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Old February 5th, 2018, 01:08 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
"Ooh, yeah! I bet I could tell the best stories, and - oh! You know what else? When I have an apprentice of my own, I can tell them stories! They'll get to learn all about my apprenticeship and my kithood and all of that stuff! Isn't that cool, Emberwing? When you have an apprentice are you going to tell them those stories?"

The she cat asked, bouncing up and down on her small, soft paws. Brightkit was one of the most energetic kits in the nursery - sometimes other kits had trouble keeping up with her, which was why she was alone now. Of course, the she cat had a lot of friends in general, but they would sometimes "disappear" for a while, leaving the young feline wondering what had happened... what she might have done if they were there... and eventually bounding away to find a new friend. This was where she was now, talking to Emberwing, because her other friends were busy or not able to play with her at the moment. She loved making new friends, and the young warrior seemed like the perfect playmate for what had been a slow morning. "You would?" The young she cat cocked her head to the side, just for a second, as though she was trying to get a better look at Emberwing before she jumped up and gave a mew of pleasure.

"Yay! So now that we're friends, you wanna play moss-ball? I mean, I'd play with you even if you weren't my friend, but since you are, it's going to be way more fun! Ooh, or we could play hide and seek... or tag... or something like that! Or, or we could pretend that we're BOTH warriors? Or you could show me some of your warrior moves?"

Brightkit suggested, her tail twitching back and forth happily as she glanced up with her good eye at the older cat. Emberwing was being surprisingly patient with Brightkit - not all warriors were as understanding and sweet towards the younger feline. There were times she tended to be just too much for the cats around her. And there were other times when she tended to have a positive influence on those around her. It all depended on who you were, and what your opinion was on this sweet, energetic young she cat.
Another purr rattled Emberwing's chest as she swept her fluffy tail across the ground behind her. It was truly a pleasure to watch Brightkit coming up with idea after idea, and certainly a young kit like that would be a great addition to the already training apprentices ThunderClan had. "Yes, I can't wait to tell all of my stories to my future apprentice. There are definitely some good ones!" The thought alone made the warrior happy, and she envisioned the day Snowstar would finally entrust her with the training of a future ThunderClan warrior. Oh, how exciting that will be! she thought, getting lost for a bit in her own mind. I'll make sure they're the best warrior even StarClan has ever seen!

Bringing her attention back to Brightkit, who danced eagerly on tiny paws before her, Emberwing chuckled. "I would love to play. We can do whichever game you want!" she offered the kit, crouching down so she was at eye level with the younger feline. "We can always do them all! Though, I'm not sure if we'll have time." She wasn't sure of Snowstar or Passionblaze would want her for an evening patrol later, but she figured whatever games they didn't get to today, could be saved for another slow morning. "But we can try to play as many as we can!" She lifted her plume off the ground and waved it energetically overhead, ears pricked and alert for Brightkit's answer.

The truth be told, Emberwing had been relatively lonely the past few moons. Sure, she had friends, and was well known among the Clan, but she didn't have one thing that all her friends seemed to have; an apprentice. So when they were all resting in the warriors' den after a long day of group training, and were exchanging stories of teaching battle moves or hunting crouches, the russet warrior couldn't chime in. Still, she listened intently, if only to improve her chances of being a great mentor when her time finally did come.
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walkin' in a winder wonderland~