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Old November 24th, 2016, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: SwiftClan - new, open Clan!

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
Name: coppermist
Age:29 moons
Apperance: dark brown tom with golden eyes
personality: silent, thurough,loyal.

Why do you think your cats a good depudy for swiftclan?: Well he's picky about the jobs he gives warriors, he dosen't just hand an important job over to an inexperianced warrior, he thinks about all of the warriors atributes and carefully assigns each warrior a task that fits their skill set. A warrior is awake early, so coppermist woukd put him on dawnpatrol, a warrior is swift, but isn't a morning cat, coppermist would put him on the huntingpartol.
Welcome to SwiftClan! Thanks for applying to be SwiftClan deputy! I will let you know when the official rp has begun!
* Just a smol space cadet *

I care that his light has gone out, and in the end he will always matter. RIP Chester Bennington

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