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Old April 8th, 2018, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Blazingcomet’s ears flicked forward in surprise. Pick up her slack? Who would tell Gingerblossom that? She clearly didn’t understand, and wasn’t hurt by the words, so the orange tom laughed and gave her a light nudge. ”Looks like you’ve taken that to heart! I haven’t seen you in a while, you must’ve been really working!” He mewed, with a grin. Her next words surprised him even more. They seemed to have upset her more than the cat who had told her she needed to “work harder,” which he found funny… he would have been angrier with the former, but she clearly wasn’t.

It just showed how different the two were, despite how well they really got along. In some ways they were similar - Blazingcomet wondered how two cats could be so similar, and yet so different at the same time. Similar interests, different mindsets, he supposed… that was how it seemed to him. ”Well, I think you look lovely, Gingy. Don’t listen to that silly cat, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” He mewed with another smile. She did look quite lovely with the yellow tulip nestled there - yellow was definitely a color that matched well with Gingerblossom’s fur. He hadn’t met another warrior who shared her interest in flowers… it was funny, really, but he hadn’t met another cat quite like Gingerblossom.

And if things had been different from the start, maybe he wouldn’t have gotten himself into this mess. ”Oh! Gingy, I meant to tell you… you know how there was all that mess with Drizzleshard, right?” He paused for a moment before continuing with a brighter grin than before. ”Well, I met someone else, and she’s really great! You would like her a lot, and guess what? We might be mates soon, I mean I don’t know, but maybe!” The tom purred, that smile still bright on his face.

Gingerblossom nodded vigorously. “Yes, I have been working hard! I don’t think I’ve ever done this much patrolling or hunting before....” The she-cat still had a smile in her face, determined to make the best of her hard work. “Even though I didn’t see you for a while, I did get a lot of things done for the clan, and I also gained a lot of experience. Makes me a better warrior, right?” She purred, though there was a slight stirring in her belly that told her she was unsure. The feline dismissed this quickly though, confused why she was even feeling that. She thought she was a pretty good warrior... Aren’t I?

Letting out a grateful purr at his words, Gingerblossom flicked her ears a bit, looking upwards again at the rim of the tulip she could see against her head. “I’ve noticed that some cats just don’t approciate the beauty of flowers. Well, the beauty of nature itself. I wonder if they ever take the time to slow down for a moment and realize just how lucky we are to live in this beautiful place.” Gingerblossom knew that she would always find time to appriciate the beauty of the world. She loved looking at the small and simple things that made their world such a beauty to live in. She wasn’t exactly sure if Blazingcomet was one of those cats though.

Lost in her thoughts, Gingerblossom almost missed the tom’s next words. But she caught ahold of them, knowing what he was talking about, but still not quite understanding the situation. “Umm, yes?” She meowed, her statement coming out more like a question. She then listened intently as he continued on. But as he finished, Gingerblossom felt a stirring of something inside her heart. The way he was smiling, how his eyes were bright, Gingerblossom suddenly had a feeling like she might not get along with that cat. What are you thinking? She’s made Blazingcomet happy! That’s amazing, right? The voice inside her head tried to battle with the one inside her heart. Gingerblossom didn’t know what to feel. After a moment of blank staring, she gave a forced smile, something she’s never really had to do before. “That’s great Blazingcomet! I’m glad to see you’re happy.” But her facade was hard to keep up for the confusion she was feeling. And Gingerblossom wasn’t really one to hide her emotions very well.

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