2017 01:26 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324512)
It wasn't long before Kyran was rolling up in his motorcycle. He tugged his helmet off, pursing his lips as he looked at the window he knew Chi would be sitting at. Okay, her her friend, Hana. Okay, and... some guy? He didn't look familiar. Ky knew a lot of people around town, but this guy? Must live pretty far in the city, Kyran usually only knew the people around his side of town. The girl looked familiar, some kid he'd seen in the newspaper at some point, so he could say she knew her. He was missing a name, something with a C came to mind, but he didn't think too much. He parked just behind Chi's cute bug, hanging his helmet on the handle. He texted her he was there about five seconds before he opened the door, the bell rattling as he entered.

"Hello!" He greeted, getting a dirty look from Hana, he gave an apologetic one, and she gave him a smile. He sauntered to Chi's table, basically picking her up out of the chair and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Hey mini sis!" He set her back down, leaning against the last free seat, "Would you mind introducing me to these lovely darlings?"

Casper almost jumped at the loud greeting, Cj having to place a hand on his under the table as a silent comfort. That was something to get used to. Upon seeing the guy he didnt look to bad despite his loud voice. Casper opened his mouth to speak, but Carmen had answered for him,"Names Cj, and this is my friend Casper." He was slightly annoyed she answered for him but also relieved, seeing as this avoided any more stuttering. But he didnt want to come across as a guy that needed someone to answer for him,"Hi, its nice to meet you." he greeted softly. His voice was much quieter then Kyrans, having the silky accent of his Australian heritage to go along with it. But hey, he didnt stutter and that was a silent win.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 01:38 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324516)
Casper almost jumped at the loud greeting, Cj having to place a hand on his under the table as a silent comfort. That was something to get used to. Upon seeing the guy he didnt look to bad despite his loud voice. Casper opened his mouth to speak, but Carmen had answered for him,"Names Cj, and this is my friend Casper." He was slightly annoyed she answered for him but also relieved, seeing as this avoided any more stuttering. But he didnt want to come across as a guy that needed someone to answer for him,"Hi, its nice to meet you." he greeted softly. His voice was much quieter then Kyrans, having the silky accent of his Australian heritage to go along with it. But hey, he didnt stutter and that was a silent win.

"I knew it started with a C! I've seen you in the papers, the uh, paranormal group? Cool stuff!" He yelped when he felt Chi elbow him in the leg, motioning with her eyes to sit down. He laughed nervously, following silent orders. He could have melted when Casper spoke. What could he say? He was a sucker for accents, and Casper's was thick. He grinned.

"Ah, Australiano, hm? Me gusta," Ky basically purred, not flirtatiously, but it could be taken like that, "I'm Kyran, Chichi's best friend, who doubles as an adopted big brother." When Chi gave him a sharp look he only gave her a laugh in response. He leant back in his chair, sitting with his leg on his knee, arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowed with his ever present grin setting off his gentle dimples.

graves July 18th, 2017 01:47 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324519)
"I knew it started with a C! I've seen you in the papers, the uh, paranormal group? Cool stuff!" He yelped when he felt Chi elbow him in the leg, motioning with her eyes to sit down. He laughed nervously, following silent orders. He could have melted when Casper spoke. What could he say? He was a sucker for accents, and Casper's was thick. He grinned.

"Ah, Australiano, hm? Me gusta," Ky basically purred, not flirtatiously, but it could be taken like that, "I'm Kyran, Chichi's best friend, who doubles as an adopted big brother." When Chi gave him a sharp look he only gave her a laugh in response. He leant back in his chair, sitting with his leg on his knee, arms crossed over his chest, eyes narrowed with his ever present grin setting off his gentle dimples.

Cj gave a brief thanks to Kyran and a welcoming smile before turning to Chi and mumbling something about takeout. Casper only flushed at Kyrans..er,compliment? and it didnt help that with his skin tone that everything could be shown. "Y-yeah,its my homeland." its all he could simply say. He didnt really know how to keep conversations going, or how to even start them, but Kyran seemed bold and confident to pick up the slack in that department."Im just plain ol Casper, Im the person Carmen texts pictures of her cat to at unreasonable times in the morning." Carmen simply shrugged, she couldnt really deny it. "Do you live on this side of town?" now when he spoke Casper took in how thick his own accent was. His cheeks were probably still red.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 02:22 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324521)
Cj gave a brief thanks to Kyran and a welcoming smile before turning to Chi and mumbling something about takeout. Casper only flushed at Kyrans..er,compliment? and it didnt help that with his skin tone that everything could be shown. "Y-yeah,its my homeland." its all he could simply say. He didnt really know how to keep conversations going, or how to even start them, but Kyran seemed bold and confident to pick up the slack in that department."Im just plain ol Casper, Im the person Carmen texts pictures of her cat to at unreasonable times in the morning." Carmen simply shrugged, she couldnt really deny it. "Do you live on this side of town?" now when he spoke Casper took in how thick his own accent was. His cheeks were probably still red.

Ky watched the boy blush. Cute. That's about all he could say. He didn't mention it, he side-eyed Chi, who was busy talking to CJ. He was actually here to visit her, not make new friends, not that he minded. He sort of liked this Casper character. He was pretty soft spoken, so Kyran would turn his flamboyancy down. For now, at least, so he could get used to him without chasing him off. He looked at Hana and gave a small wave with a smile. To which she replied with by shouting at the workers in the back Kyran's usual order.

"Thanks, Han, you're a doll!" He said, earning an eye roll, then he turned his attention back to the boy in front of him, "Oh, yes actually, you know the high rise apartments? I live there, a floor above my lovely sister here." He gestured briefly to Chi, "What about you, hm? I've not seen you around before."

graves July 18th, 2017 02:31 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324526)
Ky watched the boy blush. Cute. That's about all he could say. He didn't mention it, he side-eyed Chi, who was busy talking to CJ. He was actually here to visit her, not make new friends, not that he minded. He sort of liked this Casper character. He was pretty soft spoken, so Kyran would turn his flamboyancy down. For now, at least, so he could get used to him without chasing him off. He looked at Hana and gave a small wave with a smile. To which she replied with by shouting at the workers in the back Kyran's usual order.

"Thanks, Han, you're a doll!" He said, earning an eye roll, then he turned his attention back to the boy in front of him, "Oh, yes actually, you know the high rise apartments? I live there, a floor above my lovely sister here." He gestured briefly to Chi, "What about you, hm? I've not seen you around before."

Casper tucked a stray curl behind his ear. "I live a bit farther from here, about two hours by the hospitals and stuff. Im a b-biologist." God did that sound so nerdy. Once the words left his mouth he kind of regretted it, over thinking things like usual but he couldnt help it. He wasnt interesting, at least to himself he was a boring person. Finished Highschool and college to become a scientist, thats about it. But he guessed Ky must have some high paying job to be living in such fancy apartments. He took a side glance as Carmen and she seemed to busy herself with talking to he assumed was Chi. It had been awhile since he had a day out with people, not knowing alot of people out on his side of town or simply hanging out with work friends. Though it wasnt the same, and Kyran seemed to be nice. He didnt know why he was worry so much.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 02:40 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324529)
Casper tucked a stray curl behind his ear. "I live a bit farther from here, about two hours by the hospitals and stuff. Im a b-biologist." God did that sound so nerdy. Once the words left his mouth he kind of regretted it, over thinking things like usual but he couldnt help it. He wasnt interesting, at least to himself he was a boring person. Finished Highschool and college to become a scientist, thats about it. But he guessed Ky must have some high paying job to be living in such fancy apartments. He took a side glance as Carmen and she seemed to busy herself with talking to he assumed was Chi. It had been awhile since he had a day out with people, not knowing alot of people out on his side of town or simply hanging out with work friends. Though it wasnt the same, and Kyran seemed to be nice. He didnt know why he was worry so much.

The man hummed as the boy talked. Well, he didn't talk much, but he really couldn't get enough of his voice. It wasn't just the accent, it was the way he spoke, too. The way he put words together. It wasn't interesting, but Ky liked it. Smooth, sultry. He was so outside the box, over the top, he really didn't see why anyone spent the time to talk to someone who would eventually talk more than them and talk over them. Really, he could speak for two, and then some.

"Ah," He cooed, "Inteligente, hm, Cas? I'm going to call you Cas. I'm an entrepreneur myself. I own a store, Diseño de Moda, here in town, a few blocks away from this shop. I have a personal fashion line there, and Chi here sells her makeup there. Brother sister business, sort of."

Hana came over with a cup, their largest size. He said a soft thank you and took a sip. really want Casper to know about it yet.

graves July 18th, 2017 02:55 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324530)
The man hummed as the boy talked. Well, he didn't talk much, but he really couldn't get enough of his voice. It wasn't just the accent, it was the way he spoke, too. The way he put words together. It wasn't interesting, but Ky liked it. Smooth, sultry. He was so outside the box, over the top, he really didn't see why anyone spent the time to talk to someone who would eventually talk more than them and talk over them. Really, he could speak for two, and then some.

"Ah," He cooed, "Inteligente, hm, Cas? I'm going to call you Cas. I'm an entrepreneur myself. I own a store, Diseño de Moda, here in town, a few blocks away from this shop. I have a personal fashion line there, and Chi here sells her makeup there. Brother sister business, sort of."

Hana came over with a cup, their largest size. He said a soft thank you and took a sip. really want Casper to know about it yet.

He raised an eyebrow at the nickname but didnt argue. "A business man? that sounds cool," hes heard of the place before, most people atleast owned one if not more things from the store itself. Hed check it out someday, maybe hed see Kyran there too. "Im just starting to get into the science industry, still trying to get on my feet from moving to America and all." he moved to America a few years ago, but it was still a major change to move all across the world to have more opportunities.Hell, it took him a month to adjust to the timezones. His nervousness was starting to ease a bit more;still clearly there though. The man was easy to talk to and seemed to pick up on social cues that the loud voices startled him a bit, which calmed him a bit. perhaps it was worth driving two hours for a lunch break.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 03:03 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324537)
He raised an eyebrow at the nickname but didnt argue. "A business man? that sounds cool," hes heard of the place before, most people atleast owned one if not more things from the store itself. Hed check it out someday, maybe hed see Kyran there too. "Im just starting to get into the science industry, still trying to get on my feet from moving to America and all." he moved to America a few years ago, but it was still a major change to move all across the world to have more opportunities.Hell, it took him a month to adjust to the timezones. His nervousness was starting to ease a bit more;still clearly there though. The man was easy to talk to and seemed to pick up on social cues that the loud voices startled him a bit, which calmed him a bit. perhaps it was worth driving two hours for a lunch break.

"Eh, a drag sometimes, but you know. Not everyone loves their job all the time." Which was true. Ky needed a break from time to time. He had a few other stores in some other nearby cities, but that was it. His brand was popular though. It's what brought Chi up on the scale she was already on. He liked his job, most of the time.

The moving part, Kyran could understand. When he was younger, his mother and father immigrated from Mexico to here. It had been rough for him, it still was now. He could relate to Casper. He took a bit sip of his drink, "I'm sure what you do is much more interesting than selling things, no?"

graves July 18th, 2017 03:21 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324539)
"Eh, a drag sometimes, but you know. Not everyone loves their job all the time." Which was true. Ky needed a break from time to time. He had a few other stores in some other nearby cities, but that was it. His brand was popular though. It's what brought Chi up on the scale she was already on. He liked his job, most of the time.

The moving part, Kyran could understand. When he was younger, his mother and father immigrated from Mexico to here. It had been rough for him, it still was now. He could relate to Casper. He took a bit sip of his drink, "I'm sure what you do is much more interesting than selling things, no?"

"W-well," she paused for a moment thinking,"I work with genes, plants and animals, though its mainly working in a lab and staring at things that are very small through a scientist version of a magnifying glass." he gave a small chuckle. "Im sure youre quite busy running businesses and all,though I bet youre doing a good job, even when it gets a bit tough." thy gave a small encouraging smile. Besides working in a lab Casper did basic stuff, puzzles or watch documentaries on national geographic. "When Im not working though I like to take pictures, photography and that kind of stuff-just a hobby." his voice sounded a bit shyer this time,not in a sad way though. He wasnt proud of his photgraphy no matter how many times Carmen would gush over it. Maybe it was because he didnt really think high of himself in the first place, but he didnt talk about it to much.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 03:36 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324543)
"W-well," she paused for a moment thinking,"I work with genes, plants and animals, though its mainly working in a lab and staring at things that are very small through a scientist version of a magnifying glass." he gave a small chuckle. "Im sure youre quite busy running businesses and all,though I bet youre doing a good job, even when it gets a bit tough." thy gave a small encouraging smile. Besides working in a lab Casper did basic stuff, puzzles or watch documentaries on national geographic. "When Im not working though I like to take pictures, photography and that kind of stuff-just a hobby." his voice sounded a bit shyer this time,not in a sad way though. He wasnt proud of his photgraphy no matter how many times Carmen would gush over it. Maybe it was because he didnt really think high of himself in the first place, but he didnt talk about it to much.

Ky lit up at the mention of photography. Casper was already smart and got to do all that cool science stuff, and now he was a photographer on his lunch breaks? Seriously? This guy was something out of a movie, Kyran swore.

"Photography? Do you have any examples? I love photography." And he did. He loved how easily some people could manipulate a rainy day into a gorgeous picture. It was talent and hard work. It was something Kyran had always been jealous of. He was sure, now looking back on it, if he'd only had enough time and practice, he would have gotten pretty good at it, but he never had the knack for it. He couldn't take a scene and make it beautiful. He couldn't play with lighting, he couldn't shift angles, he wasn't that type of person. And if Casper could do it, Ky would really enjoy seeing that.

graves July 18th, 2017 03:45 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324545)
Ky lit up at the mention of photography. Casper was already smart and got to do all that cool science stuff, and now he was a photographer on his lunch breaks? Seriously? This guy was something out of a movie, Kyran swore.

"Photography? Do you have any examples? I love photography." And he did. He loved how easily some people could manipulate a rainy day into a gorgeous picture. It was talent and hard work. It was something Kyran had always been jealous of. He was sure, now looking back on it, if he'd only had enough time and practice, he would have gotten pretty good at it, but he never had the knack for it. He couldn't take a scene and make it beautiful. He couldn't play with lighting, he couldn't shift angles, he wasn't that type of person. And if Casper could do it, Ky would really enjoy seeing that.

He was surprised that Ky cared about his hobby, but nodded along anyway,"Y-yeah Im sure I have something on my phone for you to look at." he took out his phone and unlocked it, clicking the the folder labeled as photography. He pulled up a picture Australian dessert at night time, the brown hues of the red sand blended in with the red purple sky. The camera had a fine lens and he was proud that he caught many of the stars in this picture. He slid the phone across the table in view for Kyran. "Its an older picture, b-but its something I took from Australia before I left. Not that good but..I still enjoy it," he scratched the back of his head in slight nervousness. He hadnt shown anyone his photos besides Carmen, and was frankly just afraid of opinions. Though he remembers taking that picture. It was a few weeks before he left to america and wanted to grab photos of his homeland before he had to leave to remember something bye.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 03:57 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324548)
He was surprised that Ky cared about his hobby, but nodded along anyway,"Y-yeah Im sure I have something on my phone for you to look at." he took out his phone and unlocked it, clicking the the folder labeled as photography. He pulled up a picture Australian dessert at night time, the brown hues of the red sand blended in with the red purple sky. The camera had a fine lens and he was proud that he caught many of the stars in this picture. He slid the phone across the table in view for Kyran. "Its an older picture, b-but its something I took from Australia before I left. Not that good but..I still enjoy it," he scratched the back of his head in slight nervousness. He hadnt shown anyone his photos besides Carmen, and was frankly just afraid of opinions. Though he remembers taking that picture. It was a few weeks before he left to america and wanted to grab photos of his homeland before he had to leave to remember something bye.

It took a lot to shock Ky, even merely make him say wow. But the photo. It was all reds and oranges mixed with the deep blues of the night sky. There were so many stars. More stars than Kyran had seen, even in Mexico, even here. It was amazing. He picked up the phone, bringing it closer to his face. It was truly an amazing photo. He'd never really seen Australia himself, only in phone shots and cameras that were even decent quality, but this. It was a side of Australia he'd not seen before. He could say the same about Casper himself. Really, it was amazing.

Ky, frankly, was speechless, just a breathless wow escaping his lips as he put the phone down and slid it back over to Casper. It took him a moment to speak, "Wow, Casper. That is truly some talent, you'll have to show me how you do it sometime."

graves July 18th, 2017 10:54 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324551)
It took a lot to shock Ky, even merely make him say wow. But the photo. It was all reds and oranges mixed with the deep blues of the night sky. There were so many stars. More stars than Kyran had seen, even in Mexico, even here. It was amazing. He picked up the phone, bringing it closer to his face. It was truly an amazing photo. He'd never really seen Australia himself, only in phone shots and cameras that were even decent quality, but this. It was a side of Australia he'd not seen before. He could say the same about Casper himself. Really, it was amazing.

Ky, frankly, was speechless, just a breathless wow escaping his lips as he put the phone down and slid it back over to Casper. It took him a moment to speak, "Wow, Casper. That is truly some talent, you'll have to show me how you do it sometime."

"T-thank you," he couldnt help but gush, accent thick, feeling a bit of heat rise to his cheeks again but he ignored it. "I havent shown anyone but Carmen my pictures, I get shy about it." Casper picked at his sweater slightly but he now couldn't stop smiling, showing his pearly whites and all, even if it was a small nervous smile; it was a genuine one. "And Id like this, I like teaching people." a simple compliment went a long way with Casper, and with the mans both surprised and good reaction it only made his heart swell a bit. "D-do you have any hobbies?"

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 03:46 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324634)
"T-thank you," he couldnt help but gush, accent thick, feeling a bit of heat rise to his cheeks again but he ignored it. "I havent shown anyone but Carmen my pictures, I get shy about it." Casper picked at his sweater slightly but he now couldn't stop smiling, showing his pearly whites and all, even if it was a small nervous smile; it was a genuine one. "And Id like this, I like teaching people." a simple compliment went a long way with Casper, and with the mans both surprised and good reaction it only made his heart swell a bit. "D-do you have any hobbies?"

Kyran stirred his drink, swirling it around in its big cup. He just wanted to listen to Casper talk. He could listen to him stutter all day, and for once, Ky didn't feel like talking up a storm, and that was definitely something new. He snorted and rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Frankly, I wish. Too busy working my company to have many hobbies. Other than annoying little sister?" A hand flitted to Chi for a moment, "Not much. Sometimes I read if given the time." That was a thing Kyran hated. Apart from the annoying customers, ignorant cashiers, and people gushing over him anytime he left the vicinity of his usual neighbourhood, he hated that he didn't get much time to be with himself or his friends. Sure, he could higher people to deal with that, but that was the part of his job that kept him humble and grounded, reminding him that he was still a normal person, even if he had a very successful company.

Chi's schedule was flexible, for the most part. She could pick and choose, decline and deny, but Ky was sort of stuck. Same things all day every day. He could change that, but he didn't want to. He could make things flexible, he was the big boss of his company, but he didn't want to. Well, maybe if Cas asked him with that pretty accent, he would.

graves July 18th, 2017 04:00 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324936)
Kyran stirred his drink, swirling it around in its big cup. He just wanted to listen to Casper talk. He could listen to him stutter all day, and for once, Ky didn't feel like talking up a storm, and that was definitely something new. He snorted and rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Frankly, I wish. Too busy working my company to have many hobbies. Other than annoying little sister?" A hand flitted to Chi for a moment, "Not much. Sometimes I read if given the time." That was a thing Kyran hated. Apart from the annoying customers, ignorant cashiers, and people gushing over him anytime he left the vicinity of his usual neighbourhood, he hated that he didn't get much time to be with himself or his friends. Sure, he could higher people to deal with that, but that was the part of his job that kept him humble and grounded, reminding him that he was still a normal person, even if he had a very successful company.

Chi's schedule was flexible, for the most part. She could pick and choose, decline and deny, but Ky was sort of stuck. Same things all day every day. He could change that, but he didn't want to. He could make things flexible, he was the big boss of his company, but he didn't want to. Well, maybe if Cas asked him with that pretty accent, he would.

"You should take breaks more often then, life isnt all about work sometimes." he already had one workaholic friend, he didnt need another. He paused for a moment in thought. He seemed like a busy guy, but with the simple conversation Casper was just growing more and more eagar to talk to him,"I-I know it sounds weird and all but, I havent taken that many pictures since Ive been to America," he picked at the hem of his sweater again,"you seem like you could be a model,theres a forest nearby town thats really pretty-Ive been wanting to take pictures of it for awhile." once he spoke and rethought the words he had just said, calling Kyran and model and all, he could feel his face glow red in embarrassment "T-that sounded c-creepy-Im sorry, s-sounded better in my head.."

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 04:14 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324944)
"You should take breaks more often then, life isnt all about work sometimes." he already had one workaholic friend, he didnt need another. He paused for a moment in thought. He seemed like a busy guy, but with the simple conversation Casper was just growing more and more eagar to talk to him,"I-I know it sounds weird and all but, I havent taken that many pictures since Ive been to America," he picked at the hem of his sweater again,"you seem like you could be a model,theres a forest nearby town thats really pretty-Ive been wanting to take pictures of it for awhile." once he spoke and rethought the words he had just said, calling Kyran and model and all, he could feel his face glow red in embarrassment "T-that sounded c-creepy-Im sorry, s-sounded better in my head.."

Humming, he took a long drink, listening to Casper's proposal. It wouldn't be the first time someone's asked him to model, after all, he did own a fashion line and had modelled most of it himself when he'd first started out. Ky gave him a sympathetic look, placing both hands on the table.

"Oh, no, no, no, cariño, it's okay," He said, voice soft but insistent, "I understand, really. I know what you're talking about, that place is gorgeous. It looks amazing at this time of year, early autumn? Simplemente hermoso," Kyran cooed, He really wouldn't mind getting into modelling again, it was something like tying your shoes; once you learned how to, you never really forget it.

Besides, it had been a while since he'd been around town, and with a cute new friend, that would make it much better. Besides, Casper was right, he did work too much too often, even Chi would agree to that, and she was more of a hard worker than him! Still, the difference between them was that Chi could pace herself, and Ky just wanted to work nonstop.

graves July 18th, 2017 04:36 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324953)
Humming, he took a long drink, listening to Casper's proposal. It wouldn't be the first time someone's asked him to model, after all, he did own a fashion line and had modelled most of it himself when he'd first started out. Ky gave him a sympathetic look, placing both hands on the table.

"Oh, no, no, no, cariño, it's okay," He said, voice soft but insistent, "I understand, really. I know what you're talking about, that place is gorgeous. It looks amazing at this time of year, early autumn? Simplemente hermoso," Kyran cooed, He really wouldn't mind getting into modelling again, it was something like tying your shoes; once you learned how to, you never really forget it.

Besides, it had been a while since he'd been around town, and with a cute new friend, that would make it much better. Besides, Casper was right, he did work too much too often, even Chi would agree to that, and she was more of a hard worker than him! Still, the difference between them was that Chi could pace herself, and Ky just wanted to work nonstop.

Casper looked back up at Kyran only to be greeted with kind eyes. That calmed some of his anxiety. "Its not like a normal photo shoot though," he looked towards his phone again in thought,"its not really focusing on the person in it or what their w-wearing, but whats around it." Casper could rant all day about photography. He liked to capture moments of the world; not necessary people per say. In most photos people were always the main focus in the photo, whether its for advertising, clothing, selfies or social media, people always put themselves as the focus. Casper on the other hand made people the background of the photo, not the main focus entirely (though if he was going to be taking pictures of Kyran, it was going to be pretty hard for him to focus in general). Most photos that Capser took were either pictures of nature, cities and stuff. If people were in the photos they were a minor part of it, taking a photo in action as if there wasnt even a camera there. It was probably not something Ky was used to to Caspers knowledge, used to bright lights and modeling a certain way, doing certain poses and having bright white lights every where. This on the other hand was more simple. Just one camera and a whole forest to capture.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 04:56 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 324967)
Casper looked back up at Kyran only to be greeted with kind eyes. That calmed some of his anxiety. "Its not like a normal photo shoot though," he looked towards his phone again in thought,"its not really focusing on the person in it or what their w-wearing, but whats around it." Casper could rant all day about photography. He liked to capture moments of the world; not necessary people per say. In most photos people were always the main focus in the photo, whether its for advertising, clothing, selfies or social media, people always put themselves as the focus. Casper on the other hand made people the background of the photo, not the main focus entirely (though if he was going to be taking pictures of Kyran, it was going to be pretty hard for him to focus in general). Most photos that Capser took were either pictures of nature, cities and stuff. If people were in the photos they were a minor part of it, taking a photo in action as if there wasnt even a camera there. It was probably not something Ky was used to to Caspers knowledge, used to bright lights and modeling a certain way, doing certain poses and having bright white lights every where. This on the other hand was more simple. Just one camera and a whole forest to capture.

Nodding, Ky knew what he was talking about. When he tried to study photography, he knew some people were great at people shots, other better at nature. Nature was probably more Casper's thing.

Ky noticed the girl, CJ was it? Standing up and ordering things to go from Hana out of the corner of his eye. They came out in no time and Chi was standing up to leave with her. With a sideways grin, he tapped her on the shoulder, and when she looked, she rolled her eyes and flicked him on the side of the head, only to kiss it better, and move to the door to leave. For the most part, he'd been tuning the two out, but he always had an eye out for his little sister.

"Well, we'd better get a move on, I'm afraid our lady friends here are going to leave us here," Kyran said with a wink, standing from his chair and picking up his drink, he extended his hand for Casper to take, if he wanted to, he wouldn't be offended if he didn't.

graves July 18th, 2017 05:30 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 324982)
Nodding, Ky knew what he was talking about. When he tried to study photography, he knew some people were great at people shots, other better at nature. Nature was probably more Casper's thing.

Ky noticed the girl, CJ was it? Standing up and ordering things to go from Hana out of the corner of his eye. They came out in no time and Chi was standing up to leave with her. With a sideways grin, he tapped her on the shoulder, and when she looked, she rolled her eyes and flicked him on the side of the head, only to kiss it better, and move to the door to leave. For the most part, he'd been tuning the two out, but he always had an eye out for his little sister.

"Well, we'd better get a move on, I'm afraid our lady friends here are going to leave us here," Kyran said with a wink, standing from his chair and picking up his drink, he extended his hand for Casper to take, if he wanted to, he wouldn't be offended if he didn't.

Noticing Carmen getting up to leave, he could only raise an eyebrow. She called him out here just to leave? Sounds like a Carmen move, seeing as she was pretty interested in whatever Chi was saying. But Casper didnt mind, mumbling a few sarcastic words with a smile before the two girls left. Now, he was alone with Kyran. Carmen was like his safety blanket, a constant support wall whenever he was with new people. He could feel nervousness rack through him again, but when looking at Ky he just..couldnt help but calm a bit. He seemed funny and an easy person to talk to. Looking up he took Kyrans hand. Kys hand was much bigger then Caspers petite ones, but it felt nice. It was still midday and sunny outside, the trees were turning all sorts of colors and a look of pure, childish excitement flooded Casper realizing that hed be able to take pictures of it today, completely tuning out that he was still hold Kys hand as he stood up. "Oh the trees are so pretty, I cant wait." it was a drastic change in mood, seeing as moments before he was a stuttering mess just sitting under Kyrans gaze, but his mind was focused and confident when it came to photgraphy, that he just forgot he was hold the other mans hand. He did this with alot of his friends, whether it was holding their hands or leaning on them; Casper was a touchy person. Looking out the window their table was by wide green eyes looked outside, the busy cars passing by and the chattering people of the streets. But it wasnt them he looked at, but the pretty color of the trees as the color reflected off of his glasses.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 05:51 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325005)
Noticing Carmen getting up to leave, he could only raise an eyebrow. She called him out here just to leave? Sounds like a Carmen move, seeing as she was pretty interested in whatever Chi was saying. But Casper didnt mind, mumbling a few sarcastic words with a smile before the two girls left. Now, he was alone with Kyran. Carmen was like his safety blanket, a constant support wall whenever he was with new people. He could feel nervousness rack through him again, but when looking at Ky he just..couldnt help but calm a bit. He seemed funny and an easy person to talk to. Looking up he took Kyrans hand. Kys hand was much bigger then Caspers petite ones, but it felt nice. It was still midday and sunny outside, the trees were turning all sorts of colors and a look of pure, childish excitement flooded Casper realizing that hed be able to take pictures of it today, completely tuning out that he was still hold Kys hand as he stood up. "Oh the trees are so pretty, I cant wait." it was a drastic change in mood, seeing as moments before he was a stuttering mess just sitting under Kyrans gaze, but his mind was focused and confident when it came to photgraphy, that he just forgot he was hold the other mans hand. He did this with alot of his friends, whether it was holding their hands or leaning on them; Casper was a touchy person. Looking out the window their table was by wide green eyes looked outside, the busy cars passing by and the chattering people of the streets. But it wasnt them he looked at, but the pretty color of the trees as the color reflected off of his glasses.

Kyran hummed quietly, a smile spreading on his lips. The guy was cute, what could he say? The way he lit up about photography and nature was charming, in a way. A way that had Ky's heart melting for him. But Kyran had just met the guy, there was no way he was falling for him, love, at first sight, doesn't exist. Ky knew that better than anyone. But this shy, stuttery guy who looked like he'd just popped out of a movie set was... different. Odd. New. Something Kyran wasn't at all used to. Casper made him want to stop talking just to listen for once, seriously? That was something even Chi couldn't achieve, and she was his best friend for nearly three years!

He didn't mind when Casper didn't let go of his hand, it was all about the other person's comfort level anyway. He pulled gently on his arm, leading him to the door, "Come on, I know the best place for the kinds of pictures you take," He said, opening the door for Casper.

graves July 18th, 2017 06:08 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325030)
Kyran hummed quietly, a smile spreading on his lips. The guy was cute, what could he say? The way he lit up about photography and nature was charming, in a way. A way that had Ky's heart melting for him. But Kyran had just met the guy, there was no way he was falling for him, love, at first sight, doesn't exist. Ky knew that better than anyone. But this shy, stuttery guy who looked like he'd just popped out of a movie set was... different. Odd. New. Something Kyran wasn't at all used to. Casper made him want to stop talking just to listen for once, seriously? That was something even Chi couldn't achieve, and she was his best friend for nearly three years!

He didn't mind when Casper didn't let go of his hand, it was all about the other person's comfort level anyway. He pulled gently on his arm, leading him to the door, "Come on, I know the best place for the kinds of pictures you take," He said, opening the door for Casper.

At the tug of his arm he realized that he was still holding his hand. He had litterally just met the guy probably an hour or so ago and he was holding hands with him? The thought made Casper want to pull away his hand;not because he wanted to but because he didnt want Ky to think he was clingy or anything. But he didnt pull away, instead keeping his hand in his firmly. As he was going out he was curious as to where Kyran was going to take him. Normally he wouldnt travel with a stranger..well, newly made friend? alone by himself, but he always had Carmen on speed dial. "Is it a surprise?"

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 06:20 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325051)
At the tug of his arm he realized that he was still holding his hand. He had litterally just met the guy probably an hour or so ago and he was holding hands with him? The thought made Casper want to pull away his hand;not because he wanted to but because he didnt want Ky to think he was clingy or anything. But he didnt pull away, instead keeping his hand in his firmly. As he was going out he was curious as to where Kyran was going to take him. Normally he wouldnt travel with a stranger..well, newly made friend? alone by himself, but he always had Carmen on speed dial. "Is it a surprise?"

"It can be if you like, cariño," Ky said, going to his motorcycle and opening the small backspace where he kept an extra helmet. Sometimes Chi would need a ride, or they'd go out together, so Ky always carried around one extra for her. He turned and grabbed his own helmet from the handle. He tucked his own under his arm and offered the other to Casper, putting it against his chest.

"So, friendly ghost," He purred, smoothly getting into his motorcycle,"¿Únete a mi?" He put the helmet on. It was black, and the visor was tinted, the same style as the one he gave Casper, only the helmet was grey and the visor wasn't completely tinted. He turned the ignition, waiting expectantly for the other to join him.

graves July 18th, 2017 06:33 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325068)
"It can be if you like, cariño," Ky said, going to his motorcycle and opening the small backspace where he kept an extra helmet. Sometimes Chi would need a ride, or they'd go out together, so Ky always carried around one extra for her. He turned and grabbed his own helmet from the handle. He tucked his own under his arm and offered the other to Casper, putting it against his chest.

"So, friendly ghost," He purred, smoothly getting into his motorcycle,"¿Únete a mi?" He put the helmet on. It was black, and the visor was tinted, the same style as the one he gave Casper, only the helmet was grey and the visor wasn't completely tinted. He turned the ignition, waiting expectantly for the other to join him.

Casper blushed at the the petname biting his lip slightly before nodding and taking the helmet from where it was pressed in his chest "Of c-course." he knew Spanish and many other languages, but right now he focused to much on how Ky basically purred the petname to him then responding in the matching language. He adjusted his glasses and dark curls out of his face before putting the helmet on; it fit him perfectly. Stepping onto the motor cycle too he slipped his arms around Kyrans waist in support. He could feel more heat rise to his cheeks and his glasses fog up because of it; but he was glad he was wearing a helmet and Ky most likely couldnt see. Resting the side of his head on Kyrans back he pipped up,"Ready when you are,Cosa linda." he couldnt let Ky have all the fun with the petnames.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 07:50 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325084)
Casper blushed at the the petname biting his lip slightly before nodding and taking the helmet from where it was pressed in his chest "Of c-course." he knew Spanish and many other languages, but right now he focused to much on how Ky basically purred the petname to him then responding in the matching language. He adjusted his glasses and dark curls out of his face before putting the helmet on; it fit him perfectly. Stepping onto the motor cycle too he slipped his arms around Kyrans waist in support. He could feel more heat rise to his cheeks and his glasses fog up because of it; but he was glad he was wearing a helmet and Ky most likely couldnt see. Resting the side of his head on Kyrans back he pipped up,"Ready when you are,Cosa linda." he couldnt let Ky have all the fun with the petnames.

Ky nearly burst out laughing, not that what or how Casper had said was incorrect in any way, he just found it funny how his Australian accent mixed with a Hispanic one in an attempt to make the word sound correct. Instead, he choked with a snort and a giggle as he revved the engine, peeling out of the parking space and down the road. It didn't matter who was riding with him, if it was any first timer, he made it a ride to remember. He cut around other cars, nearly missing a few close clips. He took sharp turns around corners with ease, like he'd done it a million times. If he was honest, he had.

Kyran couldn't help smiling. He liked the speed when he did this. Usually, he paid a lot of attention to the road rules, even stopped to window shop, things like that. But he wasn't about to drag Casper around the block to bore him to death with that. He'd promised a pretty place for him to capture, and that's exactly where he was taking him.

graves July 18th, 2017 08:13 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325159)
Ky nearly burst out laughing, not that what or how Casper had said was incorrect in any way, he just found it funny how his Australian accent mixed with a Hispanic one in an attempt to make the word sound correct. Instead, he choked with a snort and a giggle as he revved the engine, peeling out of the parking space and down the road. It didn't matter who was riding with him, if it was any first timer, he made it a ride to remember. He cut around other cars, nearly missing a few close clips. He took sharp turns around corners with ease, like he'd done it a million times. If he was honest, he had.

Kyran couldn't help smiling. He liked the speed when he did this. Usually, he paid a lot of attention to the road rules, even stopped to window shop, things like that. But he wasn't about to drag Casper around the block to bore him to death with that. He'd promised a pretty place for him to capture, and that's exactly where he was taking him.

"And I thought I was a s-speeder." he couldnt help but mumble. While the close clips gave him mini heart attacks, he was enjoying the ride. He let his grip tighten around Kyrans waist like his life depended on it(and it kinda did). Besides that he was enjoying the ride, the colors of street lights and store signs past by him in a blur, enjoying the subtle breeze through the helmet that made his curls tickle his cheek a bit. Normall Casper would be freaking out about now. When Carmen would let him ride along on her motor cycle hed always beg to get off the whole time. But this time he was simply silent, enjoying the ride and enjoying the heat Kyrans body provided against the chilling breeze of early fall. It felt nice.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 08:43 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325189)
"And I thought I was a s-speeder." he couldnt help but mumble. While the close clips gave him mini heart attacks, he was enjoying the ride. He let his grip tighten around Kyrans waist like his life depended on it(and it kinda did). Besides that he was enjoying the ride, the colors of street lights and store signs past by him in a blur, enjoying the subtle breeze through the helmet that made his curls tickle his cheek a bit. Normall Casper would be freaking out about now. When Carmen would let him ride along on her motor cycle hed always beg to get off the whole time. But this time he was simply silent, enjoying the ride and enjoying the heat Kyrans body provided against the chilling breeze of early fall. It felt nice.

After a while Ky started to slow down, taking a softer turn left into the forest just cut off by the park. Soon, the paved road broke off to gravel, that soon enough turned to dirt. The ruts that had once been there were filled, very faint. It'd been a while since even Ky had been here, but it was so familiar. The wind wasn't blowing past them anymore if anything, a light breeze. The path was obviously there for hikers, but Ky cut through a clear part just wide enough for his motorcycle. Soon, the trees began to thin out, revealing a small clearing with a few stumps, logs, and an old fire pit that hadn't been used in a while. It was obvious the work was amateur, but it was overgrown now, so it looked a bit better.

Kyran slowed the bike to a stop, putting his foot down to balance the bike. He undid the velcro that kept the helmet to his head and pulled it off, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his mussed hair, now even messier from helmet hair. He dropped the kickstand and pulled himself off the bike.

"Apologies about the rough journey, friend." Ky stretched, reaching his arms up, folding his hands together and turning them up, then bringing them behind his back, "I haven't been here in a while, it's an old camp site some coworkers and I made on our two weeks off for renovations of the store," He explained, putting the helmet on the seat and looking at Casper, "This isn't what I really wanted to show you, there's a little sinkhole place nearby that's filled with water, I used to go diving with mis amigos there. It was surrounded by the best types of trees, they always turned earlier than most in the fall, yellow and orange and red while some were still green. It was beautiful, and I'm sure it still is." Ky realised he was talking with his hands and starting to ramble. He cleared his throat and tucked his hands in his back pockets, tilting his head down as he looked at Casper, gaze faltering, "Shall we go see, amigo?"

graves July 18th, 2017 09:01 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325220)
After a while Ky started to slow down, taking a softer turn left into the forest just cut off by the park. Soon, the paved road broke off to gravel, that soon enough turned to dirt. The ruts that had once been there were filled, very faint. It'd been a while since even Ky had been here, but it was so familiar. The wind wasn't blowing past them anymore if anything, a light breeze. The path was obviously there for hikers, but Ky cut through a clear part just wide enough for his motorcycle. Soon, the trees began to thin out, revealing a small clearing with a few stumps, logs, and an old fire pit that hadn't been used in a while. It was obvious the work was amateur, but it was overgrown now, so it looked a bit better.

Kyran slowed the bike to a stop, putting his foot down to balance the bike. He undid the velcro that kept the helmet to his head and pulled it off, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his mussed hair, now even messier from helmet hair. He dropped the kickstand and pulled himself off the bike.

"Apologies about the rough journey, friend." Ky stretched, reaching his arms up, folding his hands together and turning them up, then bringing them behind his back, "I haven't been here in a while, it's an old camp site some coworkers and I made on our two weeks off for renovations of the store," He explained, putting the helmet on the seat and looking at Casper, "This isn't what I really wanted to show you, there's a little sinkhole place nearby that's filled with water, I used to go diving with mis amigos there. It was surrounded by the best types of trees, they always turned earlier than most in the fall, yellow and orange and red while some were still green. It was beautiful, and I'm sure it still is." Ky realised he was talking with his hands and starting to ramble. He cleared his throat and tucked his hands in his back pockets, tilting his head down as he looked at Casper, gaze faltering, "Shall we go see, amigo?"

Casper took off his helmet, thick hair fluffed out even more from helmet hair. He placed the helmet neatly on the seat he was sitting on. From the way Ky described it the place sounded beautiful-he could practically feel stars forming in his eyes from excitement. It sounded wonderful, and he couldnt believe he hadnt heard of it before. Tightening the strap on his camera bag that had been slung around his shoulder, he pulled his camera out. It was a large and expensive Sony camera, it didnt have one scratch on it. He prized himself for it, and it took good photos. He put the camera strap around his neck so there would be no worries of dropping any time soon, though Casper still kept it in his hands and finger grazing the button incase there were any photos hed want to take on the way there. With a free hand he held it out to Kyran with an excited smile,"It sounds beautiful Kyran, lead me the way?"

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 09:25 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325242)
Casper took off his helmet, thick hair fluffed out even more from helmet hair. He placed the helmet neatly on the seat he was sitting on. From the way Ky described it the place sounded beautiful-he could practically feel stars forming in his eyes from excitement. It sounded wonderful, and he couldnt believe he hadnt heard of it before. Tightening the strap on his camera bag that had been slung around his shoulder, he pulled his camera out. It was a large and expensive Sony camera, it didnt have one scratch on it. He prized himself for it, and it took good photos. He put the camera strap around his neck so there would be no worries of dropping any time soon, though Casper still kept it in his hands and finger grazing the button incase there were any photos hed want to take on the way there. With a free hand he held it out to Kyran with an excited smile,"It sounds beautiful Kyran, lead me the way?"

"Con alegría," Kyran basically sang, gently taking Casper's hand and turning toward a very specific side of the clearing, it looked like any other side, but the way Ky was walking to it made it look more important. Approaching it, there was some makeshift foliage in the way, cut off branches and leaves from other trees disguising the entry to a very clear path fairly well. He moved the leaves out of the way, leading Casper in before letting them fall back into place.

He took lead again, swinging his and Casper's hands gently as they walked down the path. It was so familiar to him, so easy to find. He could basically see and hear his friends laughing and talking along the path. It wasn't that they weren't friends anymore, just that they all worked too much to possibly take even a mere weekend off to enjoy their old get together place. He took a deep breath of the forest, what had once been his home away from home. Maybe he should get them together again and start giving them more holidays off.

The path was tunnel-like, the canopy above fairly thick, blocking out most of the sun, leaving a few windows for the rays to spill in. He stopped at a tree, squinting at the roughly healed bark. In the wood, there were names. One of them Ky's own, and five others. Jack, Lynn, Mia, Seth, and Forrest were the ones most faint, among Ky's own. There was a fresher one. Chi. They'd come here maybe half a year or so after becoming friends, he remembered. He let go of Casper's hand a moment, feeling around the back side of the tree and pulling something out, his hand coming back around with a knife.

He blew on it and squinted. Still sharp, slightly rusted. He looked back at the tree. Jack and Lynn had left the company some time ago. They kept in touch sometimes. Mia still worked with him but in a different state, along with Seth and Forrest. Chi didn't need an explanation. He realised the whole scene looked a little sketchy, so he turned around, holding the knife by the blade, "This is a bit awkward and looks a bit suspicious, but I swear to you it isn't like that." He took the knife and folded it, gesturing to the carvings in the tree.

"My friends, and the latest addition, we carved our names here. Young, dumb, childish things, you know. If you like, you can add yourself, yes?" He held the folded pocket knife out to Casper, gently, not forcefully, he didn't want to scare the guy.

graves July 18th, 2017 10:41 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325271)
"Con alegría," Kyran basically sang, gently taking Casper's hand and turning toward a very specific side of the clearing, it looked like any other side, but the way Ky was walking to it made it look more important. Approaching it, there was some makeshift foliage in the way, cut off branches and leaves from other trees disguising the entry to a very clear path fairly well. He moved the leaves out of the way, leading Casper in before letting them fall back into place.

He took lead again, swinging his and Casper's hands gently as they walked down the path. It was so familiar to him, so easy to find. He could basically see and hear his friends laughing and talking along the path. It wasn't that they weren't friends anymore, just that they all worked too much to possibly take even a mere weekend off to enjoy their old get together place. He took a deep breath of the forest, what had once been his home away from home. Maybe he should get them together again and start giving them more holidays off.

The path was tunnel-like, the canopy above fairly thick, blocking out most of the sun, leaving a few windows for the rays to spill in. He stopped at a tree, squinting at the roughly healed bark. In the wood, there were names. One of them Ky's own, and five others. Jack, Lynn, Mia, Seth, and Forrest were the ones most faint, among Ky's own. There was a fresher one. Chi. They'd come here maybe half a year or so after becoming friends, he remembered. He let go of Casper's hand a moment, feeling around the back side of the tree and pulling something out, his hand coming back around with a knife.

He blew on it and squinted. Still sharp, slightly rusted. He looked back at the tree. Jack and Lynn had left the company some time ago. They kept in touch sometimes. Mia still worked with him but in a different state, along with Seth and Forrest. Chi didn't need an explanation. He realised the whole scene looked a little sketchy, so he turned around, holding the knife by the blade, "This is a bit awkward and looks a bit suspicious, but I swear to you it isn't like that." He took the knife and folded it, gesturing to the carvings in the tree.

"My friends, and the latest addition, we carved our names here. Young, dumb, childish things, you know. If you like, you can add yourself, yes?" He held the folded pocket knife out to Casper, gently, not forcefully, he didn't want to scare the guy.

He let Kyran take the lead; basically putting all of his trust in him. It wasnt every day that you meet someone and go out in the forest in the same day. He gazed at the scenery along the path' looking up at the thick trees; few sun rays peeking through that provided dappled patterns around him. He snapped a few shots of the scene; some from above him that shows the thick leaves creating a tunnel pattern, and the side views that shows the old trees along either side of the path; wild flowers and plants that have seem to take over everything. And he snapped a shot infront of him. It was a simple but pretty photo; it showed the backside of Kyran though you could still clearly seem their interwind hands at the very bottom of the shot. In the photo above you could see the shadows of the tree leaves and the pretty beams of sunlight poking through that lit up strands of Kyrans dark hair perfectly. He snapped a few more just incase. When he let go of his hand and took out a pocket knife, looking at the tree Casper grew a bit worried, gripping his camera a bit tighter then usual, but softened when he saw the faded names. "Even if you did m-murder me out here Id have proof." Casper gave a small giggle and only smiled more at the offer,"M-me? Im really flatter Kyran." his smile beamed, showing all of his teeth and making his eyes curve a bit smaller. Gentle taking the knife from his hand he flipped it up, showing the rusty blade. Just to think that all of Kys other close friends had signed their name on the tree, and now it was his turn. His heart swelled as he covered his name in boxy letters, not spelling his name Casper, but instead the nickname 'Cassy'. He turned to Kyran for a moment,"Its a nickname I was called as a kid, you can call me it if youd like. Just dont tell Carmen about it-she'll never left me hear the end of it." He figured since the other guy was basically sharing the source of good memories, he could share something with him that only he could call him. He handed Ky his knife back, switching it closed before turning around and snapping a photo of it. He wanted to remember this.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 11:01 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325384)
He let Kyran take the lead; basically putting all of his trust in him. It wasnt every day that you meet someone and go out in the forest in the same day. He gazed at the scenery along the path' looking up at the thick trees; few sun rays peeking through that provided dappled patterns around him. He snapped a few shots of the scene; some from above him that shows the thick leaves creating a tunnel pattern, and the side views that shows the old trees along either side of the path; wild flowers and plants that have seem to take over everything. And he snapped a shot infront of him. It was a simple but pretty photo; it showed the backside of Kyran though you could still clearly seem their interwind hands at the very bottom of the shot. In the photo above you could see the shadows of the tree leaves and the pretty beams of sunlight poking through that lit up strands of Kyrans dark hair perfectly. He snapped a few more just incase. When he let go of his hand and took out a pocket knife, looking at the tree Casper grew a bit worried, gripping his camera a bit tighter then usual, but softened when he saw the faded names. "Even if you did m-murder me out here Id have proof." Casper gave a small giggle and only smiled more at the offer,"M-me? Im really flatter Kyran." his smile beamed, showing all of his teeth and making his eyes curve a bit smaller. Gentle taking the knife from his hand he flipped it up, showing the rusty blade. Just to think that all of Kys other close friends had signed their name on the tree, and now it was his turn. His heart swelled as he covered his name in boxy letters, not spelling his name Casper, but instead the nickname 'Cassy'. He turned to Kyran for a moment,"Its a nickname I was called as a kid, you can call me it if youd like. Just dont tell Carmen about it-she'll never left me hear the end of it." He figured since the other guy was basically sharing the source of good memories, he could share something with him that only he could call him. He handed Ky his knife back, switching it closed before turning around and snapping a photo of it. He wanted to remember this.

Flattered? Really? It had only been a sign of friendship, really. All his other friends had scratched their names into it. Perhaps CJ would too if they ever came out here together. Ky nodded and smiled, watching him etch the childish name into the smooth tree bark. When handed the knife, he opened it and reached back around the tree, sticking it back in its place. He took Casper's hand again, leading him just a few more steps before moving more fake trees and leaves out of the way, the sound of rushing water coming up loudly into the muted forest.

In front of them was the sink hole that Ky had described. It was somewhat far down, but a reasonable place to go cliff diving. Across from it, a river that split into a small waterfall, flowing almost endlessly into the pool at the bottom. As promised, the trees around the hole were already turning oranges and reds, some even falling down into the water. There was an old ladder nearby, made of metal, still bolted down and stable, albeit a bit rusty. The water was higher than the last time he'd been there. The sun reflecting off of the water and casting light onto the sides of the hole, the whole scene seemed to have come right out of a movie.

Ky let go of Casper's hand as he lead him forward, stopping to lean against a tree, shoving his hands in his pockets. He smiled softly, remembering the times he'd been there with his friends, with Chi, and now with Casper. He watched the morning sunlight glinting off his glasses, shining through his hair in a way that made some parts look golden. Ky put his had on the tree, tilting it at an angle.

"It's beautiful, no?" He murmured gently, as if any louder would destroy the peace of it all. He was speaking more towards Casper than about the scenery. He looked away towards the falls before Casper could notice.

graves July 18th, 2017 11:23 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325406)
Flattered? Really? It had only been a sign of friendship, really. All his other friends had scratched their names into it. Perhaps CJ would too if they ever came out here together. Ky nodded and smiled, watching him etch the childish name into the smooth tree bark. When handed the knife, he opened it and reached back around the tree, sticking it back in its place. He took Casper's hand again, leading him just a few more steps before moving more fake trees and leaves out of the way, the sound of rushing water coming up loudly into the muted forest.

In front of them was the sink hole that Ky had described. It was somewhat far down, but a reasonable place to go cliff diving. Across from it, a river that split into a small waterfall, flowing almost endlessly into the pool at the bottom. As promised, the trees around the hole were already turning oranges and reds, some even falling down into the water. There was an old ladder nearby, made of metal, still bolted down and stable, albeit a bit rusty. The water was higher than the last time he'd been there. The sun reflecting off of the water and casting light onto the sides of the hole, the whole scene seemed to have come right out of a movie.

Ky let go of Casper's hand as he lead him forward, stopping to lean against a tree, shoving his hands in his pockets. He smiled softly, remembering the times he'd been there with his friends, with Chi, and now with Casper. He watched the morning sunlight glinting off his glasses, shining through his hair in a way that made some parts look golden. Ky put his had on the tree, tilting it at an angle.

"It's beautiful, no?" He murmured gently, as if any louder would destroy the peace of it all. He was speaking more towards Casper than about the scenery. He looked away towards the falls before Casper could notice.

Capser simply didnt have words. He didnt say anything, instead sitting on the edge of the cliff and letting his feet dangle dangerously. He didnt care though, he focused on the scenery instead, eyes not sure what to gaze at first. There was so much to look at; the pretty coloring and shades of the trees. Even if they were relatively the same color, there were so many shades to look at. The water was well..very far down. But it looked relatively clear and inviting, the blues clashed with the auttum colors of the leaves draped across the water too. And the falls; Casper could stare at the forever, He almost forgot about his camera, to busy looking at the sight before him. Taking out his camera he held it up to his eyes in focus, sticking out his tongue a bit as he got some shots of the water, but it wasnt to long before he put the camera down again and let it hang around his neck. He looked behind him to where Kyran was standing, leaning against the tree. The sun looked like it was haloing around his lanky frame, illuminating his golden skin and dark hair. Casper couldnt help was snap a photo,"Quiet." puting his camera down again he patted a spot next to him, motioning for him to sit by him.

yummyluc July 18th, 2017 11:54 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325429)
Capser simply didnt have words. He didnt say anything, instead sitting on the edge of the cliff and letting his feet dangle dangerously. He didnt care though, he focused on the scenery instead, eyes not sure what to gaze at first. There was so much to look at; the pretty coloring and shades of the trees. Even if they were relatively the same color, there were so many shades to look at. The water was well..very far down. But it looked relatively clear and inviting, the blues clashed with the auttum colors of the leaves draped across the water too. And the falls; Casper could stare at the forever, He almost forgot about his camera, to busy looking at the sight before him. Taking out his camera he held it up to his eyes in focus, sticking out his tongue a bit as he got some shots of the water, but it wasnt to long before he put the camera down again and let it hang around his neck. He looked behind him to where Kyran was standing, leaning against the tree. The sun looked like it was haloing around his lanky frame, illuminating his golden skin and dark hair. Casper couldnt help was snap a photo,"Quiet." puting his camera down again he patted a spot next to him, motioning for him to sit by him.

Kyran heard the click, but he was so used to the familiar sound, he barely batted an eye. But he did see Casper motion for him to sit, so he did, getting off the tree and settling beside the other man, keeping one knee up against his chest. He squinted, the sun shining into his eyes as he took in the surroundings. He sighed, content, it was quiet here. Nice. He could spend all day looking at the falls. He could spend all day looking at it with Casper. He could spend all day looking at Casper. He shook the thought out of his head, looking down at the water below. He smiled.

"The first time I went diving here I nearly broke my leg." He murmured softly, the scene playing out in his head, "My friend, Seth, I was hesitating and the tonto shoved me off." He sighed, dropping his leg and leaning back on his hands with a sigh, "It taught me a very valuable lesson. Never trust Seth on a cliff." And he laughed, a rich, hearty laugh, low and sweet, but not loud. He flicked a piece of hair from his eyes.

graves July 19th, 2017 12:10 AM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 325487)
Kyran heard the click, but he was so used to the familiar sound, he barely batted an eye. But he did see Casper motion for him to sit, so he did, getting off the tree and settling beside the other man, keeping one knee up against his chest. He squinted, the sun shining into his eyes as he took in the surroundings. He sighed, content, it was quiet here. Nice. He could spend all day looking at the falls. He could spend all day looking at it with Casper. He could spend all day looking at Casper. He shook the thought out of his head, looking down at the water below. He smiled.

"The first time I went diving here I nearly broke my leg." He murmured softly, the scene playing out in his head, "My friend, Seth, I was hesitating and the tonto shoved me off." He sighed, dropping his leg and leaning back on his hands with a sigh, "It taught me a very valuable lesson. Never trust Seth on a cliff." And he laughed, a rich, hearty laugh, low and sweet, but not loud. He flicked a piece of hair from his eyes.

Casper wanted to melt at that laugh. For as loud as Kyran greeted himself earlier he seemed..more quiet. very real and genuine. the sound made his heart flutter, of what-he didnt know but he decided to just roll with it anyway. He chuckled along with Kyran his memory; imaging the scene through his own eyes. Friends laughing and playing before swoop- right off the cliff. "I'd probably have a heart attack if were p-pushed off." he followed Kyrans gaze down to the dark rushing water. The soft mist of the water fall cooled his face, making his curls flutter a bit. He looked back towards the Hispanic. He didnt care that the sun was in his face or his hair was fluffing out in whatever places, he enjoyed this. "You know," he paused, taking a glance at their dangling feet,"normally Id be to scared to even get near a place like this." he didnt know why he felt at ease, like nothing would happen. Normally hed be worrying if he got to close he would fall into the water, that hed flip and fall and something would happen. Yet here he was, dangling his feet like a toddler over a cliff with no fear in the world. He gave himself silent bonus points for not stuttering this time.

yummyluc July 19th, 2017 02:48 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 325501)
Casper wanted to melt at that laugh. For as loud as Kyran greeted himself earlier he seemed..more quiet. very real and genuine. the sound made his heart flutter, of what-he didnt know but he decided to just roll with it anyway. He chuckled along with Kyran his memory; imaging the scene through his own eyes. Friends laughing and playing before swoop- right off the cliff. "I'd probably have a heart attack if were p-pushed off." he followed Kyrans gaze down to the dark rushing water. The soft mist of the water fall cooled his face, making his curls flutter a bit. He looked back towards the Hispanic. He didnt care that the sun was in his face or his hair was fluffing out in whatever places, he enjoyed this. "You know," he paused, taking a glance at their dangling feet,"normally Id be to scared to even get near a place like this." he didnt know why he felt at ease, like nothing would happen. Normally hed be worrying if he got to close he would fall into the water, that hed flip and fall and something would happen. Yet here he was, dangling his feet like a toddler over a cliff with no fear in the world. He gave himself silent bonus points for not stuttering this time.

Kyran cocked a brow, though didn't look for Casper to see it. He just looked down at the water, kicking his legs gently over the cliff. As much as he wanted to look at Casper, he was afraid he'd just end up staring, and Kyran was not someone for long, awkward staring. He took a breath, fingers tapping, eager to move. Their hands were so close. When Casper had kept holding his own, it was odd. A feeling flooded his chest, filling his lungs, bubbling up to his throat, threatening to pour from his mouth. But he swallowed it down and kept looking at the water.

"What is changing that?" He asked, voice still soft in the middle of the quiet scene. Something might shatter if he spoke too loud.

graves July 19th, 2017 03:07 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by alphypoin (Post 326033)
Kyran cocked a brow, though didn't look for Casper to see it. He just looked down at the water, kicking his legs gently over the cliff. As much as he wanted to look at Casper, he was afraid he'd just end up staring, and Kyran was not someone for long, awkward staring. He took a breath, fingers tapping, eager to move. Their hands were so close. When Casper had kept holding his own, it was odd. A feeling flooded his chest, filling his lungs, bubbling up to his throat, threatening to pour from his mouth. But he swallowed it down and kept looking at the water.

"What is changing that?" He asked, voice still soft in the middle of the quiet scene. Something might shatter if he spoke too loud.

"Its better to be at a scary place with someone," eh wasnt stuttering anymore. He growing used to Kyrans presence more and more. He didnt know why, he had only met him today. Carmen was a friend of almost 4 years and it took a year or two for him to get truly comfortable around her. It scared him how comfortable he felt around him. He noticed how close their hands were. He didnt think that hed be here conquering one of his huge fears effortlessly due to a guy he barely knew bringing him along. But he didnt care,"But thank you for taking me out here, I dont remember the last time Ive been to a place that wasnt holding labs." he gave a small chuckle,"you seem like a good mate." now in Australia mate was usually referring to a friend or simply a person you knew, he didnt really know it meant like er, partner in america.

yummyluc July 19th, 2017 03:25 PM

Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly (Post 326059)
"Its better to be at a scary place with someone," eh wasnt stuttering anymore. He growing used to Kyrans presence more and more. He didnt know why, he had only met him today. Carmen was a friend of almost 4 years and it took a year or two for him to get truly comfortable around her. It scared him how comfortable he felt around him. He noticed how close their hands were. He didnt think that hed be here conquering one of his huge fears effortlessly due to a guy he barely knew bringing him along. But he didnt care,"But thank you for taking me out here, I dont remember the last time Ive been to a place that wasnt holding labs." he gave a small chuckle,"you seem like a good mate." now in Australia mate was usually referring to a friend or simply a person you knew, he didnt really know it meant like er, partner in america.

The last word caught Ky off guard. Mate? That was... completely normal. Australians. Right. The whole mate thing was about friends. Not... that. He laughed again at his own mistake, but sighed, falling onto his back and tucking his arms behind his head.

"Australiano, amigo mío, ha sido un placer," Kyran murmured, more to himself than to Casper, sounding content. His hair fell back, revealing his whole face to the sun that accented it so flawlessly. His eyes were closed, a light smile playing on his lips. It felt nice out here. He'd probably go diving right them if he wasn't wearing his own expensive clothing line. He wouldn't care if Casper was there or not, in fact, he'd probably prefer him to be there.

"My pleasure," Kyran said, not sure if Casper understood Spanish fluently, though he obviously knew some of the language.

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