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Old March 28th, 2018, 12:24 AM
Gone Gone is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Goldenstar let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in once Bunnykit said she was okay. It calmed the leader down to know she was safe, and not injured in any way. When Bella’s voice filled his ears, he awkwardly nodded, though he felt as though he hadn’t done enough. Was this what it was like to be a parent? Always stressing over everything involving your kit? He didn’t know, but he didn’t like the feeling that he hadn’t done enough. Although he wanted to protest Bella’s words, he just awkwardly nodded. His feelings were all over the place, looking down at Bunnykit. He was happy that the kit was out, but there was also a feeling of knowing she hadn’t asked to go out, and could have quite possibly have the kit who was caring for her a heart attack.
Bella voiced the words he was thinking, and he nodded. “You’ll have to apologize to her, but not right now,” He said. “It’s your first day out of the nursery, correct?” he smiled. “Let’s enjoy that while we can,” he glanced over at Bella, not knowing why he was looking for her approval, just wanting to know he was doing something right. Looking back at Bunnykit, he tried to come up with a good thing to do. Unable to come up with anything, he decided that it would just be easier to ask Bunnykit what she wanted to do. He didn’t know why he was overthinking this much, but hey, he was doing his best. “What do you want to do?” he asked in a warm voice, trying not to make his smile look too stupid. However, he found it difficult not to, as Bunnykit was there, strong and happy, and it just made him overjoyed for the time being.
Bella gazed at her mate and smiled, she loved seeing the tom smile and honestly couldn't help but laugh, she remembered every single bit of the day they had met when he smiled, he looked so funny whenever he did, it reminded her of the nights they slept under the stars, in their hidden nest. Though, she always knew he was a stressed cat, he had been like that with her too, except that she wasn't a kit back then, therefore not asking for much protection as she quickly learned how to hunt and fight, all thanks to her lovely mate. Though, when she thought of a kit getting that treatment, it was a little worrying, after all, she sure didn't want Bunnykit to be the kind of cat that ended up being unable to take care of herself alone, and if needed, she would tell him, and maybe she would go out with the kit to talk with her, after all, there were things only she-cats understood.
As she heard Goldenstar talk, she nodded. "Indeed, young she-cat, you will have to apologize." She mewed with a slight laughter, surprised as she saw the leader gaze at her, seeming to await something, her eyes widened a little in confusion at first, but to make sure he felt a little more confident, she gave him a nod, he sure wasn't doing anything wrong. "Imagine when I'll be the one giving birth to your kits..." She chuckled, the tom would often come see her, for sure, if he was so caring about Bunnykit, a kit who he had found, his biological kits were gonna be a whole other story. "Well, not minding to interrupt, but has Bunnykit been around camp? Would be a great start, we sure wouldn't want her to end up losing herself or waking up the senior warriors, they're not all that kind, and Ravenheart sure isn't from what I've seen, he looks grumpy all the time." She admitted, she had once accidentally woken the tom up and he had gotten really mad, and she didn't want it to happen to Bunnykit.