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Old April 2nd, 2017, 10:25 AM
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Default Prologue & Chapter 1, Book 1, Series 1


The sky was pitch black, not a single star glittered. The lifeless black trees filled the leafless forest below. Spiky black and green bushes splotched the darkened forest along with black-oily streams and rivers. In the black-oily streams, scrawny and boney fish leaped about, their eyes red, their teeth poked out of their jaws and cut into their upper lip.
Through the darkened woods, a muscular, tall, battle-scarred brown and white tom stood. His tail lashed as he studied the black-oily puddle of water in front of him. The brown and white tom narrowed his eyes at the puddle, glaring at his reflection.
"Second thoughts, Butch?"
The brown and white tom didn't even have to look at the cat in the lifeless forest edge to know that it was Darkheart, a black tabby malicious she-cat. Butch bared his teeth, snarling. "Second thoughts about what?"
"Leaving your precious mate and kits behind!" Darkheart spat as if it was the most obvious answer. "You miss playing "father" to those weak furballs!"
Butch swerved around, coming nose to nose with the she-cat. His pelt bristled and eyes blazing like fire. "My kits are not weak!" He let his fur relax and he cleared his throat. "They are much stronger than you know. I will prove it to you!"
"How?" Darkheart arched an eyebrow, even amusement glittered in her eyes. "You can't even go see them." Suddenly, she started chuckling. "You must've really gone mad."
Butch ignored the she-cat's laughter. Yowling over her fit, he growled. "My kits will soon avenge me and make me proud." Darkheart quieted down, her eyes glittered with lifeless curiosity. Butch smirked, knowing he got the she-cat's attention. "My four kits will soon be leaders! Not just leaders... But clan leaders! I will visit them in their dreams when they have come of age, and I will teach them everything there is to know about leading, battling, hunting, and so on. They will be unstoppable together."
Darkheart lashed her tail. "Do you really think the clans would allow them to barge in and take over? There are more cats in one clan, let alone four, to rip three little kits apart."
"Listen, carefully!" Butch's eyes were slits. He pinned his ears back. "My kits will join one clan each to take over, per say. They will race through the ranks until they are deputies, then they will take the remaining of their leader's lives."
"That is a rather... long plan. It'll take seasons before their groomed to be proper deputy material. Not to mention, the clan will get suspicious when their leader is dead and the deputy was the last one with them," Darkheart rolled her eyes.
"But, with my training and advice along with their mentors, they will be more than successful becoming a warrior and getting apprentices to train with my orders. Then they will be deputies!" Butch chuckled menacingly. "We'll have an entire army of warriors to take down anyone who gets in our way!"
Darkheart looked more keen and interested. She flicked her tail, purring roughly. "This will be interesting to watch and participate in... Let us see how this little 'plan' plays out, shall we?"

Chapter 1

The stars glittered in the sky, shining down on the two-leg place below. The sounds of monsters and two-leg calls filled the night, calming Tiger as she bounded through the alleyways. Beside her padded her kittypet friend, Rosey.
"So... What is it exactly that you wanted to show me?" Rosey asked, panting as she tried to keep up with Tiger.
"I wanted to show you," Tiger leaped onto a silver hard stone which she had learned was a trash can in twoleg language, "this!"
"What is this?" Rosey questioned. She giggled, flicking her tail in amusement. "It's nothing but a trash can! What's so interesting about it?"
Tiger smirked before leaping off the stone-like trash can and kicking it from behind. Rosey let out a yowl of shock and dodged out of the way just in time for the trash can to land on the gravel and spilled open. All sorts of two-leg foods tumbled out, some rotting, some fresh.
"Wow!" Rosey awed, sniffing a piece of chicken. "This is amazing!"
"I know, so let's eat!" Tiger licked her chops. She started to bite into a burger when a loud hiss filled the alley.
"You'd think you'd save some for your kin, Tiger." Tiger glared up, past Rosey, to see her brothers, Cloudy, Adder, and Dusk. They stalked closer, their eyes glittered mischievously in the moonlight.
"We found it first! Go find your own food," Tiger growled, her pelt beginning to bristle.
"Oh, but, we couldn't possibly have as good of hunting skills as you. You always find the best food for us, therefore, move!" Cloudy shoved Tiger against the wall of a twoleg den. Rosey gasped and bounded over. "Are you alright?"
Tiger got to her paws, shaking the dust from her fur. "Perfectly fine... Come on, let's go, I'm sure Chester will share some of his food with us." Tiger and Rosey bounded out of the alley. Just before she did, Tiger could hear her brothers calling to her, mocking her. "Scaredy-cat! Scaredy-cat!"
Tiger and Rosey padded around the corner. A monster flew by on the thunderpath, honking as another monster almost rammed into it. Tiger felt disappointed in herself. She always let her brothers control her, always. Yet, she couldn't feel strong enough to fight back.
"Hey..." Rosey brushed her pelt against Tiger's, talking softly. "Don't let them get you down, you're so much better than them anyway."
"I might have a better heart, but I cannot be a better fighter," Tiger murmured, her head and tail drooped.
"Tell you what," Rosey leaped in front of Tiger, blocking her path, a mischievous smile on her face. "I'll go with you to the meadow!"
"The meadow? That is a little farther away than I had anticipated and anyways, I hear that there are a group of cats living there. They do not like trespassers! Or so Tony told me," Tiger shivered at the thought. "It's been a long night Rosey."
Rosey narrowed her eyes, looking determined. "But you've always wanted to go to the meadow and the woodland. Now that I want to go with you, why don't you want to go?"
"I told you... There are-" Tiger began to repeat.
"No excuses!" Rosey interrupted defiantly. "We are going to that meadow and we're going to spend the night under the stars."
"Won't your twoleg be wondering what happened to you?" Tiger asked.
"I sometimes spend the night at Lola's or Chester's.... Sometimes even with Oscar," Rosey admitted, blushing.
"Oscar?! Rosey, that tom is bad news! Why would you ever want to be with some tom like him?" Tiger outraged, lashing her tail at the thought of that rogue that had been friends with her brothers.
"Look, I'm sorry, it's just... He knows how to attract a she-cat," Rosey giggled as she started to go into deep thought. Shaking her head, Rosey's defiant look returned. "Come on! Let's go to the meadow!"
"Ugh!" Tiger growled, she lashed her tail thinking. "Fine! But you have to promise not to see that low-life crowfood again!"
Rosey started to look reluctant. Shuffling her paws, she let out a sigh. "Fine!" Then returned to her normal chirpy self. "Now let us go to the meadow!"


Tiger crept through the bushes and ferns of the edge line to the meadow. The moon was starting to go down. Rosey bounced along beside her, clearly excited. Tiger couldn't help but notice that once, she had felt that excited about the meadow and woodland. Now she didn't care much.
"Oh, this is so exciting!" Rosey squealed. "We're going to spend the night in the meadow!"
"Not if you don't hush! Remember, there are a group of cats roaming around here. We'll have to be careful," Tiger slapped her tail against Rosey's mouth so the kittypet couldn't continue with her babbling.
Rosey hunched down and lowered her voice to a whisper. "I'm sorry..."
Tiger rolled her eyes and glared through the ferns to see if the coast was clear. Smirking, she padded out into the openness of the meadow, Rosey followed close behind. Tiger glared around, not seeing any cats.
"I guess Tony's tale of a group of cats was fake," Rosey murmured.
"Not likely!"
Tiger swerved around, feeling her heart race as a muscular ginger she-cat towered over her. Where did this cat come from? How did she find us? Who is she....? Rosey ducked behind Tiger, shivering at the sight of the she-cat.
Tiger gulped and felt a fierce longing to protect her friend. Growling, she glared with slits up at the she-cat. "Who are you?"
The ginger she-cat returned the glare. Tiger leaned back a little, trying not to flinch away. The ginger she cat's voice became deep and growl-filled. "I am Ambertail, deputy of MeadowClan. And I believe you kittypets are in the wrong place!"
"Kittypets?!" Tiger felt outraged. Rosey might be a kittypet but she was not. Her pelt bristled as she spat. "Who are you calling a kittypet, mouse-brain? I am no kittypet!"
"Your friend's collar tells me otherwise," Ambertail flicked her tail to Rosey's light pink collar. "Now, I'm going to ask you politely to leave!" Ambertail's voice was cool and chilling.
"And if we don't?" Tiger asked, feeling rather confident. Where did this surge of confidence come from? Tiger could feel Ambertail's frustration and rage. The ginger she-cat lashed her tail furiously, baring her teeth. "If you don't, I will..."
Suddenly, barking filled the air. Tiger snapped her head around to see two dogs in the distance, chasing a small black tabby tom and a black and white tom. Ambertail's anger drifted to anxiety. The she-cat called out, in a shocked yet panicked cry. "Swiftstorm, Darkpaw!"
Ambertail pelted forward, charging towards the dog in protective anger. All Tiger could do was watch, her muscles were frozen and she could tell Rosey's was too. Both of them watched as one of the dogs quickened his stride and snapped his jaws around the small black tabby's neck.
"Darkpaw!" Swiftstorm and Ambertail seemed to screech at once. Darkpaw's eyes glistened with tears and shock as the dog lifted him from the ground. In a single chomp, the dog had snapped Darkpaw's neck in half.
Tiger's jaw dropped, her eyes filled with horror. That dog killed a kit! The dog dropped Darkpaw's limp body. Swiftstorm leaped at the dog, slashing at its eyes. Tiger could see that Swiftstorm had ripped open one of the dogs' eyes.
"Tiger!" Rosey yowled, bringing Tiger out of her frozen shock. Tiger turned to face Rosey who was wide-eyed in shock and bewilderment. "We need to go! Like, now!"
Tiger and Rosey pelted toward the woodland. The two she-cats disappeared into the undergrowth. Tiger kept running and running until she could not anymore. Tiger flopped down, taking deep breaths. Replays flashed through her mind of the dogs and the meadow cats.
Tiger couldn't help but feel sorry for the kit named Darkpaw. She felt saddened that he died and that those dogs were responsible. Tiger had known dogs before, friendly twoleg dogs that would share food with cats, but not vicious blood-thirsty hounds like the ones she had just witnessed.
Rosey cleared her throat, murmuring in a shaky voice. "W-We should go back home. We should forget any of this ever happened and never come back!" Rosey sighed, tears formed in her eyes. "Oh, you were right Tiger! There are horrible cats and animals in the meadow... Why didn't I listen?"
Tiger brushed up against her friend, straining to keep her voice soothing and calm. "It wasn't your fault Rosey... How were you supposed to know if Tony was right or wrong? How was I?"
"But don't you see? If we hadn't come to the meadow, because of me, we wouldn't have had to witness that and maybe, just maybe, that poor kit would've lived," Rosey cried, tears streamed down her face.
This wasn't the first time Tiger had seen some cat die. She watched her rogue mentor, Jacci die. He taught her the basics of fighting, hunting, and scavenging. Tiger swallowed her sadness and gained back her stronger posture. She couldn't let this affect her, she had to get Rosey home.
Tiger's ears perked as she heard the rustling of the undergrowth behind her. Instantly, she thought those meadow cats were coming for her and Rosey. She unsheathed her claws, her pelt bristled, as she swerved around to face her enemy. Rosey crouched behind her, tears still streamed down her face but her eyes were glued to the undergrowth.
"Step out, now!" Tiger ordered through bared teeth. Bunching her muscles, she prepared to fight.
Without hesitation, a not-so-expected muscular tabby tom stepped out, his eyes glinted as they locked with Tiger. She shivered, this cat was much larger and muscular than the meadow cats and he looked more stern. Tiger crouched back slightly, trying to seem strong.
"Kits?" The brown tabby tom arched an eyebrow.
Tiger opened her jaws to protest, but before the first words could come out of her mouth, a pretty gray tabby she-cat stepped out, her eyes a sapphire blue. Her ears perked with interest as she purred in amusement. "So, these are our little trespassers, eh?"
"Who are you calling little, twiddle-dumb?" Tiger snapped. She hated being called small, it made her feel like she was helpless, as if being small mattered.
The gray tabby didn't flinch as she slightly giggled. "Fiesty thing aren't you, for a kit?"
"I'll have you know I'm seven moons old!" Tiger stood taller proudly. She tried to make herself look bigger, but she couldn't help but feel like she had failed.
The gray tabby glanced back at the brown tabby. "So, Sparrowstar, what should we do with them?"
Sparrowstar looked rather amused. "What clan are you from?" Sparrowstar asked, sniffing Tiger and Rosey. "You two don't smell like any clan I know." Sparrowstar flicked his tail to Rosey. "You're a kittypet," Sparrowstar flicked his tail back to Tiger, "but you smell as if you'd never been touched by a human in your life, and you have no collar. However, you don't smell like a clan cat."
"That's because I am not from a clan, whatever that is," Tiger hissed.
Sparrowstar perked his ears in interest. His tail twitched. "Hmm... your kits without a clan?" Tiger started to repeat that she wasn't a kit, but before she could, Sparrowstar asked sternly. "Why are you here?"
Tiger felt the sadness of Darkpaw's death return to her. The images of his neck being snapped, the blood-stained dogs and their sharp thorn-like teeth and piercing eyes. Tiger shuddered. She could feel Rosey doing the same behind her. Clearing her throat, Tiger murmured, "We ran here for safety..."
"Safety?" The gray tabby questioned. "Against what?"
"The dogs!" Rosey outburst, tears forming. "We were originally going to spend the night in the meadow but we met some meadow cats and one of them were killed by a dog and after that, we ran here!"
Sparrowstar and the gray tabby shared a concerned startled look. The gray tabby turned to Tiger and Rosey, fear drained her eyes. "Who were they? Or do you know?"
Tiger remembered their names in a flash. "Ambertail and the two cats that were being chased by dogs, Darkpaw and Swifstorm. Darkpaw died though..."
Sparrowstar and the gray tabby dipped their heads, sorrow in their eyes. Sparrowstar murmured as he looked up to the stars. "May StarClan light his path to them."
"StarClan?" Rosey questioned, getting to her paws. "Where have I heard that name before...?"
"StarClan are our warrior ancestors. One day, I will go there as well as all the other warriors of the clans, if they are accepted," the gray tabby nodded. "A kittypet couldn't possibly know about StarClan, no offense."
"Oh, but I do!" Rosey's eyes filled with remembrance and understanding. The tears dried to be replaced with glittering stars. "StarClan visited me one night! I thought it was a silly dream, but I didn't know it actually existed!"
Sparrowstar and the gray tabby seemed rather shocked, their eyes widened in surprise. Tiger couldn't help but return the stare. She glanced at her friend, curious. "Why have you never told me of this dream?"
"As I said, I thought it was a stupid dream and it didn't exist! But now it's all coming back to me. I talked with a cat named Acornfall. He said StarClan had been watching me and Tiger a long time. It's so strange... It's like it actually happened, or it felt like it anyway," Rosey explained.
"That's because it did!" The gray tabby exclaimed, eyes wide. "Willowpelt had the same dream, remember Sparrowstar?" The gray tabby glared back at the brown tabby tom.
Sparrowstar nodded. "Except, Willowpelt's dream was more in depth. Tell me, what did Acornfall say?"
"I can't remember," Rosey scrunched her nose, seeming to struggle to remember. Tiger couldn't help but feel even more curious. What does this mean? Could Rosey have some connection with these cats?
"We should bring her to Willowpelt, she will decide if Rosey is the cat we were searching for!" The gray tabby thought, glaring at the muscular tom.
Sparrowstar nodded in agreement, he took a step forward. "Good idea, Jaysong! Say, what is your names?"
Tiger growled, lashing her tail. "I'm Tiger and this is Rosey." Tiger felt rather curious about these cats but suspicious. "And you're not taking us anywhere!"
Sparrowstar narrowed his eyes. "Our medicine cat would like to meet you both, she has had dreams of this for moons."
"I don't care! Wait... medicine cat?" Tiger felt more than confused. What were all these strange terms? What did they mean? Who were these cats?
Jaysong purred. "Please come with us, I promise we won't hurt you. We just want you to meet someone, and she is more than friendly and kind. She handles kits... er... apprentices like you all the time."
Tiger flicked her tail, thinking about her options. We don't know what these cats want or what they are talking about. We certainly don't know if they're lying or not! However, she couldn't help but feel curious. Who were these cats? Who was Willowpelt? And what are these strange dreams?
Tiger lifted her chin, growling. "Fine! We will go with you, but no tricks!"
Sparrowstar and Jaysong glanced at each other with relief. The two warriors got to their paws and padded through the undergrowth. Rosey quickly followed while Tiger reluctantly hung in the back. Tiger followed to warriors down a woodland path and down a stream. Little ways down the stream, Tiger watched as Sparrowstar and Jaysong leaped over it in a single bound while Rosey missed and her back end landed in the cold water.
Rosey gasped and let out a slight yowl as she scrambled out of the stream. She shivered, shaking her back legs. "Why did we have to jump over that? That was the largest stream I've ever seen!"
"Our apprentices learn how to jump over larger things," Sparrowstar arched an eyebrow. Sparrowstar glared at Jaysong, a puzzled look in his eyes. "I should think that the way Willowpelt described it from her dream that Rosey would be more... athletic."
"It was just one slip. Any apprentice or cat for that matter could make that mistake," Jaysong reassured. "Now, let us continue to our camp."
Tiger rolled her eyes before bunching up her muscles and leaping over the stream landing at least a fox-length or two from the water's edge. Padding past the two shocked warriors, Tiger spat."You guys are making such a fuss over nothing!"
Tiger could feel Sparrowstar's gaze on her as the group of cats made their way through the forest. They soon came to a wall of boulders and brambles with two muscular warriors guarding an opening in the wall. They looked relieved to see Sparrowstar and Jaysong but curious to see Tiger and Rosey.
"What is this?" A brown and black tabby tom flicked his tail with narrowed eyes at Rosey and Tiger.
"This is what we have been waiting for for moons!" Jaysong murmured. "Rosey, Tiger, this is Adderclaw and his apprentice Blazepaw. Adderclaw is one of our senior warriors and the one of the most loyal we have."
"Why does Rosey have a collar?" Blazepaw questioned.
"She is a kittypet," Sparrowstar replied without hesitation. "Now, we must bring her to see Willowpelt. Our medicine cat has waited long enough to meet her."
Blazepaw and Adderclaw shared a questioning glance but stepped aside to allow Sparrowstar and the other cats through. Tiger followed Sparrowstar through the opening and into a large grassy clearing. A self-conscious feeling came over Tiger as she saw heads poking from dens. Two small kits bounded out of a rose bush den, glaring curiously at Tiger and Rosey before a large ginger she-cat rushed out and shooed them back in.
"This way, Willowpelt will be waiting," Jaysong padded towards a large thicket. Tiger and Rosey followed and entered the den through ferns. Inside was a sandy den with moss nests lining the walls. in the back of the den were a wall of ferns and the entire den smelled of strange plants and scents.
"Willowpelt!" Jaysong called, glaring at the ferns.
In an instant, a cream tabby she cat's head poked out, her eyes widened for a moment. Willowpelt padded out of the ferns, her eyes glittered with excitement as she glared at Tiger and Rosey. "You've brought me her! Well, I think.... Has she had a dream from StarClan?"
"Not Tiger, but this one has," Sparrowstar flicked his tail to Rosey.
"How do you know she's not lying?" Willowpelt asked.
"Rosey is not lying, she knows Acornfall and she knew about StarClan," Jaysong shook her head. "Rosey's seen StarClan, she has to be the one we've been waiting for!"
Tiger felt frustrated. What were these cats talking about? What was going on? Where were they? Tiger couldn't hold in her frustration any longer, she bared her teeth and spat fiercely. "What is going on?! Where are we? What do you want? What is this dream you guys are talking about? Give us some answers already!"
Willowpelt and the other warriors looked rather shocked by Tiger's tone. Willowpelt shook her head from the shock and cleared her throat. "You are in ForestClan's territory, specifically camp. And moons ago, I had a dream where I was visited by my warrior ancestors. They told me a battle was brewing, a large vicious battle. Traitors will rise from the dust, gaining our trust then shattering it like ice. StarClan told me of a cat, a cat wise, strong, and loyal to the clans that would come to save us. For seven moons we've waited, until finally, she is here!" Willowpelt glared at Rosey.
Rosey's jaw gaped. "B-But, how can I be the one? I don't even know the first thing about fighting. I'm a kittypet, or housecat, not a warrior."
"We will make you one," Sparrowstar growled. "Our apprentices receive nothing but the best of training from their mentors."
"B-But I don't like fighting! I don't like the thought of hurting others," Rosey backed away, crouching.
"Please Rosey, we need you! Your decision will affect all the clans!" Jaysong begged.
"Why can't you just find the traitors and kick them out of the territories while there is enough of you?" Tiger asked, stepping protectively in front of her friend.
"Because it is not as easy as that. Recall that these cats will be friendly, hard-working, thirsty of approval. Their true intentions will be hidden by the naked eye, they will already most likely gain followers they instant they step paw in a camp. Also, I have a feeling they are not working alone, I believe some cat will be helping them plot this takeover," Willowpelt growled.
Tiger seemed so overwhelmed by all of this. They were going to force Rosey to fight?! She doesn't even know how to hunt, let out fight! Tiger took a step forward, her eyes slits as she growled. "If Rosey is doing this, so am I. She is my friend and I will die before I let anyone or anything hurt her."
Tiger glared back at Rosey, brushing her tail tip against Rosey's ears. Rosey seemed more overwhelmed than Tiger, tears formed in her eyes and her body was quivering.
"Well?" Sparrowstar glared at Rosey, a questioning look on her face.
"I-I... What about my twoleg? My friends?" Rosey asked, the tears started to stream down her cheeks. "My home?"
"I am afraid if you go through with this you will have to leave your kittypet life behind," Sparrowstar sighed. "But do not underestimate how well-suited our lifestyle can be."
Tiger glared at Rosey, anxiously awaiting her decision. Jaysong stepped forward, ears perked. "Please Rosey, we need you now more than ever, or innocent kits, queens, elders, apprentices, and even warriors will be killed. Families will be slaughtered, and our homes will be demolished."
Rosey glared at her paws for a moment, sighing, she wiped her tears away with her paws and slowly got to her paws. Tiger could tell it took all the strength in Rosey for her to remain strong. Rosey gave a brisk nod. "Then if I am the only cat who can save you and the innocent, I guess I have no choice."
Tiger was shocked by Rosey's decision but she could understand why her friend would put aside her fears for cats she didn't even know. Rosey had always been one to help those in need, even if it meant jumping into a burning twoleg nest. She was always helpful and strong when needed.
Tiger let out a low growl, "I am staying with her. If she joins, I join."
Sparrowstar narrowed his eyes for a moment before sighing. "Very well, you may both join as warrior apprentices of ForestClan."
"In that case," Jaysong lunged forward. Rosey let out a startled yelp as Jaysong lunged onto her. Tiger leaped forward to protect her friend but stopped when she realized what Jaysong was doing. Jaysong ripped off the collar in a single bite and threw it to the ground. "Dispose of this Willowpelt, she will no longer need it."

(This is the Prologue and Chapter 1 to my first book of my warrior cats fanfic series, which I have to name soon. Hope you guys enjoy! =3)
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