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Old March 28th, 2018, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Raven & Co View Post
Bella didn't seem to acknowledge her mate's anger, after all, she sure didn't mind the fact that he was the leader, she knew he was busy, they sometimes spoke at moon-high, when he finally entered the den, or she fell asleep waiting for him, and feeling his presence was sometimes enough for her to sleep well, it also happened that, because of this, she woke up before him, therefore, she was able to greet him every morning. Yes, they were mates, but mates shouldn't always be together, that was what was special about their relation, some cats always hung together, like Violeteye and Alderstripe, a couple she had met a few gatherings ago though, the passion in their couple was still at a surprisingly high level, but the moments she had with Goldenstar were so... Nice, she loved whenever she was able to cuddle with him during the day, and since it rarely happened, it made it much more enjoyable, though, she saw him panick when he saw the kit slide and her eyes narrowed a little. "Don't be overprotective, Golden, an overprotected kit will not becaome a fearless warrior, and I'll help you make her into a fine she-cat, one that no tom will be able to step on." She purred.

As she heard Bunnykit's voice, telling her she was okay, the she-cat's smile grew once more and she couldn't help but giggle as well. "Good, so young yet already strong." She praised, she returned the smile more than willingly, this kit was an angel, and she would make sure the she-cat wouldn't have any bad influences. But her eyes widened as she said that she had snuck out of the nursery and she laughed a little, placing her paw over her muzzle. "The queen taking care of you must be freaking out right now, you at least need to tell them you leave, darling, we wouldn't want to alarm the clan while you're out with us." She said with a soft sigh, her tail now wrapped around her paw as he gaze moved from the kit to Golden, then back and forth, wanting to see Goldenstar's reaction.
Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Goldenstar let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in once Bunnykit said she was okay. It calmed the leader down to know she was safe, and not injured in any way. When Bella’s voice filled his ears, he awkwardly nodded, though he felt as though he hadn’t done enough. Was this what it was like to be a parent? Always stressing over everything involving your kit? He didn’t know, but he didn’t like the feeling that he hadn’t done enough. Although he wanted to protest Bella’s words, he just awkwardly nodded. His feelings were all over the place, looking down at Bunnykit. He was happy that the kit was out, but there was also a feeling of knowing she hadn’t asked to go out, and could have quite possibly have the kit who was caring for her a heart attack.
Bella voiced the words he was thinking, and he nodded. “You’ll have to apologize to her, but not right now,” He said. “It’s your first day out of the nursery, correct?” he smiled. “Let’s enjoy that while we can,” he glanced over at Bella, not knowing why he was looking for her approval, just wanting to know he was doing something right. Looking back at Bunnykit, he tried to come up with a good thing to do. Unable to come up with anything, he decided that it would just be easier to ask Bunnykit what she wanted to do. He didn’t know why he was overthinking this much, but hey, he was doing his best. “What do you want to do?” he asked in a warm voice, trying not to make his smile look too stupid. However, he found it difficult not to, as Bunnykit was there, strong and happy, and it just made him overjoyed for the time being.
As Bunnykit listened to Bella talking to Goldenstar, she couldn’t help but raise her chin proudly. Even if the she-cat wasn’t complimenting her nor talking to her, she felt pride and determination swelling in her. She wanted to be a skilled and beautiful warrior one day and she was sure with help from the warriors around her, she would be able to do it eventually.
The Siamese was expecting the two to be a little impressed that she had managed to ‘escape’ the nursery, but the reaction she received was not quite what she had hoped for. Being the usually disciplined cat that she was, she would’ve asked for Pinewish’s permission, or at least told her that she was going to be out in the clearing, but she couldn’t find her and she was much too eager to wait. She knew what she had done was wrong but weren’t they at least a little impressed that she had managed to get away under the watchful eye of ShadowClan’s fierce queens? She was pretty proud of her achievement. Her head drooped a little out of disappointment but she did her best to keep her smile on. She wanted to make it seem like she was fine about the whole situation. She didn’t want them to start thinking that she was suddenly becoming rebellious, expecting praise whenever she went against the rules. No, that wasn’t who she was. It would only happen once, she would do her best not to worry Pinewish again. “I couldn’t find her and I didn’t want to wait,” she objected quietly. She didn’t want to start an argument or anything like that, but she wanted to defend herself before they moved onto another topic. She shook her pelt before nodding obediently to Goldenstar. “I’ll do it later,” she agreed.
As the leader gave her the option of choosing what to see first, the disappointment that clouded her mind immediately flew away and she smiled excitedly. She forgot about everything before that, just like that. She gazed around, searching for something that really caught her attention. Her icy blue gaze landed on an area of the camp that had tufts of fur lying on the grass and looked as if though it were a shelter. “I want to see that thing!” She exclaimed, using her tail to point at the ‘thing’. It was the warrior’s den, but she didn’t know that. She was curious about the tufts of fur which were scattered randomly on the ground and she wanted to explore the sheltered area. It looked as if though it would be a good place to hide if she were playing hide and seek with the other kits.
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Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen