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Old September 13th, 2017, 04:15 PM
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Question Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

"Okay...so thinking out loud, what would be the best way to hunt...without water. These stinkin' cats could survive alone on fish! Even though I like fish...I don't want to do my hunting in the water." Dream refused to step paw in water any time soon. Oh, no! Not after that flood they all experienced. At the moment, he could see the bubbling stream in the distance. Oh my, water had such a pretty appeal to it. The sun glistening down on the ripples and giving color to it. It was magnificent. Extraordinary. He was lost in its beauty, evidently forgetting what he was doing. Shaking his head, Dream tried to see the bigger picture. Avoid the water. Surely, there were land critters that the fish cats ate! Not just fish. Maybe even reptiles? Birds would do. It wasn't his favorite prey, but birds would definitely do. Anything would do really.

Dream was about to pad closer to the water, wanting to sit along the bank and catch sight of other creatures here, but his ears swiveled. That voice...he heard it before. He heard it all the time. Even in Shadowclan. He done his best to avoid Fawnpatch, but no doubt she found him. Dream closed his eyes tightly, praying to Starclan that it wouldn't be her. Or, the fact that of he did close them really tight, she wouldn't appear before him. Or, disappear - who knows? When he opened his blue orbs. She was still there. Aye! Not her! He clenched his teeth, his ear tips growing warm. "Fawn!" He spoke her name with sweet distaste in greeting towards the lovely feline. Oh yes, she was very lovely. Like when they first met. But, that was moons ago. Did she never change? "Long time, no see! How are you holding up?" It would be an awkward conversation to him. Hopefully, a quick one. He left after she had their kits. It wasn't the right thing to do, but when it came to Dream? He never did the right there...involving others. Mainly the 'romance' department or 'family' one.

The molly could see she had disrupted him, he seemed to have been hunting. Hunting in the water. Why would he do that he was ShadowClan not... Oh! RiverClan. They were staying with RiverClan! Now she remembered. Not that she wanted to. She had only kind of forgotten, but it had been nice. Nice to forget the annoyance and the fishy smell and the even more cramped nursery she had to stay in with her kits. Thank StarClan she had only two! Owlkit and Jadekit didn't get into much trouble, but she had a feeling they were silently judging her. But yes, she searched her memory, he had been hunting. He had been talking about what was the best way to hunt without water. It seemed as though he was stepping closer to the water. Maybe she had interrupted his hunting. Not that Fawnpatch cared much if she had, all that mattered was she could finally see him again.

"Pretty good." she stated, wincing at her dismissive tone. She couldn't help it. She was so depressed. The kits, she lived them, but she just couldn't bare to stay with them to long. They reminded her of their father. They didn't look like him, or act like him, but just knowing he was there father was enough. "I'd be better if I knew were you were though. I haven't seen you in forever!" It was true. Why hadn't he stayed around? He had her and Jadekit, and Owlkit. So why wasn't he checking on her like all the toms did with there mates. She was pretty sure she knew the answer, but she couldn't bare to think about it. She was already depressed. All she could do was wait until he spoke. So Fawnpatch sat down, and curled her multi-colored tail over her snowy white paws.
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Old September 13th, 2017, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
He paused, " We did get an adventure, we're in Riverclan territory." He meowed.
The tabby looked at furzeberry
" I know but something else something amazing I mean riverclan is just riverclan " she meowed she sighed
" suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more." She meowed

From allan Poe )
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

Characters -Claudius ( Rogue )

Old September 13th, 2017, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Mystical View Post

The molly could see she had disrupted him, he seemed to have been hunting. Hunting in the water. Why would he do that he was ShadowClan not... Oh! RiverClan. They were staying with RiverClan! Now she remembered. Not that she wanted to. She had only kind of forgotten, but it had been nice. Nice to forget the annoyance and the fishy smell and the even more cramped nursery she had to stay in with her kits. Thank StarClan she had only two! Owlkit and Jadekit didn't get into much trouble, but she had a feeling they were silently judging her. But yes, she searched her memory, he had been hunting. He had been talking about what was the best way to hunt without water. It seemed as though he was stepping closer to the water. Maybe she had interrupted his hunting. Not that Fawnpatch cared much if she had, all that mattered was she could finally see him again.

"Pretty good." she stated, wincing at her dismissive tone. She couldn't help it. She was so depressed. The kits, she lived them, but she just couldn't bare to stay with them to long. They reminded her of their father. They didn't look like him, or act like him, but just knowing he was there father was enough. "I'd be better if I knew were you were though. I haven't seen you in forever!" It was true. Why hadn't he stayed around? He had her and Jadekit, and Owlkit. So why wasn't he checking on her like all the toms did with there mates. She was pretty sure she knew the answer, but she couldn't bare to think about it. She was already depressed. All she could do was wait until he spoke. So Fawnpatch sat down, and curled her multi-colored tail over her snowy white paws.
Dream gave her a curt nod, a knot tying in his heart out of desperation to get away from the queen. His ears had flicked at her words, knowing fully well that she was long from good. Though it didn't occur to him that he was causing her depression. That he was the one causing that tone from her. And, if he did know, he would dismiss it himself. He didn't care much about how others felt. And, shouldn't she be in the nursery anyway? Nursing...those Kits. Another cringe. He didn't want to think those kits were his. Of course, he knew they were. Deep down, at least. He chose to ignore it. He had other things to worry about. And, caring for a family would only hinder his chances. His artful picture of a perfect life. Dream had...dreams. Goals. And, love was not on the list. At all. "Now, why would you need to know where I am?" He rolled his eyes. She sure as delusional! It was a reason why he didn't come to the nursery. Or, check on her. Or to see those kits. Because they weren't his to see. She wasn't his mate.

That sudden thought dawned on the tom. Did she think... He was her mate? Dream hoped not. Her heart would be shattered more than it's broken if that's what she thought. "Shouldn't you be in the nursery anyway?" He asked, agitation creeping into his veins and left him in a sour mood. The last molly he needed to run into was Fawnpatch. She was a lot more...different than the others. They were quick to be rid of, but this one was hard to shake off. She didn't get him well. "I'd imagine your kits must be lonely without you." He curled the tip of his tail inwardly, and looked towards the horizon. Where the sun met the water at sunset. He longed to continue exploring this sodden place, and Fawnpatch's appearance slightly dampened his mood. But, she didn't budge. She sat down and curl her tail around her. Dream half lidded his eyes. He knew what this meant; it was going to be a long day in the presence of this queen.
Old September 13th, 2017, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar View Post
The tabby looked at furzeberry
" I know but something else something amazing I mean riverclan is just riverclan " she meowed she sighed
" suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
Only this, and nothing more." She meowed

From allan Poe )
He nodded," I understand, something like this perhaps?
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
"'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door—
Some late visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door;—
This it is and nothing more."

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"—here I opened wide the door;—
Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"—
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore—
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—
'Tis the wind and nothing more!"

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door—
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as "Nevermore."

But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—
Till I scarcely more than muttered "Other friends have flown before—
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."
Then the bird said "Nevermore."

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore—
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never—nevermore'."

But the Raven still beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking "Nevermore."

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite—respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—
Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore—
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore."
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting—
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!" he shrugged (why did I add the rest of The Raven to the RP? IDK)
RIP Blizz

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Old September 13th, 2017, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
He nodded," I understand, something like this perhaps?
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
"'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door—
Some late visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door;—
This it is and nothing more."

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"—here I opened wide the door;—
Darkness there and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"—
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore—
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;—
'Tis the wind and nothing more!"

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door—
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door—
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door—
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
With such name as "Nevermore."

But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—
Till I scarcely more than muttered "Other friends have flown before—
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."
Then the bird said "Nevermore."

Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore—
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
Of 'Never—nevermore'."

But the Raven still beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking "Nevermore."

This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,
She shall press, ah, nevermore!

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite—respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore—
Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I implore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore—
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore."
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting—
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!" he shrugged (why did I add the rest of The Raven to the RP? IDK)
!!!! One of my fav poems ! U AWESOME! )

Birdsong smiled as she looked at the tom
" it's kinda like you and I don't you think? " she said as she rolled onto her stomach her tail flicked
" your the cat and I'm the bird " she meowed she licked her left paw she always did this when nervous
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

Characters -Claudius ( Rogue )

Old September 13th, 2017, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar View Post
!!!! One of my fav poems ! U AWESOME! )

Birdsong smiled as she looked at the tom
" it's kinda like you and I don't you think? " she said as she rolled onto her stomach her tail flicked
" your the cat and I'm the bird " she meowed she licked her left paw she always did this when nervous
He nodded," Yes. However, I don't treat you like prey." He joked.
RIP Blizz

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Old September 13th, 2017, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
He nodded," Yes. However, I don't treat you like prey." He joked.
Birdsong chuckled
' Maybe this tom is alright ' she thought
" well I'm glad you don't " she meowed
" I'm glad that your nice to me " she said . Suddenly an orange cat with Amber eyes walked out of the bushes he tilted his head
" oh look what we have here? Love birds . So after with moonclaw you decided to just run off? " he meowed coldly . Birdsong looked down

" look i didn't laugh because the group name sounded idiotic it was because I made a bet ! " she meowed as redfeather huffed and rolled his eyes
" she was the one who decided to run off . Now I feel like I have no friends " she added as redfeather growled
" you started it " he hissed
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

Characters -Claudius ( Rogue )

Old September 13th, 2017, 04:54 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Dream gave her a curt nod, a knot tying in his heart out of desperation to get away from the queen. His ears had flicked at her words, knowing fully well that she was long from good. Though it didn't occur to him that he was causing her depression. That he was the one causing that tone from her. And, if he did know, he would dismiss it himself. He didn't care much about how others felt. And, shouldn't she be in the nursery anyway? Nursing...those Kits. Another cringe. He didn't want to think those kits were his. Of course, he knew they were. Deep down, at least. He chose to ignore it. He had other things to worry about. And, caring for a family would only hinder his chances. His artful picture of a perfect life. Dream had...dreams. Goals. And, love was not on the list. At all. "Now, why would you need to know where I am?" He rolled his eyes. She sure as delusional! It was a reason why he didn't come to the nursery. Or, check on her. Or to see those kits. Because they weren't his to see. She wasn't his mate.

That sudden thought dawned on the tom. Did she think... He was her mate? Dream hoped not. Her heart would be shattered more than it's broken if that's what she thought. "Shouldn't you be in the nursery anyway?" He asked, agitation creeping into his veins and left him in a sour mood. The last molly he needed to run into was Fawnpatch. She was a lot more...different than the others. They were quick to be rid of, but this one was hard to shake off. She didn't get him well. "I'd imagine your kits must be lonely without you." He curled the tip of his tail inwardly, and looked towards the horizon. Where the sun met the water at sunset. He longed to continue exploring this sodden place, and Fawnpatch's appearance slightly dampened his mood. But, she didn't budge. She sat down and curl her tail around her. Dream half lidded his eyes. He knew what this meant; it was going to be a long day in the presence of this queen.

Well.. she wanted to. It was helpful. The kits would always go after him, and she could tell them where he was most likely so she could just have some alone time for once. But more importantly, she wanted to see him more often. There was nothing wrong with that was there? Fawnpatch didn't see anything wrong with it. She just wanted it to be like old times. Before the kits. He had been different then, she had been sure of it. He had loved her and she had loved him back. But now... now she wasn't sure. She wanted to believe he loved her, but she just wasn't sure. "Well, why can't I?" she asked, cocking her head to one side.

Then he spoke again. No! Of course she didn't want to be in the stupid nursery! The musky stupid smell. The milky scent. Newborn kits meows. It was terrible! Jadekit and Owlkit climbing all over her, another queens nest being right next to her's. It was terrible. Her mood; greatly dampened. Seeing Dream was supposed to make her feel better! Better, not worse. "I don't like the nursery." she stated shamefully, turning her head so she was looking at her paws. His other words in the sentence made her freeze though. She picked her gaze up again. "I don't think they like me. Fawnpatch admitted. "They want you, not me."
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Old September 13th, 2017, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Hawkstar View Post
Birdsong chuckled
' Maybe this tom is alright ' she thought
" well I'm glad you don't " she meowed
" I'm glad that your nice to me " she said . Suddenly an orange cat with Amber eyes walked out of the bushes he tilted his head
" oh look what we have here? Love birds . So after with moonclaw you decided to just run off? " he meowed coldly . Birdsong looked down

" look i didn't laugh because the group name sounded idiotic it was because I made a bet ! " she meowed as redfeather huffed and rolled his eyes
" she was the one who decided to run off . Now I feel like I have no friends " she added as redfeather growled
" you started it " he hissed
He purred at first," You're a nice cat." He scowled at Redfeather," What has this sweet cat done to you! She's so nice, what makes you hate her!?" Rage boiled up along with questions.
RIP Blizz

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Old September 13th, 2017, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
He purred at first," You're a nice cat." He scowled at Redfeather," What has this sweet cat done to you! She's so nice, what makes you hate her!?" Rage boiled up along with questions.
Redfeather made a face as his ear twitched
" look i made a promise but sometimes she just gets underneath my fur ! She is an illness to my existence " he hissed which was true . Birdsong hissed as she stood up she walked up to redfeather she bared her teeth
" you shouldn't make a promise you can't keep! And by the way your the same to me rat! " she hissed back . Redfeather growled at the tabby and struck her on the face with his claws
" what you have to say now tubby ?? " he hissed . Birdsong hissed and stormed off her tail was in the air
" My L'manburg, my unfinished Symphony , forever unfinished....."
I don't care if I lose my miiiinnnndddd ~
Im alreaaaaddddyyyy CUUUURRRSSSSEED-

Characters -Claudius ( Rogue )

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